Mecha S*ave Contract

Chapter 164

Chapter 163 upgrade

Captain Kent looked ugly, and immediately said to Yuan Xi: “His Royal Highness, this is my dereliction of duty, please—”

Yuanxi interrupted him calmly: “It’s not to blame you. With his means, if you want to leave, no one can find out. When we go out, you immediately contact the military department and ask them to investigate Sir Louis.”

Yueshang and the others were a little silent, and Yuan used to have a few doubts. Locke actually left with the person they rescued. Is he such a kind person?

Yuanxi asked everyone to rest first, and wait for tomorrow to study the spoils they got. Yueshang smiled and turned away. Behind him, Shao Rong, Hull, Mu Chen, and Abel also followed. Before leaving, Shaorong glanced at Luo Xiaolou meaningfully, with his signature smile.

Luo Xiaolou suddenly felt a bit of chills, and immediately turned his eyes back to the original.

But the few people on the original side walked in the opposite direction together with ambition. At this moment, Luo Xiaolou suddenly felt a strange feeling. The two components are too clear.

Originally tired, Luo Xiaolou was even more tired, and he was overdrawn to the point that he felt dizzy. Tomorrow they will pass through the meteorite belt again, and he needs to direct the direction, and he must take a good rest.

125 After finding that it was all right, the guy immediately ran away with his tail cocked. It felt that it should remove the traces Locke left on the Poseidon or the obstacle virus left by the invasion. In its heart, Luo Xiaolou’s things belong to it, and of course the original things are also itss.

Therefore, the Poseidon should be its territory, except for it, others who steal the warship’s network system are extremely sinful!

After washing, Luo Xiaolou immediately fell asleep on the bed. Yuan Xi next to him felt Luo Xiaolou’s steady breathing, opened his eyes, looked at Luo Xiaolou deeply, and then cautiously leaned over for a long time, gently pressing on Luo Xiaolou’s lips.

When they go back, they will get married! Although all the circumstances showed something wrong, as long as they thought of going back to their wedding ceremony, they couldn’t fall asleep.

Looking at Luo Xiaolou who was sleeping next to him, Yuan Xi even had an illusion that this was their wedding night.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xi’s face turned red. He stared at Luo Xiaolou blankly, and suddenly felt a little angry. Isn’t it the guy who is so excited that he can’t fall asleep? He can marry him, what a great honour and pride it is!

Yuan Xi stared angrily at Luo Xiaolou who responded with a big sleep, and was about to pinch the soft flesh on his stomach. Luo Xiaolou suddenly rubbed his side, and then naturally put his hand on Yuan Xi. , Hugged him lightly.

The original breath took a while, and the accusation in his heart was suddenly not connected. In the end, he had to give up, hug Luo Xiaolou with his hands and feet lightly, and then buried his head on Luo Xiaolou’s shoulders.

Forget it, anyway, Luo Xiaolou loves him so deeply, his pride is probably just not good at expressing…

The next day, early in the morning, Yuan Xi casually threw a white box to Luo Xiaolou and said, “This is something brought from Landa. You can take a look first.”

Luo Xiaolou pretended to be flattered and looked at Yuan Xi, and said movedly: “Ah, why are you throwing such a valuable thing to me casually?”

Yuan Xi’s mouth turned up slightly, glanced at Luo Xiaolou, and thought with satisfaction, um, that’s the expression, but said on his mouth: “What are you doing so long, let you take it, and find a way to open this box.”

What’s the reluctance of this, this thing was originally brought back to marry you.

Luo Xiaolou smiled and left with the box and 125 who didn’t know when he came back last night. The moment he entered the studio, Luo Xiaolou saw Abel again, holding a box in his hand.

Seeing the box, 125 sitting on Luo Xiaolou’s shoulder moved his tail.

Luo Xiaolou didn’t feel at all about this Abel who had always looked at him with defensive and even provocative eyes. He greeted him politely and opened the door into his studio.

“What’s the matter?” Luo Xiaolou casually asked 125, who was still looking out.

“That box, cough, is the box I have held things in. There is nothing in it, except for a stone I put in casually.” 125 said gleefully.

Luo Xiaolou was stunned, and laughed: “Well, then they are really unfortunate.”

125 sat in front of Luo Xiaolou and said, “Are you going to open this box now?”

Luo Xiaolou looked at it and said, “Well, I will open it, but before that, I want to talk about you first.”

125 was taken aback, looked right and left, and stood up quickly, barely daring to face Luo Xiaolou’s eyes, and stammered: “Um, what I—I have anything to talk about! Everything is normal for me. I only measured energy for myself this morning, multi-particle rotation speed, positive and negative quantum balance and so on-I’m really fine!”

Luo Xiaolou was taken aback by 125’s actions. He didn’t say that something happened to 125. Could it be…

“I think it’s better for you to confess directly.” Luo Xiaolou raised his face and said solemnly, with an expression that I actually knew all about.

125’s body stiffened, it lowered its head heavily, and after hesitating for a while, it said nervously: “In fact, it is like this. The upgrade set by my master last time, that, was not very successful.”

“Why?!” Luo Xiaolou immediately stood up and walked two steps towards 125. 125 was startled and seemed to want to turn around and run, but his right foot moved and stopped there again dejectedly.

Luo Xiaolou looked at 125 worriedly, touched its head with his hand, and said, “Tell me, what’s going on.” Seeing 125’s tail, which has always been fond of curling its tail, carefully clipped, Luo Xiaolou immediately felt distressed Get up, this is not like the fat man he raised. Well, even if the 125 upgrade fails, and he can’t do anything in the future, he will still keep it.

“We have successfully upgraded the weapon system and other systems, except for the personality emotional system.” 125 took a peek at Luo Xiaolou, “At that time, I was trying to rescue you, and the personality system failed to connect twice. I still have this personality. Originally, the master gave What I set is to reach the planet Landa, install the weapon system, and then upgrade the character to be calm and heavy.”

125 lowered his head again, and whispered: “So, I still have this character. I didn’t mean to fail to complete the task—” 125 stepped on his right foot and raised his head anxiously, “You won’t despise me?”

Luo Xiaolou patted 125 on the head vigorously. He was going to be scared to death by this guy. After doing it for a long time, what was this all about?

“I think I can endure it. After all, I have endured it for such a long time, and I don’t mean to return or exchange it, right?”

In fact, if 125 really changes his personality, he may not be able to accept it. Well, it is indeed rigorous and steady, but it is the best of his own. As a foster caretaker of 125, although he disliked 125 in various ways, he never thought about changing with others.

“Really—really?!” 125 raised his head and asked in surprise.

“If you change your personality and emotional system, are you still you?” Luo Xiaolou said fearfully. What did the owner of 125 think? If the organic armor waited for him for many years, he would be reluctant to change it anyway. Character.

125 raised his head suspiciously, “Of course it is me, my memory chip will always be stored, of course it is me.” It emphasized.

Luo Xiaolou rubbed 125’s head vigorously, “Well, you have always been you, but so be it, can you not upgrade in the future?”

125 flicked his tail unhappily, “In other respects, I have already been promoted.”

“Well, you are the best. You are the invincible, powerful and knowledgeable mecha with a large warehouse.” Luo Xiaolou said with a smile.

125 glanced at Luo Xiaolou, then suddenly ran over, hugged Luo Xiaolou’s neck with his short forelimbs, and said, “Actually, my former master loved me very much, really.”

“Ok, I know.”

After 125 finished his sentimentalism, he sat back to the original place unkindly. This time I was completely okay, and I felt confident again. He looked at Luo Xiaolou up and down a few times, “In fact, apart from your weakness and stupidity, there is nothing wrong with you.”

“…Don’t you think I am disappointed that I haven’t revived the alien beast family?” Luo Xiaolou also asked the question that he had always wanted to ask.

125 looked at Luo Xiaolou in confusion. After a while, he exaggeratedly said: “Can you? How dare I ask for that! As long as you rescue my previous master, he will be responsible for revitalizing the ancient and proud family of Alien Beasts! ”

“Then assume that I haven’t asked.” Luo Xiaolou began to study the box in his hand, full of black lines.

That was obviously a box to be opened with the source of consciousness. Luo Xiaolou tried to input the source of consciousness without much effort. The box opened in response. Luo Xiaolou was surprised to find that there were actually three space buttons inside.

“what is this?”

125, who was busy sorting out his own materials, glanced at it and said absently, “Oh, it’s the most basic biological mecha. It’s one level lower than the blueprint I gave you. It’s probably placed on it to confuse others.”

Luo Xiaolou laughed bitterly, even if it is something alien beasts use to confuse people, it is also a lot of help to humans now.

He picked up the three space buttons and walked out. When he was at the door, he found that Abel’s door was also open, and at the door, the person who was talking to Abel was actually Shao Rong.

Shao Rong is tactfully suggesting that Abel forcefully destroy the box, because it is impossible for Abel to open it.

Abel looked at Luo Xiaolou again with unconvinced eyes. When he saw what was in Luo Xiaolou’s hand, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Shao Rong smiled, not caring, Luo Xiaolou can of course open it, this is not Abel’s problem at all.

When Luo Xiaolou was about to walk to the hall, his head suddenly dizzy. He almost lay on the ground. He clearly slept well yesterday…

When the three space buttons were handed over to Yuan Xi, and it was expressed that there might be a biological mecha inside, Yuan Nuo, Luo Shaotian, Ling Xu and others in the hall were all pleasantly surprised.

Biological mechas have always been the mechas they want, or in other words, the mechas all mankind wants. The military has been researching, but the results have been minimal.

Captain Kent shook his hands with excitement after learning about their harvest, but he still strictly assured Yuan Xie that he would keep this secret.

In the afternoon, Abel finally delivered their things, a stone with a very strange shape and color.

The whole team of Yueshang failed to study and prepared to bring back the Imperial Capital Terens to the military headquarters.

That night, they finally reached the side of the meteorite belt again.

Yuan Xian also asked for a night’s rest. Luo Xiaolou has been dizzy recently and is even more supportive.

Early the next morning, they challenged the dangerous meteorite belt again with their fullest mental state.

The barrier-free access that Locke said was only in a fixed place at a fixed time. When Locke caught up at that time, they naturally could only continue to challenge themselves.

This time, they still passed through without any risk, and after one time, with psychological preparation, the actions of several people were already much better.

The difference is that Luo Xiaolou was dizzy for two days and one night.

Yuan Xi, with his red eyes, stayed by his side until he woke up and the doctor on the boat packed the ticket Luo Xiaolou was fine, and he was willing to sleep.

After arriving at Trance, Luo Xiaolou and Yuan Xi both started to become beaming, and they were really going to have a wedding.

When everyone disembarked, Abel passed by Luo Xiaolou, and when the others were far away, Abel whispered, “I won’t lose again when we meet again.”

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