Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 167: Mental will

No matter how hard Pei Zongyan's mouth was, as Qi Yuan showed his strength step by step, he began to feel the invisible pressure from Qi Yuan.

Given Qi Yuan's age and the non-standard abilities he has mastered, if there is no target from Ke Shoulin and Fenggan, entering the asylum is a certainty. The Dangerous Management Department and the War Department will even take action as long as they get the news.

This happened before at the Black Steel Shelter.

Although most of the vagrants in the wilderness are mediocre waste, but under the huge population base and complex living environment, there have been several amazing generations.

Some deserters who are despised by the shelter residents can only struggle to survive in the wilderness, but once they step into the shelter and are nourished by sufficient resources, they will soon fly into the sky.

Mo Sheng from the Detective Department is one of the best!

It only took him seventeen years to climb from a deserter to the position of deputy head of the Department of Exploration, obtained P6 permission, and stood on the upper level of the pyramid of the Black Steel Shelter.

Moreover, it is rumored that Mo Sheng is about to enter the seventh rank and become a high-level ability person.

Mo Sheng's popularity in the sanctuary even faintly surpassed Ke Shoulin, the deputy director of the war department, who relied on his powerful strength and talent.

The residents of the shelter originally looked down on the refugees from the wilderness very much. It is precisely because of the strong rise of Mo Sheng that this has changed some people's views on the refugees from the wilderness.

Although some die-hards don't like Mo Sheng, this does not conceal the fact that the situation of the refugees in the wilderness is slowly improving.

Perhaps because of his birth into the wilderness, Mo Sheng has always taken great care of the wilderness refugees who stepped into the sanctuary. That Fu Qingqing was trained by him, and now he has already revealed his vigor, and has a faint aura of Mo Sheng back then. .

Once Qi Yuan's performance today reaches Mo Sheng's ears, even if he really becomes an assistant researcher, with Mo Sheng's character, he will definitely speak to Tan Qiu's important person.

With Qi Yuan's talent and Mo Sheng's protection, even if Ke Shoulin really tears his face, it may not be able to suppress Qi Yuan.

As soon as he thought of himself, for the two two-star glorious trial opportunities that Ke Shoulin had promised, he had offended such a promising person, and Pei Zongyan wanted to slap himself a few times.

If it's an opportunity for a three-star glory trial, maybe you can consider it, but it's just two two-star glory trials, it's not worth it!

However, Pei Zongyan also knew very well that since he had boarded the ship of Ke Shoulin, he had no possibility of disembarking, otherwise he would not need Qi Yuan to do anything. Ke Shoulin's anger would be able to tear himself to pieces.

Pei Zongyan's gloomy gaze flicked across several wilderness hunters, and his originally flustered heart slowly calmed down.

I still have a chance!

As long as I can prevent Qi Yuan from entering the sanctuary, I still have a chance!

Kou Haitao ignored the battle between Sun Jia and Pei Zongyan, and calmly gave the remaining wilderness hunters an age test.

The remaining few hunters were basically quite satisfactory, all in their thirties, but one of them was a little bit beyond his expectations.

The last wilderness hunter named Qing was only eighteen years old!

Kou Haitao also had a deep impression of Qing. Except for the monster Qi Yuan, Qing was the fastest to pass the first level. It only took him eight minutes and fifty-seven seconds, which fully reached the standard of elite seeds of the war department.

And his fighting style is completely different from others.

If it is said that the rest of the people, including Qi Yuan, are using their abilities to fight brutally, this person's fighting has hidden skills.

Although he wanted to deliberately conceal it, when fighting on the last stone pillar, he showed a trace of his foot.

He used the combat techniques of the warhead!

Kou Haitao can be sure that this person is also Ke Shoulin's dark child, but he hides better than the other two.

Thinking of the nine wilderness refugees who had just passed the first level, three of them were Ke Shoulin's hidden sons, and a troubled Qi Yuan, Kou Haitao felt a little uncontrollable in his anger.

A good recruitment test, and the struggle of a few people made it smoky!

Do you need to disclose this news to Qi Yuan as a show of favor or an investment to this talented young man?

After thinking for a few seconds, Kou Haitao shook his head in his heart and denied the idea.

Remind Qi Yuan that he might not be able to change anything, but would drag himself into the water.

Although he passed the trial of the practitioner and gained a certain status and self-protection ability in Heigang, it is still too reluctant to face a big boss at the level of Ke Shoulin.

For Qi Yuan, offending a deputy director of the war department with real power is not a good deal.

Kou Haitao glanced at Qing Qing.

Qi Yuan's first level score is 20 points, and this engine is 18 points.

Qi Yuan's age score is nine points, and Qing is eight points.

The scores of the two are very tight, which means that Qing has the ability to threaten Qi Yuan.

Although five places were given for this assessment, the assistant researcher that Tan Qiu gave Qi Yuan had only one pit. If no one else was fighting for this pit, Qi Yuan would naturally enter the Black Steel Shelter.

But if Qing Tiexin competes with Qi Yuan for this pit, he does have the possibility of squeezing Qi Yuan away.

In the situation where the scores of the first two assessments of the two are very similar, if Qing is really a person in the shelter, his pollution index must be lower than that of Qi Yuan. As a person trained by the war department, his spiritual will will not be low. , The possibility of catching up from behind is very high.

So how should Qi Yuan deal with the threat of this engine?

There is only one carrot pit dug by Tan Qiu, and the person with the highest assessment score can choose first. If Qing is higher than Qi Yuan and chooses the position of assistant researcher, Qi Yuan will definitely not be able to compete with him.

Although Qi Yuan can still enter the shelter by choosing other places, Feng Qian and Ke Shoulin in the shelter are still watching.

Entering the Black Steel Shelter as a reagent tester will directly fall into Fenggan's hands. Choosing a place in the war department is also like a sheep's mouth.

There is still a chance of breathing in to enter the Detective Department, but unless Mo Sheng makes a move, he will not be able to dodge the methods of those two.

Only the assistant researcher's pit, with the help of Tan Qiu's shelter, could allow him to temporarily escape the two black hands.

In order to deal with Qi Yuan, Ke Shoulin really exhausted his means!

"Let’s take the third test, mental will!"

Kou Haitao held a golden headband in his right hand, and the shape of the headband was somewhat similar to Monkey King's golden hoop.

In addition to the headband, Kou Haitao also holds a fist-sized transparent crystal ball in his left hand, which is obviously a set of testing tools.

"The testing process will be a bit painful, but I hope you can stick to it and don't give up until the last minute!"

After Kou Haitao finished speaking, he handed the follow-up task to the tool man Lei Xie.

It is obviously not the first time that Lei Xie has acted as a tool man. He skillfully puts the headband on his head and demonstrates how to use it to others.

"Finally, after wearing this headband, your spiritual will will be able to interfere with this crystal ball!"

Thunder Scorpion activated the headband and released the crystal ball in his hand. The crystal ball immediately floated in the air out of thin air and slowly rotated.

The speed of the crystal ball's rotation gradually increased, and the muscles on Thunder Scorpion's face gradually tightened, as if suffering severe pain.

Lei Xie took a deep breath and continued: "You need to use your mental will to control this crystal ball like me, and don't let it fall."

"This process will be a bit painful, but it reflects your mental strength. The longer you persist, the higher the final score!"

After speaking, Thunder Scorpion suddenly groaned, and the rapidly spinning crystal ball suddenly trembled. It seemed that the power was out of balance, and the speed of rotation slowed down visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, it slowly fell down.

Lei Xie stretched out his right hand to catch the falling crystal ball, and at the same time took off the crown he was wearing on his head, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

In such a short demonstration time of less than one minute, a thin layer of sweat permeated Lei Xie's head, and his face was a little pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

Forty-six seconds!

Qi Yuan silently recorded the time that Lei Xie persisted.

As one of the captains of Ling You’s two hunting teams, Lei Xie certainly won’t be bad in spirit and will, but such a peak Tier 3 only lasted forty-six seconds, although this is not necessarily his limit, but Lei Xie's reaction also gave Qi Yuan a general expectation.

Thunder Scorpion handed the headband and crystal ball into the hands of the first wilderness hunter and directly opened the third test.

The wilderness hunter took a deep breath, put on his headband with a serious expression, and then released the crystal ball in his hand.

The crystal ball floated in the air, slowly began to spin, and gradually accelerated.

As the crystal ball turned faster and faster, the muscles on the wilderness hunter's face gradually began to twitch, and the eyes staring at the crystal ball began to congestion, as if he was suffering from great pain.


Qi Yuan silently calculated the time he persisted, and when the count reached forty-nine seconds, the Wilderness Hunter finally couldn't help letting out a painful low growl.

At the same time, the spinning crystal ball quivered slightly, and while slowing down the rotation speed, it slowly fell down.

"Forty-nine seconds, five points!" Kou Haitao calmly gave the final score.

The wilderness hunter panted to catch the falling crystal ball, his pale face was obviously a little unwilling, and the five points were obviously lower.

The second hunter took the headband and the crystal ball, put it on his head, and directly started the test.

This wilderness hunter, who scored only five points in the age test, was obviously much stronger than the first hunter. It took him fifty-eight seconds before the spinning crystal ball swayed and fell.

In the end, he scored seven points in fifty-eight seconds.

In the next few wilderness hunters, the strength of will is not far apart, the highest scored seven points, and the lowest only four points.

Soon, the head ring was handed over to the hunter who tried to destroy Qi Yuan's assessment.

He put on the headband, and when the time reached thirty seconds, he suddenly stopped controlling the crystal ball, caught the falling crystal ball at will, and then handed it to the next wilderness hunter.

Qi Yuan looked at the person in surprise. He was obviously not at the limit. Compared with the previous few people, his expression was much more relaxed, as if he had intentionally terminated the test on purpose.

This is knowing that the task could not be completed and voluntarily giving up the test?

Or are there other conspiracies waiting for me?

Qi Yuan's eyes flickered, and since the other party still followed after he passed the first test, he obviously didn't give up his plan to continue targeting him.

But the subsequent tests were conducted separately under Kou Haitao's nose, and there was Sun Jia staring at him. How else could they use their hands and feet?

The test continued, and soon the headband and crystal ball were handed to another wilderness hunter who tried to target Qi Yuan.

Like the previous accomplice, after persisting for about thirty seconds, he also chose to voluntarily give up.

The two assessment scores are at the bottom, which means that the two have no chance of catching up.

Kou Haitao glanced at the two of them calmly, but did not speak. He just turned his head and glanced at Pei Zongyan with a warning look.

Pei Zongyan's face was gloomy and Kou Haitao looked at each other, the corners of his mouth twitched, and finally he didn't say a word.

Soon, the head ring and crystal ball were in Qi Yuan's hands.

Qi Yuan put on the golden headband calmly, and almost everyone's eyes fell on him.

At this moment, Qi Yuan noticed that the eyes of the two wilderness hunters looking at him were full of undisguised malice!

Want to kill me with your eyes?

Or is there a means to interfere with me?

Qi Yuan didn't look at the two of them. No matter what the two of them had, since Kou Haitao and Sun Jia didn't say anything, then he could only see the trick.

Through the headband, Qi Yuan clearly perceives that his mental will seems to have an entity, turning into invisible tentacles wrapped around the crystal ball.

These mental tentacles are very sensitive and can easily hold the crystal ball.


Qi Yuan's eyes condensed, his right hand lightly opened, and the crystal ball slowly rotated.

At this moment, Qi Yuan deeply realized what kind of pain this test would bring to the tester, and why, Thunder Xie's face would be so pale.

The ability person of the third-order peak has endurance far beyond ordinary people, and ordinary physical pain can hardly affect them, but the pain at the level of spiritual will is completely different from the pain of the flesh.

The moment the crystal ball spins, the spirit tentacles entangled around are pulled one by one, and then break.

The break of each spiritual tentacles, like a steel bar that burns to the red, pierces the brain directly from the sky spirit cover, bringing a kind of pain that directly points to the soul.

This kind of pain cannot be defended or avoided.

Moreover, if you want to keep the crystal ball from falling, you must drive the mental tentacles to continuously support the spinning crystal But the faster the crystal ball spins, the more mental tentacles will be torn off. , Over time, this kind of pain that almost tears the soul is enough to make a determined person go crazy.

Qi Yuan's breathing gradually thickened, and as the spiritual tentacles were torn apart, the pain of tearing the soul hit Qi Yuan's spiritual defense like a tide.

As time went by, Qi Yuan slowly discovered that although the steel defense could not fight the pain on the spiritual level, the mechanical mind seemed to have a certain effect.

Although the mechanical mind can't resist the pain, with the blessing of the ability, his mental tentacles seem to have become tougher, slowing the speed of being ripped apart by the spinning crystal ball.

When Qi Yuan insisted on reaching twenty seconds, Pei Zongyan's sullen eyes swept across the two wilderness hunters.

After looking at each other with Pei Zongyan, the two quietly lowered their heads and looked at their toes, their eyes quickly becoming hollow.

At the same time, Qi Yuan, who had just relieved his pain, suddenly felt two external forces, brutally invading his spiritual will.

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