Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 190: Targeted

After completing the transaction, Qi Yuan earned the first pot of gold in his life, and finally laid a solid foundation for his shelter life.


   After dealing with the Berserker, Qi Yuan quickly put his energy into the project application. If he wants to gain a foothold in the shelter as a researcher, the research results are the most important.


   However, applying for research projects is not an easy task. Although Seraph has stored a lot of information, some things are not suitable for applying for projects.


   Ordinary projects can't apply for too much funding, nor can they get too many academic points. For Qi Yuan, it's just a waste of time.


Research projects that are too difficult will waste too much time. Qi Yuan has not forgotten his original intention of entering the Black Steel Shelter. He just wants to gain a foothold and complete the registration. He does not really want to be a researcher. Stay here forever.


   Fortunately, there are two fourth-level researchers here to communicate.


   After an in-depth exchange with Zheng Yan, Qi Yuan finally selected the first research project-an energy module that strengthens energy activity.


This is a third-order project, and the research project has a certain depth. The main reason is that it requires constant trial and error and consumes a lot of energy cores. But for Qi Yuan, who has energy control and data center, these difficulties are not a problem at all. Coupled with the existence of Seraph, Qi Yuan is confident that within a month or so, he will obtain detailed data on the energy module and complete the research of the entire project.


   After completing a few research projects in his laboratory and completely dispelling other people's doubts, he can be regarded as a firm foothold in the laboratory. If he can take advantage of the opportunity to advance to the third-level researcher, he may be able to carry out follow-up actions.


   Today, although he has become a second-level researcher and received a talisman, it is almost impossible to complete the registration.


   In the sanctuary, the hierarchy is strict, there is not enough status, many places can not be set foot at all, and the locations of the check-in points are not accessible to the current one.


   After becoming a Level 3 researcher, he was considered to have climbed to the upper level of the pyramid of the Black Steel Sanctuary. Naturally, many people would cling to it, and the places that were not allowed to step on would no longer be out of reach.


   Qi Yuan spent two days writing the project application and handing it over to Tan Qiu.


   The Yu Yun personally commented by Ai Xin is still there, and with Tan Qiu's help, Qi Yuan originally thought that he would be able to pass the application soon. Unexpectedly, on the third day Tan Qiu brought bad news.


   "The project application was rejected?" Qi Yuan looked at Tan Qiu in surprise.


   Tan Qiu's face was also a little ugly, and the result was somewhat beyond her expectation.


   "Fenggan's revenge comes faster than I expected." Tan Qiu said slowly.


   "The laboratory has a special project approval team. Your project could have passed the review, but on the second day you submitted the project application, another third-level researcher submitted a very similar research project application."


"The project approval team has strict regulations. The same type of research project is not allowed to be duplicated. If two people apply for the same type of project at the same time, they will be ranked according to the researcher level, and the project application of the high-level researcher will be given priority. "


   "This was originally a rule formulated by the project team in order to avoid the internal volume of the laboratory. Unexpectedly, it was sealed and used and became a means against you!"


   Qi Yuan frowned slightly, in order to seal his position, if he is willing to pull down to target a second-level researcher, there are indeed various ways to play with the rules.


   Feng Qian has been cultivating in the Heigang Sanctuary for many years, and he has long been entrenched. Some methods are really difficult for him to deal with.


   "A third-level researcher can apply for several research projects at the same time?" Qi Yuan asked.


   "There are no strict restrictions." Tan Qiu said.


"For projects above Tier 4, each researcher at Tier 3 can apply for up to two at the same time. For projects below Tier 4, there are no strict restrictions. As long as it is not too excessive, the project review team will not embarrass a Tier 3 researcher. Researcher’s project application."


   A gleam of light flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes.


   "In other words, no matter what research project I apply for, can I use the same method to stop it?"


   Tan Qiu nodded. In the hierarchical shelter, Feng Qian, a Level 4 researcher, has such a great energy.


   "The method of sealing dry belongs to Yangmou. If you have no better way, you can come to my laboratory and wait until you are promoted to a Tier 3 researcher. These methods of sealing dry will no longer be able to deal with you." Tan Qiu said.


   Qi Yuan pondered and went to Tan Qiu's laboratory. It was indeed a solution, but this kind of shelter was definitely not free. After all, Tan Qiu always wanted to use himself as experimental material.


   "Is there any other solution?" Qi Yuan asked.


   Tan Qiu looked at Qi Yuan with a smile, seeming to see through his mind.


   "If you can find someone to sponsor your research project and don't let the laboratory pay for it, even if it is a fourth-level researcher who declares the same project as you, the provincial approval team of the project will give priority to your project application."


Qi Yuan shrugged. Research that can grab a lot of academic points usually consumes a lot of experimental materials. The sponsorship is not something ordinary people can support. Although there are such rich people in Heigang Shelter, they obviously won't Sponsor yourself at the risk of offending Feng Qian and Ke Shoulin.


However, this bureau is not impossible to solve. The successful sale of the Berserkers and the resources they brought are enough to support the completion of several Tier 3 projects. Even if no one is sponsored, there is no funding for the laboratory, they can still operate the laboratory. It's just that the price of breaking the game is a bit expensive.


   However, Qi Yuan is not such a person who can only be passively beaten. Since Feng Qian makes another shot regardless of his identity, Qi Yuan is also ready to let him taste the taste of being beaten back by power.


   "Since Feng Qian is willing to hide his face and deal with a newcomer of me, then I will play with him!"


   Talking about Qiu Wenyan, he asked slightly surprised: "Do you want to deal with Feng Gan again?"


Although Feng Qian suffered a loss in the Berserker incident, it does not mean that he can deal with it very well. This old fox can get to this position today without lack of means and scheming. Although Qi Yuan is a second-level researcher, The gap between Feng Qian and Feng Qian is still too big, and he is not an opponent of magnitude at all.


   "I want to deal with which Tier 3 who does not live or die!" Qi Yuan grinned, showing white teeth.


   "Since a third-level researcher dares to help Fenggan suppress me at the expense of his reputation, he must be the most loyal supporter of Fenggan. Although I still can't influence Fenggan, I still have no problem dealing with a third-level researcher!"


   "What other research projects are there under the name of this third-level researcher?" Qi Yuan asked.


   After talking about Qiu Wenyan, he quickly guessed Qi Yuan's intentions.


   "Do you want to maliciously compete with this third-level researcher?" Tan Qiu asked.


   Although the third-level researcher can have an independent laboratory for free forever, the experimental results are still the foundation of the researcher's standing in the laboratory. Therefore, each third-level researcher will have several research projects under the name of each third-level researcher.

Most of these research projects are reported through the laboratory and have received funding support from the laboratory, so they also need to be supervised by the laboratory. Once there is no result for a long time, or other people have come up with the same project result, then The experimental project will stop subsequent funding.


  Although projects are forced to suspend things often happen, but most of them are research projects that have fallen into a dead end or proved to be wrong, and very few others will be the first to come up with experimental results.


   If a third-level researcher's research project is preempted by a second-level researcher to produce results and forced to suspend the project's research, it is definitely an unwashable shame.


   Qi Yuan did not hide his purpose, but admitted his intention.


   "He can grab my project, and I can naturally grab his project too. This is called reciprocity!"


   "Although the other party can suppress you at the expense of prestige, I don't recommend you to do so!" Tan Qiu said.


"The research of each project requires a lot of manpower and material resources, so the laboratory will prohibit the occurrence of involution in the project review. If you do this, it is an obvious vicious competition. Even if you can win the competition, It will also lose the prestige that Ai Xin brings to you, which is not worthwhile."


   "He is a third-tier researcher. He has been working in the laboratory for many years, and he still has the support of the seal, so even if his methods are somewhat disgraceful, it will not have a substantial impact on him."


"But you are not the same. Your foundation is too shallow. Your introductory approach will only cause you endless trouble. Once your reputation is bad, even if you can’t seal it, you should never try to experiment again in the future. The office has applied for the support of the project funds!"


   Qi Yuan smiled slightly.


   "If I take the initiative to scroll, of course I will stigmatize my reputation, but if I am forced to resist helplessly, will the situation be different?"


   "It is not easy to turn the initiative to roll into a helpless resistance, be careful of playing with fire and self-immolation!" Tan Qiu reminded.


"An application for a project was taken away, and I endured it, but it didn’t get the other party’s end. They intensified and continued to take away my second or even third project. Did I become a victim? People are oppressed and forced to the corner, poor worm who has nowhere to go!" Qi Yuan said with a smile.


   "Do you want to continue to apply for the research project and lure Feng Gan to continue to take action?" Tan Qiu asked in surprise.


  The research projects in the laboratory are basically the process of discovering problems and then trying to solve them. For most researchers, discovering problems and finding a suitable research project is not an easy task.


The level of academic pressure to steal research projects exists in every laboratory. Tan Qiu has also seen several low-level researchers being robbed of experimental projects by the same means. These things happened to Qi Yuan. Do it already.


   For most of the second-level researchers, it is not easy to find a suitable project. The research project is taken away, which has a great impact on them, and many people will even be devastated because of this.


   Tan Qiu Although Tan Qiu is not worried that Qi Yuan will be depressed because of this, frustration is inevitable, but she also did not expect that Qi Yuan would use this method of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred to counterattack.


   It is already very surprising to think of a suitable research project within two days and apply for it. Tan Qiu can hardly believe that Qi Yuan can find more suitable experimental projects in a short period of time.


   "Help me check the project under the other party's name, and I will immediately prepare the next project application. If he continues to use this method to disgust me, I will become a poor worm who has been forced into the corner!"


   "I think other people will forgive a poor bug who has nowhere to go, and be forced to fight back in desperation!"


Seeing that Qi Yuan had made up his mind, Tan Qiu did not try to persuade him any more. If Qi Yuan could really make himself a poor creature who was forced to retreat by academic oppression, even if he did something extraordinary in the future, he would get other people. Maximum tolerance.


   Once Qi Yuan really fights back through this method, he only needs to succeed once to get the opponent to lose lizi and face together.


   A third-level researcher uses academic bullying to bully a newly promoted second-tier. He is aggressive and does not leave a way for people to survive. The newcomer falls into a dead end and is forced to rise up to resist. As a result, he stole your home backhand.


Once this kind of thing happens, even if the means of stealing the house are a little out of the ordinary, they will not be blamed. Bystanders will only clap their hands and applaud. The third-level researcher who actively exerts pressure will be nailed to the pillar of shame and completely labeled as having no strength. Only put on the stupid label!


Tan Qiu took a deep look at Qi Yuan. If Qi Yuan’s plan succeeds, his counterattack will completely tarnish the reputation of a third-level researcher. Under the mouse bid, Feng Qiang's other direct third-level family members will also be completely stigmatized. Will not use this method to deal with Qi Yuan again.


   But to do so, there is also a lot of uncertainty.


   The most difficult part is whether Qi Yuan can find a suitable research project and go to the project review team to apply for the project.


  If the project is carried out indiscriminately, the other party may not enter the pit, and the project review team will directly reject the project application.


   Another uncertainty lies in whether Qi Yuan can win the subsequent academic competition.


   If you win, you will naturally be able to break through the suppression of the seal. If you lose, the outcome may be a shortage of talents.


   Although the Berserker has brought a generous return, the cost of project research is also a huge number. The annual expenditure of the biological and mechanical research laboratory is not even much worse than that of the Warhead.


   "Are you sure you want to use this method to counterattack?" Tan Qiu wanted to confirm one last time.


   "Of course!" Qi Yuan said in an affirmative tone.


   "I want to let everyone know through this incident that bullying me will inevitably pay a price! Only in this way can I frighten those evil-minded enemies!"


   Seeing Qi Yuan make up his mind, Tan Qiu didn't persuade him anymore, but said lightly:


   "Before dark, Su Li will send you the details of the other party."


   Qi Yuan nodded, then turned to leave and returned to his own independent laboratory, preparing to sort out a few suitable items from the data stored by Seraph and make a second declaration.


  Because there is no assistant researcher, the laboratory appears empty, but for Qi Yuan, there is no big difference between having an assistant or not. Not only can he stay clean by himself, he can also avoid being leaked by the assistant researcher.


  With the identity and status of Feng Qian, it is easy to buy a few assistant researchers. Together with Tan Qiu, who is a fourth-level researcher, can be recruited. A second-level researcher who has no heels can completely prevent this from happening.


   As for Seraph, as a second-level researcher, although he doesn't have to worry too much about the consequences of its exposure, if he can continue to hide it, it would be better than being exposed to other people.

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