Mecha S*ave Contract

Chapter 199

Chapter 198 return

By the bed, Yuan Xian watched the 125 debugging those instruments intently, and raised his eyes after a little rattle. The 125 dared to be angry and dare not speak, as the most noble and outstanding mecha in the universe-at least one of it. He is now doing the work that the spacecraft medical team or nurses should do lightly. Yuan Che on the bed breathed smoothly and fell asleep quietly.

Luo Xiaolou withdrew his eyes almost sourly in his heart, what a touching brotherhood, he only hoped that Yuan Che would not transfer his hatred of the alien beast to him after he was sober. While praying, Luo Xiaolou turned his head, and then saw Luo Shaotian looking at him thoughtfully.

Luo Xiaolou looked at Luo Shaotian suspiciously. What, what happened?

“…Is there anything to envy?” Luo Shaotian muttered.

Luo Xiaolou suddenly became embarrassed, he didn’t mean to envy him at all! Luo Xiaolou coughed and started to change the subject. After many contacts, he had a better impression of Luo Shaotian. So standing together like this, he was happy to talk to Luo Shaotian.

“By the way, gray holes have a great impact on the human body, why do you seem to be unaffected?” Luo Xiaolou asked.

Luo Shaotian shook his head and took out the silver weapon he carried with him. “It cannot be said that it will not be affected. It will not be affected within a short time. Master Yan took the time to modify the battleship, taking into account the situation in the gray hole. The inside of this weapon The device I carry can protect me from the rays inside the gray hole within a week.”

“Then-how many days have you been in?” Luo Xiaolou asked worriedly.

Luo Shaotian glanced at him, with an unobvious brisk tone in his tone, “I searched for three days, and it was the fourth day when I saw you.”

Luo Xiaolou nodded, and asked about the time outside. He was surprised to find that after more than half a year in the gray cave, only a month had passed outside, but this way was much better than Yuan Che’s staying inside for a thousand years before he was found. Up.

The time ratio is wrong, but the position, shape or other factors of the gray hole have changed, and the time ratio between the inside and outside is not necessarily static.

“Then, what’s the situation outside this month?” Luo Xiaolou asked. He and Yuan Xi have been missing for a month. I don’t know what’s going on outside. The wedding between him and Yuan Xi should count…

Luo Shaotian frowned, “I’ll know when I go out. Be mentally prepared. It’s more serious than you can imagine. Since you were kidnapped, many things have happened.”

Luo Xiaolou moved in his heart, hijacking? Is this an external statement? He couldn’t help but glanced at Yuan Xi over there. It seemed that Yuan Xi had already paved the way when he was hunting him down. He cared more about their marriage than on the surface.

At this moment, there were a few small screams from the other side. It was Xiao Qiao and Ds. They had never been on a spaceship before, and they were looking around curiously.

Seeing the two looking at him with panic and asking for help, Luo Xiaolou greeted Luo Shaotian and walked over.

Luo Shaotian leaned against the table, he was also curious, but did not move. Master Yan, as the veteran of the empire, joined forces with the Hebrew master and a few friends to make a battleship that can only go back and forth to the gray hole once.

However, Luo Xiaolou and the others seem to have tools that can travel through the gray hole. Based on this alone, no one will move Luo Xiaolou after going out, at least Master Yan and the Mecha Manufacturing Department of the military will not agree.

As for the other things, the Federation and the Empire, they should have been worried about before, and Luo Shaotian snorted, two idiots of the Jin family, why did he mention it?

It’s not just Xiao Qiao and Ds who are curious, except for those masters and temple knights who must ensure that two guards are guarded by Yuan Che every day. Most people come to Luo Xiaolou to explain to them this advanced passenger vehicle that can fly. In the future, they will live in a completely different world, but the masters in these gray caves are not very worried. Anyway, as long as they can ensure the safety of Yuan Che, it is enough.

After nearly a day, the spacecraft suddenly shook violently, and then everyone saw a flower. There was no turbid air mass and light in front of them. Outside the transparent bulkhead, the dark night sky was full of beautiful light belonging to stars.

“We are finally out.” Luo Xiaolou murmured, for this day, he and Yuan Xi made great efforts.

Soon, three other spaceships appeared around them, two of which belonged to the military department, and the other one belonged to the royal family.

Their spacecraft received a contact request and appeared in such a sensitive area. They couldn’t move without accepting it.

As the only driver and repairman, or emergency gunner, Luo Xiaolou walked to the command room. Faster than him, it was Yuan Xi who was finally willing to stand up.

Through the application, Yuan Xi just said that we are back. Excited cheers have erupted from the other side, and some people have even choked up.

“His Royal Highness! You are finally back! Are you and… Your Royal Highness okay? In addition, Major Luo Shaotian went in to find you and Your Royal Highness! You…” Rod rushed to the front, talking incoherently with excitement, God knows, he He has not dared to say how much psychological pressure he has endured in recent days, even his father.

“Of course, we are all fine. I met Luo Shaotian. He was on the spaceship. We also brought back another surprise. Now, we have to go back to the palace first.” Yuan Xi said calmly.

Rod seems to be planning to say something, but he was dragged aside by someone. An old man appeared on the screen. He roared angrily: “Where is my apprentice?! Let him come over! Your Highness, he is talking to you.” He was kidnapped at his wedding. I have to say that this is really not what a qualified husband can show. I am very worried about his safety and happiness in the future.”

Rod’s eyelids twitched. This grumpy and domineering old man has been guarding this spaceship for more than ten days, and he can’t handle him at all! But I can’t tell the truth, now something happened!

God, questioning the prince’s ability face to face, this is too exaggerated, even as the master of the prince and concubine, the master of the empire is the same-the key is kidnapping or something, it is basically your apprentice’s own business, this old man who protects shortcomings is really impossible. Reasoning.

There was no tangled look on Yuan’s face. He just nodded and greeted Master Yan before calmly saying: “This matter is my negligence, but he is safe now, and , I will protect him in the future, so don’t worry.”

At this time, Luo Xiaolou had already leaned over and said excitedly: “Master, I’m fine, but unfortunately, there is no way to contact your old man in it, which makes you worry. Also, this, it’s nothing to do with the original. My own question.”

Master Yan looked at Luo Xiaolou up and down, snorted, and said sarcastically: “Okay, you don’t need to find a reason for him. He should be responsible for your safety. Do you want you to be a mecha maker to protect mechas? Warrior? If that’s the case, our mecha maker can conquer the universe.”

With regard to the last sentence, Rod Heart felt sad. His Royal Highness does not need to conquer the universe, it is enough for him to conquer His Royal Highness. And His Royal Highness, will send the universe to him.

“Okay, since you are okay, come and report soon.” Abandoning this sentence, Master Yan simply turned around and left, not intending to give His Royal Highness a chance to explain.

Yuan Xi didn’t intend to explain at all. He just glanced at Luo Xiaolou, thinking of the neat movements of the dark blue mecha when he escaped, and Yuan Xi’s face was a bit ugly.

After closing the communication, the spacecraft returned to the imperial capital under the protection of many warships and landed directly in the palace. At the same time, this great news has spread throughout the empire in the shortest possible time.

The door of the spaceship opened and Yuanxi walked down first. Outside, Feng Jialing and Yuannuo were waiting for them.

Yuanxi walked over and said to Feng Jialing: “Mother, I’m sorry, I will save people before I can tell you. However, I will bring you a surprise.”

Feng Jialing glanced at the younger son, and then fell on Luo Xiaolou who walked down afterwards, and Luo Xiaolou was still supporting a person.

Soon, the guards of the palace were shocked to find that the person Luo Xiaolou was supporting, except that his face was pale and tender, was exactly the same as the Hall of Feng Jialing.

Yuan Che also looked up at Feng Jialing, and finally showed a smile, walked over slowly, and hugged Feng Jialing.

There was another silence, and the attendants looked at them in disbelief. Even His Highness Yuan Yuan would not easily do this kind of thing.

“Mother, I’m back.” Yuan Che said.

“I’m glad you can come back. I believe your father is the same. You can see him tomorrow. In these years, no one dared to mention you in front of your father.” Feng Jialing said.

The voices of both people were calm, but Yuan used to know that the two family members were actually very excited.

Yuan Xi told Feng Jialing that Yuan Che must be treated immediately. Feng Jialing nodded and supported Yuan Che, and at the same time asked Mr. Steward to make arrangements immediately.

Then, Feng Jialing looked at Luo Xiaolou, stretched out his hand and patted him on the head, smiled and said, “It’s great that you can come back.”

Luo Xiaolou’s heart was hot. In addition to Yuan Xi and Master Yan, there may also be Luo Shaotian. He finally felt a touch of family feeling.

Yuan Che walked inside and talked to Feng Jialing about the guard behind him, and someone immediately went over to arrange the accommodation for Ling Xiao, Yinuo and the others.

Settling down Yuanche, Feng Jialing, Yuanxi, Luo Xiaolou and Yuannuo sat in the small living room, Yuanxi told them about entering the gray cave, except for concealing the identity of Luo Xiaolou.

After Feng Jialing inquired a few words, he also did not pursue the mysteriously missing kidnapper. Even so, Luo Xiaolou, who was sitting next to Yuan Xi, still felt a little uneasy. Yuan Xi stretched out his hand and held Luo Xiaolou’s hand.

“How is it outside?” Yuan Xi asked.

Yuannuo quickly looked at Feng Jialing, whose expression had not changed, and said, “Brother, it’s pretty bad, Yueshang has left.”

Yuan Xi narrowed his eyes and gave a hmm.

“To make matters worse, he took almost half of the planet and reorganized the federation.”

When this sentence came out, even Yuanyuan was taken aback, “Mother, half more than expected?”

Feng Jialing gave a hum, and picked up the black tea, “Well, some of them are probably coerced, but most of them are willing. There may be other reasons.”

“The two of us know this, but your father doesn’t know it. I think he must have received a lot of shock. Fortunately, he will be back tomorrow.” Feng Jialing said with a slight smile.

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