Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2705: Natural disadvantage

There were changes in the Saint Gama Empire. There were many signs of organic armor transfer. The search aircraft and the hidden spies in charge of monitoring immediately transmitted the news back. Hundreds of news appeared in the command room in Ditja, causing Has received a lot of attention.

"Call Commander Ma to come over right away, something very important has happened!" Someone told the soldiers to quickly wake Commander Ma. Such a large-scale operation in the Saint Gama Empire might be aimed at the three buildings under their control. Coming from the city, they need Commander Ma to determine the situation and make a decision, even if he is still asleep now, he has to cry.

Commander Ma was in his sweet dreamland when he heard footsteps outside the door. The vigilance he had cultivated over the years made him suddenly wake up and listen to the sounds outside the door. If an enemy sneaks in, he will be prepared to respond.

After listening for a while, Commander Ma relaxed. He could hear the footsteps coming from his own guard. Since it was his own guard, there should be something to report when he came by at this time, so he sat up first and got up. clothes.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Sure enough, someone knocked on the door and told Commander Ma what had happened in the command room. "Commander Ma, the command room has received a lot of information about the new situation. It is urgent for you to go over and preside over the situation. "

When the voice of the guard fell, Commander Ma was already dressed, he opened the door and strode towards the command room: "Let's go, let's go over immediately, do you know the specific content of the message?"

Commander Ma’s residence is some distance away from the command room, so he wants to get some basic information from the guard first, but the guard touched the back of his head embarrassedly: "This... sorry, I don't know what happened. "

"It's okay, I asked you the wrong question. You did the right thing." Commander Ma did not blame the guards, but continued to accelerate his pace. How many people grasp important information is a very critical matter, and the guards should Do what the guard needs to do, instead of collecting intelligence with a probe. In case the guard is a spy inserted in, then everything is leaked.

Therefore, Commander Ma believes that the guard did not do anything wrong, but he should not ask such questions. After telling the guard to keep his original intentions, he hurried to the command room and walked in, while the guard stayed outside and closed the gate to start guarding. .

"What's going on? What's happening in the Saint Gama Empire?" Commander Ma guessed that something happened in the Saint Gama Empire, and someone immediately passed the integrated information over. "According to multiple intelligence sources, , They are mobilizing a large number of mechas."

Sure enough, it is impossible for the Saint Gama Empire to wait and die, but this time they failed in the battle to capture the meteorite, and what did they hurriedly adjust to what they wanted to do? Commander Ma received the information while thinking.

Looking at the areas where the changes occurred in the message, Commander Ma felt that something was wrong. These areas are far from Di Tejia, E City, and Buried Jin City. If you had to transfer mechas from there to attack, you would have already attacked. The line of defense is built.

Then the actions of the Saint Gama Empire were probably not aimed at himself. Commander Ma thought that if he didn't do it on himself, the targets of the Saint Gama Empire would be neighboring countries. He probably could think of the reason for the other party to do so.

As more and more countries want to get closer to the Quran God Republic and start cooperation, their cooperation with the Holy Gama Empire will definitely weaken, especially in the countries that are close to the Holy Gama Empire. , Their actions annoyed this self-respecting country, and now the Saint Gama Empire wants to beat them up in a flash to restore normal cooperation.

"Hurry up and warn the countries that are completely in the Saint Gama Empire and tell them that they will be attacked soon!" Commander Ma made a decision in an instant, asking the communications officer to immediately contact several countries that might be attacked, and ask them to make advances ready.

The communications officer immediately followed the order to contact. Although it was late at night, each country would arrange personnel on duty. The contact from Commander Ma was quickly answered, successfully spreading the news that the Saint Gama Empire was about to launch an attack.

Although the news was successfully spread, Commander Ma did not relax at all, because he knew that even if those countries had prepared in advance, they would not be able to withstand the offensive. When the Saint Gama Empire was desperate, even he could not stop casually. .

"Call Chen Feng and Shui Bin, we have to support these countries." Commander Ma also asked people to contact several important combat forces. Those countries alone cannot last long. The Republic of the Quran God needs to reach out. Help them out.

After hearing Commander Ma’s request, Chen Feng and Hongbin both expressed their willingness to attack. In order to help more countries, they will act separately. As long as they are careful to avoid Griffin, there should be no danger until the mission is completed. Just come back directly.

Just as the two were about to leave the command room, Commander Ma suddenly shouted: "Wait! Don't go!"

"What?" The two turned around in confusion, isn't it the time to race against time, why stopped themselves again?

"I overlooked one thing. The action of the Saint Gama Empire tonight is likely to lure you two to appear. It would be very dangerous if the'gun god' ambushes you in a dark place." Commander Ma’s face was worried. Lulu, he thought that there is another possibility. Perhaps the other party's real purpose is his own two potential war gods, they are much more important than those countries.

Commander Ma’s worry is not unreasonable. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin exchanged a few words with each other, and finally Chen Feng came forward and said: "Why not, Hongshuibin and I will attack together first, and then we will leave after we feel safe. different direction."

"In this way, we can deal with the threat from the'gun god', and we can find the enemy in time even if we are tracked together." Hong Bin added that he and Chen Feng joined hands even if Griffin really had an idea. Weigh it.

"It's still not right. I just thought of a new possibility. Don't rush to attack." While Chen Feng and Hongshuibin expressed their opinions, Commander Ma thought of more possible accidents. After all, they The place of battle is on other people's territory. The Saint Gama Empire controls a large area of ​​land here, so whatever you want to do will be very convenient.

This is a natural disadvantage faced by attacking other countries. The more this is the time, Commander Ma will not be anxious. Once he is anxious, he will easily step into the enemy's trap. At that time, the advantage he has finally obtained will be handed over.

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