Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2614: Cry

"You?" Kabvon keenly grasped the key points in the words, did the Minister of Finance also represent the views of others.

"Yes, I have sought out the leaders of other departments before I came here. They all stated that they will support all the decisions of the military department, and all military operations will be assisted to the utmost." The Minister of Finance has done a lot in advance. Before coming to see Kabfeng, he and all the domestic departments passed the agreement, and everyone reached a unified opinion.

The Saint Gama Empire is now in a critical period of survival. It is not a time for each other to find fault with each other. All departments must unite and fight against the enemy, otherwise they will be imprisoned if they are attacked by the Republic of the Quran.

Hearing that all the departments are willing to cooperate with him, Kabvon looked at the Minister of Finance incrediblely. He never thought that he would get the support of others, because in the past his treatment of the old ministers angered many people and existed among them. Enmity.

"Don't think too much, they still don't like you, but now there are more important things to do. Our cooperation with them is limited to the battle with the Qur'an Republic." The Minister of Finance told Kabvon not to Think about it, support is limited.

Now Kabufon has a more real feeling. It seems that everyone is reliable at the critical moment. With the confidence, he is no longer decadent, and took the Minister of Finance to the map to discuss how to restrict the enemy's actions next. .

Now that Dietja and the city have fallen into the hands of the Quran God Republic, all surrounding cities are in danger of being attacked. Although the number of mechas available in the Saint Gama Empire can provide protection for these cities, it is still necessary to find out The most dangerous city is better.

If it can see through the enemy's movements, then the Saint Gama Empire will be able to prepare well in advance to lay down traps, and after defeating the incoming enemy in one fell swoop, it may be able to retake the two lost cities, and then push the enemy back step by step.

The two discussed for a long time but did not make up their minds. It was not because of their lack of ability but too difficult to make a decision. There were already many cities around Dieterja, and the enemy was able to cross the mountains and threaten the inside after taking the city. Lucheng, this is hard to guess.

Kabvon believes that the enemy should still be based on Dieterja, and the cities near Dieterja are not small. After they are taken down, they can continue to weaken oneself, so as to step in and make the Saint Gama Empire completely unable to overthrow. body.

The Minister of Finance believes that Commander Ma will change his strategy this time. The enemy will not routinely re-use Dieterja to make a fuss. Instead, he will use it to confuse his sight and attack from other directions. This will make it easier to break through the direction. the best choice.

It was difficult for the two to agree. When it was too late outside, the Minister of Finance decided to slowly say: "The decision is not to be in a hurry. It is too late. Let's discuss it tomorrow. We can't make a mistake this time, otherwise we will hardly have a chance to comeback."

"Okay, do you want to rest in our military department for a night, and continue to discuss tomorrow." Kabuffon kept the other party in the military department. He was very motivated and wanted to make a decision in the shortest possible time, and then he could do other things. Supporting deployment.

The Minister of Finance accepted Kabuffon’s invitation. Wasn’t he coming here to successfully repel the enemy? It’s better to stay at the military headquarters when he goes home. He needs more time to study the map and the enemy’s command style before he can make the right decisions. judgment.

During the discussion between the two, the various mech-building factories of the Saint Gama Empire were working at full force. The continuous warfare on the mecha was very expensive, especially the loss of the Saint Gama Empire on the losing side. They had to do it as soon as possible. Replenish the number of troops.

In E city, Commander Ma was also studying the map. He didn't know much about E city. It was urgent to study the surrounding geographical environment and city carefully before determining how to fight the Saint Gama Empire next.

Chen Feng continued to wander around in Echeng. In the strange city, he saw countless people glaring at him. They all regarded themselves as wicked villains. If Echeng had not been under control, perhaps they would have to rush to beat him.

Chen Feng turned a blind eye to their malice. These people didn't know the cause and effect of the matter at all, and would only push the blame on others. It would be better to take a few more places to take a look at them.

Since it is still not completely certain that the inside of the city is safe, Chen Feng has a pistol to use when it is in danger. Seeing the hostility of the surrounding people towards him, Chen Feng decided not to go where there is no mecha, otherwise there will be people. If he took the opportunity to attack him, he had to shoot. He didn't want to hurt others or didn't want to cause trouble.

Night has fallen, but the city has not become brightly lit. After a great war, many buildings in this city were destroyed, and the power system also had problems. The rate of lighting up to half of the lights is already very good.

Commander Ma ordered people to hurry up and repair the electricity, but because they are unfamiliar with the city and there are many faulty areas, even if it is repaired, it will take a lot of time, so tonight many people are destined to live in darkness and fear.

Chen Feng could hear the faint sounds of infants crying, as well as various sighs and murmurs. This is not in Dieterja, because Echeng does not voluntarily surrender like Dieterja. Their financial resources and levels are also quite different. They don't want to be enslaved by the enemy, they are stubborn about being occupied, and even more angry after their living environment is destroyed.

Chen Feng's ears were full of this kind of sound, and he unknowingly walked to a remote alley, because he heard a cry that was unusually loud, it surpassed any other sound, and attracted Chen Feng to go here.

When Chen Feng came back to his senses, he realized that he had actually walked to an area that he didn't want to approach. Obviously, it was not a controlled area. There was no smoke or fire and the surrounding area was dark. The probability of encountering danger was very high and it should not be stayed for long.

Chen Feng turned around and wanted to leave this area quickly, but the cry that attracted him once again made him stop.

This cry is very close to me. Should I go and check it out? Chen Feng was very entangled. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he wanted to figure out where the cry came from. Why would someone cry in an area with no one?

In the end, Chen Feng gave up the idea of ​​leaving. He pricked his ears to listen to the direction of the crying, and moved closer.

Because he didn't know if there was any danger around, Chen Feng took the pistol in his hand in advance, and moved forward while observing left and right. Fortunately, he did not see anyone else appearing on the road. It should be safe for the time being. He slowly found the source of the crying. .

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