Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 119: People from the shelter

Steel chariot.

The locomotives returned one after another, and the news of the victory of the steel tanks in the old city was passed on. The original lively steel tanks became even more lively.

Xie and Li were about to report the battle to Chief Ling You, but they were stopped at the door.

"You mean someone from the Black Steel Sanctuary is talking to the leader?"

Li and Scorpion looked at each other. The Black Steel Shelter has always been high above. Although the leader of Ling You is also related in the shelter, even if something happens, Ling You takes the initiative to report to the shelter. Very few people in the shelter send people to the steel chariot. In addition to the annual recruitment of personnel.

"There are still more than two months left before the recruitment. Could it be that this year's recruitment is ahead of schedule?" Li asked in a low voice.

"It's possible!" Scorpion nodded, "However, it is also possible that it came for the Star Energy Stone."

The scorpion frowned. If the other party really came for the star energy stone, it would be a bit troublesome. When the other party comes over at this time, it will definitely not represent the will of the shelter, it should only be the will of an individual in the shelter. This person will not exceed M4 or P4 at most.

If they want to take away the star energy stone, they may not be able to keep it here. The most important thing is that this kind of person who will shame for the star energy stone is usually not very generous, and they usually don't give a wait. The return of the price may even be for nothing.

This happened in the Lionheart Castle. The Lion King once acquired a rare and exotic metal. He originally wanted to give his children a chance to step into the black steel shelter, but the news leaked. M4, even at the expense of a piece of mechanical weapon, forced the Lion King to sell the alien metal.

"Relax, leader Lingyou is not comparable to the Lion King, even if the person is really M4 or P4, the other party may not dare to mess around." Scorpion whispered.

Li nodded, Ling You is not only powerful, but also stronger than the leaders of the other gathering points. The usual M4 or P4 is not enough to make her bow her head.

After the two waited for a few minutes, Luan suddenly ran over.

"Captain, Qi Yuan is back, he came back with the sickle, and he didn't carry any Star Energy Stone." Luan whispered.

Qi Yuan is back?

The sickle was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and relieved.

"Just come back!"

The news of the mysterious disappearance of the remaining Star Energy Stones has spread. There have been rumors about the whereabouts of the Star Energy Stones. Many people have secretly targeted Qi Yuan, if it hadn't been for Qi Yuan to show the power of the third-order peak. Combat strength, bring back No.1 and No.2, this kind of rumors will only become more violent.

If Qi Yuan leaves without saying goodbye, it will undoubtedly be true that he has stolen the remaining Star Energy Stones. Dozens of Star Energy Stones means a huge wealth, even if the two hunting teams of Spike and Thunder Scorpion join forces. Qi Yuan may not be able to protect the rumor.

Now Qi Yuan is back, and he doesn’t carry the star energy stones. This can at least dispel the suspicion of some people. Even if some people doubt, there will be no evidence. As long as Qi Yuan is not stupid enough to explode, these star energy stones Whereabouts, he will never sit on his head.

With the strength shown by Qi Yuan and the presence of himself and Scorpion, even if someone wants to pour dirty water on Qi Yuan's body, Qi Yuan can't help it.

"Where is Qi Yuan now?" Xie asked.

"It seems to have gone to Master Qu's laboratory." Luan whispered.

Hearing this, Li nodded.

"Let him stay in the composer's laboratory for a few days, and after the limelight has passed, take him to see the leader to see if he can get rid of the tricky baby on his body."

At this moment, Li and Luan saw a strange young man walk out of Lingyou's residence.

The two's expressions condensed, and there are very few people who are qualified to enter the residence of Ling You's leader, and even fewer people they don't know who enter it.

Although the two of them couldn't judge the strength of a person, they had all seen a Tier 4 ability person, so it was definitely not only Tier 3, but also a Tier 4 ability person at a glance.

"I just heard you talking about Qi Yuan?" The man said with a smile.

Li and Xie looked at each other, and couldn't help the shock in their hearts anymore.

He knows Qi Yuan!

This Tier 4 from Heigang Sanctuary actually knew Qi Yuan!

Thinking of Qi Yuan's various miracles, Li suddenly wondered whether Qi Yuan was originally a resident of the shelter, but he left the shelter for some reason.

Only this can explain why Qi Yuan is not enthusiastic about stepping into the shelter.

Feeling that I have touched the truth, another doubt arose in my heart.

What did he suddenly mention Qi Yuan for?

Did he come for Qi Yuan?

Li's thoughts turned sharply, and he soon realized that since someone mentioned Qi Yuan, the news of Qi Yuan must not be hidden from him, so he simply told the truth.

"Qi Yuan is in Qu Master's laboratory."

"Master Qu? That old man Qu Shanhai? Is he still alive?" The visitor smiled.

"All my life's hard work was stolen, and I didn't even die of anger. Qu Shanhai's nurturing skills really improved!"

Li and Xie were stunned when they heard it. These words seemed to reveal some secrets they never knew.

"I haven't seen an old thing like Qu Shanhai in a few years, so I'll lead the way, I'll go see him."

Li gave Xie a look, and then led the people away, while Xie quickly walked into Ling You's residence.

The young man walked and talked with Li, looking like he was dealing with him, and he didn't hide his origin. Li finally knew his identity.

As previously guessed, he is a Tier 4, but he is not a capable person, but a mechanic, and a Tier 4 mechanic from the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory!

His name is Su Li!

Although Su Li said he was going to see a composer, he was obviously more interested in Qi Yuan. He asked several questions about Qi Yuan along the way, and Li also told them one by one. Qi Yuan was obviously not malicious.

"You mean Qi Yuan killed a few Pinnacle Tier 3 last night?" Su Li couldn't believe her ears.

Li nodded and continued:

"Qi Yuan's strength is very strong, and his potential is unlimited. This time it is very possible to pass the sanctuary recruitment examination and step into the black steel sanctuary!"

"If what you said is true, then he is indeed very likely to pass the sanctuary assessment and recruitment assessment! This saves me a lot of trouble!" Su Li said to herself.

Su Li's self-talking didn't evade Li. After listening to Li, his heart trembled slightly. He just briefly tested it just now, but Su Li did not expect Su Li to reveal the information he wanted.

Judging from Su Li's self-talk, Qi Yuan does not seem to be an aboriginal in the shelter, otherwise he would not need to take the assessment path when he stepped into the shelter.

Soon the two came to the entrance of the composer's studio, and Li whispered:

"Master Qu has set up many traps in it. I'll go ahead and report it to avoid accidental injury!"

Su Li nodded lightly and motioned for Li to report. Although the trap here may not be a Tier 4 mechanic, he is not here to fight this time, and Qi Yuan can't expose it to some interested people now.

Soon Li walked back, with only one apprentice with him, Qu Shanhai did not come out to greet him, nor did Qi Yuan.

Su Li didn't care, and followed the apprentice who was greeted, all the way to the composer's laboratory.

Master Qu and Qi Yuan were both in the laboratory. After seeing Su Li's arrival, Master Qu didn't even lift his eyelids. He was still performing mechanical assembly there, as if he hadn't seen him.

Old man Qu is full of confidence! Qi Yuan said silently in his heart.

Ling You probably wouldn't be so arrogant in front of a Tier 4 mechanic, but Master Qu did just that.

Fortunately, Su Li didn't care about the attitude of the composer. He walked to the composer and directly stretched out his hand to press on the half-assembled machine.

I heard a clicking sound. The mechanical parts placed on the workbench seemed to be half alive. They floated around the machine and assembled automatically. The composer assembled for a long time, and only half of the machine was completed. Su Li shot it. After that, it took less than ten seconds to complete the assembly by itself.

Master Qu put down the tools in his hand and waited for Su Li fiercely.

"You kid, you know to make trouble every time you come over!"

Su Li was not upset, and said with a smile:

"Old man, why am I making trouble? I'm helping you!"

The composer snorted proudly, obviously not appreciative.

"Tan Qiu is now the critical period for promotion to the fourth-level researcher. Why are you running around if you are not guarding?" Qu Shi said.

Su Li smiled.

"Tan Qiu's promotion to Tier 4 has been settled, there will be no surprises, even if there is really any trouble, she can handle it by herself."

Su Li made a look.

"We haven't seen each other for so long. Find a quieter place to relive the past!"

Master Qu glanced at Su Li in surprise, then nodded and said:

"Go to my lounge."

Su Li followed Master Qu, Su Li's lips moved slightly, Master Qu frowned slightly, and then said to Qi Yuan:

"Qi Yuan, come here too, and meet Su Li first. If you enter the shelter in the future, you can ask him for help if you have any trouble."

Several apprentices heard this and cast envious glances at Qi Yuan at the same time. Qu Shi’s words meant that Qi Yuan would definitely step into the black steel shelter, and he had even begun to pave the way for his future life in the shelter. This kind of treatment is simply enviable to the separation of plasmoids!

Qi Yuan raised his brows, he knew that Qu Shi's words were just an excuse.

Although Su Li didn't say it clearly, he also vaguely guessed that Su Li came here this time, probably not to find a composer to talk about the past, but to come here to find himself.

After the three of them entered the lounge, Master Qu locked the door and turned on the anti-eavesdropping mode at the same time. Then he looked at the two of them and frowned and asked:

"You met before?"

Qi Yuan nodded.

"We met once in Blackstone Town."

Su Li looked at Qi Yuan with a smile.

"As you can see from your expression, you don't seem to want to see me!"

"Because you mean trouble! And it's a big trouble!" Qi Yuan said.

"You guessed it! Tan Qiu's evaluation of you is correct, you really are a smart person?" Su Li said.

I also want to know if Tan Qiu's evaluation of you is just two words-idiot! Qi Yuan couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

From the first meeting, this Su Li was not very smart. If she had to describe it, she was probably the one who was sold by Tanqiu and had to count the money for her.

"Let's talk about it, why did Tan Qiu ask you to come to me for?" Qi Yuan asked directly.

Su Li condensed her face and said solemnly: "You will be in trouble soon, the trouble from the Black Steel Shelter, to be precise, the trouble from a certain Tier 4 researcher in the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory! "

It really is a big trouble!

Qi Yuan's heart sank. The pit that Qiu dug before, finally had a problem. Once this pit is not handled well, he might really be caught in the laboratory and become a specimen for experimentation.

Master Qu's brows also frowned. Although Qi Yuan was somewhat strange, he was only a Tier 2 capable person after all.

Tier 4 researchers are already the absolute top in the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory. This kind of human research projects are mostly mechanics of the walker level, genetic warriors of the **** level, the awakened of the glory level, and the heart-eclipsing level. The polluter, or the insect beast of the elite rank, shouldn't have anything to do with a second-order ability person. These are completely two different worlds.

"Is there something wrong with Tanqiu's research project?" Qi Yuan frowned.

Su Li nodded, roughly explaining the cause of the trouble.

After obtaining those experimental samples from Qi Yuan, Tan Qiu didn’t have much hope in the first place. He just set up a small project, but he didn’t expect that in the follow-up research, this project had something unexpected. result.

It was this small project that directly promoted Tan Qiu's leap from a third-level researcher to a fourth-level researcher.

As the youngest fourth-level researcher, Tan Qiu’s rapid promotion naturally attracted the attention of many people. Another fourth-level researcher, Feng Qian, also focused on Tan Qiu. He used Tan Qiu to be promoted to the fourth-level researcher with unstable roots. Negligently, he stole the biological samples left over from Tan Qiu's project, and it seemed that he had researched something, so he began to secretly send someone to search for the source of those biological samples.

Qi Yuan's face became difficult to look. If it was ordinary trouble, he still had a way to deal with it, but facing a fourth-level researcher, he would be like a car. Once the opponent pursues him, his only end is to become the opponent. Of experimental specimens.

"It's him again!" The composer snorted coldly.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, this guy is still so deadly!"

Su Li nodded.

"At that time, Feng Qian stole your experimental results and was promoted to a formal researcher from a research assistant in the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory. No one would have thought that he could be promoted so fast. If it were not for Tan Qiu to break his record, he now He is still the fastest-promoted Level 4 researcher in the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory."

Qi Yuan glanced at Qu Master and felt as if he had eaten a big melon accidentally.

A high-ranking fourth-level researcher turned out to be based on the theft of the results of the song master's experiments, and has climbed to his current position!

If it wasn't for this melon that had already affected him, Qi Yuan would be willing to sit on a small bench and watch the show secretly!

"Is this kind of academic fraud allowed?" Qi Yuan asked.

If the order in the Black Steel Refuge is so chaotic, that would be the most terrifying thing.

In the vast territory ruled by the Black Steel Refuge, no one can disobey the will of the Black Steel Refuge.

If a Tier 4 researcher can break the rules of the game so recklessly, it is definitely not good news for him.

"Of course this kind of thing is forbidden!"

Su Li shook her head and explained:

"That incident also caused a lot of noise back Because there was no evidence, and Feng Gan was backed by someone, it finally didn't stop. Feng Qian also took advantage of the situation to get out of the whirlpool. After so many years, Feng He has never done anything out of the ordinary, and has always cherished his feathers, so this matter has also been forgotten."

"When Feng Qian used his own strength to climb to the position of the fourth-level researcher, those suspicions that were once naturally disappeared. No one would believe that a fourth-level researcher would steal the experimental results from the small laboratory at the gathering point! "

"Feng Qian's sudden action this time was also out of Tan Qiu's expectations. She didn't expect that Feng Qian would actually buy one of her laboratory assistants just to steal some remaining biological samples!"

"In fact, this matter is still a secret. Tan Qiu did not publicize it, because no one would believe that a fourth-level researcher would steal the remaining biological samples."

"That's because you don't understand Feng Qian!" The Qu master let out a cold snort, and then said.

"Feng Gan has a very strong purpose in doing things. He will take risks to do so. There must be his reasons. This event will definitely bring him more benefits than risks!"

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