Melody of Mana

Chapter 185 Debrief

Most of our stuff was together and several of us were more than ready to be well and off, so it took only a few moments for us to begin moving through the gate. One by one we passed, first Dras led the way, stepping through the open portal and into the way beyond. Behind him came the twins, followed by Glen. Selene took a look about with a sort of sad expression before she stepped through the portal and away, leaving only myself and Ulanion.

I looked over at the dog golem. It was a real shame that I wouldn't be able to take it with me. Annoying as the creature's verbiage was it was still a really impressive piece of artifice, and a good guardian to boot. I doubted that I'd be able to make one myself, but that was what it was.

"This is it then isn't it?" he asked. I suppose the idea that this might be the last time he stepped foot in his homeland for a long, long time was causing him issues.

"Yeah, you can still leave though. I'd understand that, and I think everyone else would too."

"No, I think I do want to see your people. Just a bit nervous is all."

"I understand," I said, "On our way here I think we all had a few butterflies at one time or another."

"Butterflies?" He looked confused.

"Er, the sensation of fluttering in your stomach that comes with nervousness."

"Never heard it put like that, but I guess so yeah. Well, time then." As he stepped to the opening I heard another voice.

"Good luck, my boy," Justin said softly from behind us.

Both of us looked back once more at the elven mage. I suppose he'd been watching us.

"You decided to make a show? You could join too you know," I offered.

"I plan to seal it after you've left. As for joining you, I'll still pass." I couldn't blame him, knowing that he'd seen some things that I couldn't understand.

Ulanion didn't say anything, just nodded and passed through.

"Perhaps we'll meet again one day," I said, knowing that it was unlikely. I tossed the upgrade stone to him. "Finished with that by the way, thanks."

"I expected you to ask a lot of questions, but you didn't," he observed. "Do you not wish to be powerful? I could have helped you."

I thought for a moment. He was right, I could have asked a lot, and learned a ton. Even about bardic magic he probably knew more than most people alive, save a few other ancient elves like himself. It just didn't seem right though.

"You said a lot that power didn't make you happy. I like to learn, but I'll learn and grow on my own, and at the pace I think is right." With a shrug I too headed for the gate.

As I touched the plane that would take me home I heard a happy chuckle. Then the world shifted and I was pulled through space. It was weird, and took several moments, unlike the almost instant transport between areas back home. The time was measurable as light blurred around me in a pulling motion and I stumbled out into a room I had first entered on my way to Emperor Durin's wedding.

I was disoriented as I stumbled out of the gate, tripping and nearly falling over my own feet. As I blinked and looked up I saw dozens of soldiers and battle mages gathered round, all pointing in my direction. In the few seconds between each of us passing through we'd been separated.

"Everything okay?" I asked, looking up at the guards.

"Sorry, we've had a bit of a fit when one of our gates to an unknown location activated. Wanted to make sure it really was you lot." I could see Mystien standing tack a bit between several of his personal assistants, clearly behind layered shields.

"Don't suppose you've calmed down a bit?" I asked.

"Sadly we're going to have to run a few tests, just to confirm things. You took longer than the others to make your way through, something happen?"

"Yeah, the mage who helped us against the umbral wolves showed up as we were leaving. Said he plans to..." With a pop, the gate behind me closed, much to the surprise of the gathered soldiers. "seal the gate when we were through." It seemed appropriate to just tell him now and be done with it.

My former teacher looked miffed, terribly, horribly miffed. "You could have tried to stop him."

"He makes you look like a weak like child barely able to cast your first spell old man. Currently though he didn't seem ill disposed towards us, and there was no reason to push that." The number of eyebrows going up at that statement made me internally sigh. I'd really needed to watch my words better.

"Come on then you cheeky brat, we need to get you checked, then talk."

I was led out by a number of guards. While that was happening I could see several people casting various spells, ostensibly to check the area for any intrusions, they even had some instruments. I didn't like the paranoia, but it was in retrospect justified, we'd put a doorway into one of the most secure facilities on the continent and told them there'd been a massive disaster involving most of our people being lost. They'd want answers, and to check us over.

I was questioned by a member of staff in a small room while another poked and prodded with one or two tools. I recognized some of these, used to check age, sex, and a few other physical characteristics that might indicate that I wasn't who I said I was. That seemed to go on for a few hours before they decided I definitely was who I said I was and could probably be trusted. At that point Mystien returned.

"So, care to give me a full report?" he said.

"I know you've been listening, but sure. After we left the port we made it some way towards the elven homelands before we were attacked by a massive ocean dwelling monster. The leaders decided that our only real chance was to fight it and so we did. That's when our other two teams were lost, though we did finally take the beast."

"Afterwards you made your way to our embassy?" he asked.

"Yes, had a run-in on an island with some native species, and then made our way to our destination," I confirmed.

"Where did you pick up the elf you brought back?" Mystien seemed particularly concerned about him.

"He somehow knew the ambassador. She suggested him as an addition to boost our numbers after the losses."

He asked a number of questions about Ulanion. What we knew of him, and his behavior. I ran him through the whole incident with the umbral wolves, something that made him furrow his brow. We didn't have any information on those particular beasts and he took notes on their abilities and behavior. The elf had done a really good job all things told, and I told Mystien that I'd personally asked him to join us, and he'd agreed of his own volition.

"I can't make a determination on it myself, but if he really does want to join with us I don't think that'll be a problem. What about that mage? I assume you know more about him than you're letting on."

"He's powerful, more than we want to deal with. That said, I don't think he's likely a problem. As for facts on him, I could make some guesses, but anything he said could be a lie. What I can tell you is that he's significantly more pure-blooded than any elf I've ever seen, if I'm reading the signs right, so who knows the truth on his past." I did know things, but I wouldn't be sharing at this time, or ever.

"So what? We just drop it?"

"Yes Mystien. We now have access to the actual gate technology, which was our goal. We take what we got and stop trying to poke around with elves. From what I've seen if they decide to go to war with us right now, we probably lose. They'd lose a lot too, but no matter how much our ambassador would like to brag their use of magic is far beyond us."

"You're a real headache sometimes girl. We'll have to come up with a whole new protocol around the gates, particularly if there are foreign agents who might know about it. Which we now have to assume at least the elves do." Mystien rubbed his temples as he pondered it all.

"Enough about me. What's been going on back home while I've been out on the high seas and in distant lands?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh... I suppose you'd want to know huh. Well, your family is doing well. We've had some issues with the remnants of the royals, mostly that they're holed up somewhere and hiding well. Oh, the emperor is expecting his first child." It was clear that he wasn't really keeping up too much with people's personal business, I'd have to ask mother when I got to see her.

"When we're done here I'd like a few weeks to catch up with my family, before we get back to work on those gates."

"Going to be at least a week before you lot go anywhere. Now, let's go over some of the technical information on those new rune sequences. We'll need Selene to get to work on making more, but I understand you made some inroads on the basics..."

It was going to be a long, long week. At least they didn't know that I could make gates yet.

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