Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0011 – Self-degrading Cells in Vitro

The form and nature remained unchanged.

There was no increase in mucus, no thickening of scales, no shift in shape nor compromise of structural integrity. Her body still maintained the appearance of human skin and hair. Yet, despite this unchanged form, Zoe had somehow achieved a level of defense that rivaled—perhaps even surpassed—that of the fur and hides of many beasts. Human skin and hair, fragile as they might seem, had become like a personal force field for her, a barrier far stronger than before.

This defied all scientific reasoning.

Still, Zoe, with all her knowledge and scientific training, knew she wouldn't be able to unravel this mystery anytime soon. For now, it was enough to know that this strange, superhuman body was doing her no harm and had, in fact, greatly increased her chances of survival.

The more pressing issue, however, was how to proceed with the collection of biological samples from her own body for further observation, as outlined in the previous phase of her plan. If she continued trying to extract samples by force, she might eventually succeed. After all, when she’d attempted to cut her skin with a kitchen knife earlier, she hadn’t applied her full strength. There was still a degree of hesitation—a natural fear that came from self-inflicted harm. Besides, her nails had grown so absurdly hard that no amount of cutting seemed to leave a mark. Only her hair appeared somewhat susceptible, feeling fragile in comparison and lacking any pain sensation.

After careful thought, Zoe resolved to continue her attempts by cutting her hair. It seemed like the safest option.

Her body might be makeshift iron, but it wasn’t as if her hair had become Damascus steel overnight. If she used sharp enough tools and applied enough pressure, surely she could manage to sever a few strands.

Determined, Zoe retrieved a pair of scissors and began her rather merciless attempt to cut her hair. The blades met resistance, squeaking loudly as they struggled to slice through the strands. But Zoe, unfazed by any sensation of pain, simply pressed harder.

After about ten seconds, the hair remained unscathed. But after several more moments of persistent effort, the scissors finally reached some critical point. At last, the blades managed to shear through the hair. After a gruelling forty seconds of relentless cutting, a single strand of hair snapped, clutched triumphantly between Zoe’s fingers.

She examined the scissors. With her keen eyesight, she could see that the blades had been slightly dulled from the effort. The realization hit her with full force: her body had undergone some truly remarkable changes.

From the moment these changes had begun yesterday, Zoe had been constantly surprised by the new capabilities of her body. Of all these changes, her heightened sense of smell had been the most striking, but this makeshift iron body—this newfound physical strength and endurance—had certainly earned its place as a close second. Her body no longer required food or sleep, and her stamina seemed limitless.

The sheer power she now possessed offered her a sense of security she hadn’t felt in some time. The fear and anxiety that had gnawed at her before had dulled somewhat, replaced by this strange, iron-clad strength.

But her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden sensation at her fingertips. Something strange was happening to the strand of hair she held between them—it was shrinking.

Startled, she brought it closer to inspect. The hair was disintegrating, breaking down rapidly into ashes, like something snapped out of existence by an unseen force. Within seconds, it had completely vanished, not even a trace of ash left behind.

Zoe stood in silence, staring at her empty hand.

Refusing to believe it was a fluke, she repeated the experiment, yanking out more hair strands, though it nearly ruined her scissors in the process. Yet the result was always the same—each strand disintegrated after leaving her body.

This wasn’t a one-off occurrence. It was a mechanism. Her cells, once detached from her body, self-destructed.

"What kind of self-destructive mechanism is this? Is it some sort of microorganism at work?" she murmured aloud, her mind racing with questions.

Could this mechanism go awry? Could it somehow spiral out of control?

This discovery, like all the others, came with both benefits and drawbacks. On the positive side, Zoe realized that these extraordinary changes would not leave behind biological material for others to study. Her body, in essence, was protecting itself from external scrutiny. But the downsides were troubling.

What if this self-degrading mechanism applied to her DNA as well? Could it affect her ability to reproduce? And worse, could this mechanism mistakenly trigger while she was still alive, causing her entire body to break down?

Too many unanswered questions. Zoe rubbed her temples in frustration, trying to calm her spiralling thoughts.

So many changes had occurred in such a short time, and she hadn’t had the chance to fully process them. She prided herself on being calm and rational, but even this was testing her limits. Still, she knew she had to keep experimenting. There was no other way to find answers.

One of her most pressing concerns now was whether she could still reproduce. Modern youth may not always prioritize the idea of passing on their genes, but that didn’t mean she could easily accept the possibility of sterilization.

She had to know.

With a deep breath, Zoe turned off the video recording on her phone, having documented all she could for now.

This was no longer about impulse. This was about scientific inquiry—serious research.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Zoe, now fully dressed, updated her phone’s memo with her latest findings.

[Third Record: 2024.02.29]

[New Body Changes Discovered Today]

1. Makeshift Iron Body: During body sampling, I found my body’s hardness exceeded all expectations. It required considerable force with scissors to barely cut through the hair. The skin shows extreme durability, though I refrained from further testing due to safety concerns. Nails are even harder, withstanding most tools.
2. Detached Cells Self-Degrade: Any cells that detach from the body instantly degrade. This includes genetic material, which raises serious concerns about fertility.
Conclusion: Indirect sterilization seems probable. I need to remain calm.

Zoe sighed softly as she saved the entry. The faint sadness that accompanied this revelation settled deep within her. For now, further experiments would have to wait. She needed time to digest it all.

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