Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 158: Secret of Tier 4

"There is no qualitative change in the abilities below Tier 4, but there is no qualitative change in one level. It is just an increase in strength. You have the ability to have multiple fighting domains. You should be very clear about this." Ling You said.

Qi Yuan nodded, his multiple abilities have been upgraded from Tier 1 to Tier 2, and there is indeed no essential change. This is the case with the power of steel, the area detection is like this, and the same is true for energy control.

"But the fourth-order ability is different!" Ling You said.

"Take the fighting domain as an example. There are first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier defenses, but it doesn't have a fourth-tier!"

"There is no Tier 4 in enhanced defense?" Qi Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

According to the strengthening route of the talent tree, he originally thought that these abilities of his could be strengthened from Tier 1 to Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, and even higher ranks, but Ling You actually said that there is no Tier 4 for strengthening defense.

Would it be the same with your own steel defense?

"It's not just to strengthen defenses, most of the low-level abilities, the third level is the peak, and it cannot be strengthened to the fourth level!"

"You mean, starting from Tier 4, what we need to face is another completely different ability system?" Qi Yuan asked.

"Yes, nor is it." Ling You said slowly.

"Fourth-order abilities are also divided into true fourth-order and pseudo-fourth-order. Some third-order abilities continue to be improved through special means, and it is indeed possible to touch the fourth-order threshold. This ability is generally called pseudo-fourth, but it is actually in the shelter. Many Tier 4 abilities are advanced to Tier 4 using this method. They are stronger than Tier 3, but weaker than Tier 4."

"In the Black Steel Shelter, the pseudo Tier 4 status is not even as strong as those of the powerful Pinnacle Tier 3."

"Compared to the pseudo fourth-order, the true fourth-order can be regarded as the real strong, because they have the core fourth-order ability! And they have the possibility of continuing to advance."

"Are Xu Yue and the wilderness hunter just now a fake Tier 4 or a real Tier 4?" Qi Yuan asked.

"They are all true Tier 4," Ling You said.

Really fourth order!

Qi Yuan raised his brows. He originally thought that the two were fake Tier 4, so he couldn't fight and couldn't escape. He didn't expect that both were actually Tier 4.

"What is their core Tier 4 ability?" Qi Yuan asked.

"The wilderness hunter who died in your hands, his core Tier 4 ability, should be a master of defense! As for Xu Yue, perhaps it is Wind Talk or Wind Control."

Qi Yuan's eyes gradually brightened, Master Defense! Wind whispers! Take control of the wind! The names of these abilities are obviously much higher than strengthening defense and strengthening power!

"If these core Tier 4 forces were not upgraded from Tier 3, how did they come into being?" Qi Yuan consciously brought in the role of the champion.

Ling You paused for a moment before giving the answer.

"The chimeric resonance of multiple pre-powers!"

Pre-capability! Chimera! resonance!

It turned out to be like this!

Qi Yuan suddenly enlightened.

This unexpected answer solved many mysteries in his mind.

After choosing steel defense, the gray **** of light on the talent tree that symbolized various talents were instantly less than half, and that choice had actually decided many things.

After the first choice was made, the promotion route was actually fixed, and those abilities that disappeared must be abilities that couldn't fit with steel defense.

Qi Yuan was still a little surprised at the beginning, why the talent tree would make its own claim and remove those abilities for himself. Now it seems that the talent tree has already paved the way for him to advance to Tier 4 at the very beginning.

Judging from all the signs, the way to advance to Tier 4 will no longer be the same as before. It will only be directly strengthened from Tier 3 abilities. It is very likely that it is the same as other abilities. Multiple low-level pre-powers resonate with each other. Finally, a brand-new fourth-order ability is formed.

Ling You continued: "Taking the defense master as an example, to build such a core ability, five pre-requisite abilities are required. They are Tier 3 defense enhancement, Tier 3 strength enhancement, Tier 3 speed enhancement, Tier 2 or Tier 3 parry. Revenge of Tier 2 or Tier 3!"

Qi Yuan frowned slightly, and Ling You's explanation made him finally know why there are so many Tier 3 hunters in the wilderness, but Tier 4 hunters are rare to see.

For most Tier 3 hunters, it is very difficult to gather five Tier 3 abilities, let alone five abilities that fit each other.

"For many well-informed wilderness hunters, they may know that they need multiple pre-powers to advance to Tier 4, but they certainly don’t know which pre-powers are compatible with each other to build a Tier 4 ability. Coupled with the Trial of Glory It takes a lot of energy and star energy stones, so unless you get help from the shelter, most Tier 3 wilderness hunters will not be able to advance to Tier 4 in their lifetime."

Qi Yuan nodded, the fourth step is a huge threshold, a threshold that almost completely separates the shelter from the wilderness.

"You have now stepped into the third stage. I tell you these things. I hope that you will not awaken those messy abilities. Everyone has a certain limit on the carrying capacity of the body. If you carry too many abilities that cannot be compatible with each other, you will It directly affects your future advancement."

"Most of the abilities of the sanctuary have already begun planning to advance to the fourth tier when they are in the first tier. They will choose those abilities that can resonate with each other to awaken, so that neither the body’s bearing capacity nor the awakening will be wasted. This lack of ability has caused it to be blocked from the fourth-tier threshold."

Qi Yuan reviewed his abilities. Most of them are straight steel men series. You can judge from the name alone. These abilities should be highly compatible with each other, but he is not sure that these abilities are enough to advance to Tier 4.

If you don’t get the news from Lingyou, wait until you have used up all the Tier 3 talents you signed in, and upgrade these Tier 2 abilities to Tier 3. Finally, after obtaining the pass to Tier 4, you find that you still lack something necessary. The third-order ability, unable to build the fourth-order ability, that is the real tragedy!

In addition to these, another problem is that his talents are obviously different from those of others, and the information on building Tier 4 abilities in the shelter may not be useful to him.

When it's time to advance to Tier 4, the talent tree boss should give me a hint! Qi Yuan thought of it silently.

Qi Yuan began to realize the value of the news that Ling You had revealed to him.

Not only can you avoid a lot of detours, but you can also step on a lot of thunder. Although the talent tree will definitely not point yourself to a dead end, you can make arrangements in advance and reduce a lot of trouble.

After suppressing the chaotic thoughts, Qi Yuan continued to ask:

"Since the conditions for promotion to Tier 4 are so demanding, are these pre-level abilities completely fixed and irreplaceable? In addition, since the core mid-level abilities are composed of multiple pre-level low-level abilities, different cores Ability, is there also a strong or weak point?"

Ling You suddenly laughed. From these questions of Qi Yuan, she felt Qi Yuan's confidence and ambition.

Only those who believe that they will inevitably step into Tier 4 and awaken their core Tier 4 abilities will care about these issues.

However, since Qi Yuan asked, Ling You would not hide it. She also wanted to know what Qi Yuan had the confidence to resist the pressure of Ke Shoulin and Feng Qian, and even dared to kill Ke Shoulin's black gloves without changing his face.

Qi Yuan's ability to quickly step into Tier 4 means that he has the talent to step into Tier 4, and if he can really step into Tier 4, he might be qualified to be his friend.

Winning a Tier 3 Qi Yuan is far easier than drawing a Tier 4 Qi Yuan.

"The pre-capability of core mid-level abilities is not fixed. It protects all the many ability maps. They are just the rules summarized by the pioneers who have successfully promoted in the process of many years of exploration. The construction of core abilities is risky and random. Replacing the pre-existing ability will greatly increase this danger. Behind every ability map, there are many corpses of losers, so unless necessary, never replace the pre-existing ability at will when you advance to Tier 4. The shelter will be blocked. These maps are also based on this reason. The higher the level of ability, the more precious the corresponding ability map, even if it is inside the shelter, it needs enough contribution points to redeem."

"As for the strength of the ability, there will indeed be some differences."

"Generally speaking, the more and stronger the pre-capacity, the stronger the core competence will be built at the end, but this law is not absolute. There are other factors that can also affect the strength of the core competence, such as the physical strength of the capable person. Basic strength, such as the degree of fit between abilities, different core abilities will have strengths and weaknesses, and the same ability will also have strengths and weaknesses in different people."

"The promotion method after the fourth level of the ability is also different from that of the low-level. Normally, you can advance to the fourth level by awakening one core ability, and when you awaken the second one, you will be promoted to the fifth level. Promote to Tier 6, as for the higher Tier 7, that is another level!"

Qi Yuan's heart moved, my basic abilities almost suppressed other people's ranks, which means that the core abilities they build will also be stronger, and my abilities are also quite a lot. If it is really as Ling You said, I will enter the fourth. After Tier 4, my strength will inevitably have an advantage in Tier 4.

In addition, since Tier 4 has only one core ability, is there only one sign-in point for Tier 4?


Ling You was talking about the usual, that is to say, there will be exceptions. If I have two core abilities in Tier 4, then I am Tier 4? Is it Tier 5?

Ling You's words opened an invisible door to Qi Yuan, and he learned about the secrets related to middle-level abilities that many wilderness hunters would never have access to.

In addition to the news of these core abilities, Qi Yuan also keenly captured another piece of information from Ling You's words—contribution points!

The paper currency issued by the Gate of Truth circulates in the wilderness. Various news shows that these paper currency also have a certain purchasing power inside the shelter, but when it comes to those important and key things, there seems to be another independent set of currency inside the shelter. System-contribution point.

I just don't know whether these contribution points are whether each shelter is independent of each other, or whether the giants such as the Gate of Truth, Doomsday Arms, Theological Society, and Flesh Alliance are independent of each other.

The conversation this time gave Qi Yuan a glimpse of many Tier 4 secrets, but he knew that these secrets must have been clearly marked.

"What do I need to do?" Qi Yuan asked directly.

Ling You glanced at Qi Yuan, and was very satisfied with Qi Yuan's way of doing this.

"Although you have stepped into Tier 3, it is still too weak for me."

In front of me, despise me for being weak?

You are so clever! Qi Yuan said silently in his heart.

"Wait for you to step into Tier 4, or to be promoted to a third-level researcher in the Biological and Mechanical Research Laboratory, and then come to me, then you will be qualified to cooperate with me!" Ling You said.

After speaking, Ling You drank the tea on his own without giving any more explanations.

Qi Yuan knew that this meant to see off the guests, so he stood up and got up to say goodbye.

After leaving Ling You’s residence, Qi Yuan returned to Master Qu’s laboratory. He has now completely torn his face with Ke Shoulin, and he can no longer go out, staying in a steel chariot, and Ling You’s protection, once Getting out of the steel chariot may die suddenly at any time.

Fortunately, the assessment is almost here, and when he passes the assessment, he becomes an official researcher in the Biological and Mechanical Research Laboratory. With an official identity as a talisman, he should be able to bring himself a certain degree of self-protection.

After completing the third-level sign-in, officially promoting to the fourth-level, or becoming a third-level researcher, you should be able to formally PY transactions with Ling You, Tan Qiu, etc., and Ke Shoulin and Feng Qian then target themselves, they must weigh the effort. What a price!

However, the third-order sign-in point has not appeared yet, the second-order sign-in has been completed for so many days, and the third-order sign-in point should also appear!

When Qi Yuan was puzzled, the familiar feedback suddenly reflected in his mind.

The sign-in point of Tier 3 has been refreshed!

Qi Yuan's spirit was shocked, and he sensed the locations of several sign-in points, and found that just as he had guessed before, they were all concentrated in the direction of the Black Steel Shelter, and there was no wild wilderness sign-in point.

This is interesting!

Thoughts flashed in Qi Yuan's heart. When the talent tree appeared for the first time, he was deeply shocked, but he didn't have any eyebrows about what it was. It was just that with the changes in the old city, there was a strong one-eyed eye. Qi Yuan began to realize that something was wrong with the appearance of Qi Yuan. This talent tree did not seem to be a pure golden finger. There were other secrets behind it.

Starting from the old city, Qi Yuan wanted to find out the bottom of the talent tree. Regarding the biggest secret of his body, Qi Yuan always wanted to figure out what it was.

It's just that the talent tree is too mysterious, and it has the magical power like a creator, so Qi Yuan doesn't know how to start.

Although he has not been able to spy on the roots and feet of the talent tree, Qi Yuan vaguely discovered the rules of refreshing some talent points during the many sign-ins.

The refresh of these check-in points is not completely mechanically rigid. It seems to be able to reach its own state, and even refresh the check-in points according to the actual situation.

When the sign-in point in the old city was refreshed, Qi Yuan had this kind of guess.

The refresh of the sign-in point seems to have its own wisdom. It will not allow you to complete the sign-in easily, but it will not force people into a dead end. Although the difficulty of the subsequent second-level sign-in is somewhat unbalanced, if you change the angle, it will be very hot. The angel is also considered as his own strength, and those few signings are just more difficult, and they have not completely exceeded the limit that he can handle.

The check-in points have been brushed in several special places, UU reading www.uukanshu. According to this kind of guidance, com successfully obtained a large number of Astral Energy Stones, awakened several powerful abilities, and at the same time controlled the Seraph.

To some extent, this is a guide for the talent tree to its own awakening ability. Judging from the awakening method of Tier 4 abilities, these abilities are most likely the foreshadowing of the talent tree to advance to Tier 4.

This time the refresh of Tier 3 talent points, the reason why I had prepared to enter the Black Steel Shelter before the Tier 3 sign-in point was refreshed was also an active test of the talent tree.

If the talent tree can really sense your own situation at any time, and is willing to change for your own situation, then after you have made these preparations, the refresh of the sign-in point should be limited to the Black Steel Shelter.

The refresh of these Tier 3 sign-in points just confirmed Qi Yuan's guess, they were refreshed in the Black Steel Shelter just as he had expected.

Although this may only be a probability event, Qi Yuan is more inclined, this is a kind of accommodation of the talent tree to himself.

For Qi Yuan, a powerful golden finger that is willing to accommodate himself is definitely better than a mechanically rigid golden finger.

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