Melody of Mana

206 History Lesson

The walls of the city of Linden were magnificent. Most of the places we'd passed through, almost all of them as a matter of fact, had been unimpressive. This however was a very welcome change. I could practically feel the weight and power of ages as we approached, defenses that had been built and built over who knew how many years.

There were layers and layers of walls, and even on the approach to the city proper I could see the differing styles and differing types, even some of the materials. In a sense, that struck me as odd, since most places would at least try to normalize their buildings over the years, but here it worked, each addition seemed designed to keep not invasions of men, but rather monsters from attacking the city proper. I could even see now how parts of the city had spilled out of the walls, space constraints pulling them out.

The buildings, I noticed as we passed through a series of gates, were often newer. Ancient structures did degrade over time after all, particularly smaller ones, and so building layer on top of layer wasn't odd at all. While I had no plan need to ask, and absolutely no plan to look, it wouldn't surprise me if the undercity in this place rivaled or exceeded that back home.

After our initial entry, something sped along by the presence of the kindly Rost, we passed through without problems. Sure, the districts got nicer the closer you got to city center, and it was clear where the actual heavy policing was to keep crime pushed back to the edges, with the exception of the innermost district, the gates weren't closed, boarding off portions of the city like I had heard some locales did.

We approached the location I was told would be our accommodations for the duration of our stay, a side wing of an absolutely massive temple. While it had certain sections that displayed the standard architecture I associated with the orders, none of the symbols were displayed.

I saw the red curtains of the Lovers, the calm austere outside of the Shield, a garden entrance for the Vine, and strangely, hidden off to one side, a road that led to a tiny temple, one I didn't recognize. It was plain, but not imposing, and the stone path, looking more like a road than anything else was the only real thing that stood out.

We were greeted at the entrance by a woman in simple, but well made clothing, who smiled brightly.

"Greetings, I hope your trip went well?" She said.

"No, we in fact had a large number of issues on the way. Let's talk inside." Rost said.

Several of the knights joined us, while several more stayed behind to guard the caravan, taking up defensive positions.

"Someone leaked how important this mission is," I said plainly once we'd been taken inside and all sat down.

"I'm not read into that miss..." the question obvious on the priestess' voice.

"Alana, and that's not too surprising. The issue we've had is security. Many of the cities we've stopped in have attempted to waylay or attack us, and my worry is that we might not be safe here."

"I'll pass your concerns upwards towards the leadership of our city. As for now I can't tell you too much about the warding or defensive structures of this building, but I can tell you that it is extensive. I can also assign servants that know some of the hidden escape routes in case something does go wrong."

The sergeant had joined us and smiled, taking the lead with a nod. "That would be appreciated lady..."

"Sarah, and Sister Sarah please,"

"Apologies, Sister Sarah. Could we also request inner rooms without windows, and some without hidden entrances in the actual room?" He knew security better than I did, so it only made sense to let him take the lead here.

"An odd request, but one that we can meet. Some of them may be small as those are normally staff quarters, if that is no issue?"

It wasn't, and after the sergeant had asked for a few more concessions, we were shown to our quarters. This looked rather like a dorm suite, separate bedroom all around a central area with easily watchable points of ingress and egress. There were even a couple of maids and manservants, something the orders didn't normally avail themselves of, but kept around for visitors like ourselves.

Once everything was in place and a few personal effects had been brought in I could finally relax. My next meeting wasn't until the following day and even then the more important parts had been taken care of earlier. If we got attacked at this point there really wasn't anything for it, not that I felt that likely, nobody in their right mind would attack the very core of the priestly orders.

The next day was fairly relaxed. Sure, I had a meeting to attend, but it wasn't until well in the afternoon. So, I got to see a fair amount of the larger temple complex. There wasn't much to it to be honest, since it was mostly for training and administration.

There were of course similar temples in the city to deal with things like healing, and all the other business that a city this large might need, but this place wasn't for that. If anything it was more like the mix between a city hall and a college. There was an entire half devoted to teaching, either priests who couldn't get basic magical training elsewhere, or more advanced students aiming to reach higher like Rost was. The other half was dominated by scribes, actuaries, and offices for the city leadership. There was some overlap, but less than I might otherwise expect.

So I enjoyed a few hours of examining the architecture and way they did things here. It was through that light wandering that I found my way to a massive domed room. It may have served some other purpose in the past, but now functioned only as a crossroads in this facility, and one not muchly used.

That was fine and all, but I was more taken in by the many mosaics on the wall, depicting some kind of war. Not only was that odd, but one of the sides seemed to be primarily elven in nature, the pointed ears a dead giveaway.

There was a problem though, and one that had been mounting for a few minutes now.

"Are you okay? You look absolutely pained. If something's wrong I can help, or we could definitely find a priest," I said to the knight assigned to guard me.

The guard grimaced. "Don't think that's needed ma'am. Just... just my stomach is killing me, has been for a good bit now. May..."

"Then let's find you a restroom or something shall we?" I approached an old man who was nearby sweeping the floor of the huge room.

"Something wrong dear?" He asked, voice almost creaking as he looked up.

"Is there a restroom nearby?" I asked.

"Certainly, eastern hallway, third door on the left," the elder said.

"Miss, I can't leave you alone..." the knight tried, only for him to wince. I decidedly did not want this man to release whatever was bothering him here in the middle of the temple, not when I was as safe as I could be.

"Oh no worries son, she'll be perfectly safe. I'll even stay with the young lady till you come back if that helps." He gave the guard a kindly smile and waved him off.

It wouldn't really help, at least not probably. I could see no aura around the man, and even if there was, he wasn't one of ours. Another spasm though seemed to make up the knight's mind for him.

"Miss, you stay here where there's lots of people around. If something happens the sergeant'll have my head."

After a quick nod and eye roll from me he left, looking uncomfortable as he ran for the lavatories.

The old man laughed. "Younglings, there's no danger here." After we shared a quick snicker he looked up. "I saw you looking through the old murals."

"I was, I've never seen their like before. What are they about?"

"Ah," he said, moving back over to the wall. As he did I couldn't help but notice that despite the apparent age, this man looked strong and very healthy. "These are about the founding of the orders."

"I don't think I know that story..." I mused.

"Well, we don't tell it much. There's a certain caution that it could inspire hatred, which we'd rather like to avoid, and it is really ancient history." At my raised eyebrows and interest he continued. Leading me back to the beginning of the show to start.

"Roughly five thousand years ago man lived in the dirt and stones. In that time we were truly primitive, living in caves and huts, without metal or great buildings like we have now," he began as we looked at an image of people living something like cave men.

"From the far west a different people came, bringing knowledge, teaching, and building, but also ruling."

"Elves?" I said as we walked along, seeing ships and their passengers landing upon shores that were surely supposed to be this continent's.

"Yes, elves. They came, and while they brought knowledge, and more magic than most men had at that point, they also ruled, making it clear that they were the ones to be followed, no other."

But they didn't now. I knew there had been a war, and things had happened that bothered even the ancient Justin, but not details.

"Things went, well not too terribly for a time. Certainly we humans were ruled, but not too harshly. Then something happened. Few know, or knew I am told, the full details, but there was some tragedy, and the leader of their people went mad."

We kept moving and I saw him there. Whoever had first made this had to have met the old elf, or gotten a very, very good description, because here, in one of the images I had missed stood Justin. He looked like an exact copy, and even his aura was depicted properly. There were differences though. He stood encased in armor, in his hand a war hammer and on his face a snarl of pure hatred, a look I couldn't really associate with the man I'd met.

"He destroyed a city wholesale, thousands dead in only a day as fire and death rained upon the people. It didn't end there though, the leaders, who'd been hard, but not cruel changed their ways. They began to oppress, any dissent crushed beneath the heels of elven soldiers."

The next image showed just this, cities burning, people dead and dying in the street, or otherwise weeping.

"It started with a group of four, four priests who couldn't abide it any longer. Together they came, and met with their followers, forming a true resistance."

I had to stop him here. There was a depiction of four people, that was true. The first, a large man with a shield in his hand, who stood strong like a hero, who was, oddly familiar. Beside him was a smaller, lithe man surrounded by plants crawling up his arms. The third was odd.

"An elven priestess?" I asked, the beautiful woman who was show there was clearly no human.

"Indeed, one of those who joined to fight back was an elf. She'd seen the depredations and dedicated herself to the protection of the women and babes who had been predated upon. That is the founder of the Order of Lovers."

He must have seen my shock and let me have time for it to sink in. The last figure was small, and also a man, his face half covered by the shadow from his hood.

"Who is that?" I asked, nodding.

"That is the founder of the Wanderers."

"I've never even heard of them," I said.

"Not surprising," the old man replied. "They're few, and far between. They mostly dedicate themselves to exploration and the furthest edges of society. We train a handful every few years, but even this place sees that order seldom. Even if we do, after only a short time of training they go, off into their business, only reporting back on their findings infrequently."

Further down was an image of a titanic battle.

"Yes, the priests of the orders, and all of their supporters finally began to drive his armies away, freeing the lands. Not much is known about what happened after the final battle. The elves claimed that their master survived, leading their forces home before disappearing. Regardless, when the dust settled the elves fled in total, leaving the lands."

"And I'm guessing that this place was built not long after?" I postulated.

"Correct, in fact this is the spot of that last titanic struggle. At least that's what the records say." He gave a smile, ancient history was sometimes hard to pin down, but I was inclined to believe it.

I could see the knight returning, looking much relieved. "Thank you sir for your time. Ah, may I know your name?"

"Oh most people just call me elder my dear, but feel free to call me Aaron, at least in private." He tapped the side of his nose conspiratorially and winked.

"Then thank you mister Aaron. Sadly I think I must go."

"You're quite welcome Alana, have a wonderful afternoon," he bade me as I went to go join back up with my guard, there were other places to go today.

A few moments after they left the old priest sighed, finally able to relax.

"Everything well Elder?" Asked an aide who'd been waiting off to the side.

"Fine, fine, just that holding in my aura is tiring on these old bones of mine." A favorite excuse, even if I hadn't aged much in a very, very long time.

I kept sweeping, watching the golden bubbles seem to bounce off the ground. Some of my students and acolytes frowned at seeing me to menial labor like this, but it helped me keep pride away. I liked to remind myself of where I came from, and not to act like one of those foolish kings.

"Did you get what you desired?" The aide said as he followed behind, careful not to mess up my cleaning.

"Not all of it, but I got to take her measure. It is enough."

"Can I get you anything else then?"

"You certainly can lad," I said. "A dustpan would be quite useful."

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