Mecha S*ave Contract

Chapter 141

Chapter 140 Work hard

Although Luo Xiaolou rejected the car shock exercise on the grounds that he ate too much, Luo Xiaolou sadly discovered that night, Yuan seemed to be more excited, and this result directly caused him not to hear the tenacious call of the alarm clock.

The next morning, there was a scream from the bedroom. A few minutes later, Luo Xiaolou walked into the living room in a panic. At this time, Yuan Xi just walked down from the physical training room upstairs naked. Perhaps it was the reason why he had just taken a shower. The hair was still dripping with drops of water, constantly rolling down on the white and **** chest, and the ambiguous thing on it was obviously the traces of being caught with a somewhat seductive taste of eroticism.

Luo Xiaolou blushed and watched with a beating heart, and he was a little stumbling in his words, “Hurry up, hurry up, I have class this morning, I think I will definitely be late…”

Yuan Xi walked two steps to Luo Xiaolou while wiping his hair, and said confidently: “That’s not to blame me, and I’m much busier than you, you see, even if I was busy most of the night yesterday to satisfy you, I I got up very early.” When he said this, Yuan Xi still put on an expression where you were looking for such a hard-working man.

Luo Xiaolou’s face flushed, and he sadly discovered that he was significantly worse than the level of the cheeky. What’s more important is that this is exactly the original appearance of the original, which shows that he thinks so!

Luo Xiaolou didn’t try to talk nonsense with Yuan Xi any more, just watched Yuan Xi swallowed saliva on his chest, and quickly stepped into the kitchen. 125 ran at the feet of Luo Xiaolou while despising: “Hey, you Don’t you think you’re too embarrassing? You are still looking at him in such a fascinating manner. This is not a wise behavior. You should exercise a little restraint. According to my experience, if you continue to do this, you will realize it right away. It’s the seven-year itch or a third party has stepped in or something.”

Luo Xiaolou stopped the work in his hand, stared at 125 for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but ask in amazement: “Is there a third party among the mechas? That is to say, before meeting me, you– Was it actually dumped?”

125 took a deep breath, stared at Luo Xiaolou in anger, stammered and shouted: “What, what! TV series! The experience I’m talking about is TV series! I’ve had enough, you are full of pornographic heads. !”

Who is the one full of **** dramas and pornographic dramas…

After Yuanxi dragged the car again, Yuanxi and Luo Xiaolou rushed to school before the class. Luo Xiaolou waved his hand and walked to the mecha manufacturing department. The 125, who was so embarrassed and angry, had turned into a blue stone, and it looked short. Within time, I didn’t plan to pay attention to Luo Xiaolou anymore.

After Luo Xiaolou entered the class, several students came to talk to him. This was not just because of Luo Xiaolou’s dramatic identity problem, but the bigger reason was that the new semester began, the difficulty of professional courses increased, especially when it involved When it comes to practical topics, more people feel that they are struggling to learn and start to fall behind.

In the past, the students in the next few classes were always laughed at by people and even abandoned by the teacher.

But now, no one takes the tenth class easily, because the first place in the tenth class made the outstanding students of the previous classes lose a bit of temper. Under this circumstance, Luo Xiaolou’s grades stimulated the students in Class 10 to rise.

Moreover, it was so hard to have a good student in the class. How could this opportunity be let go of the ten students who had been laughed at for a year.

Many students will use their spare time to discuss issues with Luo Xiaolou, and some students who are not able to talk to each other are even willing to listen to their discussion next to them, and they often feel that they have benefited a lot. In this atmosphere of whole-class learning, the results of Class 10 have risen sharply. The monthly test scores just made the head teacher laugh from ear to ear, and the average score rose by 23 points! In any class, this is not a small improvement-of course, the fact that the average score was too low last time cannot be denied.

In contrast, the head teacher of the ninth class had a hard time saying that in this monthly exam, the average score between their class and the tenth class was only five points, which has never appeared in the history of the Mecha Manufacturing Department of San Miro College. Over. According to his secret observation, the tenth class is full of enthusiasm for studying. It is difficult to say what results they will get in the next monthly exam. The difference of five points is really not very big.

Although the rare performance improvement of the tenth class is a good thing, if he surpasses the ninth class, how can he explain to the principal! The tenth class is all students who come up through the back door. God, is the history of the school going to be rewritten when he was the head teacher? He doesn’t want it!

So the Mecha Manufacturing Department, the last two adjacent classes, can often hear the roar of their respective head teachers. The difference is that one is encouraging his own students to continue to work hard, and the other is urging their own students to improve.

Like the ninth class teacher, there is a class teacher who has always been envied by each class teacher. After the last foreign school level certification exam, the top two in the first class, Hua Zeya and Xia Yi respectively took two sick leave. In August, learning will definitely have to fall a lot. And how weird the reason is, is this God going to test the first class…

At the same time, this year’s Mecha Department also created brilliant results. The average grade of the first class was more than ten points higher than the previous class.

The principals and senior officials of San Milo College are very happy to see this phenomenon. The mecha department’s original performance is unmatched. Luo Xiaolou of the mecha manufacturing department also has the same momentum. It is even more rare that they are. identity of.

Such an identity and such achievements will definitely make more people notice the first academy on this B-class planet. Driven by these two people, San Miro College can rise to an unprecedented height. And the effect is immediate. In this new semester, more outstanding students have applied for San Miro College.

When the students around Luo Xiaolou left contentedly, Luo Xiaolou opened the e-book and previewed the content to be learned this day. When he finished reading it, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Tian Li had already come here at this time. What happened today?

Luo Xiaolou turned his head, Tian Li greeted him sleepily, “Come on.”

Luo Xiaolou stared at Tian Li blankly, as if he was the one who indulged last night, and asked: “What’s the matter, why are you so insane?”

Tian Li waved his hand, “Don’t mention it, um, it’s actually nothing. By the way, do you have time in the afternoon to gather at my house?”

It seemed that Tian Li didn’t want to say, Luo Xiaolou thought about it and didn’t continue to ask.

Thinking of Hetian Li, Artes hadn’t party for a long time, Luo Xiaolou nodded and agreed. Tomorrow he will go to Master Yan and see Mu Chen on Sunday. This is too busy, and the time spent with two friends is obviously reduced. Luo Xiaolou sent a message to Yuan Xi-to report his whereabouts, he is very conscious now.

After school, Luo Xiaolou and Yates took Tian Li’s suspension vehicle to Tian Li’s house, which has become a gathering base for the three.

After Luo Xiaolou had his own laboratory and warehouse, he came to Tian Li less frequently. But Tian Li still kept the parts and tools of Luo Xiaolou, and when Luo Xiaolou saw it again, he suddenly felt very kind. But now Luo Xiaolou hasn’t asked Tiandong to send garbage parts again, and those low-level parts can no longer meet his needs. Now Luo Xiaolou buys materials of corresponding grades and makes them by himself.

Tian Li took out a chip, threw it to Aters, and laughed twice, “How about the latest strategy game, buddy, right? Let’s make a move in a while.”

Artes likes Tian Li’s game warehouse and strategy games very much. Seeing the chip, the two hit it off.

Luo Xiaolou took a look at Tian Li and swallowed what he wanted to say. Although Tian Li’s grades have declined this semester, Luo Xiaolou felt that Tian Li had worked very hard and he shouldn’t put pressure on him anymore. So Luo Xiaolou just asked, “What kind of practical tasks did you look for this winter vacation?”

Tian Li frowned, and said, “My father asked someone to find him and was intern in the army in a small place on the planet Ansai. Although it belongs to the military department, it is small in scale, and I think it’s hard to get anything if I go. Achievement.”

Artus slapped Tian Li, “It’s not like you. Where did your aggressiveness go before? If you put one-tenth of your enthusiasm for games into internships, you probably don’t have to worry about it.”

Tian Li scratched his hair, “There is no other way. In professional studies, I feel that I have invested no less than others. But at the beginning of this semester, my grades have been unable to improve, and I almost began to doubt my purpose. ”

Luo Xiaolou and Yates looked at each other, and could only start to cheer Tian Li up again, saying everything to encourage Tian Li. But none of them seemed to have any effect, but after the two stopped talking, Tian Li picked up the strategic chip in high spirits, preparing to have a long and short time with Artes.

Luo Xiaolou could only interrupt the two excited people again, and turned to ask Ates, “Yats, what about you, what is the winter vacation practice mission?”

Artes looked at Luo Xiaolou and said with a smile: “I had considered the military department, but this semester, a mercenary group offered me an invitation. They took my abilities and hoped that I could Going out with them during the winter vacation will probably not be a problem for my credits.”

Luo Xiaolou was taken aback, and then looked at Artes with admiration, “You can already do mercenary missions? But, is there any danger?”

Artes glanced at Luo Xiaolou helplessly, “Don’t you think your winter vacation mission is more dangerous than all of us? Before worrying about me, you should think about yourself. Besides, you have to take the first step. Yes, otherwise I will never be a qualified mecha fighter in the future. If it weren’t for the original, I would definitely take you to the trial mission, I would like you to go with me so that I have a free mecha maker, both of us There are also credits.”

Luo Xiaolou laughed. Artes really didn’t need to worry about others. He was always passionate about mechas. After Luo Xiaolou got to know Artes, he discovered that Artes paid almost the same amount in mecha training. There are many students in all classes. Only by paying more can we hope to gain more.

Luo Xiaolou coughed twice, attracting the attention of two people, and then said very solemnly: “Well, since we all have our own winter vacation tasks, then we all pay attention to safety. Now, I have one more important thing. Things to be announced.”

When both Artes and Tian Li looked at him curiously, Luo Xiaolou said: “This important thing is-I am now a manufacturer with a fourth-level manufacturer qualification certificate, Artes, could it be that you Have you ever thought that you can ask me to help you make mechas? I have to remind you that this is a rare honor. If you want to ask me for help in the future, it may be difficult to line up.” Of course, he asked the original Luo Xiaolou didn’t intend to talk about the approval in the past.

After being shocked, Artes and Tian Li laughed up and down. At last Artes held back his laugh and replied in a serious manner: “Master Luo, this is indeed my honor. Here, I solemnly request that you help me. Create a powerful mecha, and then we will conquer the interstellar together!”

The three looked at each other and laughed together. Of course, at this time the three people didn’t expect that Luo Xiaolou and Ates’ words would become reality in the future. How many mecha fighters held money and materials to ask future masters to help make mechas, but they still couldn’t ask for it. And Artus is driving the Roche mecha, soaring at the forefront of the battle line, commanding the war, brave and invincible.

“However, to be honest, my current level is much higher than before. I can only charge you for the cost and insurance. The cost of the three-level mecha is one million federal dollars.” Luo Xiaolou laughed He said, and at the same time glanced at Artes nervously, wondering if he said too high.

Luo Xiaolou knew that with Ates’ pride, he would not hope to receive sympathy from his friends. And if you buy a new finished product of the Level 3 mecha, you need at least 10 million yuan, and the price is indeed too high.

Luo Xiaolou’s one million cost fee does not mean the cost of all mecha parts. It’s the cheaper cost of required materials.

Most mecha manufacturers directly use various finished parts manufactured by others to process and combine them into mechas, which saves a lot of time and effort. Although in this way, the cost may reach 3.5 million yuan, but they can still make a lot of money. This is also the reason why the more advanced mechas have more profits, but a good mecha maker is also hard to find.

But for Luo Xiaolou, there is no problem of consuming energy. Compared with other people, he can use his inexhaustible source of consciousness. It is more than enough to make mecha parts from materials, and then combine mecha parts into mechas. He directly proposed a cost of one million.

Tian Li drooled and looked at Luo Xiaolou. After a long time, he said, “Brother, why don’t I switch to selling mechas and buy from you, what do you think? Let’s make half of the money.”

Artus slapped Tian Li and took a look at Luo Xiaolou moved. He knew how precious the level four mecha Luo Xiaolou had made for him. Although he did not understand why a second-level mecha composed of second-level parts could rise to fourth-level, this did not prevent him from cherishing his mecha more.

On the planet Ansai, a Tier 4 mech can sell for tens of millions. For this alone, he owed Luo Xiaolou how much he didn’t know. Moreover, even if you have money, Tier 4 mechas are difficult to buy on the planet Ansai.

Atus looked at Luo Xiaolou’s worried eyes, moved in his heart, and said with a smile, “I will transfer you four and a half million in a while, although this is too much difference—”

Luo Xiaolou and Tian Li’s eyes widened, and they interrupted Artes together, “How come your kid has such private money? A treat, a treat!”

Atus laughed and cast a wink at the two of them, “Don’t always look at people with old eyes. Since the Mecha Contest, my worth has increased a lot. Now I have quit my job in the library. When I started to take on some simple tasks, my income was certainly much higher than before.”

Luo Xiaolou and Tian Li immediately praised Christine Weyates without saying anything. In the end, Aters finally couldn’t stand the two of them continuing to disgust him, and they agreed to a treat next Monday.

Luo Xiaolou didn’t reject the money that Attus gave. He hadn’t planned to give Ates a level three mecha. It was just an excuse to make Ates mecha. To do the best, he intends to make a four-level mecha for Ates, and it is top-notch.

In comparison, 4.5 million is barely enough for the material cost of the Level 4 mecha. This is also due to the fact that many of Luo Xiaolou’s materials are purchased from the Gray Galaxy at a low price.

After the party, Luo Xiaolou went home by himself and stopped by Miki Cake Shop halfway.

Now Luo Xiaolou has to go to the cake shop at least four times a month. This point also appears on the schedule of the future prince and concubine in front of Yuan Lie and Feng Jialing.

Yuan Lie glanced at the itinerary with disgust, and said, “Although his private life is pitiful, he has a good hobby. I remember Lilith had this hobby before.”

Feng Jialing raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Lie without saying anything. After Yuan Lie became guilty inexplicably, he lowered his head to look at the information in his hand.

In the evening, Yuan Xi reluctantly laughed at Luo Xiaolou’s favor, and the two watched a must-see movie for star lovers while eating cakes. 125 Moved to see the life and death of the two lovers when the alien beasts struck, Luo Xiaolou looked at the poor alien beast who was finally killed by the hero’s cannon fodder in shock. Yuan Xie watched the heroine’s infatuated eyes with the hero in the film with satisfaction. , How like his little slave.

The next day was Saturday. In the morning, A5 sent Luo Xiaolou to Kane.

When the assistants began to prepare the required materials, Master Yan beckoned Luo Xiaolou to follow him into the independent laboratory inside.

Master Yan pointed his finger to the other side, “The new tea you brought back last time, the taste is not bad.”

Luo Xiaolou whispered in his heart, and just said directly if he wanted him to make tea. Anyway, you have never been polite. Bringing two cups of tea over, Luo Xiaolou sat opposite Master Yan.

Master Yan first asked about Luo Xiaolou’s study progress over the past few days. After he was satisfied, he said: “Where did you find the snake vine you brought back to me last time? Was it specially cultivated or grown naturally? ”

Luo Xiaolou’s eyes lit up, he laughed twice, and asked: “Master, it is a good thing, I know it. It was discovered in the wild of the gray galaxy, and there are almost no people around. It shouldn’t be cultivated by humans. .”

Master Yan first showed joy, and then he showed a very depressed expression, “Grey Galaxy? Hey, it’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

Luo Xiaolou hurriedly asked, “Master, what’s the matter?”

Master Yan glanced at Luo Xiaolou and threw a pile of materials in front of Luo Xiaolou. Luo Xiaolou looked down and saw that it was the data of Snake Vine, “Level 6 materials? Haha, Snake Vine is a good thing! ”

Master Yan still regretted that he didn’t recover. He only said: “If it grows to be more than a sixth level, but this thing is also unforgettable. I suspect that the snake vine you are talking about is Saint Zhu vine. When it really grows up, the entire vine body will turn red, the color is like blood, and the degree of hardness and flexibility is hard to find in the entire Federation that can match it.”

Master Yan turned his head to look at the more luxuriant snake vines in the petri dish, and sighed, “However, the sacred vines can only grow naturally in the wild, and artificial cultivation is almost impossible to succeed.”

Luo Xiaolou’s eyes lit up and he quickly asked, “Master, what are you waiting for? Let’s restock this thing to the Gray Galaxy and wait for the result.”

The pained expression on Master Yan’s face became even stronger, and he said, “This is impossible. People from higher-level galaxies and lower-level galaxies can’t go in and out at will, otherwise they won’t be called smuggling. Moreover, there are many pirates in the gray galaxy, my identity, It is impossible for the Federation to let me pass, even Kane’s people. Hey, it’s really not possible. I can only try to simulate the wild growing environment of St. Zhu Vine.”

Only then did Luo Xiaolou know that the gray galaxy can’t go past casually, but Yuanyuan didn’t seem to say anything. However, if he ran away secretly, the consequences would probably be disastrous.

Luo Xiaolou nodded contemplatively, and then comforted Master Yan: “Master, you can also find a similar growing environment in the wild on a higher-level planet. Moreover, the sixth-level materials are already very advanced, and the growth rate of snake vines is so fast. This is so profitable…”

Master Yan glared at the fanciful apprentice who fell into the fantasy, wishing to throw his tea on Luo Xiaolou’s head. Since good tea is hard to find, he was finally not willing to waste it. He hated iron and cursed: “Short-sighted, sixth-level you. I’m satisfied? Do you know how many levels of the Saint-Juvine grow? Level ten! That’s level ten materials!”

Luo Xiaolou looked at the excited Master Yan blankly, and considered discussing with 125 to put the snake vine back into the gray galaxy for stocking. Ten-level materials-how much does that cost.

“There is one more thing.” Master Yan seemed to suddenly remember something. He straightened his face and stared at Luo Xiaolou. “Why didn’t you tell me before that it was the old thing who wanted you to be an apprentice?”

Luo Xiaolou’s heart jumped, and he immediately said cautiously: “Master Mingjian, it was on the Internet at that time, and I didn’t even know it was a Hebrew master. Moreover, I refused at that time. I also think that my philosophy is with you. Closer. I swear, you are the best teacher for me…”

In Luo Xiaolou, he praised his master dryly for half an hour. After saying a few good things, Master Yan snorted and said, “You still have eyesight.”

After that, Master Yan endured the heartache of not being able to obtain Saint Zhuteng, and talked to Luo Xiaolou for two hours, and then sent him out with disgust to find a place to practice on his own.

Luo Xiaolou thought for a while. Instead of going to the mecha manufacturing department below, he found a laboratory in Master Yan’s research room to test the snake vine data given by Master Yan. He suddenly thought of Artes’ mecha. . Part of the snake vine can be added to the fourth-level material. Although the sixth-level material is a bit wasteful, the snake vine multiplies quickly. There should be a lot of 125. In this case, the effect must be better.

In the evening, Luo Xiaolou walked out of Kane, and as soon as he got in the car, the communicator on his wrist rang. When Luo Xiaolou took a look, it actually showed Ai Fan’s name. After he clicked on it, he smiled and said, “Ai Fan, have you received the energy box I mailed to you?”

Ai Fan over there breathed a sigh of relief, and found that Luo Xiaolou was still so enthusiastic to him, and immediately no longer had the psychological pressure, and said, “Arthur gave it to me two days ago. I’m glad you remember me.”

“I think I’m not so forgetful. When you took me in, you told me to cook for you and clean up the house every day. I think I’m very unforgettable.” Luo Xiaolou teased.

Poor Ivan stammered suddenly, “But, but I also took you in, gave you food and drink, and a place to live…”

“Okay, I will remember the great kindness, did you take the energy box for you apart and read it, can you understand it?” Luo Xiaolou said with a smile.

The energy boxes sent by Luo Xiaolou ranged from five hundred Luo to five thousand Luo. In the production process, he hardly used the source of consciousness. Instead, it deliberately uses a variety of production methods, and strives to use the least mental energy to achieve success. This was because Luo Xiaolou thought of a solution after he came back, considering that Ai Fan was young and the spiritual power of the lower-level planets was so low.

“Well, I watched it, and I have learned the first…” Ai Fan whispered, he felt that he was too stupid.

“Yes, good job, Ai Fan. You know, you are only eleven years old, and many children of your age can’t support themselves, but you can already help Arthur make an energy box.” Luo Xiao Lou praised with a smile.

After a long pause there, a small voice asked, “Well, um, do you really think so…”

Luo Xiaolou is not stingy with his compliments, “Of course, I only learned to make energy boxes after the age of eighteen. You are already amazing. Don’t worry, you learn in order and wait until we meet again next time. Maybe you can already make an advanced energy box.”

Ai Fan giggled over there, and after a while, he said, “Ah, yes, I want to tell you one more thing. In order to expand the base, Arthur and the others encircled an area of ​​nearly 500,000 square kilometers in the wild. It’s in the city. When you come again next time, you will find that this place has changed a lot.”

Luo Xiaolou exclaimed, “It’s a big handwriting, to build a city?” Thinking of the wild scenery, Luo Xiaolou actually felt a little pity in his heart.

Ai Fan said: “Now it is still building the periphery. In fact, the city is already big enough. Arthur said it is for the future. I don’t know what he thinks, but now there is a lot of vacant land and a lot of mountains. The place we visited last time was also circled in. Because there are too many places and I didn’t think about how to use it at the moment, Arthur may rent or sell some of it. But now real estate development is not booming, so—”

Luo Xiaolou was originally looking at the car window and chatting with Ai Fan easily. When he heard this, his brain suddenly flashed and said loudly: “Wait! Ai Fan, you just said that you can lease land?”

“Yes, but it’s of no use at all.” Ai Fan was surprised at Luo Xiaolou’s excitement.

“Then, can we rent the hills we visited last time?” Luo Xiaolou asked quickly.

“It should be possible. Last time I saw that no one was interested in that place. Even houses are difficult to build.” Ai Fan said.

Luo Xiaolou was overjoyed and asked excitedly: “Evan, you said, if I want to rent, will Arthur agree to it?”

Ai Fan was taken aback and asked, “What did you rent that place for? You saw it last time. The ghost place is apart from food-do you want to buy and sell food? But now there are several large food planting bases.”

“I have other plans, please help me ask. Ai Fan, help me.” Luo Xiaolou said.

“Well then, wait. Hey, Arthur, I have a question to ask you!” Ivan yelled and ran out.

Luo Xiaolou waited excitedly. Ai Fan didn’t let him wait for too long. After a while, he replied: “Just now Arthur said, no, he said he hates people outside the gray galaxy. He only rents it to the gray galaxy. People, if you come over, he can consider it.”

Luo Xiaolou was depressed: “How is that possible? I want to immigrate, but the formalities can’t be done at all. You don’t know.”

Complaining about Arthur’s careful eyes, Luo Xiaolou suddenly moved in his heart and said: “Evan, I have a solution, but I may need your help.”

Ai Fan nodded hurriedly, “Say it, if I can, of course I am willing to help you.”

“Can I rent that place in your name? Arthur said that I can’t rent it. If you don’t say this, it would be difficult for me to take care of myself. If you can help me, I will pay and you will take care of me. Of course, you can spend money to ask someone to take care of it. You must be trustworthy.” Luo Xiaolou asked urgently.

Ai Fan laughed, “Well, this Arthur will definitely agree. I think he is just having a temper, I will ask again.”

After a while, Ai Fan really brought good news to Luo Xiaolou.

“But, what are you going to do?” Ivan asked strangely.

“Remember what you have the most? Materials. I plan to rent those hilltop planting materials.” Luo Xiaolou said excitedly. The quality of the materials there is much better than that of the upper planet, and it is quite high-yielding. Luo Xiaolou is early. I was envious. Now that he has this opportunity, how could he easily miss it.

What’s more, there is also the snake vine thing that Master Yan said. He wants to plant it first. If it succeeds, he can give the master a surprise. Although Master Yan cannot go to lower-level planets, he can completely operate through Ai Fan.

Ai Fan was also pleasantly surprised, “Why didn’t I expect, well, I will help you, so that I can also learn a lot of things.”

“Not only that, if you are willing to help me, half of the materials produced will belong to you.” Luo Xiaolou said with a smile.

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