Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 123: New ability

Qi Yuan told the composer the source of the berserker in his hand, and the composer seemed a little confused.

"This Berserker model has not been completely retired, how did the Venom get it?"

Although some mechanical weapons are occasionally smuggled out in the shelter, they are all retired or eliminated models. The active mechanical weapons have a corresponding number and are loaded with code locks, even those with mechanical weapons. The accidental death of the owner caused the mechanical weapon to fall into the wilderness, and the wilderness hunter who picked it up could not activate it. Therefore, no wilderness hunter has ever successfully controlled an active mechanical weapon.

Qu Shi tried to activate the Berserker in his hand, and found that as expected, the activation password was required, which made him even more puzzled.

With the ability of Venom, even if you get an active Berserker by fluke, it is impossible to obtain the activation code.

A mechanical weapon that cannot be activated is completely a piece of scrap iron. Of course, Venom will not load a piece of scrap iron on himself, so he must have mastered the activation code!

"Be careful, there may be someone behind this venom, otherwise he can't get the Berserker, you kill the venom, be careful to get revenge by the people behind him!" The composer reminded in a deep voice.

"I have enough troubles, but enough!"

Qi Yuan gave a wry smile. From Fenggan to Tanqiu, from Xu's family to the behind-the-scenes master of Venom, none of these troubles was easy to provoke.

If you can't become an official researcher in the biological and mechanical laboratory, you really have to go to Tan Qiu's laboratory to take refuge.

Compared to other troubles, it seems that Qiu will be a little safer, and there will be no danger to life.

"I'll try to crack the activation code of this Berserker first, you try to repair the supercomputer!" Qu Shi said.

Qi Yuan nodded.

In addition to the illusory and pocket check-in point in the supercomputer, in the blue area near the steel tank, several check-in points have been refreshed, but because of the existence of the monster girl, Qi Yuan did not dare to go out at will in a short time. Sign in, for fear of meeting that cannibal monster girl.

Although the man-eating monster girl has no sign of leaving the old city for the time being, no one can guarantee that this is a trap.

Qi Yuan decided to rest for a few days first, but because of the tight time, this rest time will not be very long. At least before the recruitment of the shelter begins, the sign-in must be completed. If the energy control can be raised to the second level, the subsequent entry into the laboratory is also possible. There will be more protection.

Depressing other thoughts, Qi Yuan began to turn his attention to the supercomputer.

Master Qu only glanced at Qi Yuan and shook his head silently. As a supercomputer produced by the shelter, there are no professional maintenance personnel. Not to mention repairing broken parts. Other people want to open the outer case covered by it. What can be done, a little carelessness will destroy the components inside.

Although Qi Yuan has a strong control over energy, he can't pass the test just by opening the outer case, otherwise he won't be helpless with this supercomputer for so many years.

Let Qi Yuan hit the wall in the maintenance of the supercomputer, just to let him study the design of the Berserker with peace of mind.

Qu Shi didn't expect that Qi Yuan simply checked the supercomputer, and even the auxiliary equipment was not used, and he started to repair it.

Seeing Qi Yuan preparing to disassemble the outer case of the supercomputer with his bare hands, Qu Shi couldn’t help but twitch. Although he had already prepared for the supercomputer to be repaired by Qi Yuan, he could see that he was ruining this machine carefully preserved by himself. The baby of many years can't help but want to stop it.

do not get excited!

If it's broken, it's broken!

It won't be used here!

Don't worry, let him fix it!

When he repairs it, he will completely give up!

Qu Shi secretly watched Qi Yuan's movements while silently comforting himself, but soon, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

Master Qu watched as Qi Yuan completely dismantled the outer case of the supercomputer with his bare hands, and did not even hear many high-decibel sounds!

The outer case, which requires professional maintenance personnel to disassemble, was just dismantled by bare hands?

How did Qi Yuan do it?

Could this be his confidence in proposing to repair the supercomputer?

Qu Shi has completely put down the manuscript and the Berserker in his hand, and fixed his gaze on Qi Yuan. If it is said that the possibility of Qi Yuan repairing the computer is zero, after removing the external case, the possibility is that It has risen to one. Although it is only a small improvement, it also means that it is impossible to make a possible leap.

Could he really fix this supercomputer?

An absurd idea emerged in Master Qu's mind, but he quickly suppressed the idea with a wry smile. Although disassembling the external case has never been possible, the possibility of successful repairs is still very low.

Qi Yuan carefully put the outer case in his hand aside.

Disassembling the outer case of a supercomputer is indeed a technical task, but with the powerful capabilities of area detection and steel self-healing to dissolve metal, this technical task has been simplified to simple disassembly and disassembly.

The inside of the supercomputer was clearly displayed, Qi Yuan cautiously touched the illusory and pocket sign-in beam, and the sign-in success prompt did not appear.

Qi Yuan frowned.

Do I need to repair the damaged area to complete the sign-in?

There are densely packed and innumerable components inside the supercomputer, and the damage is only a tiny component the size of a thumb.

How did the seal destroy this component?

As a sophisticated electronic instrument, supercomputers are indeed very simple to complete destruction, but since sealing can destroy one component, it can also destroy more components. Complete destruction can completely block the possibility of maintenance and can be sealed. He didn't do it, he only destroyed one, leaving a glimmer of hope for the composer, which made Qi Yuan feel a little weird.

Feng Qian clearly had the ability to kill Qu Shi, but he did not do so, only blocked his entrance to the shelter.

Feng Qianming could completely destroy this supercomputer, but he didn't do so either. He just destroyed a small component.

These details show that Fenggan's behavior is full of contradictions, like a lunatic.

But is Feng Qian a lunatic?

Obviously not.

Since Feng Qian can be promoted to Level 4 Research, it proves that he is not only a lunatic, but also a genius.

If these contradictory practices of sealing dry are not forced by helplessness, they have no deep meaning!

Qi Yuan let out a suffocating breath and began to observe the broken components.

Although it is only a thumb-sized component, there are tens of thousands of energy nodes in it. The complexity is no less than that of the original energy cube. If the area detection is not strong enough, Qi Yuan will not even count the energy nodes inside. .

After Qi Yuan removed the damaged components and counted all the energy nodes inside, the real problem that needed to be solved came-how to fix it!

At the beginning, the energy cube was able to be restored because the position of each energy node is fixed. You only need to push the disordered energy nodes step by step in the control mode to complete the task quickly, but the energy node of this element, There are no templates or standard drawings at all, Qi Yuan doesn't even know that those places are the energy nodes that have been destroyed.

Master Qu has come to the side for unknown time. He glanced at Qi Yuan with frowning brows, and slowly said:

"This component is the core computing component. Except for the designer and component maker, it is impossible for anyone else to get its core structure drawings. Without drawings, they can only try bit by bit to sort out the energy nodes. This is a huge project. If you have a supercomputer to assist you in sorting out, you may be able to quickly calculate the locations of these energy nodes, but if you only rely on ordinary computers, this time will be extended indefinitely, even in a hundred years."

In a hundred years!

That's really waiting until the flowers are all gone!

Qi Yuan couldn't help but spit out silently.

"Most of the energy nodes of this component are kept intact, and only a few are damaged. I can connect the energy nodes many times to test out the damaged places, which should save a lot of time!" Qi Yuan said.

"This method is theoretically feasible, but there is no way to actually hype." Qu Shi shook his head.

"Supercomputers are different from Doomsday Strikes and Decapitators. Because the energy nodes of weapons need to withstand huge amounts of energy, they are extremely stable and can withstand various kinds of mixed energy."

"This component in your hand is very sensitive to energy. The standard energy traffic intensity is 0.0005 to 0.0008 energy accuracy. If the input energy exceeds this intensity range, more energy nodes will be destroyed. If it is lower than this intensity range, it is fundamental Unable to hook up the energy node."

"More importantly, I don't know the energy attributes that this component can be adapted to. If the wrong energy attributes are selected, this component will be completely destroyed and the possibility of repairs will be lost."

Qi Yuan, who was checked in to drove the duck to the shelf, also scratched his head. The repair components looked simple, but they were actually very complicated.

The problem is that this component is already bound to the check-in point. If it cannot be repaired, the check-in point is probably wasted.

I can control it, and the energy accuracy shouldn't be a big problem. If I try a few more times, I can master this degree. It's just enough to destroy a few more energy nodes.

The real problem lies in the proper energy attributes. The only meaning of this thing is to force users of supercomputers to use their after-sales service, just like the old Apple phones. If you don’t go through official channels, don’t even think about repairing them. your phone!

The attributes of energy have no room for temptation at all, just like playing Contra, you only have one life, and you will die once you make a mistake, and you don’t even have the ability to save.

Qi Yuan thought hard that there are too many types of energy. If there is some kind of lucky ability in the mysterious realm, maybe you can try it, but this kind of ability obviously has nothing to do with him.

If a star energy stone is placed next to it, can it prevent the component from being completely destroyed by the wrong energy? Qi Yuan suddenly thought.

After thinking of the Star Energy Stone, Qi Yuan suddenly thought that he had absorbed a lot of energy from the Star Energy Stone. If he directly used the energy of the Star Energy Stone, could it be possible to completely avoid the destruction of the energy nodes.

Qi Yuan's mind became agile.

The characteristics of the Star Energy Stone means that it cannot form damage. It can be said to be the most gentle energy that other people cannot control, but for me, it is not a problem at all. Its only problem is expensive.

If the energy of the star energy stone can really complete the repair of this component, the wasted star energy stone may be enough to buy a brand new supercomputer.

Fortunately, the input energy intensity is very low, and the energy of these astral energy stones remaining in my body should be enough to repair this component.

Qi Yuan took a deep breath, directly activated the area detection and energy control, opened up the perspective of God, and prepared to repair the components.

Master Qu couldn't help clenching his fists. Qi Yuan's bold attempt required only a short moment to see the result. As long as there was a blaze, this element would be completely destroyed.

Although knowing that this kind of gambling attempt has a very low probability of success, the composer still expects the birth of a miracle. Qi Yuan always gives people an inexplicable sense of trust. It seems that he can always create miracles.

Since when did I begin to trust Qi Yuan so much that he could do miracles? The composer smelled himself silently.

From the decapitator? Or is it an energy cube? Or doomsday strike?

Unconsciously, Qi Yuan seems to have created many miracles, so am I so similar to him?

This time, can I still witness the birth of a miracle?

Qi Yuan carefully controlled the energy input of the Star Energy Stone into the broken components, and saw that the first complete energy node had not been burned, Qi Yuan knew that he was right.

If the maintenance of each component of each supercomputer requires a different key to open, the energy of the star energy stone is undoubtedly a master key, which can easily solve the problem left by the other party.

The energy of the star energy stone is unexpectedly easy to use. Those intact energy nodes are quickly lit, and more importantly, the pocket sign-in point, which is incomparably illusory, will be quickly lit up with the energy nodes. It became solid, and gradually became clear in Qi Yuan's consciousness.

According to this progress, UU reading www. may be able to complete the sign-in without completely repairing this component!

Master Qu has widened his eyes again, looking at the energy nodes that were lit up, he began to doubt whether Qi Yuan had the lucky ability of the mysterious domain, otherwise he would not be able to explain such a small probability event at all.

Finding the right energy attributes, the possibility of repairing success, from a moment of hopelessness to a very promising, Rao Yi Qu Master's disposition was a little excited.

Such a supercomputer can do too many things, and many projects that are forced to stop due to insufficient computing power will all be restarted because of it.

The new Berserker also has the possibility of confronting Feng Qian.

Qi Yuan suppressed the excitement in his heart and lit up the energy nodes little by little. When the left and right preserved energy nodes were lit, the sign-in beam of the original illusory pocket instantly turned into a flash of immersion into his body.

Qi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, because after completing the sign-in, the sign-in point did not become a talent point waiting to be allocated by him, but directly merged with the energy of the star energy stone in his body, and submerged in the talent tree, lighting up a brand new one. Tier 2 talent.

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