Mei Man: Starting from the Dimension Demon

Chapter 223 "Frank, your companion is in danger..."

Chapter 223 "Frank, your companion is in danger"

Step, step, step.
Punisher Frank Castor walked quietly on the road. He had just come out of New York City Central Hospital.

As a member of the Defenders, Luke Cage was severely burned in the Zero Tail battle and needed to be treated in the hospital for a long time. From time to time, Frank would visit him as a friend.

"This time the situation is good. Luke's mental state has improved a lot. I hope he can cheer up as soon as possible."

Suddenly, he stopped, looked at the gloomy sky, turned and walked into the alley on the side of the street.

There was a drug-related transaction going on in the alley, when a few gangsters with dyed hair saw Frank coming in, they immediately surrounded him ferociously.

"Hey, who are you, who let you in?"

"White man, Gateout, this is not the place for you!"

"Get out!"

Completely ignoring their clamor, Frank's figure flashed, and several gangsters lay on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces. They were foaming at the mouth and sleeping quite peacefully.

The red light in his eyes began to dim, and the blood from the ghost clan began to calm down. This is a little trick he has figured out during this period of time. It can partially vampire in a short period of time to increase his physique and five senses.

"Come out, woman!"

The nose sniffed lightly, and the scent of perfume in the air wafted into Frank's nose. The enhanced five senses told him that there was a woman hidden nearby.

But... no response, the alley was quiet.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the man hadn't come out, Frank raised his foot calmly and was about to walk out of the alley.

It wasn't until he was about to reach the entrance of the alley that there was a sudden sound of trampling footsteps behind him. He stood on the spot and turned sideways, a woman in red leather pants appeared in his sight.

She has fair features, a high nose bridge, and short hair that reaches her ears. She looks like a mixed race of East and West.

The height of 1 meters is just right, just standing there, it gives people a cold feeling, like a rose with thorns.

"Who are you?"

Without asking why you are following my nonsense, Frank got right to the heart of it.

"Ada Wang, someone who will help you."

Without revealing her occupation, Ada Wang was full of mystery when she opened her mouth.

"Help what?"

This woman named Ada Wang felt like an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and to be more serious, she felt similar to Natasha.

Ada Wang smiled slightly, and slowly spit out a name.

"Impossible! Fire Cloud Cthulhu is dead, I saw it with my own eyes!"

His face suddenly turned cold, and Frank answered firmly.

"That's true, but... what if it's someone else?"

Looking at him, Ada Wang's smile deepened.

"One, who is also called Huoyun Cthulhu!"


It's not impossible to have the same name and surname, but... what does this have to do with him, Frank?
As if seeing the doubt on his face, Ada Wang continued.

"Fire Cloud Cthulhu is both a name and a title. According to legend, 700 years ago in the martial arts of the Eastern Kingdom, a man named Huo Yun Cthulhu appeared.

"Because of being too famous, coupled with the changes of the times, Huoyun Cthulhu has become a kind of glory, a kind of title."

"And the previous Huoyun Cthulhu was the one you killed, and for this reason, the new Huoyun Cthulhu must do a great job if he wants to wear this title well."

"And killing you is a good publicity point."

[Mood value from Frank Castor +1800]

"...very interesting statement, tell me your purpose."

Frank's eyes were very calm.

"My purpose is very simple, to help you deal with Huoyun Cthulhu, and you have to do me a favor after this is done." Ada Wang looked at him, revealing his calm appreciation for Frank.

"What are you busy with?"

"I'm investigating an incident. Two months ago, near New York Harbor, the Umbrella Corporation acquired an 'item'. I want to know what it is?"

"Umbrella Corporation? What do you want?"

"I need to go in and see."

"I refuse." This woman was still hiding the key points, and she couldn't be trusted. Frank turned around without hesitation and refused.

"I need to get the black card on Huoyun Cthulhu, that is the key to sneaking into the umbrella!"

The voice behind him didn't stop Frank, but his speed did slow down.

"The information I got from the Shadow Organization shows that Umbrella Corporation is about to make a big move. They got something from Antarctica. I don't know what it is yet.

However, if no one came to stop it, many people would die in New York! "


This sentence is very lethal, maybe Ada Wang can not care about this city, but Frank does.

He stopped completely and turned around again: "Ma'am, I still can't believe you now, give me a reason to believe you!"

"Frank, your companion is in danger"

bell bell~
As soon as the voice fell, Frank's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Frank, I'm xx, the head nurse of New York City Central Hospital. Luke is missing and we can't get in touch. Do you know where he went?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was flustered, it was from the head nurse.

Frank hangs up the phone after a few words casually, and then stares into Ida Wang's eyes, as if trying to see through her.

"Luke, missing."

"It's Huoyun Cthulhu. He has come to New York with a very clear purpose."

Ada Wang's answer made his heart sink, and he had no time to think about it, so he hurriedly turned around and headed to New York City Central Hospital.

But Ada Wang stopped him with a loud voice, and she led Frank out of the alley, stopped at the nearest locked door, and then took out a key amidst Frank's strange expression.

"This is a key with mysterious power that can take us directly there."

She explained something casually, regardless of whether Frank understood it or not, she just inserted it into the keyhole and twisted it.


The door opened.

"This is?" His eyes froze suddenly, and Frank stared at the scene behind the door. It was different from what he thought, but a toilet, on which the sign of New York City Central Hospital was clearly visible.


A woman in a hospital gown seemed to have just gone to the bathroom and saw them as soon as she turned her face.

She seemed to be stunned, with her mouth open and her body motionless.

"Come on, Mr. Frank."

Putting away the key, Ada Wang stepped in gracefully.

Following her footsteps and entering, Frank nodded to the woman inside, and said calmly, "Give way."

Then, with the woman's sluggish expression, he walked past her calmly.

It wasn't until he walked far away from the toilet that there was a scream that pierced the eardrum.


The screams attracted the attention of quite a few people, and the crowd rushed there, but it had nothing to do with Frank at this time, because they were now standing outside the door of Luke Cage's ward.

Pushed the door, the room was unlocked.

The room was quiet, no one was there, and Luke had really disappeared.

Just under the pillow, they found a black token, and the three Chinese characters on it made Frank barely recognize their meaning.

"Raksha Order?"

[Mood value from Frank Castor +1823]

(End of this chapter)

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