Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

Chapter 67: The Apex And The Nature

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Chapter 67: The Apex And The Nature

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Watching the rain fall from the cave was a uniquely tranquil experience.

Through the mouth of the cave, the raindrops cascaded down like a curtain of pearls, creating a barrier that seemed to separate the chaotic world outside from this serene sanctuary.

The rain washed over the earth, cleansing everything in its path and making the once-silent mountains and forests come alive with vibrant energy. The leaves, glistening with moisture, appeared more vivid than ever, while the rocks and soil were drenched, exuding a rich, earthy aroma.

Zoe kindled a fire at the entrance of the cave, reveling in this rare moment of peace. She savored the fresh world that emerged after the rain, feeling a sense of detachment and openness that was far removed from the clamor of life beyond these woods.

True, the cave was filled with corpses, yet this grim reality did little to dampen her reflections.

As she sat by the fire, she had already dealt with the aftermath of her grim task.

First, she had used her enhanced telekinetic abilities to form a protective membrane, like an umbrella, to bring the body of the buzz-cut man from outside into the cave.

Next, she had methodically dispatched the thirteen bodies with her dagger, delivering three precise thrusts to each before neatly stacking them in a corner of the cave. She then covered them with stones from the cave floor, ensuring they were obscured from view.

Once the rain ceased, her plan was to retrieve the corpses from the wreckage of the wooden cabin and bury them deep within this cave, sealing the entrance entirely. Finally, she would eliminate all traces of herself—her belongings, fingerprints, and footprints—leaving no sign behind.

Thus, the grim finale of her first murder spree would be nearly complete.

Even in the depths of this remote wilderness, where few ventured, she understood the necessity of caution.

As she sat beside the flickering flames, if she momentarily disregarded the rows of corpses behind her, the tumultuous yet serene rain outside made it easy for her thoughts to settle.

The water trickled down the rugged mountain rocks, merging into gentle streams that meandered away into the distance.

The world outside was shrouded in a veil of misty rain, as if draped in a sheer gauze that obscured the surroundings, lending an air of mystery and poetry to the landscape.

Gazing into the distance, Zoe recalled the silly, lovable black bear she had encountered. She wondered where it sought shelter from the rain at this very moment—perhaps huddled awkwardly beneath a large tree, its fur matted and clinging to its body, or maybe it had found a small cave to curl up in, struggling to stay warm.

Then her mind wandered to her family back in the province. She imagined her mother supervising the renovations on her late grandfather’s house, her father and younger brother working and studying. Were they happy in their daily lives? Did they experience any troubles?

Zoe’s thoughts drifted aimlessly, flitting between memories of the black bear and others, and the faces of her family.

As she gazed through the rain, she found herself lost in thought for quite some time.

Yet, there was no turmoil within her regarding the swift and decisive act of killing she had just executed.

This was one of the impacts of her growing power.

It was difficult to feel fear for mere insects.

If she were to feel fear at all, it might be if ghosts were to come seeking her.

Only then might she feel a twinge of fear.

At that thought, an idea sparked in her mind.

Did ghosts truly exist in this world?

Or, to put it differently, did souls manifest after a person or any creature died?

A soul was a non-material essence that governed the body; when it departed, the body perished.

Science had yet to prove its existence.

In the past, she had lacked both the ability and the courage to explore such questions.

But now, after having tidied up the scene of her crime, her curiosity was piqued, and she felt compelled to use her mental powers to perceive everything around her.

Her telekinetic abilities had grown stronger once more.

If souls did indeed exist, perhaps she could sense them?

As she pondered, she fully unleashed her Transparent World 3.0.

At that moment, the world around her became strikingly clear; every raindrop hitting the ground echoed in her mind with perfect clarity.

She could perceive the ripples created by each droplet falling onto the puddles, the subtle motions of the leaves trembling under the downpour, the soil's organic layer absorbing the water, and the sounds of insects scuttling for cover beneath the wet earth.

For the moment, Zoe chose to ignore this overwhelming influx of information.

She dialed down her visual, auditory, and olfactory observations to their lowest settings, focusing solely on her mental perception.

She didn’t believe that her senses could detect the presence of souls; it was more prudent to lower their cognitive load.

With her attention entirely on her mental powers, she concentrated on sensing the existence of souls.

In an instant, Transparent World 3.0 began a thorough search of her surroundings.

It wasn’t long before she had scanned everything within an eighty-meter spherical radius with precision.

Under her mental probing, she could clearly discern every subtle indentation and protrusion in the cave’s walls, the curvature of the corners—she could even construct a nearly flawless 3D model of the cave in her mind, complete with color perception. It was a perfect replica of this hidden sanctuary.

Yet, even with such clarity, she sensed nothing.

Despite her meticulous scanning, she found no trace of souls.

The cave was empty, save for her and the corpses.

However, this inspection did not convince Zoe that souls did not exist.

She pondered the possibility that the corpses had remained lifeless for too long, their souls dissipating over time.

Or perhaps she had yet to reach a level of perception that allowed her to sense them.

Even if souls might not exist, she couldn't definitively rule out their presence.

In any case, she needed more sample experiments to begin formulating a theory.

Furthermore, she intended to investigate whether animals possessed souls. After all, if souls did exist, humans might not be the only ones who held them.

In the future, she could visit crematoriums, hospitals, cemeteries, slaughterhouses, and markets to observe numerous cases of death.

With a sufficient number of samples, she could build a reasonable hypothesis.

The prospect of such exploration intrigued her, igniting a flicker of excitement within.

Was there a soul?

This question had fascinated humanity for centuries.

If souls did exist, could contemporary science explain their existence? Could it decipher their form? Could it find a way to utilize them?

And if souls were real, did the mythical notions of the afterlife also hold true?

Zoe found herself deeply curious about these inquiries.

Yet one thing was certain.

If souls truly existed, many of her actions and the way she approached situations would shift significantly.

She would become more vigilant, more inclined to remain indoors, avoiding unnecessary risks. After all, if souls existed, who was to say that realms like the afterlife didn’t?

Thus, this question was not only fascinating but also crucial to her future safety.

“Once I return, I should try to conduct these experiments and spend some time observing those locations,” she mused.

With this thought in mind, Zoe suddenly raised her gaze toward the cave's entrance.

She noticed that the persistent drizzle outside seemed to be drawing to a close.

While the rain still fell, its intensity had visibly lessened, and the dark clouds above had begun to thin.

After a brief moment of silence, the clouds parted, and the rain ceased.

The relentless downpour finally stopped, and the rhythmic sound of droplets gradually faded into the air.

Water droplets clinging to the leaves sparkled like gemstones, glinting in the sunlight that broke through the clouds.

A vibrant rainbow arched across the sky, forming a splendid crown over the forest.

Sunlight streamed through the remaining clouds, warming the earth and illuminating everything with a brilliant glow. Peace and harmony returned, as though the storm had been nothing more than a fleeting symphony, and now the echoes lingered in the air, rich with meaning.

Only the damp earth remained, infused with the refreshing scent of nature.

A blend of aromas lingered—ozone from the rain and lightning, the earthy smell of soil enriched by mycelium, and the scent of plant oils released as the rain washed away the dust from the vegetation…

This complex bouquet of scents stirred memories of her childhood and instilled a sense of relaxation within her.

“Time to clean up and head home,” Zoe murmured, extinguishing the fire at her feet.

She realized she had been away for quite some time.

It was indeed time to return.


The descent from the mountain was inherently treacherous.

The rain had soaked the organic layer of soil, mixing it with moisture and creating a slippery quagmire.

It was common to find oneself stumbling, caught in the uneven footing.

A careless misstep could easily result in scrapes from the thorns and branches that lined the path.

Even worse, one could inadvertently roll down a steep slope.

Yet, as she descended, Zoe approached the terrain with calm confidence, navigating the landscape with grace.

She let her mental powers guide her, scanning the surroundings for hidden pitfalls.

Within moments, she found a path that allowed her to descend without risk.

Though many would have hesitated at the danger, she embraced the thrill.

As she continued her descent, she relished the challenge, feeling a sense of exhilaration wash over her.

With each step, she felt invigorated, almost dancing down the path as her feet glided effortlessly over the terrain.

The treacherous ground transformed into a beautiful dance floor, full of intricate patterns that wove together her graceful movement.

She reveled in the freedom of movement, her heart swelling with joy.

At that moment, she felt alive.

Even when confronted with obstacles or the possibility of injury, her spirit soared.

Zoe's heart raced, as if propelled by the rhythm of the earth beneath her feet.

And as the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the world, she felt an undeniable connection to nature and all its wonders.

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