Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 202: Rise to fame

Perhaps because of the face of the laboratory, Cao Yansheng's reprimand did not spread, but some changes were slowly revealed.

Most researchers are not very sensitive to this change. They only realized from Qi Yuan’s papers one after another and the downgrade incidents of Xiao Yu and Tang Hong that Qi Yuan was in this competition. Won the final victory.

Many people are embarrassed about this. Tang Hong and Xiao Yu represent Feng Qian. Qi Yuan's victory in this competition means Feng Qian has been crippled in the hands of the newcomer Qi Yuan.

In the Biological and Mechanical Research Laboratory, Fenggan, a Level 4 researcher, almost stood at the top of the food chain. Coupled with the special status of the laboratory, they had not seen Fenggan in the hands of anyone for a long time.

Although some people were skeptical about Qi Yuan’s ability to complete a four-level project, the silence that could be sealed made many people choose to believe in Qi Yuan. If there is a problem with Qi Yuan’s thesis, it will definitely not be published. On "Hope", Feng Qian will never let go of this opportunity for suppression.

Without the suppression of Feng Qian, Qi Yuan's rise can be foreseen. The four papers published on "Hope" allowed Qi Yuan to traverse the path that most of the second-level researchers could traverse for many years.

After gaining fame, Qi Yuan's originally quiet laboratory welcomed visitors in rare cases.

Le Huaizhou, with short silver hair, invited several researchers and became the first group of visitors.

"Congratulations, successfully broke the blockade of Fenggan!" Le Huaizhou said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Qi Yuan smiled slightly.

Qi Yuan was a little surprised by Le Huaizhou's visit, but he was not disgusted.

Not only because he is a student of Cao Yansheng, but also because of Le Huaizhou's kind reminder before.

Before that, under Feng Qian's persecution, almost all researchers chose to be silent, only Le Huaizhou dared to approach him.

"After my teacher met you, he called us all over and reprimanded us last night. Let us follow your example and study hard!"

Le Huaizhou said, shrugging helplessly.

The others also laughed. The reason why they came with Le Huaizhou was mainly because they had the same identity as a student of Cao Yansheng.

Although Cao Yansheng is indifferent to fame and fortune and has no intention of being the chief, he has a lot of students.

Among the four ranks of the biological and mechanical research laboratory, two have worked in his laboratory, including Tan Qiu.

Not only the researchers at the Black Steel Shelter, but other shelters also have researchers who have studied in his laboratory.

Cao Yansheng's reputation in other shelters is not inferior to that of Mo Lin.

Qi Yuan vaguely guessed the purpose of Le Huaizhou and the others. Besides visiting their own laboratory, they were probably also declaring a gesture that Cao Yansheng had paid attention to himself and asked others to put away unnecessary thoughts.

In addition to Le Huaizhou, there are three third-level researchers and several second-level researchers. They have in common that they have all published papers independently on "Hope", and they are not very old. , Among the many new-generation researchers, it can be regarded as a real strength faction!

Several people chatted for a while, and after familiarizing themselves with the situation, Le Huaizhou finally said what he wanted.

"The chief has gathered four Level 4 researchers and ten Level 3 researchers. They are preparing to start a big project. Do you know about this?" Le Huaizhou asked.

"I know." Qi Yuan nodded.

"Commissioner Cao also said that a place was reserved for me, and when I was promoted to Level 4, I could go to him and join the project."

Reserved places?

When Le Huaizhou heard the words, his whole body was bad in an instant.

As students of Cao Yansheng, they did learn a lot of knowledge, but in Cao Yansheng they rarely used their rights and status to provide them with special treatment.

Just like the project research this time, among his students, several third-level researchers wanted to join the project team, but they were all rejected by Cao Yansheng because the research direction did not fit.

"I applied to join the project team, but the teacher refused, but the teacher was willing to reserve a place for you!" Le Huaizhou said bitterly.

"I wonder if you are the teacher's illegitimate child!"

"I also hope that I am the illegitimate son of Committee Member Cao, but Committee Member Cao doesn't give a chance!" Qi Yuan said with a smile.

The others smiled knowingly. As Cao Yansheng's students, they knew very well about Cao Yansheng's life.

His teacher only sees research. He keeps away everything that may affect research. Therefore, he did not waste time fighting for the position of chief, nor did he marry a wife and have children. This has caused many of his students to learn the same way. I chose to be single all the time.

Cao Yansheng, whose private life is extremely simple, has never touched a woman, and is still alone, let alone an illegitimate child.

"With regard to the chief project, has the committee member talked to you about the relevant situation?" Le Huaizhou asked.

"No." Qi Yuan shook his head.

Although Tan Qiu provided shelter and help for herself to a certain extent, she was unwilling to enter her laboratory, which also made the relationship between the two people less intimate. To a certain extent, the two are more alike It is a transactional relationship.

"I've heard some of it." Le Huai Zhou Shen said mysteriously.

"I heard that the chief is going to make a mechanical weapon of the apocalypse rank!"

Qi Yuan heard the words and looked at Le Huaizhou in surprise. It was not that he doubted the authenticity of the news, but that he was a little shocked by Chief Maureen's mastery.

Those with tier one to three abilities are also known as low-level abilities. In the battle sequence, they are also called cannon fodder, and they can only undertake some simple clearance tasks in the gray area.

From stepping into Tier 4, the strength of the capable person began to usher in a leap, and he began to have the strength to expand into the blue area.

Those with abilities from Tier 4 to Tier 6 are called middle-level abilities according to their level of ability, and because of the existence of the glory trial, they are also called Glory abilities.

The mechanical armament used by the Glory ability is also called Glory mechanical armament. Glory mechanical armament has always been the dominant force of mechanical armament. Almost all third- and fourth-level researchers who study mechanical armament are studying Glory mechanical armament. Only those first- and second-tier researchers will devote their energy to low-level mechanical weapons.

The level of apocalypse above the rank of glory is the real high-level ability, and the corresponding mechanical armament is the apocalyptic mechanical armament!

In every shelter, those who can really get to this point are extremely rare, and they represent the heritage of the shelter.

For those with the apocalypse ability, every point of strength means a different height.

As the mechanical weapon that can enhance the apocalypse ability the most, it is far from keeping up with the apocalypse ability.

Neither the Arms of Doom, the Gate of Truth, the League of Flesh and Theological Society, or even the Holy Court of Doom, have not been able to produce a real apocalyptic mechanical weapon.

On the entire Seablue Star, it has been recognized by everyone that there is only one force that can make the Apocalypse Mechanical Armament, and that is the Mechanical King Court.

But the leader of the King of Machinery is a group of crazy mechanics. In their eyes, flesh and blood are nothing more than inferior carbon-based monkeys. Only steel machinery is the real future, so they would rather tilt all resources and technologies to a higher level. In the bottomless pit of mechanics, he is unwilling to make apocalypse mechanical arms for those with abilities.

Needless to say, Qi Yuan also knows that Doomsday Arms must have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to study the Apocalypse Mechanical Armament, but for so many years, the desired result has not been obtained, which is enough to prove the difficulty of the Apocalyptic Mechanical Armament.

Although the fourth-level researchers represent the strongest research power in the biological and mechanical research laboratory, Qi Yuan does not believe that they can be stronger than the research power of the headquarters.

Four fourth-level researchers, plus ten top-level third-level researchers, invest in such an almost invisible project, not only consumes a lot of materials, but also the time and energy of these researchers.

Maureen has retired soon. He will not be blindly impulsive to start such a project at this time. He must have his reasons for doing so.

Could it be that he is really sure to make an apocalyptic mechanical weapon before retiring?

"When I heard this news, I was also very shocked." Le Huaizhou said slowly.

"Although the Apocalypse is very powerful, there are too few capable people who can get to this point. The Glory ability is the backbone of our human beings in the new world, and now the technology of the Glory mechanical weapon is far from being called. It is mature and the number is far from being saturated, so I think the Honor Mechanical Arms is the project that requires us to study hard."

A third-level researcher with a pair of robotic arms also nodded and echoed:

"I did a statistic and only counted the twenty-one shelters for Doomsday Arms. There are 272 types of mechanical weapons under the glory level that have been released, and the mechanical weapons of the glory level, even if you add At the Gate of Truth, there are only 36 models, of which there are 17 old models that have been completely eliminated, and there are only 19 models of the Honor Mechanical Arms in active service."

"Among those who break through the Glory rank ability, those who are more than 90% compatible with the Glory Mechanical Arms account for only 13%, and only 30% of those who are more than 80% compatible. Seven, there are 20% of them, and the fit does not even exceed 50%."

"People will lie, but the data will not lie. These data and enough prove that we are just starting out on the road of Glory Machine Arming. Now we are involved in the Apocalypse Machine Arming, which is completely lofty."

Another third-level researcher with a slightly thin body sighed.

"I also don't agree with the chiefs who devote a lot of time and energy to studying the Apocalypse Mechanical Armaments at this time, but I can also understand their choice."

"I heard that Doomsday Arms has always been at a disadvantage in the battle with Mechanical King Court, mainly because the high-level combat power has been suppressed, so Doomsday Arms wants to use the Apocalypse Mechanical Armament to enhance the combat power of those with the Apocalypse ability."

Qi Yuan frowned slightly.

"If Doomsday Arms really wants to study the Apocalypse Mechanical Armament, why not set up a project at the headquarters and rely only on the laboratory of the Black Steel Shelter. The research strength is still too weak."

"At this point, I have heard some news." A bald-headed third-level researcher said wanderingly.

"Not only our laboratory, but the laboratories of other shelters, seem to have established a project team armed with Apocalypse Machinery."

"You mean, this project is still under the control of the Doomsday Arms Headquarters, and each shelter is only responsible for part of it?"

Qi Yuan quickly grasped the key point. To enable so many shelters to launch the same project at the same time, it must have been the order from the Doomsday Arms Headquarters.

And so many laboratories start this project at the same time, there must be a division of labor and cooperation between each other.

"It should be like this!" The researcher nodded.

"But I still find it strange." Le Huaizhou said.

"The more powerful the machinery is, the more it needs to be designed and manufactured as a whole. With so many laboratories set up separately, how can we ensure that their designs are compatible with each other? Unless..."

Le Huaizhou didn't directly state his guess, because he thought it was a bit weird.

Another third-level researcher followed his guess and said: "Unless they already have a complete design idea, each laboratory only needs to design according to the established idea."

Qi Yuan frowned.

"It's completely possible. If you don't have a high degree of confidence, it's impossible for the headquarters to issue such strange orders, and it's impossible for the chief to accompany the headquarters to mess around."


Someone sighed. The Apocalypse rank is already the pinnacle of human power. If the Doomsday Arms can really produce apocalyptic mechanical arms, in the confrontation with the mechanical king, not to mention it will definitely turn defeat into victory, at least it will not continue to be disadvantaged.

"The Apocalypse Mechanical Armament is too far away from us, but the Honor Mechanical Armament is by our side." Le Huaizhou said quietly.

Qi Yuan glanced at him and vaguely guessed his thoughts.

After realizing that he could not join the chief Apocalypse project team, Le Huaizhou probably wanted to make a breakthrough on the Honor Mechanical Arms. With the current status of the Doomsday Arms, the research on the Honor Mechanical Arms can also produce a large number of academic points and Academic point.

So, UU Reading does he want to pull me into the group and study the Glory Mechanical Arms together?

While Qi Yuan was thinking about it, Le Huaizhou also picked up his intentions along the way.

"Qi Yuan, your first paper opened a whole new door to the research of mechanical weapons. Many people have been inspired by it and devoted themselves to the research of the next generation of glory mechanical weapons. We would like to invite You join and develop a new glory mechanical weapon!"

Qi Yuan looked around for a week and found that their eyes were all on him. After a moment of indulgence, he slowly said: "I only have the strength of Tier 3, and I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to study Honor Mechanical Arms."

"You are too modest." Le Huaizhou said.

"How can your research strength be simply measured by your ability level!"

"That is to say, you didn't go out. Now someone is lining up outside, wanting you to help activate the energy weapon!"

Qi Yuan was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't realized that his help Fu Qingqing to activate the energy weapon would have such a big impact.

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