Melody of Mana

Chapter 113 Terms of Amnesty

Bishop Theodore

I leaned back in my chair for a brief bit of rest. The last couple of weeks had been exhausting. The city was already fully taken by the time I'd managed to get back, but as soon as I had the chaos started. That girl, the walking headache that she was, had wandered off almost as soon as things were declared 'safe' to go and help her friend at his bar. While I hated that she didn't seem to think to consult anyone about it I couldn't actually fault her for trying to help those who'd been displaced, which she'd certainly been doing both in the temple district and without.

My problem was that I was hoping to immediately have her delivered to her father's men and she'd left no information with any of my subordinates as to where she was headed off to. By the time I'd gotten messengers to the various orders to look for her, then for anyone who'd seen her I was a bit miffed. The fact that she'd left where I knew she would be protected had me truly miffed, that didn't even account for the loss of handing her over to her father and getting both his gratitude and the look on her face.

I had to admit to myself that I rather disliked the girl. It wasn't truly her fault, but the way she acted still grated on me to no end. The poor priest that had taken care of her in Istlan had deserved more than a note if she were planning to leave. He might have tried to stop her, perhaps even hold her with force for awhile, but every caster knew that doing so long term just wouldn't work. In all truth had he been made aware of her plans to come to the now former capital he'd probably have arranged safe travel.

I also had to give that going to that particular tavern wasn't the worst of ideas. At the time I hadn't known enough about the situation to judge, but from what I heard from her mother her teacher, this Mystien had spoken at length about his friend in the cap... no in Lithere, we were no longer the capital of anything. Going to see someone known to be trustworthy and likely to establish contact again wasn't the worst idea, I simply would have liked her to stay with us. That man's tavern was in a... part of the city not quite appropriate for a young girl.

Anyway, she was no longer my problem. I also had a number of things to take care of today. The most bothersome of which was a request by this Mystien to speak to a number of the people who'd taken shelter in the temple district. Normally he wouldn't be allowed in until everything was settled, and while things were technically done Lord Durin had graciously offered to let us keep the zone for refugees only for a hundred days.

I didn't trust the 'Lord of Shadows' any further than I could throw him, but he knew how to deal with people. He'd ordered that all accused of criminal behavior in the war be given a fair hearing before justice fell upon them. His soldiers were under strict discipline against the worst predations as well, and those few who were identified with any evidence had been dealt with harshly.

That said, many of the terrorist incidents had just been too convenient for him. The many attacks against different factions within the kingdom. How many of the most dangerous had seemed to be targeted, or had their families and assets targeted. No, it bothered me, but I had no proof of any wrongdoing, and there was much proof of the good he'd done.

So I approved the request from his subordinate. He would be allowed to enter, and meet with several of those he'd requested. I'd asked to be present to make sure that nothing inappropriate happened, which he'd quickly complied to, so it seemed he had legitimate business. What that was I hadn't been told, but I suspected he wanted some of them to join the new regime properly.

When the appointed time arrived so did the wizard. He was older than I'd thought he'd be and walked with an air of confidence. His robes were dark blue and black and while they did not project the normal look of purity so many strived for they did cut a striking image.

I nearly cringed when I saw that he'd brought Alana along with him. I'd hoped to not see the girl for several years, and yet here she was, as if to taunt me. Her clothes were obviously newer too, a dress of deep black with red pleats and ornamentation. I nearly cringed when I saw her aura, it had been some time since we'd come face to face and the little monster was probably close now to a battlemage in raw strength than anything else.

"Greetings," I offered. Dras and his mother were here, along with one Professor Klien, who was representing the other members of their particular group. The boy had been requested, though I wasn't sure why, yet.

"Greetings," Mystien answered with a nod of his head. "We're here to discuss the possibility of your group and you in particular young man of returning to society at large from this camp."

The poor boy was taking a bit of time to process things, while his mother's face got more and more sour. "Alana?" He finally said.

"Hi Dras. Mystien is right, we do want you to join up." She seemed a bit embarrassed for once, speaking politely and keeping back a bit.

"I have questions," the professor began. "Why Dras, and what exactly is one of our students doing sitting there with you?" His eyes were narrowed and he looked between the two with hard suspicion.

"I can answer that one easily enough. Alana here learned magic under me, and it is by her recommendation that I've come to ask the young man to see sense." The old man kept his face neutral as he answered, but it was clear that he felt that this professor in particular was of no importance.

"Learned magic under..." Suddenly the man was on his feet, teeth bared. "You little bitch! You sat there day after day doing what? Planning our downfall? Making roads for your friends to come in and slaughter and destroy so they could take over? Wanted power that badly huh?"

"I didn't..." she began, seeming genuinely afraid.

"There will be no violence in this place." I allowed my own voice to take on the steel that I'd had to use too many times over the years, that threat of death to those who would violate the protection The Shield offered. That alone was enough to stop the enraged professor from doing anything stupid. We were in the very temple of The Shield, and I would not tolerate any attack here from either side.

"She neither knew what I was doing, nor where my loyalties lie during her time in Lithere. Nor did she, to my knowledge, aid Lord Durin's plans in any way. She was barely a child when I joined him, and didn't know that I was doing so."

"Did you?" Dras asked, looking a bit stunned.

"No, of course not."

I didn't know the truth here, but I suspected she really might not. Even if I couldn't stand the girl, that much at least seemed likely. It didn't matter though, she'd now been firmly entrenched in one side of the conflict, and there was no going back for her.

"So what are you offering then?" The teacher continued, sneering and not bothering to take his seat. "Let us all come back and be good little pawns for your new master?"

"We are offering to allow you to resume your lives peacefully, well, most of you. Lord Durin has no need to persecute children and those who are willing to live in peace, but those who cannot adjust will be exiled from his lands. The latter group includes many who will be unable to come to terms with the loss of their status. Of course the combatants are being dealt with slightly differently, but that is not part of this discussion." His message was clear 'Most of them can come back, and you can screw off far from here.' there was no way this man would be allowed to stick around with that display.

"What would we have to do?" Dras asked, his voice a bit broken.

"Nothing odious, a simple oath that you've no plan to rebel against Lord Durin and you will be permitted to continue your life. If you wish to join in his service once you are of age, that can of course be arranged. Until then you would be encouraged to return to school and finish. We're planning to reopen it come Spring and we will honor the paid tuition of those who wish to return." His eyes flicked briefly to the professor. "There will be some... changes, of course, but again, nothing that should cause you any issues."

"We're uninterested," Klien huffed. "That is a waste of a deal and we won't be working with you or your little traitoress." The boy's mother seemed to have some opinions as well, but was smart enough to keep quiet for the moment.

"I gathered that you were, but I doubt you speak for your entire group. Since you seem to not desire to at least hear us out should another not explain to them our offer? Young Dras perhaps? He's a caster, on the cusp of adulthood, and at the very least isn't dismissing things out of hand."

"Are they decent? What do you think?" He looked at Alana as he asked, seeming to consider.

"They seem good, and I don't think Mystien or dad would work for anyone who was a monster. That said it's still new to me too."

Dras rubbed the bridge of his nose for a bit while the professor, now effectively dismissed glared. "I'll tell everyone what you said, and... I'll take the oath afterwards."

"I can't believe this. Is there no loyalty anymore? After all our kingdom did for you, even letting you into the academy you're willing to abandon it?" The professor looked at the boy with cold eyes.

"Professor Klien, you're mistaken. The kingdom treated me and my family like disposable trash until Alana managed to get me good enough to pass your exam. She's the one who taught me day after day without asking for so much as paltry reward so I could have a chance. The way I see it, if she thinks these folks are okay, they're probably okay."

He was apoplectic, but the scorned teacher left. Closing the door behind him as he did so. I'd have to send someone to keep an eye on him later, his attitude had been out of line. I knew that some of those who'd been nobles in the kingdom were making louder and louder noises about the current state of things, but I wasn't sure if he was in that group. Many of them seemed to want to go back to fighting, or rather, seemed to want someone else to go back to fighting.

There was a bit of back and forth between the young mage and the older wizard, who seemed to treat him like he might a potential ally. Eventually though he did have to leave.

"Well Dras, I look forward to seeing you again some time. I don't often get to chat like this anymore and it has been refreshing. Oh, and about that item Alana gave you, could I get it back? We need to do a bit of testing on it to make sure everything is in order."

I had been a bit suspicious earlier, but this was just too much. It seemed obvious that this was important, perhaps even the reason he came here himself.

"Um, sure. That's no problem at all." I watched the boy hand over some small carrying case on a necklace. Every instinct I had was to scream at him, but that would violate my neutrality here, and that I couldn't do.

"Thank you so much." Mystien said as he turned to leave.

"See you soon." His student waved as she moved to follow.

The rest of us went in short order. From the look on her face this young man would either have to cast some spell to silence his mother, or deal with an angry tirade soon enough, I didn't envy him. We came to the doors in silence and I looked down.

Alana and her master were going down the steps when it happened. Klien must have been waiting for them there and as they descended he strode forward, raising his hand. I could see the spell before I could react and before him an incredible torrent of water formed, speeding at the pair like a boulder falling from a mountain. If nothing else the academy had always hired very skilled mages, and this spell was one that could easily shatter a stone column.

It flew forward at unimaginable speed, a blur as if rushed at them and... did nothing. The old man hadn't made a gesture or spoken a word, but it seemed he'd cast something in that split second. His eyes moved over to his attacker and I heard a disdainful, "Pathetic.".

I was glad that he at least didn't respond, fighting him as well would have been a disaster. Sadly for the attacker he had forced my hand. He had sought to kill in a place where all were given safety. While he was still stunned at his own failure I made a wave of my hand. The small silver projectile that issued forth hit the would-be killer square in the gut. His eyes went wide as he looked down before falling dead on the spot.

"I have kept my word Bishop, and will continue to do so." Mystien looked at me as he spoke.

"You have. Though it might be wise to go now."

Alana looked stunned as well I noticed, freezing in place. Eventually her escort guided her off with a firm, but gentle hand.

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