Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0060 – Play With The Bear

Ordinary martial arts techniques, as Asians called it, held little value for Zoe. However, when infused with killing intent and tailored for her use, these techniques transformed dramatically.

These newly refined moves could be termed as the "Killing Intent Wave Fist." Similar to the concept of "Haki" in certain popular stories, this technique enveloped any physical attack with an almost enchantment-like effect. The killing intent didn't increase the strength of the attack or help in grasping elusive forms, but it inflicted severe, distracting pain on the target, disturbing their mental focus.

Previously, Zoe could only imbue objects with this killing intent. But after a fierce encounter with a black bear, she had an epiphany: she could now channel this intent onto her own body. This revelation was immensely beneficial in actual combat. If Zoe ever had an opponent, they would face the dual assault of physical and psychological trauma, as both mind and body would be struck simultaneously. This would be an excruciating experience, blending the sensations of fire and ice.

Each punch Zoe threw carried the potential to etch itself into the memory of her foes. In reality, most of her enemies couldn't withstand either the killing intent or the physical force of her punches. A single strike from either would suffice to resolve most conflicts. Very few carbon-based lifeforms could endure both simultaneously; those who could were likely of extraordinary size or strength.

Standing in the clearing outside her cabin, Zoe practiced channeling the killing intent throughout her body. She aimed to increase her proficiency until she could summon this intent to any part of her body at will. Even parts of her body she anticipated she might never need in combat should be capable of becoming lethal weapons infused with killing intent at any moment. Achieving this would make her "Killing Intent Wave Fist" a force to be reckoned with, an unparalleled sword that never needed to be drawn to assert dominance.

Perfecting this technique was no simple task. It required significant mental strength, as shaping tangible killing intent depended heavily on one's mental power. The creation, manipulation, and control of this intent all necessitated mental effort, making the power of this martial art closely linked to Zoe's mental capacity.

After declining the lady's offer of wild vegetable porridge, Zoe ignored her frustrated expression and shut herself in her cabin to continue her training. At that moment, refining and mastering the Killing Intent Wave Fist was her primary focus.

Outside, the lady seemed to be harboring some mischievous intent, and the rest continued their prayers. Inside the cabin, Zoe's solitary training extended deep into the night, significantly enhancing her proficiency. Nearly a full day's dedicated practice had rendered the flow and transformation of her killing intent as smooth as water.

"Water is the highest good," goes the saying. Water benefits all things and does not compete. It dwells in places that others disdain; thus, it is close to the nature. At this point, Zoe's killing intent flowed with the same smoothness and fluidity as water. With just a thought, she could wrap the killing intent around any part of her body, even the most unimaginable organs, and then move it seamlessly to her arms and fingertips.

The entire process was smooth and flawless. Zoe nodded in satisfaction. Seeing that it was already 1:00 AM on February 7th, she decided to get up from her bed. Such progress surely needed to be shared with Brother Bear.

Using her telekinesis, she unlocked the door that was always bolted from the outside each night. Zoe stepped out, locking the wooden door behind her, and with a sense of excitement akin to reuniting with an old friend, she plunged into the pitch-black depths of the forest.

As the night gradually receded, the dawn brought with it a faint light. The forest, cloaked in a gentle morning mist, appeared to be awakening from its slumber. The trees, flowers, and rocks emerged faintly from the fog, adding a poetic and dreamlike quality to the scene.

On a mist-shrouded forest path, a black bear ambled along. During the spring and summer, when food was abundant, it foraged intensely both day and night, rarely finding time to sleep. Today was no exception. As a creature barely maintaining its position at the top of the food chain in this forest, it usually walked with a domineering swagger.

However, ever since it was knocked unconscious by a mysterious two-legged creature a few days ago, its movements had become slow and cautious. Each time it bent down to eat berries, it would cautiously look up two or three times to ensure no other creatures were watching.

This time, as it eagerly lowered its head to savor some sweet berries, it immediately lifted its head again, wary of any sudden surprises. And as it looked up, it froze once more.

Why again? Because the moment it looked up, it saw a familiar face – that of the two-legged creature it could never forget.

Zoe, crouching with great interest in front of it, spoke. “Big Bear, why did you wander so deep into the mountains? I’ve been searching for you since dawn.”

The black bear’s eyes widened as it stared at Zoe, who was playfully complaining. Why did it run so far? Did she really not know? If the bear could speak, it would have unleashed a torrent of curses by now. Unfortunately, it couldn’t.

After a moment of stunned silence, the bear leaped back as if it had seen a ghost and then, without hesitation, bolted away at full speed, as if its feet were greased. Its entire body quivered with effort as it ran, fleeing from death.

Seeing this, Zoe immediately gave chase, catching up in just a few strides. Running side by side through the thorny forest, her white robe inevitably turned into tattered rags. Glancing at the panting bear beside her, Zoe, whose breathing remained steady, considered persuading the bear to stop.

But considering that the bear couldn’t understand human speech and was overwhelmed with a mix of tension, fear, and anticipation, there was no chance it would listen. Moreover, Zoe's purpose for this trip was to have Big Bear evaluate her newly developed Killing Intent Wave Fist.

After a brief thought, Zoe landed a light punch imbued with her killing intent on the bear’s forelimb. Instantly, the bear roared and collapsed unconscious, nearly toppling over. Quick as a flash, Zoe caught it in a princess carry, preventing it from injuring itself.

Looking at the unconscious bear in her arms, Zoe smiled in satisfaction. She hadn’t used much force, yet the bear was knocked out cold. The power of the Killing Intent Wave Fist was indeed formidable.

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