Melody of Mana

Chapter 108 Catching Up

I was quickly moved to the headquarters for dad's army. It was a large governmental building they'd taken over some time ago. They'd chosen this one because of the nearby prison (For captured soldiers/mages/ect), the thick walls, and the ready made offices. I of course didn't get to see much of it, due to the fact that I was rushed in, taken to an office, sat down, and given a list of places and names to memorize by Mystien.

His safehouse and contact list was about a page long, and dad told me, in no uncertain terms, that I wouldn't be allowed to leave until I could recite the whole thing backwards. I later learned that this was an exercise that I'd be doing for several weeks, so that I wouldn't ever forget where to go if things ever hit the fan again.

"Please tell me you're not actually going to make this a daily thing," I said when dad finally returned to test me late that evening.

"It's in case you ever run away again, and yes, I do."

"I did not run away, I was kidnapped," I retorted.

"You were, and you smartly made it to a nearby, safe location. From which you ran away halfway across the country to stay with a bartender you'd never met."

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds stupid."

"It sure does, and so you will be given and memorize a list of places to go, and people to see should things ever go wrong again."

"Fine, not like there's too much else for me to do right now anyway. The academy is shut down, you don't want me out and in the town, and you and John are both busy out of your minds."

"You could spin, you love spinning."

"I loved spinning when I was six dad, and most of that was spending time with people while doing it."

He gave me a very sad look. "It's been too long, far, far too long. I'm sorry that I had to leave, and even more so for all that happened afterwards."

Now was my turn to feel bad. "You didn't have much a choice from what I understand, and I'm not even mad that you didn't tell me about where you were going. I know that I was too young then and you couldn't trust me, but what happened to the village wasn't your fault. That all lies squarely at the feet of Lord Hazelwood."

"Lied squarely, he's dead."

"Did you?"

"Yes. You don't need more details than that. I don't want you to have nightmares."

"Oh dad, nightmares are my normal state. I saw the town slowly starve while I tried my hardest, and failed to stop it, I gutted Malke, I was kidnapped, threatened, fought a massive iron golem, and a mana-eater. I was hit with a lightning bomb, and left barely able to move in a field, I-I saw Rod... after what they did to him. Good dreams are a rare gift for me, and knowing that you skinned that bastard or something wouldn't bother me a bit."

He sat down near me, finding one of the office chairs. "Alana, that shouldn't have happened. I wanted you and your brothers to have a peaceful life, not... not the one you've had."

I rose, heading over to him and kissing his cheek. "Things happen dad, it's not your fault. Now, can we go get some food? I've been in here all day."

"That sounds good actually, let's go. Also, where in the world did you run into a mana-eater, or an iron golem for that matter?"

As we rose and moved to the door I looked over at him. "Do you want the story of how I met the crown prince first? Or the one where I was at a party that turned into a bloodbath first?"

"... Alana, do me a favor."


"Don't dump all of this on your mother at once. Who knows how she'll react."

"I think I'm going to gloss over the worst parts. She is a bit prone to overreacting. Anyway, since you didn't answer... It all started after we went to see the exams for the academy..."

I slept in late the next morning, not realizing how much I missed that luxury that students seldom got. When I woke up in the room assigned to me I found that it was still a bit depressingly empty. I didn't have many of my meager possessions on me, and those I did were mostly functional.

There was a bowl of fruit for breakfast, along with some bread and water. It was plain, but good, and that was something that I missed a bit as well. Not everything had to be formal, my hair didn't need to be put up in braids, and I didn't need lots of layers that I couldn't hope to put on without either help or magic. It was relaxed. Well, there was a guard just outside the door who informed me, "The general said to stay here and memorize your list." but I could live with that.

Mystien came by around noon.

"Alright Alana, the reports about you from your teachers say that you had an unusual magic item. There are perhaps other things too?"

"Um? The lamp?"

"Indeed, let's see it." I shrugged and brought over my lamp, which was still hovering around a full charge. "What's it do?" Mystien asked as he gave it the same odd look everyone did when they first saw it.

"It's a lamp."

"What's it actually do?"

"It's a lamp."



"Why does it feel... sort of too right?"

"I'm not completely sure on that."

"Best guess."

"3.14159-265-3589" I sang. Translating the song was a bit clunky, but it still kind-of worked.

"I... Is that Pi!?" Interestingly Pi was pronounced the same. I suspected that some, or many, other people from Earth had seen to that.

"Well some of it, Pi isn't really a number that you can just say... I think? Regardless, that is way more accurate than what everyone normally uses. I think that's why it looks... wonky, or part of it at least. I was also humming when I made the thing, so there may be some bardic nonsense going on too." I knew for a fact that Pi was irrational, but there was no reason to go into detail there, or to tell him I knew 100 digits of it.

"Okay... very well. That is something I'll want to experiment with later, but for now let's go over the spells you can do."

I spent the next hour or so going through most of the variations of what I could do for him, and giving basic, if not completely accurate explanations.

"I see why the capture team had a hard time with you. Lucien taught you illusions I'm guessing?" At my nod he continued. "The fire and lightning are particularly impressive. Most bards never manage something like either of those. I'm also personally amused by the sugar spell, not because it's magically impressive or anything, but rather that you spent that much time and mana learning to make sweets."

"Sweets are important! What can a girl do if she cannot bake cakes, or make her tea tasty? Such is the best parts of life that we might enjoy sweet things." I raised my fist in an overly dramatic pose. "Long live sweets!"

The old man groaned, tossing a ball of cold water at me with a lazy flick. "Try to take this seriously."

As I dried myself I glared at him. "You're still a grumpy old fart."

"And you're still childish."

"Being childish is an art-form Mystien. You should engage in it more often, it's fun."

"I'm well aware, but there's a time for everything."

"Fair enough, anything else?" I'd shown him my spells now. I was a bit surprised that he hadn't asked about the sky-metal, but if he wasn't asking, I wasn't volunteering it. When I got used to things and knew everyone was on the up-and-up perhaps.

"How exactly did you manage to keep casting after the capture team silenced you?"

"Oh, I cast through dance."

"Interesting. I knew there were elves that did that sometimes. Did you discover that on your own?"

"What? No, I've been taking Atali Dance at the academy for like a year."

"Oh. When your father sees you doing that I'm sure he'll be... surprised." He barely held back his laugh. "I don't know if he's ever seen elven dances before at all. I wonder what he'll say."

I leaned in close. "Yes, good, embrace the laughter." Eventually he gave in.

I was informed that mom was somewhere safe, and would be told of my 'rescue' as quickly as possible. A messenger had been dispatched, but they were notoriously slow, particularly now, as the snow had finally begun to fall in earnest.

I was locked up and mostly bored for about a week. I'd spent my time alone working on my core for the most part, and doing some self-assigned work on item creation, all theoretical in the last part, but fun to do. I spent my afternoons doing some dance practice, good for if I got silenced again and excellent exercise. The fact that my dad was never around in the afternoons may have also had something to do with the time slot. I'd also taken to wearing my earpiece as a decoration, hoping for some information on Dras.

As I came out of my evening session of core improvement I heard a noise in my ear.

"How should I know? She just said to use this thing if it got bad and to try and be outside... No, I don't know what it does, no, no. Yes, I did try it when we evacuated, but nothing happened. Just relax, I'll only be a..."

"Who's there?"

"Alana? Where are you? Are you invisible again?"

"No, it's the earpiece. Who am I talking to?"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, it's me, Dras. You haven't forgotten me have you?" His voice on the last bit was a bit cheeky.

"No you idiot. I was just slammed for a few days there. I'm glad you're okay, what's the news?"

"Yeah... yeah I understand. We need help Alana. It looks like the palace fell a few days ago and the city is overrun with soldiers. Are you still in the city?"

"Um... yeah, so..." This was going to be an awkward conversation, there was no doubt in my mind about that.

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