Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 216: Data body

There was the oppression of the mechanical royal court outside, and the small movements of the new humans inside. Qi Yuan, who had only Tier 3 strength, suddenly felt a little urgent.


   If you can't advance to Tier 4, with your own strength at this time, you may shoot yourself to death if there is a slight storm.


   But in accordance with the usual style of the talent tree, if you want to step into Tier 4, you must complete all the sign-ins in the Black Steel Shelter.


   With his current status, most of the check-in points can complete the check-in, but there are still a few that are difficult to get involved for the time being.


   The two most difficult sign-in points, one in the sealed laboratory, and one in the board room, if you can’t solve these two sign-in points, your own road to Tier 4 will be very difficult.


   Back to the laboratory, Qi Yuan once again fed Seraph.


   Looking at the seraph with a contented face, and vigorously activating the alienated energy weapon, Qi Yuan shook his head.


   Seraph’s promotion was suppressed because she was worried that her strength surpassed her too much, which would easily cause backlash, but if she was unable to advance to Tier 4, perhaps she could only let go of the Seraph’s restrictions and let her become stronger first.


On the second day after returning to the laboratory, the Ministry of Order confirmed the identities of Hu Sha and Ning Jiajia as spies. Although the two men covered up well, they had not leaked their feet for many years, but once the Ministry of Order focused on the two of them , No matter how perfect the cover is, all traces cannot be erased, just like Qi Yuan can lock the two of them through the verification date of the experimental instrument.


   After the evidence was obtained, the order of the Ministry of Order was as quick as a thunder. Xia Shixun moved the director Zhuang Guo and directly attacked Hu Sha.


   That night, Qi Yuan received the news of Le Shikun, and he was already under control. After Qi Yuan replied, he put down his work and went to the Ministry of Order to find Le Shikun.


   Although Qi Yuan didn't give him feedback immediately after finding the clues, he chose to contact Xia Shixun through Tan Qiu, but Le Shikun didn't mind too much. On the contrary, he agreed with Qi Yuan's vigilance very much.


   Ning Jiajia, one of the spies, was in the investigation team. If Qi Yuan hadn't been cautious enough, the two spies would have already escaped.


   After learning the news of Qi Yuan's arrival, Le Shikun specially arranged the meeting place in the monitoring room, and at the same time sent all the others out.


   Qi Yuan pushed in and found that Le Shikun was the only person in the monitoring room, knowing that the other party was helping him conceal his identity.


   "Qi Yuan!" Le Shikun said hello with a smile.


   "Thanks to you this time, otherwise our investigation team will lose the face of the Ministry of Order this time."


   The investigation team that caught the spy was mixed in by the spy, and the spy was also a woman of the Deputy Minister of Order.


   Ning Jiajia's behavior is simply slap in the face of the Ministry of Justice.


   If the investigation fails because of this, not only will the Ministry of Order be discredited, but these people in the investigation team will also be implicated.


   Qi Yuan smiled, didn't entangle this issue too much, and the more he didn't care about it, the more rewards from the Ministry of Order would be.


   "Did the arrest process go smoothly?" Qi Yuan asked.


   Le Shikun gave a wry smile and shook his head slightly.


   Qi Yuan was a little surprised. Although Hu Sha had the strength of the fifth-tier peak, this place was a black steel shelter. Under the seventh-tier, there was no need to make any waves, and Xia Shixun had all shot, and there was no reason to catch it.


   "Is Hu Sha hiding his strength, or is there a stronger enemy hidden in 77 Baixiang Street?"


   Le Shikun paused and said in a low voice:


   "No. 77 Baixiang Street, there is indeed a Tier 6 mechanical body hidden, but it did not have much resistance and was controlled."


"Hu Sha's arrest here is also very smooth. Minister Xia said that Director Zhuang Guo was moved. In order to minimize the contradiction between the two departments, Director Zhuang Guo even sent his close servant Wei Jing to let him take action. Hu Sha was arrested at the Danger Management Department."


   "Although Hu Sha is not weak, Wei Jing is a seventh-order. In front of a mysterious realm Apocalypse, Hu Sha has no chance to resist."


   "When the arrest was made, the three parties proceeded at the same time. We did not expect that the actions on both sides went smoothly, but there was an accident in the arrest of the weakest Ning Jiajia."


   "Ning Jiajia seems to have only Tier 4." Qi Yuan said.


   Le Shikun nodded.


"Although Ning Jiajia has only Tier 4, Minister Yan has Tier 6. The person in charge of arresting Ning Jiajia did not expect that only Tier Ning Jiajia actually controlled Minister Yan of Tier 6, and in the end, if it weren’t for Wei Jing arrived in time and controlled Minister Yan. The arrests here may cause a mess."


   Qi Yuan was also a little surprised. Between the fourth and sixth orders, there is a difference of two major orders. According to common sense, only the fourth order Ning Jiajia can't control the sixth order Yan Junyi at all.


   "How did she do it?" Qi Yuan asked.


   "Data body!" Le Shikun said.


"Minister Yan is a mechanic. In order to advance to the seventh rank and become a high-level mechanical apostle, he abandoned all flesh and blood. Ning Jiajia used the data body to secretly control some of the authority of Minister Yan’s mechanical body. A little later, Minister Yan will become Ning Jiajia's puppet."


   Qi Yuan was shocked instantly.


   Yan Junyi is definitely a mechanic!


   He abandoned all his flesh and blood and uploaded all his meaning into the steel can. He belongs to the true straight steel man. This Ning Jiajia can actually climb on his bed. How did she do this?


"Although Wei Jing controlled Minister Yan in time to prevent him from causing more killings, he gave Ning Jiajia a chance to commit suicide. This woman committed suicide before we were captured and used toxins to destroy her brain. There is no chance to make her a brain in a tank."


  The brain in the tank is to dig out the enemy's brain, put it in the nutrient solution, and directly read the data in the cerebral cortex.


   Although this method is cruel, it is very effective and perfectly replaces the role of torture in interrogation.


   Qi Yuan glanced at the monitor, which showed the projection of the interrogation of Hu Sha. The spy of the mechanical king's court looked forward with empty eyes, and his expression was a bit sluggish.


   "Is his brain damaged?" Qi Yuan asked.


   Le Shikun nodded.


"A spy of this level is difficult to instigate countermeasures, so after controlling him, Wei Jing directly used the mysterious domain ability to read part of his shallow memory. Unexpectedly, this Hu Sha is also a ruthless character, and he placed it in his brain in advance. Once the trap is violated, once someone invades the consciousness and reads the memory, the brain will self-destruct."


   "Although Wei Jing stopped in time and left Hu Sha with his life, his brain was damaged, so he became like this."


   "Is it possible to interrogate something like this?" Qi Yuan asked.


   Le Shikun shook his head.


   "It's a routine business. In half an hour, he will be made into a brain in a tank, but his brain is damaged. Even if it is made into a brain in a tank, it is estimated that he will not be able to dig out more news."


   "How's the situation of the mechanical body hidden in No. 77 Baixiang Street?" Qi Yuan asked pretendingly.


   After entering the Department of Order, Qi Yuan had already discovered that the sign-in point at No. 77 Baixiang Street had disappeared. Instead, the Department of Order had a new sign-in point.

   If there is no accident, the sign-in point at No. 77 Baixiang Street should be right above this mechanical body. As the Order Department controls this mechanical body, the sign-in point is also transferred to the Order Department.


   "In the mechanical room at the back, several mechanics are disassembling this mechanical body to see if they can find some useful clues."


   "How to deal with this mechanical body in subsequent preparations?" Qi Yuan asked.


   Le Shikun glanced at Qi Yuan and smiled.


   "After our mechanics have checked and confirmed that there are no hidden data bodies, this mechanical body should be imprisoned to the twelfth floor of the prison, and then take samples from the people in your laboratory for research."


   Qi Yuan shrugged.


   "The mechanical king's accomplishments in the mechanical field are indeed unique. The sampling and research of this mechanical body is expected."


   "If it's convenient, I want to get a sample first."


   "Although there are some discordances, if it is you, there is no problem at all." Le Shikun said.


   To be able to find these two spies, Qi Yuan is the first to take a sample in advance, which is just a favor for him.


   Under the leadership of Le Shikun, Qi Yuan quickly saw the mechanical body brought back from No. 77 Baixiang Street.


   It looks like a bronze metal armor. If it weren't for the creamy white light beam on the armor, Qi Yuan would almost think it was an antique-level decoration.


   "Is this the sixth-order mechanical body?" Qi Yuan asked in surprise.


   Le Shikun nodded.


"No. 77 Baixiang Street is an antique shop with various old-age metal products. When the searchers entered No. 77 Baixiang Street, they did not realize that it was a mechanical body at first. A Tier 6 mechanic was almost fooled by it."


   "How is the inspection progress?" Qi Yuan asked.


   "There is no active data body found for the time being, but whether there is a sleeping hidden data body, we still need to continue to check."


"Its control center and energy core have been taken away. It is now an immovable steel can. If you want to sample its control center and energy core, you may have to wait for a while until they finish checking. ."


   "Don't be so troublesome." Qi Yuan said calmly.


   "I will just take a sample on this empty shell."


   The sign that the beam of light is still on this mechanical body means that if there is a secret in this mechanical body, it will not be in the control center and energy core. It is inside this seemingly empty mechanical body.


   Le Shikun would naturally not object to Qi Yuan's request. Qi Yuan approached the mechanical body, easily touched the sign-in beam, completed the sign-in, and gained a third-order ability point again.


   At the same time that the sign-in was completed, Qi Yuan discovered that the metal part shrouded by the sign-in beam was a metal buckle on the waist of the mechanical body.


   Qi Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he directly buckled off the metal ring. This buckle that was favored by the sign-in must have a special secret.


   Qi Yuan tried to bring the talent point closer to the metal buckle, and the familiar prompt appeared again.


  In this metal buckle, there is a hidden data body sleeping, which can integrate talent points and bring a brand-new Tier 3 ability—virtual invasion.


Qi Yuan was shocked. This mechanical body may also be a trap left by the Mechanical Royal Court. Like the mechanical beast numbered 12-00055, if the Ministry of Order did not find this hidden mechanical body, it would be imprisoned in Prison 12. Layer, regardless of laboratory sampling, laboratory explosion accidents are very likely to happen again.


This cannot be said that the Ministry of Order is too careless, but the sixth-order mechanical body of the Mechanical King Court is too rare. Both the Ministry of Order and the laboratory are reluctant to destroy it. If it can completely crack and absorb a Mechanical King's sixth-order mechanical body , The harvest is definitely more than the frontal battlefield destroying three mechanical bodies of the same strength.


   Qi Yuan suppressed the shock in his heart and put the metal ring in his hand into the container provided by Le Shikun.


   A sleeping data volume, of course, cannot cause more damage. It also requires passive experimental equipment, and it needs someone to wake it up.


   If this data body is really a trap left by the Mechanical King Court deliberately, it means that there is at least one Mechanical King's spy in the shelter.


   Now that Ning Jiajia is dead, Hu Sha's brain is damaged and unable to communicate, I am afraid it is difficult to find the last spy from him!


   Qi Yuan's thoughts flickered. Regardless of whether there are other agents in the shelter, since this data body has fallen into his own hands, no one wants to use it to cause damage.


   "How much does the Ministry of Order know about the data body of Mechanical King Court?" Qi Yuan asked.


   "We don't know much." Le Shikun shook his head.


   "It's not just us, even the warhead that has already fought against the King of Machines, knows very little about the data body."


   "But one thing is for sure, even in the mechanical palace, the data body is very precious."


"I have consulted a Tier 7 mechanic. He judged that the data body of the King of Mechanics is a kind of semi-intelligent digital life. If we go further, the King of Mechanics can create a real smart digital life, and their strength is also Will expand further."


   Qi Yuan frowned slightly.


The most essential difference between a mechanic and a robot that has abandoned all flesh and blood is that mechanics have independent intelligence. Although robots have very perfect mechanical logic and can execute human instructions almost perfectly, they actually have no real wisdom. .


  If the King of Machines makes a real intelligent life form, it means that their robots will become mechanical life, and they will create a new intelligent race. UU reading www.


   "I hope Mechanical King will not be so crazy." Qi Yuan couldn't help but shook his head.


   Once the King of Machines produces a truly intelligent digital life form, it will inevitably be the birth of machine life.


   Although the mechanical life will improve the strength of the mechanical king, if the mechanical has a real life, it will think for itself, and then imagine controlling it like a robot, it will become impossible.


   Once the King of Machinery opens this Pandora's box, what it releases, I am afraid it will be an enemy of all flesh and blood.


   finished the sign-in, and received a sleeping digital life form. Just when Qi Yuan was about to leave, Wei Jing suddenly came to the door.


   "Qi Yuan, hello! I am Wei Jing!" Wei Jing smiled and said hello, without the slightest pretension.


   "Hello, may I ask, what can I do?"


   Facing an apocalyptic powerhouse in the mysterious realm, Qi Yuan didn't dare to be careless. Even if he brought Seraph, a fourth-order energy body could not play any role in front of Wei Jing.


   "Because of others, I want to invite you to meet to solve the misunderstanding." Wei Jing said.


Qi Yuan's heart changed sharply, and he has many enemies, but not many people can tell a seventh-tier powerhouse like Wei Jing to be a lobbyist. Moreover, Wei Jing is also director Zhuang Guo's close attendant, allowing him to come forward. Does the lobbyist have something to do with Director Zhuang Guo?

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