Mecha S*ave Contract

Chapter 175

Chapter 174 punishment

What a pig-like teammate! Luo Xiaolou looked at 125 who was stunned next to him with sorrow, and hugged Yuan Xi’s arm with his trembling paws. God, I’m going to be strangled to death!

Luo Xiaolou tried his best to look at Yuan Xi with pleading eyes, his eyes floating with a layer of rippling water because they stared for too long.

Yuan Xi looked intently, crying, and he cried again! It feels like… a strange sense of refreshment.

After observing contentedly for a while, Yuanxi sullenly said sullenly: “It seems that you always have the idea of ​​running away, even if it is because you know that you are guilty, it makes me very upset. You have repeatedly challenged me. Your patience is at the limit. So, I think you should be punished deeply enough, what do you think?”

I don’t think it is necessary! Luo Xiaolou didn’t have time to express his thoughts—of course, he wouldn’t listen to him even if he expressed Yuanxi, anyway, he didn’t understand—so Yuanxi put him on his lap.

“Come on, put one of your hands in my hand… Hurry, you know I don’t accept rejection… That’s right. Now, my dear, pose as I said, depending on how soft your body is now , You can definitely do it.” Yuan Xi said with a kind and perfect smile to Luo Xiaolou kindly.

Later, Yuan Xi held Luo Xiaolou’s paw on his palm to prevent him from escaping and struggling, and with the other hand turned on the video recording function of his communicator.

This is definitely an insult to animals! Cruelty-no, it’s an indecent animal!

Luo Xiaolou, who was instructed to pose in this way, almost really started to cry!

“No… this posture is not tempting enough, can’t you think about how you pose when you are in bed, yes, lie down, cross your legs, and raise your upper body a little, come on, give you fingers, lick… …” With a bad smile on his face, Yuan Xi gently pushed the animal on his knees down, then assisted him to pose and started to let him lick his fingers.

Seeing the soft little red tongue sliding on my fingers, with the kind of roughness that is unique to animals licking fur, I squinted my eyes slightly, and I can feel the little girl who accidentally touches my fingers and quickly retracts. Fang, it’s so comfortable. When Luo Xiaolou makes mistakes in the future, let him beg him like that…

Yuan Xi felt that even the depression caused by the sharp decline in ability in the past few days seemed to have alleviated a lot, and it was right to decompress at the right time.

“Listen, you obediently come back with me to confess your guilt, maybe I will adopt you kindly, anyway, I don’t care about having an extra pet. However, if you dare to run away again, I will definitely play this wonderful video in a loop throughout the universe. . Do you understand? Nod if you understand.”

Luo Xiaolou really cried, God, there must not be such a day, he can’t afford to lose this person!

125 can’t bear to look at it anymore. It retracts itself into the corner as much as possible, for fear that the original whim will do the same to it-it will be laughed at by all alien mechas!

After the tossing, Yuan Xi also stopped, and he took out a nutrient pill and stuffed it into Luo Xiaolou’s mouth.

Luo Xiaolou stretched out his neck with difficulty, and stepped back.

125 hurried over and handed over a bottle of water. Yuan Xian gave Luo Xiaolou a disgusting look. He was too stupid to choke. Yuan used to have no doubt that his actions would also cause this consequence, so he poured two sips of water on Luo Xiaolou.

After Luo Xiaolou struggled to swallow the nutritional pills, Yuan Xi followed his hair twice before looking at 125, and motioned to 125 to hand over all the drinking water with his eyes.

125 worked for a long time, only took out a box of drinks, and explained in a low voice: “I was too rushed when I left, and the water hadn’t had time to prepare. These are all leftovers before.”

Yuan Xi didn’t have much hope for the domestic robot. He put away the box, took a nutrient pill, and drank a bottle of water. Then he drew a site for Luo Xiaolou and 125 to keep them honest. , Walked in by yourself.

Mice are gregarious animals, but this mutant squirrel is not. Because of the powerful body, they can feed on their own. However, most squirrels like to live in the cave underneath, and this cave leading to the ground becomes their best habitat.

In the old days, he walked to the deep cave, and he led a squirrel out without much effort. Now he can’t deal with two at the same time.

Luo Xiaolou, who had originally cursed Yuan Xi in the corner, had forgotten his original intention when Yuan Xi led the squirrel out and stared nervously at the center of the field.

How he dealt with the first squirrel in the past, he didn’t have the opportunity to look closely, but now he can see clearly, and at the same time he can’t help but raise his heart.

In Luo Xiaolou’s impression, Yuan Xi was always very powerful, so powerful that he could not see the movements of Yuan Xi when he shot. And every move and every style are concise and effective, all of which are killer moves to control the enemy.

But now, those moves are no longer suitable for this weak body. In the past, there is only experience, the experience of the enemy, the sensitive smell of danger.

He had to slowly adjust the moves and movements suitable for him in the attack of the squirrel, and then look for the weakness of the squirrel.

And to deal with such an enemy who looked weak and far inferior to his own, and was unable to fight for a long time, the squirrel gradually began to be frizzy. Fierce light shot from its blood-red eyes, moving faster and faster, with a fierce wind on the tip of its claws.

The original gradually began to feel embarrassed, and the clothes would occasionally be scratched by the squirrel’s paws. His current strength and speed are not as good as that of the squirrel, and the black sword in his hand is the only thing that can make the squirrel fearful. Almost every few seconds will encounter extremely dangerous situations, Luo Xiaolou and 125’s eyes are a little straight.

This squirrel also wanted to fight Luo Xiaolou and 125’s idea, but every time he was restrained by the original, when the squirrel diverted his attention again, the black sword left a scar on the squirrel. The squirrel was completely angry and turned into anger, cheering up to deal with the past.

The clothes on the original body are getting worse and worse. Correspondingly, the wounds on the squirrel’s body are getting more and more. One of them is even near the neck, and the gray hair is gradually smeared with blood. Yuan Xi was also injured. Luo Xiaolou watched distressedly and restlessly. He rarely saw Yuan Xi injured.

Yuan Xi can be said to have maintained an invincible image in his eyes, even when the asteroid dealt with the mutant seventh-level insect beast, he was equally embarrassed, but at least Yuan Xi was not injured.

By the way, there was still Yunxiao at that time. Luo Xiaolou was taken aback and found another problem. He didn’t use a gun before.

Luo Xiaolou pulled 125, “Give me a particle gun.”

125. Close to his foster caretaker-as if Luo Xiaolou could protect it, he stared at a person and a mouse in the middle of the field, and said: “It’s useless. I know why Yuan used to not drive the sky or use a particle gun. Is it? Affected by the special environment here, the energy box does not work here, in other words, it plays a very small role. Therefore, your protective cover can only be shaped now, which is better than nothing. Moreover, the people here No guns, but local weapons.”

Luo Xiaolou was taken aback, thinking for a while and asking, “Like the Lingxiao weapon we encountered on the first day?” A sword with a blue flame.

125 nodded, “Well, besides, his sword is different from Li Jie’s ordinary weapons. It has energy fluctuations. As for the kind of energy, we can only analyze it when we have more detailed information.”

Luo Xiaolou sighed, then his eyes widened again: “Wait, the energy box can’t be used, aren’t you completely useless now?”

125 was dumbfounded, and stammer yelled, “Also-can’t say that! At least I have provided my collection, and I can also prepare potions for the original—-”

“I mean, in terms of combat.” Luo Xiaolou interrupted 125, he was just considering whether he could help the original in the battle.

125 stopped, and with that surprised look, even Luo Xiaolou was a little worried for it that it would crash because of this. 125 kept the power on firmly, and whimpered: “You can’t despise me, I, I can chat with you, in the old days when fighting. He will protect us!”

…125 Don’t you always claim to be an arrogant alien mecha? How can you expect a human to protect you?

Luo Xiaolou turned his head silently, no longer paying attention to the false cry 125, staring at Yuanxi and the squirrel worriedly, Yuanxi’s wounds seem to be getting more and more…

The injured squirrel’s movements became more and more sluggish from the initial mania to the final exhaustion, coupled with excessive blood loss.

Yuan used to maintain the same speed unhurriedly, as if he didn’t feel any injuries on his body.

Finally, when the squirrel realized that something was wrong and was about to escape, Yuan Xi was pierced into the back of the neck with a black sword. The squirrel hissed and slowly lay down on the ground.

Yuan Xi panted and looked back at Luo Xiaolou and 125 in the corner who were “relying on him to protect”. Seeing that they were all right, he leaned on the rock wall and took out a bottle to drink.

Luo Xiaolou asked 125 for a therapeutic device and healing medicine. The therapeutic device can do little, but it is better than nothing.

Yuan Xi looked down for two seconds while pulling his trouser legs in Luo Xiaolou, and finally sat down in obedience to Luo Xiaolou’s instructions, closed his eyes against the stone, and Ren Luo Xiaolou was busy up and down his whole body.

In order to show that he was not completely useless, he stood beside him graciously and handed things to Luo Xiaolou.

Although Yuanyuan did not suffer serious injuries, there were many wounds. The wound medicine quickly stopped the bleeding, but the wound was still there and the pain was certain.

After the therapeutic device swept one side, the wound healed slightly, but the effect was not obvious.

Luo Xiaolou looked up at Yuan Xi for a while, and judged that Yuan Xi hadn’t just stored up his energy, or was not tired, he just kept insisting.

“Should we go back? It’s already two o’clock in the afternoon.” Luo Xiaolou wrote in Yuan Xi’s hand.

Yuan Xi still closed his eyes. When Luo Xiaolou thought he was asleep, Yuan Xi said: “There is still time, kill one more and leave.”

“However, this is very dangerous, and your physical strength is exhausted too much.” Luo Xiaolou wrote again.

Yuan Xi opened his eyes, tugged at Liao Xiaolou’s ears, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, “…My previous training is also like this. Only battles related to life and death can improve the fastest. If you show cowardice, you will only Die faster. On the contrary, after each fatal crisis, new experience will be accumulated. Only by accumulating in this way will the ability improve. Although my physique is very bad now, I will become stronger. Only when we become stronger can we become stronger. Hope to leave.”

Luo Xiaolou trembled his ears, a little unhappy. What Yuan said was not wrong. Even if they had a spaceship now, they had to find a way to get the energy stone before they could leave, and the energy stone could only be obtained when the original became stronger.

After resting for more than ten minutes, Yuanxi stood up and moved around, then walked inside.

This time it was a bigger squirrel, but as Yuan Xi said, after a little experience, even if the squirrel has a lot of advantages, there is no way to take the original. Yuan Xi knew the weakness of the squirrel, and he was more able to deal with it. After an hour, the squirrel also lay on the ground.

Yuan Xi glanced at the time, it was four o’clock in the afternoon, he received the three squirrel corpses into the space button, and then left the cave with Luo Xiaolou.

On the way back, they met many people returning to the city. Seeing the original with empty hands and broken clothes, but holding a pet, although people did not approach, many people showed contemptuous expressions on their faces.

This young man can’t clearly see the situation. It’s hard to feed himself, so he still needs pets?

Compared with Luo Xiaolou’s anxiety, Yuan Xian didn’t care about other people’s opinions at all. On the contrary, he was more accustomed to others caring about him. When we went back, Li Jie and Xiao Qiao had already returned. Because the assessment for entering Zone D was approaching, the two of them went to the mountain together, and the harvest this time was not bad.

Yuanxi took out the three squirrel corpses and sent them to Li Jie. Li Jie said that the animals and plants here are fierce and not easy to kill. Many people even go in teams, and the carcasses of animals and plants can be exchanged for money or daily necessities.

“Give it back to you, yesterday and today’s food.” Yuan Xi said.

Li Jie was stunned, and then he laughed, “You killed it all by yourself? It’s a good harvest. I don’t need so many, just one is enough.”

Yuanyi thought for a while and said, “The rest, I will exchange drinking water with you.”

Li Jie readily agreed, “Okay, I’ll deliver it to you in a while. It just so happens that we are going to the trading market tomorrow. If your squirrel has too many wounds, you can sell it for more money. Those rich people in the high-end districts I like squirrel skin, which is warm and strong. You can actually go on your own, maybe you can sell it for a good price.”

Yuan Xi shook his head, turned and left.

Li Jie knew that Yuan Xi was not a person who cared about these small profits at first glance, and did not persuade him much, but asked Xiao Qiao to send two boxes of clean drinking water to Yuan Xi’s house.

Xiao Qiao came out and asked Li Jie secretly: “Brother, he doesn’t seem to be so useless. You said, will he enter Zone D with us in three days?”

Li Jie shook his head, “This is really bad. I don’t know how he came back safely. Those rascals who stared at others every day didn’t steal his things, but even if he really had the energy stone, could he? Keeping it is one thing.”

Originally, he didn’t think so much, but that night he hurriedly used a box of water to help Luo Xiaolou take a bath and wiped it at will. Looking at Luo Xiaolou, who was shivering because Mao Quan was soggy, Yuan used to be even more dissatisfied with being served by others to being served by others.

Luo Xiaolou was also upset—it was a terrible disaster to let Yuanxi take a bath. He began to think about restoring his mental strength, and let 125 prepare the materials and prepare to practice tomorrow.

The next morning, although there was nothing to buy or sell, Yuan Xie sacrificed all morning to go to the trading market. Between the outer zone and the D zone, most people in the D and C zones came to buy something fresh or cheap. s things.

After not taking a few steps, Yuan Xi stopped abruptly, and Luo Xiaolou poked his head out and found that Ling Xiao, who he met on the first day, was standing not far away.

Yuanxi stood for a full minute, then suddenly turned and walked back.

Luo Xiaolou glanced at Yuan Xi in surprise. Ling Xiao didn’t look here. What happened to Yuan Xi?

Yuanxi didn’t stay anymore. He walked directly to yesterday’s cave. Luo Xiaolou could feel Yuanxi’s breathing disorder and his body was severely stiff.

When approaching the cave, Yuan Xi suddenly said: “Luo Xiaolou, we may not only have to enter Zone D, I’m going to see Zone A. That person, a person next to Ling Xiao just now, has a necklace on his body. mark.”

Luo Xiaolou moved, Yuan Xi took a deep breath and said, “The mark is my brother’s name, written in ancient characters.”

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