Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 140: Weird beast egg

Leaving the jungle, Qi Yuan continued to move towards the second sign-in point. All pathfinder insects were lost, and without the protection of shadow shuttle, Qi Yuan became more cautious.

Fortunately, the two of them had good luck. Soon after they left the jungle, they found a nest of insects and beasts again.

In front of the fourth-order blazing angels, the nest of insect-beasts without the fourth-order elite insect-beasts is just a container that takes everything and asks for it.

Soon, the Seraph once again dominated the ten third-order insects and beasts, sucking all the other insects and beasts inside into a pile of dry corpses.

With the recovery of strength, the number of insects and beasts that Seraph can control is also slowly increasing.

Qi Yuan originally wanted to try his mechanical dominance, whether he could control insects and beasts like Seraph, but no matter it was Tier 3, Tier 2, or Tier 1, he couldn't control it, and in the end he could only give up.

Driven by the Seraph, nine Tier 3 insect beasts acted as the pioneers of the path, sneaking all the way, while she herself was attached to a insect beast with a hard carapace, even Qi Yuan could not be named, carrying it. Qi Yuan ran wildly in the wilderness.

Qi Yuan sat on the hard back of the insect beast. Although its running speed was extremely fast, it was exceptionally stable. The only drawback was that the carapace was too hard, harder than the hard seat, and the ride comfort was too poor, which made people tolerate. Can't help but want to give a bad review!

When the hard shell beast ran at full strength, the hard carapace rubbed against each other, but it did not make much noise, as if it had noise reduction measures.

What interests Qi Yuan most is the four legs of the hard shell beetle.

The appearance of the hard shell beetle is like a giant Ahn'Qiraj beetle. Its legs are four sharp-ended curved limbs. This is a limb that completely violates the common sense of mechanics of the old age. When it runs, it does not even enter the ground. , The sharp ends of the arthropods can fly a few meters away with a single tap on the ground without even leaving any footprints.

Riding on the black Ahn'Qiraj Beetle, Qi Yuan quickly arrived at the second check-in point. Compared with the strange jungle of the previous check-in point, this check-in point seemed more dangerous.

This is a large underground insect beast nest, which is larger than any insect beast nest that Qi Yuan has encountered before. Except that there is no Tier 4 elite insect beast in it, the third-order insect beast has reached an astonishing 27. In addition, hundreds of first-order and second-order insects and beasts are mixed together, even if the fourth-order ability enters rashly, they will be surrounded and killed in the insect nest.

It is a pity that this group of insect beasts met the Seraph!

Seraph's ability, perfect tactics to restrain the worm sea, to wipe out such a huge worm nest is just a waste of time.

After Qi Yuan promised a ray of energy from the Astral Energy Stone to Seraph, Seraph controlled a group of insects and beasts and rushed into the insect's nest. Qi Yuan was outside the insect's nest, half leaning against the Ahn'Qiraj insects. On the back, waiting leisurely.

The angry roar of the insect beast came from underground, and soon, the light spot on the insect beast detector began to decrease rapidly.

The underground insect nest is in chaos. Although there are few invading enemies, there are more and more anti-water insects. The blazing angel is like an invisible ghost. Wherever it passes, the third-order insects keep betraying the insect nest. Began to attack his companion frantically.

The betrayed insects seemed to be endlessly killed, but the roaring insects became fewer and fewer, only the corpses increased. After half an hour, the roaring and fighting in the insect's nest finally subsided, and Qi Yuan rode on the black. Ahn'Qiraj worm, slowly walked into the cave.

In the huge worm nest, there are shriveled and shriveled corpses everywhere, and a strong smell of blood is lingering in the worm nest.

Perhaps because of absorbing too much blood, the blazing angel in the form of a little girl still looks cute and innocent, but Qi Yuan can still smell the **** smell in her body, and her hair has also changed. It became more and more scarlet as blood, as if from a blazing angel to a **** Mary.

The deepest part of the insect nest was empty like an underground palace. Seraphs stood among a pile of broken corpses. Eleven Tier 3 insect beasts with relatively intact bodies surrounded them neatly, half squatting on the ground, like A group of huskies waiting for the owner to feed.

After seeing Qi Yuan, Seraph immediately floated over, looking forward to her reward.

The eleven "huskies" turned their heads together, and stared at Qi Yuan with eyes of different sizes.

"Good job!"

Qi Yuan ignored the gaze of the "husky", rubbed the fleshy angel's hair, and then condensed a strand of energy from the astral energy stone.

Seraph held the energy, happily returned to being surrounded by the "huskies", and began to taste it slowly.

Qi Yuan looked around for a week, and only then discovered that in the cave, besides the corpses all over the floor, near the edge of the wall, there was also a circle of insect eggs of different sizes.

The white sign-in beam gently illuminates the insect eggs, as if they are hatching.

Qi Yuan jumped down the Ahn'Qiraj worm, touched the soft light beam with his right hand, and the second talent point formed in his body.

These eggs...

Qi Yuan roughly counted them. The number of these eggs was more than forty. Among these worm eggs, the larger ones were bigger than the millstones, and the smaller ones were only the size of a fist. It seemed like a special hatching room.

So many insects and beasts who lay eggs have put their eggs together!

Qi Yuan vaguely felt that something was wrong. Propagating offspring should be a very private matter for any race. If it is a beast of the same race, it may be possible to put the eggs together to hatch, but so It is a strange thing for the insects and beasts of many different races to put their eggs together.

Qi Yuan looked around for a week, using area detection to observe for a while, and sure enough, there was a clue that this pile of insects and beast eggs seemed to be nothing unusual, but inside, most of the vitality was already weak, and some insects and beast eggs were even completely death.

Only the egg of a fist-sized insect beast is extremely alive, and the rich vitality seems to have absorbed all the vitality of other insect eggs.

This insect's egg!

Qi Yuan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly realized that the sign-in point appeared in this pile of worm eggs, not accidentally, but because there was a problem with the worm eggs.

What kind of insect's egg is this?

Qi Yuan used the area detection to observe carefully for a while, but did not get the answer he wanted. In the core area of ​​the worm egg, there seemed to be an invisible force field, and the first-order area detection could not detect the situation inside.


If this insect's egg also belongs to this insect's nest, who put it here?

Those Tier 3 insect beasts would definitely not want their offspring to become absorbed nutrients, so the remaining insect beast eggs, certainly not belonging to the insect beasts in this insect nest, must be looted trophies from other places!

Among the eggs that have been plundered for life, there is no lack of Tier 3 insect eggs, so many insect eggs can be plundered just to hatch the eggs of the insect beast at this moment. This is an organized behavior.

Therefore, this Worm's Nest must have a leader!

Judging from the size of this worm nest, the leader of the worm nest is very likely to be an elite bug beast!

So, this is the egg of an elite insect beast?

Qi Yuan suddenly thought of Seraph.

The more powerful the species, the more energy it needs.

Seraph slept in the cultivation cabin for hundreds of years. In the end, Xu Kui and Xu Xiaoshuang helped her to collect a lot of energy before awakening her. What kind of monster hatched in this insect's beast egg is not yet known.

The more powerful the insect beast, the more fierce it is, even if it just hatches the larva, it is full of aggressiveness and will never be easily tamed.

I wonder if Seraph can control this unhatched worm egg?

Qi Yuan thought of it, and called Seraph over.

Seraph stared at the insect egg for a while, his eyes seemed a little curious, and he reached out and touched the insect egg.

The worm egg seemed to feel the threat, trembling slightly, and a powerful vitality beat like a heart.


Seraph's mouth suddenly dripped.

"This! It's delicious!" The Seraphim swallowed and said.

Qi Yuan suddenly felt a bit painful.

In the eyes of Seraph, there are only two things in this world, one is delicious! The other is not delicious!

"Try it, control it!" Qi Yuan said.

Seraph swallowed, obviously a little unwilling to give up this stuttering, but still did not dare to violate Qi Yuan's consciousness. She tried to control the life in the insect's egg, but unexpectedly failed.

The failure was not because it was uncontrollable, but because the control power required by this insect's beast egg was so powerful that it was unexpected.

Seraph frowned, and looked back at the eleven "huskies" sitting in rows and eating fruits. He selected the two most injured insects and released them from control. The other nine insects immediately swarmed forward. They share food.

Of the eleven "huskies" sitting in rows, only nine remained.

After releasing part of the spare control power, Seraph tried to try again. This time, Seraph and Insect Beast's Egg held a stalemate for nearly a minute, and finally completed the control.

Controlling such an unincubated life was even more difficult than controlling a Tier 3 insect beast. Qi Yuan vaguely realized that the insect beast inside might be more powerful than he thought.

While controlling the life in the insect's egg, Seraphim also seemed to have given up the idea of ​​eating it, and stopped drooling at it.

"It's coming out soon!" Seraph suddenly said.

As if to confirm the words of the Seraphim, the eggs of the insect beast jumped again.

Qi Yuan glanced at the eggs of the insect beast, then glanced at the corpse all over the floor, and said:

"Don't hatch here, take it away!"

Although the insects in this insect's nest are all dead, there is likely to be an elite insect leader here. If it finds that its eggs are controlled by people, it may be another fierce battle.

Seraph naturally did not question Qi Yuan's words. It walked up to a controlled insect beast, then stuffed the beating insect beast's egg into its mouth, and then watched it swallow it into its abdomen, then gently patted it. Clap your hands.

Qi Yuan and Seraph, with a group of controlled insects, hurriedly left the insects' nest, and rushed to the next sign-in point.

Qi Yuan rode the Ahn'Qiraj beetle, and Seraph rode the insect beast that swallowed the egg. The two walked side by side, other insects and beasts scattered around, acting as pathfinders.

Qi Yuan glanced at the two light groups that symbolized Tier 2 talent points. In less than a day, he harvested two Tier 2 talent points and an egg that was suspected of being the egg of an elite insect beast. It was a big harvest. .

Even if compared with the harvest in the old city, it is not inferior, and there are four sign-in points waiting for his sign-in behind.

Those are four powerful second-tier talent abilities, and perhaps there are doors leading to the third-tier.

Qi Yuan glanced at the hollow, seraphim who didn't know what he was thinking, and couldn't help sighing.

Although the amount of this investment in Seraphim's body is huge, the return it brings is also amazing.

If you don’t have the powerful strength of Seraph, let alone the follow-up check-in points, just this nest of worms and beasts with dozens of Tier 3 worms, and the weird man-eating jungle, are not places you can set foot in. You can kill yourself in minutes.

More than one thousand Tier 1 energy cores, in exchange for a loyal Tier 4 thug, is a steady and uncompromising deal.

When the sky was getting dark, Qi Yuan finally saw the third sign-in point. It was a sparkling lake. In the middle of the lake, a white light beam emitting a faint light floated quietly on the surface of the water.

Looking at the sign-in point close at hand but hard to touch, Qi Yuan couldn't help but vomit.

"First it was a cannibalistic jungle, and then it was a huge underground insect nest. Now I have a lake in the middle. Except for the sky, the location of the check-in point is really comprehensive.

The area of ​​the lake is not very large, but it is also not small, with dozens of acres.

If it’s just an ordinary lake, it’s not difficult to sign in. The problem is that the lake does not know how deep it is and how dangerous it is hidden inside.

Even standing next to the lake, the regional survey did not detect the depth of the lake. Looking down, only a piece of nothingness was seen, as if the bottom of the lake was a bottomless abyss.

With the idea of ​​trying, Qi Yuan asked Seraph to throw a Tier 3 insect beast down.

Puff! Puff!

The insect beast swam towards the middle of the lake with a lame swimming style. On the calm water surface, splashes of water were rippling, Qi Yuan stared at the insect beast in the lake until it swam out of the area detection range, suddenly A whirlpool appeared in the middle of the lake, and the beast that was swimming hard suddenly sank down, and then never surfaced.

Qi Yuan felt cold. With his eyesight, he didn't even see what happened just now. A Tier 3 insect beast disappeared without any struggle, leaving only a series of bubbles.

The rippling lake surface gradually calmed down, and the deep and nearly black water surface was like a monster with an open mouth, waiting for the next prey to be caught.

Seraph also looked at the water in a daze, with some doubts and anger in his eyes.

Does she know underwater monsters?

"What are you looking at?" Qi Yuan asked tentatively.

Seraph pointed to the calm lake and said angrily: "It robbed me of food!"

The corner of Qi Yuan's mouth twitched.

I shouldn't ask!

A little bit of time passed, and the light gradually dimmed. The dark night, which is extremely dangerous for people of ordinary ability, is not too dangerous for Qi Yuan at this moment. With Qi Yuan and Seraph’s current strength, those who will recover in the dark night Polluters are not inherently more dangerous than insects.

Facing the calm lake, Qi Yuan began to think about the countermeasures to sign in. The monsters in the lake can quietly drag away a Tier 3 insect beast, which means that there is at least one elite insect beast inside, even if it is a blazing angel. It is impossible to defeat an elite insect beast underwater, and given the size and depth of this lake, there may not be only an elite insect beast in it.

Darkness The insects returned to the insect’s nest, and polluters emerged from the ground. In addition to the human polluters, there are many pollutants in the wilderness. They are the masters of the night. .

After a while, Qi Yuan found an unusual place. During the day, no insects or beasts dared to approach the lake. At night, the polluting beasts did not mind the danger of the lake. They tried to hunt themselves beside the lake. There are those squatting insects.

Could it be that the monsters in the lake are as picky eaters as the blazing angels and do not eat polluting beasts?

Qi Yuan thought, and said to Seraph:

"Catch a few polluting beasts and throw them in!"

Although Seraph didn't know why, but in front of Qi Yuan, he followed kindness. The controlled insects and beasts quickly dispersed. After a while, they each came back with a struggling pollution beast in their mouths.

Puff! Puff!

Several polluting beasts were thrown back into the lake, and their survival instinct made them struggle.

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