Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0005 – Summary and Planning of Phased Records

January 20th, 8 o’clock in the morning.

The city roused from its slumber with the familiar sound of tyres hissing against damp asphalt and the steady clatter of footsteps upon the stone pavements. The hum of life resumed once more, as it did every day, but today something felt different to Zoe.

Her eyelids fluttered open, her senses greeted by the rhythm of the city that enveloped her. Yet, this time, there was an unmistakable glimmer in her eyes – a subtle, almost imperceptible flicker of shock and understanding. After indulging in a variety of culinary delights the evening prior, she had concluded that she no longer required sustenance. It was a revelation both curious and unsettling.

As the night gave way to dawn, Zoe had attempted to relax, to allow the usual pull of sleep to wash over her. But it did not come. It was now eight o’clock, yet not a hint of drowsiness clouded her mind. Instead, she felt rejuvenated, alert – far more so than one should after a night without rest.

Staying awake through the night was a feat many could accomplish, particularly those plagued by insomnia, but this? This was something else. To be wide awake, utterly refreshed, with no trace of fatigue, was far from the ordinary for someone accustomed to a regular sleep cycle.

With cautious deliberation, Zoe recalled the strange bodily changes she had noticed over recent days. Perhaps this, too, was part of it. She speculated that her rapid physical recovery might have rendered sleep redundant, no longer necessary for replenishing her strength. But that was mere conjecture. Only time would tell if this pattern of sleepless nights persisted, and if it did, it might signal a fundamental shift in her very nature.

She sighed, acknowledging the twenty-hour slumber she’d indulged in just a few days ago. It had been ample rest, enough to sustain her for days, perhaps. Still, she made a mental note to monitor her sleep patterns over the coming nights. Only through observation could she determine the truth and devise experiments to confirm her suspicions.

Her mind thus preoccupied, Zoe retreated to her Faraday cage – a sanctuary of her own design, a testament to her paranoia. Enclosed within its protective walls, she retrieved an old mobile phone from a miniature vault, its casing fortified with dense aluminium. It was a relic, but one she trusted. Zoe's caution bordered on paranoia, but in her mind, it was entirely justified. The last thing she wished was to become a specimen, studied by some overreaching government masquerading as protectors.

The previous night’s observations still fresh in her mind, Zoe began meticulously documenting the array of changes she had noticed in her body. These recordings were not mere idle musings; they would serve as critical reference points for future comparisons. Realizing the need for structure in her work, she resolved to organize her findings into a more coherent plan.

Taking out her Flipper Zero, she opened her notes and accessed the document labelled "Web Fiction Creation Ideas." After a moment's hesitation, she deleted the raw observations of the day before, replacing them with a scientific summary and a detailed strategy for moving forward.

[Title: Web Fiction Creation Ideas]
Initial Record: January 19, 2024 (January 20)

I: Body Changes and Speculations

  • A significant change in body shape has occurred. There appears to be an unnatural increase in muscle mass.
  • Stands at 175 cm, with a robust physique weighing 80 kg. Measurements are now chest: 82 cm, waist: 70 cm, hips: 80 cm. Arms span 160 cm, thighs measure 50 cm, calves 40 cm, shoulders 46 cm, and neck 38 cm. Though slightly overweight, these figures align with a well-toned frame for a woman of her height.
  • Teeth, hair, and nails have undergone regeneration. Skin has become smooth and clear, with body hair (except on her head) vanishing.
  • No trace of the material replaced, leading to the theory that her body either transforms the old tissue or causes it to degrade once outside the body.
  • Vision has improved dramatically, with the ability to read all letters on a standard eye chart from ten meters away.
  • Physical strength has increased significantly: 1,200 push-ups without faltering, 1,680 total before exhaustion. No sweating occurred, and full recovery took ten seconds. The energy source remains unclear.
  • Enhanced cold resistance observed, as she spent the entire night bare-skinned without discomfort.
  • No apparent need for food, indicating an unknown energy source.
  • Speculation regarding a lack of need for sleep due to rapid recovery. Further observation is necessary to confirm this.
  • Other potential changes, such as resistance to impacts or extreme temperatures, remain untested.

II: Speculation on Causes of Changes

  • Changes noted since awakening at 6:34 PM on January 19, 2024. The date coincides with a local festival in Orel Province, suggesting a possible connection to the cultural and seasonal phenomena.
  • It is hypothesised that these changes may have been triggered during her deep sleep on January 18, following her journey home. More research is needed.

III: Phase Plan

  • Investigate the causes behind the physical changes.
  • Develop an appropriate exercise regimen to explore the extent of her abilities.
  • Document all changes regularly.
  • Conduct experiments to test potential new capabilities.
  • Investigate alternative energy sources.
  • Acquire equipment for off-body experiments.

With her findings neatly organised, Zoe now felt she had a solid grasp of the situation. There was a plan, a direction. Her next step would be to procure the necessary equipment for her research, ensuring her daily routine remained inconspicuous. After all, the world needn’t know of her peculiarities, at least not yet.

After a swift tidy-up, Zoe grabbed her coat, some cash, and packed a rucksack. Though she had no need to concern herself with the cold, blending in remained a priority. She stepped outside, the crisp morning air biting at her face.

Yet again, her body adapted seamlessly. She marvelled at it for a moment but pressed on, determined not to let these changes define her – at least, not until she fully understood them. With a steady resolve, she ventured into the waking city, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, with both excitement and caution.

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