Mei Man: Starting from the Dimension Demon

Chapter 36 Tony missing.

Chapter 36 Tony Stark. Missing.

"Shut up, Deadpool, you're going to piss it off!"

Outside the formation, Natasha scolded on the surface, but secretly agreed with her.

Without him, the demon is stupid!
[Mood value from the demon Barlow +677]

Hearing this, the demon Barlow finally realized that something was wrong. He was furious and felt that he had been seriously insulted and betrayed.

In hell, it's a demon of fire is also a proper high-end talent!

"Roar, you hateful humans!
How dare you tease the great fire demon Barlow, I will take your soul with my own hands and sink into eternal hell, let the flames of hell
Burn you for 10 years! ! "

"Oh, you must find the right person, and don't forget my name."

Taking out the lighter, Constantine calmly lit a cigarette.

This action was too ignorant, and it aroused the demon's anger again, and it screamed.

"Damn it, how dare you look down on me!"

"Then use your stupid brain, keep the name firmly in your heart for me, and go deep into your soul."

He flicked out the cigarette at his fingertips, watched the cigarette spin in the air and hit the demon's forehead, Constantine smiled contemptuously.

"Remember, my name is—Phil Coulson!"


In the magic circle, red light shot up into the sky, with a weak electric sound, and the demon attached to Deadpool also turned into a faint black gas, sucked away by the law from hell.

However, the angry roar left by the demon before leaving echoed repeatedly in this dark underground space.

"I will never let you go—Phil Coulson!!"

[Mood value from the demon Barlow +777]

Twitching the corners of her eyes, Natasha was inexplicably familiar with this sentence.


Flapping the flames on his body, Deadpool got up from the ground with a grin.

"Konstantin, do all the demons in hell have this kind of IQ?"

"more or less."

Lighting up a cigarette again, Konstantin thought about it and replied.

"This brain is not bad, most of the land in hell is not as good as it."

[Mood value from Natasha Romanov +681]

[Mood value from Wade Wilson +733]

This is the truth, the IQ of the demons in hell is so strange, usually when the two parties meet, they either use their fists or claws, and rarely use their brains!

"It really opened my eyes."

Echoing, she was overjoyed, and Natasha obtained important information about hell again.

"Oh, No, isn't it true that Tangtang Hell is pulling his hips like this?"

Walking out of the circle, Deadpool showed sympathy.

"The younger brother's IQ is so low, who are the bosses?
You won't run the business by yourself and distribute leaflets, will you? "

Looking at Deadpool strangely, Constantine smoked a cigarette and did not speak.

How could he say, yes, that's right, that's what Mephisto, the dignified hell lord, did?
What is little brother?
Those are all playing tricks, acting as atmosphere.

But in this way, isn't it lowering the compulsion of those big guys, making it look like Hell Detective is also very low?
"Mr Constantine... thank you for helping us solve this vicious paranormal case.

The $10 promised by S.H.I.E.L.D. will be credited to your bank card immediately! "

With a smile, Natasha made a commitment.

"What about me? What about me?"

Upon hearing the money, Deadpool couldn't wait to jump over and yelled like a monkey.

He dances and dances, and his body language is extremely rich.

"In this operation, I also made great efforts. I have shed blood for the organization, twisted my waist, and even betrayed my appearance.
For an organization as big as S.H.I.E.L.D., you can't be so cruel and kill mules! "

"No, that's a camel!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Constantine smiled like a bully.


Natasha was speechless, complaining constantly in her heart.

Are those mules and camels?

That's a horse. No, it's a donkey, a donkey——! !

Raising her hand and rubbing the center of her brows, Natasha felt tired and said helplessly seeing Deadpool's unwillingness to forgive.

"Mr. Wilson, you have worked hard and bled, and I have seen all of this."

But turning around and betraying the hue, isn't that the line I should say?

"Why not? The devil has entered my body, except for my pure soul, everything that should be defiled has been defiled!"

Really not ashamed but proud, Deadpool stood upright with his hands on his hips, with a look of pride on his face.

Natasha couldn't refute it, so she could only helplessly express that she would ask the director for special approval to give Deadpool 2 US dollars.

Not caring that Deadpool was having fun alone there, Constantine took out his phone and saw a text message indicating that he had received a remittance of 10 US dollars, so he nodded in satisfaction and kindly reminded.

"Agent Natasha"

"what happened?"

"I must remind you that although this case is over, we haven't found the evil spirit hidden behind the scenes."

[Mood value from Natasha Romanov +637]

"Ah? What about the batch we got earlier?" Frowning, Natasha questioned.

"It's just some puppets manipulated by evil spirits."

Having said that, Constantine came to a pool of ashes.

He grabbed a handful and closed his eyes, as if he was investigating something.

Natasha didn't dare to disturb him and looked at him nervously.

After a while, Constantine opened his eyes and said in a serious tone.

"A woman in a blue dress, Asians buried at the bottom of the Hudson River!"

"By the way, I also heard a song"

"When the husband is in love, when the concubine is heartbroken, the feeling of grievance is known for a long time. It is not easy to meet and part. The abandoned wife is now too late to regret. Do you remember that day when Phoenix was more happy than fun,
I also remember whether I have continued to bear the kindness of the other branches, and whether the old love has no place to live, and whether I have a mother without a father and an orphan. Guess my lord, do you know if I have been ill for a long time and become tuberculosis,

Will soon die of grief for you. "

[Mood value from Natasha Romanov +713]

[Mood value from Wade Wilson +744]

"Then what to do? Constantine, what can you do?"

It took a long time to find out that it was not the right owner, and Natasha was a little discouraged.

"We must fish her bones out of the river and purify them with highly concentrated holy water!"

Constantine soon had a countermeasure, but.

"The most troublesome thing is not the next step, but how to dig the opponent's bones from the bottom of the river.

You know, what we are facing is an evil spirit, and we will not be willing to watch us dig up her bones without being indifferent! "

Biting her lower lip, Natasha nodded seriously.

"I understand, I will find a way to avoid human labor, and suggest replacing it with intelligent machines."

bell bell~
The sudden ringing of the bell interrupted their discussion.

With an apology, Constantine answered the phone.

"Hi it's me."

"Huh? What? Missing?"

"I see. Miss Bochi, don't worry now, I'll go to your place right away."

"Don't worry, there is a compass, and Tony will definitely be found!"


After hanging up the phone, Constantine took a deep breath on his cigarette, threw it on the ground and stomped it out.

"Natasha, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with that evil spirit with you."

"What happened?"

Natasha asked, and Deadpool also came over.

Raising his eyes, Constantine said in a serious tone, "Tony Stark is missing."

(End of this chapter)

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