Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2642: In order

To be honest, the people of Echeng are quite jealous of burying Jincheng. They also want to restore their city to glory, but they have worked hard for several generations but have little effect. After being occupied by the Qulan God Republic, they didn’t get any chance, and they watched. Buijincheng developed rapidly.

The people of Echeng understand that the location of their city is too poor and the resources are too few, which restricts development. They feel envy rather than jealousy of Bujin City. The situation in the two cities is completely different. Instead of being jealous of the city with better conditions than their own, they should work harder. Hard work.

Chen Feng and You Jia returned to their temporary residence in Buijincheng. Chen Xinghai was exercising inside. Chen Feng cultivated very good habits for him when he was a child, so now he does not need others to urge him to complete various exercises every day. , The physical fitness is steadily improving.

Seeing his son so conscious, Chen Feng smiled happily: "Haha, he is indeed my son. I believe he will become a very good pilot in the future."

"I hope he can be more ordinary and not be bothered by things that are always busy..." You Jia's thinking is different from Chen Feng. She doesn't want Chen Xinghai to be as busy as herself and her husband all day long. Home.

"It's my fault, I should care more about you." Chen Feng was very sorry, saying that the time he and You Jia spent together after marriage may not be as good as when he was a child, and there is too little to spend with his family.

"I didn't mean to blame you. Now our country has finally managed to counterattack the Saint Gama Empire. It is when you are most needed. You bear too many responsibilities. I understand." You Jia lowered her head slightly and plunged into Chen Feng's arms. She was People who are sensible know that Chen Feng is fighting for the country. If he is angry because of this, he would be too ignorant.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to embrace You Jia's slender waist, as if when the two had just confirmed their relationship, the heart of the person who was blowing behind him was itchy, no matter how much time passed, he would not get tired.

"Dad, you are back!" Chen Xinghai finished today's training. He looked up and saw his parents standing outside the door looking at him. He quickly rushed over and plunged into Chen Feng's embrace.

Chen Feng opened his right hand and hugged his son in his arms. The family of three is very warm together. Chen Feng has not felt this feeling for a long time. He has been fighting various enemies on weekdays, and he almost forgets what it is to relax. Tasted.

"Dad, you see that I have completed the training you arranged every day, and I think I can do more, so I increased the amount of training." Chen Xinghai proudly demonstrated his abilities to Chen Feng and took out one. The wind and water that played with the sword rose up, and look at the fierce and sometimes gentle technique at that time. Isn't it the Murong family's unique skill, Luoying Colorful Sword?

When Chen Feng decided to teach Chen Xinghai’s various skills, Nangong Huadie found Chen Feng and told him that he could pass the Luoying Colorful Sword to his son. If Chen Xinghai had the fate to acquire this skill, it was his fate. Just don't disclose it to additional people.

Fortunately, Chen Xinghai’s aptitude is no worse than Chen Feng. He quickly learned the Fallen Colorful Sword, and he performed much better than Chen Feng when he first started. Both the sturdy swordsmanship and the soft swordsmanship were used in style. .

Chen Feng was very satisfied with Chen Xinghai's performance. He found that his son was different from himself. What he was best at was shooting skills, and his son was particularly talented in melee swordsmanship, and he might become an excellent melee expert.

So Chen Feng asked Hongshui Bin for help, hoping that he could help him teach Chen Xinghai. The experience and comprehension of Hong Bin in close combat was much more than his own. It would be more effective to have a strongest expert to guide Chen Xinghai.

Hung Hung Bin agreed to do his part, and would guide Chen Xinghai when he was free and help him avoid detours. However, Hongshui Bin was not without conditions. He asked Chen Feng to agree to help his daughter with similar counseling when needed in the future.

The child of Hongshui Bin and Ma Kewei is a girl. For her, Hongshui Bin has the same expectations as Chen Feng. When she grows up, she will assign a training plan for her. Because she doesn't know what her daughter's talent is good at, so Hongshui Bin I want to find a few more people to make an appointment first.

Chen Feng also agreed. If Chen Xinghai and Hongshuibin’s daughter can join hands to participate in the battle in the future, it will be considered a continuation of their friendship with Hongshuibin. It will definitely be a good story at that time. Chen Feng is willing to do so. .

Leaving aside these long-before events, after Chen Xinghai received guidance from Hong Bin, his knowledge of close combat has risen sharply, and he can even compete with the military's special forces, winning many times.

Although it is not mecha training, it is enough to prove Chen Xinghai's combat strength. According to Chen Feng, his son's synchronization rate will never be low. After a while, he can teach him the knowledge of mecha driving instead of waiting. After its adulthood.

Now that both You Jia and her son have come to Buried Jincheng, Chen Feng can personally guide Chen Xinghai’s training. The father and son go out for morning jogs early in the morning every morning. After returning, they will have targeted competitions after the exercises, and they have not stopped for a moment. Have come down.

Chen Feng was worried that he would spend much less time with his wife and children after the war again, so he wanted to try to teach Chen Xinghai as soon as possible. Chen Xinghai was also very upbeat and did not shrink from such a heavy training task. He exhausted himself and didn't complain, Chen Feng was full of praise for him, even if he had such determination, he would not be afraid even if he lacked talent.

The harassment of the Saint Gama Empire did not delay the expansion of Buried Jincheng. The Pan Bayi troops doubled the size of Buried Jincheng, digging away all the solid rocks and leaving them suitable for city construction. soil of.

Pan Bayi’s preliminary preparations were quickly completed, Commander Ma immediately sent a construction team to level all the messy land that had been excavated, and then began to build the perimeter wall, first to create a line of defense that can withstand attacks.

Kabufon wanted to destroy the wall outside the buried gold city, because he thought of the things that the Quran God Republic had done in the Ju Timor Federation, which was to protect the fortress with a wall and then expand step by step, and finally put Zhu Timwen. The Federation was completely defeated.

Kabufon didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the Zhu Timor Federation, so he found Griffin and hoped that it could cooperate with the mecha troops, at least to destroy the wall outside the buried city, otherwise they would not have a good chance after the wall was built.

Griffin agreed to Kabuffon’s request, because he also knew the meaning of the wall for burying the Jincheng. The wall could largely offset the possibility of his own invasion of the buried Jincheng. It would be difficult to expel the people of the Republic of Gulan in the future. Up.

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