Me and my Goddess

3. New universe New Body

Ok, the Poll has finished, and the votes have been cast, and the winner is:

High-Fantasy / Modern-Fantasy 

This means the world will have some sort of modern high fantasy vibe.



I could barely hold in my excitement, but I'm finally here, so this is my 'new Home' well, I won't be living here anyway, so... 

My family was happy for me. Although they've been told I got a scholarship from MIT, they are still somewhat sad, no wonder. I mean, they won't be able to see me for at least 2 months. I am still unsure if this whole thing is the right decision. But traveling to a new world? That's something I can't just ignore.

Thankfully I can still talk to my friends and family. She told me that she would tell me if they tried to call me or send me a message, and she would also respond to them for me. I felt like it would take a lot of work to maintain a connection across universes. But she assured me that the crack in space wouldn't disappear in a mere hundred years or so. I've learned about all of this and some more of her personality from a phone call I had with her after accepting the invitation. 

Anyway, now I'm finally at the door of my new apartment Nr. 1404. Yes, the fourteenth floor. Even though I'm not even gonna live here, I'm still happy about the great location.

"Ah, you are here."

Before I was even inside, I could hear her voice from the outside. When I opened the door, my eyes instantly fell on it. The portal already alight. I quickly closed the door before answering so no passerby's eyes would see it. 

"Yes, and I cant wait to see your world. But I've got some questions before I am on my way. I forgot to ask them when you called me. How was that possible anyway?"

"Sure. And to call you, I simply linked my mind to the phone in this room directly. So from there, I just called you normally."

"Wow. So in the short time that you are here, you already figured out our electronics."

"What? No! I am quite used to this. Your technologies are quite probably primitive compared to the ones in my universe. Your level is about the level ours was at when I left. Maybe a little ahead."


"Did you think just because there is magic, it is stuck in the middle ages? I haven't told you what the planet you are going to is like, so now is a good time. The first world you're going to is often referred to as the home planet. It is one of the most advanced civilizations in both technology and culture. The inhabitants are very religious. I can feel a part of my body on it, hopefully, the first one you will collect. But the main reason for going there is because humanoids largely inhabit it, most of them devoted to me. As I already stated very religious. So I figured it should be a safe Start. From there, we will see how to get you to other planets. Anyway, you had some other questions."

"Ahh ... yes. You know, back when you opened the first portal in my room, it sucked up the heat from my room, and I was strangely drawn to it until you talked to me."

"Oh, that's easy. When I first opened the portal, I was in outer space, so and it didn't suck anything physical in because it was restricted to only transfer energy."

"If it only transferred energy, how can I hear you. Sound is something Physical."

"I use the portal as some sort of speaker by vibrating it in the right was I can bring it to create a sound so you can hear me. And your attraction was... my responsibility. I think your soul was so attracted to mine that it was trying to reach it under any circumstances, and once you heard my voice, that calmed you down. But, honestly, I can't be sure as this whole universe crossing is also new for new. Any more questions?"

"You said your name was Fystra, but you also said it was your last name. Why don't you have a first name."

"Well, I've lived many lives and had many names. The only thing that stayed was Fystra. I got it from the very first empire I led. It was called Fystra, so people started calling me lady Fystra and I adopted it used it for my own."

"Isn't that kinda sad, and calling you lady Fystra is kinda weird."

"You could give me a name."

"What?? For real?"

"Sure, why not."

"I mean. I could. How about... Cai... no! Miia. What do you about Miia."

"I love it. Then I am Miia now,"

"Nice to meet you, Miia."

"Nice to meet you too. Are you ready, or do you have even more questions? You still need to do something?"

"No. I'm ready!"

"Ok, simply touch the portal. I set up everything. But also one last thing, it is impossible for me to take your body over. I don't think it could survive the journey. Just transferring your soul will only be possible by using a large chunk of my powers. And the current portal can only transfer energy, as I said. So making it transfer everything will require more power than I have. Also, even if I could do it, it would still be a bad decision since your current body wouldn't be able to absorbed mana as efficiently as a new one could. So this will have to suffice. Like I said, you are a first cycler, so your current body isn't your perfect one anyway. I hope the new one will be quite different. Hopefully, more to your liking. I can't tell you what it looks like since I will just follow your soul in its search and only help it a little bit, so you acquire a strong one. As different bodies have different standards. For example, an ant can't muster as much power as a human. Doing it this way is also convenient since your current body will stay here and go to college and talk to your parents while being under my control."

"Ok, that sounds good. I just hope it's a nice one. I trust you on that. You'll have to live with it as well after all."

I took a step forward, now only half a meter away. I stretched my arm out so I could reach into the portal. But when I touched it with my fingertips, I didn't glide in as I expected. Instead, it was hard as the wall it was upon. Thankfully wasn't as hot as I feard now. It just felt warm. Touching it somehow, it feels like something is sucking on my fingers. As I pressed my entire palm again, the suction became stronger until...


Everything went black.


"Please, dear Goddess of magic, lady Miia. Safe my poor Lucy. I will do anything. I will dedicate my life to you, but please, please save her."

Who is this girl, and why is she crying? And who is Lucy? And most importantly, why do I feel this deep pain in my lower body. 

"Please help her." sob. "She is all the family I have left. If she dies, I will be all alone. No normal vet could help me, and even the specialist couldn't help her."

The girl again, it seems like this Lucy is dying, and she seeks help from Miia. But why am I in pain, and why is her voice coming from above me?  

I had to get out of this. The pain slowly lessened. I could finally feel something different from the pain, the floor. I was lying down but luckily on something soft like a blanket or pillow. This was surprisingly quite comfortable. I could get used to this if it wasn't for that metallic smell. To be honest, I didn't dislike it. But something about it was unsettling. 

Suddenly I realized what that smell was. It was blood, my blood.

I am Lucy, and I am dying. In shock, I opened my eyes. I quickly assessed my surroundings. There she was, the girl who was crying over me. Kneeling in from of me, probably praying? I saw to what as soon as I turned to look behind me. An enormous statue of a woman. She was beautiful, more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen. Her blood-red hair flowing past her womanly hips like water dancing down a mountain river contrasting against her almost white skin. Her eyes were shining like rubies. I am sure they actually were some kind of gems. Her expression was a smile but not a motherly one like other statues I've seen. Rather it was a smirk as if someone had told her a mildly funny joke. Her body was hugged by a white dress, failing to hide her voluminous breasts. I was sure that was her, Miia. 


Suddenly a voice from behind crashed my train of thought.

"You are alive. Goddess, you did save her!! I'll do everything I promised and even more. I am so thankful you saved my dear Lucy."

While thanking Miia, she rushed forward to hug me close to her chest. I tried to complain but... I couldn't find my voice. I tried to push her away to talk to her, but my arms felt different inhuman. I once again tried to reason with her bull all I could utter was a:




Don't tell me I am a cat. This isn't what I expected to be my new body.





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