Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 209: Behind the scenes

Department of Order, Interrogation Room.

The scorched Qi Yuan sat on a cold metal seat and silently looked at the three people in front of him.

Qi Yuan was a little confused. He was obviously a victim. Not only did he fail to receive timely treatment, but he was brought here for the first time and sat in the position where he was interrogated.

If someone is not deliberately targeting himself, then he has been deliberately framed and planted.

However, Qi Yuan is not worried. He is now a second-level researcher. There are three big men behind Tan Qiu, Cao Yansheng, and Mo Sheng, plus a deal with the military department, unless the Ministry of Order obtains conclusive information. Evidence, otherwise I dare not do anything to myself.

A slightly fat middle-aged woman glanced at the monitor in the corner, then nodded slightly and began to ask questions.

"Qi Yuan, do you know the news beforehand about the explosion that happened today?"

"I don't know." Qi Yuan said lightly.

"We have retrieved your travel records. Fifteen days ago, you went to the jail. What did you do in the jail?"

"Experimental sampling."

"Be specific."

Hearing the entry point of the other party's questioning, Qi Yuan's eyes flashed, and he vaguely guessed something, but he was a little unwilling to believe that if the guess was true, the shady behind this explosion might be beyond his imagination.

Qi Yuan straightened his thoughts and began to answer the other party's questions.

"I applied for a three-level research project, which has been reported by the project review team of the laboratory. After getting the pass for the 20th floor below the prison, I went to the prison to take samples for the project research."

"I took a total of three samples in the prison. They are the twelfth floor of the fallen mechanical body numbered 12-00012, the twelfth floor of the mechanical war beast numbered 12-00055, and the nineth floor of the prison tree of annihilation."

Although Qi Yuan didn't turn on area detection, when he talked about the mechanical beast numbered 12-00055 on the twelfth floor, the opponent's eyes changed slightly, which made him even more sure of his guess.

There is a problem with the missing 12-00055 mechanical beast sample!

The fat middle-aged woman was wearing a headset, and she was silent for a while, as if following someone's instructions. After a while, her whole aura suddenly became oppressive.

She looked at Qi Yuan back and forth with scrutinizing eyes and said:

"Tell me about your specific use of collecting these samples in project research."

Qi Yuan raised his brows. This question is obviously out of bounds. Although various research issues are often discussed in the laboratory, it is limited to the laboratory. As long as you leave the laboratory, no one will disclose relevant information about the research project. .

Disclosing information related to research projects to people outside the laboratory will not only cancel the research project, but also severely deprive the researcher of qualifications.

Although the Ministry of Order does not have many places to deal with the laboratory, they should be very clear about this rule, but the middle-aged woman in front of him has directly crossed the red line.

"I refuse to answer this question. According to the regulations, I cannot disclose any information about the research project to you!" Qi Yuan said.

The middle-aged woman snorted and patted the table hard.

"Qi Yuan, this explosion has caused serious damage to the laboratory. Many researchers have been killed in the explosion. Now is not the time for you to talk about those rules."

"This is the Ministry of Order, not a laboratory! Honestly explain what you know, and no concealment is allowed!"


Qi Yuan looked at her coldly.

"I am also a victim of the explosion. I am not the murderer of the explosion. What do you want me to explain?"


The fat middle-aged woman stared at Qi Yuan.

"Since you are a victim, tell me how did you survive this explosion?"

"The energy intensity of the explosion that occurred in your laboratory is comparable to the full attack of a Tier 5 powerhouse. You are only a Tier 3 capable person. Without preparation, that explosion is enough to kill you a hundred times. !"

Qi Yuan frowned. Although two people had already noticed the existence of Seraph, he still didn't want too many people to know about the existence of Seraph, and Seraph was only a fourth-order energy body, who wanted to survive himself completely. The reason is clearly explained, it is necessary to reveal several of his own third-order abilities.

Qi Yuan didn't want to reveal too many secrets of himself in order to deal with such an interrogation.

After pondering for a moment, Qi Yuan decided to conceal the existence of Seraph.

"Before the explosion, Tan Qiu sent me a private message informing me to leave the laboratory immediately. When I came to the door of the laboratory, I discovered that the control authority of the door had been tampered with. Before the explosion, I did something. Defensive measures, so you can get a life back."


The fat middle-aged woman yelled.

"Don't think that by pulling Tanqiu in, you can cover up your mistakes!"

"The explosion that happened in your laboratory is nothing but your own mischief. You did it just to wash away your own suspicions!

"You deliberately caused the explosion, and you have prepared the corresponding defensive measures in advance, so you can survive!"

Qi Yuan frowned more and more tightly. If this woman hadn't been instigated by others and deliberately planted herself on her body, she must have possessed some evidence against her, otherwise she would have no reason to accuse herself so recklessly.

"Why don't you speak anymore!"

The woman sneered.

"Since you can't explain why you survived, let's change the subject!"

"Let's talk about how you changed from a deserter to a second-level researcher in the biological and mechanical research laboratory in just a few months."

"Qi Yuan, don't think your cover-up is perfect, we won't find your problem!"

"You are too impatient. If you are more patient and climb up little by little, instead of trying to reach the sky in one step, you might not be so thoroughly exposed!"

Qi Yuan shrugged upon hearing this.

"In other words, you actually have no evidence, and all the accusations against me are baseless doubts!"

"Qi Yuan!" The chubby middle-aged woman scolded again.

"If you honestly explain, there is still a chance of survival. If you continue to resist, you should not leave the Ministry of Order today!"

"All right!"

Qi Yuan calmly looked at each other with the woman.

"I don't care why you locked me as a suspect, but please don't forget my current identity. I am now a second-level researcher. You must show enough evidence for all the charges against me!"

"I am willing to come to the Ministry of Order to cooperate with your investigation, but this does not mean that I will admit these things that I have not done."

"It has been twenty minutes since I came to the Ministry of Order. If you can’t produce enough evidence, please send me back to the laboratory in another forty minutes. My laboratory was destroyed in the explosion. I still have A lot of work to be done!"

The originally angry woman suddenly reduced the anger on her face and gave Qi Yuan a deep look.

"If it's normal, you really only need to stay in the Order Department for an hour, but now the lab has become a mess, and no one cares about the whereabouts of a second-level researcher."

The woman stood up and said as she walked.

"So don't talk about it for an hour, even if I hold you here for a day, no one will come and ask me for someone."

The woman walked to Qi Yuan's side, bent down, and said in a low voice:

"Furthermore, you were badly injured in the explosion in the laboratory, even if you were seriously injured and died at the Ministry of Order, no one would say anything!"

"We still have a lot of time. We can spend time with you until you say it!"

Faced with the naked threat, Qi Yuan did not panic. Even if the lab is now a mess, Tan Qiu and Cao Yansheng cannot take care of themselves, but there is still someone who will never forget their existence. In less than an hour, he will Come to the Ministry of Order.

Seeing Qi Yuan's silence.

A sharp look flashed in the middle-aged woman's eyes, and she directly stretched out her hand to press on Qi Yuan's wound.

Qi Yuan let out a muffled snort, and the wound that became charcoal under the impact of the destruction energy suddenly burst, and some red blood overflowed from the wound.

Looking at the cracked wound, the woman smiled and released the right hand holding the wound.

"Look, if you don't want to say, we have many ways to pry open your mouth."

"I can give you another opportunity to proactively explain. If you continue to resist, then the next conversation will not be as gentle as before."

Qi Yuan glanced at the wound, and instantly realized that someone wanted to take this opportunity to kill himself.

The several staff members in the room are all Tier 3. If there is an outbreak at this moment, he can easily kill three people, but the consequence of doing so is likely to be shot dead on the spot by someone guarding outside.

Someone deliberately didn't give themselves a means of restraint, and let these people with only Tier 3 strength interrogate themselves, and use lynching, I am afraid that they just want to stimulate themselves to take action.

"Without conclusive evidence, lynching a second-level researcher, it seems that you really did not want to let me go out alive." Qi Yuan said.

The woman's eyelids twitched and said, "Speak out, I can make you die a little easier."

Qi Yuan was silent for a few seconds and asked:

"Have you found the source of this explosion?"

The woman squinted at him.

"Now I am asking you, not you asking me!"

Qi Yuan smiled.

"Always let me die to understand."

The woman circled Qi Yuan and said:

"You are very smart. You didn't take the shot yourself. Instead, through the twelve-story prison, the mechanical beast numbered 12-00055 used its body fragments to invade the control systems of multiple laboratories, and then set aside The back door of some experimental equipment caused an explosion in the laboratory."

"You tried to disguise this explosion as an accident, but you missed one point. All data in the laboratory will be backed up in the database in detail."

"We have retrieved all the abnormal data. The above clearly shows that all permission tampering started from your laboratory, and you are the culprit of this explosion!"

"Now, is there anything else you want to quibble?"

Qi Yuan frowned, he suspected that the other party was deliberately defrauding himself, but at the same time he had a vague doubt in his heart whether he was really being used by the real behind-the-scenes man.

"Even if the tampering of permissions started in my laboratory, it does not mean that this is what I did. I am only a Tier 3 capable person, not a mechanic. With my strength, I can't tamper with permissions at all!"

"So, you took advantage of 12-00055, which is on the twelfth floor of the prison!" the woman said.

"Although 12-00055 has self-destructed, it does not cover up what you have done."

"We have found evidence. 12-00055 looks like an ordinary mechanical beast, but there is a mysterious data body hidden in its body. You can take this mysterious data body back by taking the opportunity of going to the prison to sample. He entered the laboratory, and then invaded the laboratory’s network through it, and then caused this series of explosions."

Is there a data body hidden in 12-00055?

Qi Yuan suddenly believed what she said, because a sign-in point was refreshed above the 12-00055 mechanical beast.

It was just because I was not strong enough at the time and I couldn't observe closely, so I couldn't find the existence of the data body.

As for the data body hidden in the body of 12-00055, how to invade and tamper with the laboratory's authority depends on the experimental samples taken from it.

From this point of view, this bombing incident is likely to be a conspiracy of the Mechanical King Court.

The King of Machinery has dealt with the Doomsday Arms many times, so it is clear that after the Doomsday Arms captures the mechanical body, it will definitely not be destroyed immediately, but will be used as an experimental sample for research.

The Mechanical King deliberately let this mechanical beast with the hidden data body missed and captured, perhaps the purpose is to find a chance to create such a chaos.

But the question is, why did it start today?

12-00055 has been imprisoned for many years, and the experimental sampling has been carried out many times. It stands to reason that such a chaos could have been created by the Mechanical King Why did they make trouble today?

Is it because of the big project of the chief?

They didn't want this project to progress smoothly, so they chose to launch it at this time!

If this conjecture is true, then in the laboratory, there must be mechanical king's internal response!

The Black Steel Refuge will perform detailed inspections on the captured mechanical royal court mechanical bodies before being imprisoned. The data body in the sleeping state is indeed difficult to be found, but it is also difficult for the data body to wake up once it falls into a deep sleep, unless Was awakened by external forces.

This hidden in the laboratory, after knowing the relevant news of the chief project team, chose to wake up the data body and launched the explosion!

Just as Qi Yuan's mind turned sharply, trying to find the black hand behind the explosion, in another room of the Ministry of Order, a young man watched the scene of interrogating Qi Yuan in the projection, while playing with it. Activated alienated energy weapon.

"Tsk tusk! Unexpectedly, a second-level researcher would have an alienated energy weapon!" the young man said quietly.

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