Melody of Mana

Chapter 45 The Bishop

"Whatever you've done, undo it. Now!" Ice had been replaced with flames, now licking up and down Dras' arms as he looked over the shivering priestess.

I for my part was trying to find a way to do magic, but having a bit of a time at it. I was trying to hum or speak, but it was going nowhere fast, I knew that eventually I'd manage to get a tune going, but the question was, would it be too late?

For her part the now sopping wet and freezing woman was still trying to pick herself up. I had no idea if she needed to do that to undo her magic, or if she had any foolish notions about fighting Dras in the current state. If she did she'd have to hit him with something truly terrifying, or he'd turn her into baked caster.

"B-b-b-b-be f-f-ine," stuttered the woman, speaking seemed to be giving her a hard time. "J-just... d-dis.."

"I don't care, undo it." I'd never heard Dras actually angry, and his voice was trying it's hardest to fall into a growl.

I could still see from where I was laying, in a skewed sort of way. Our would be follower pointed at me first and I could feel the feeling start to creep back into my limbs. It moved in a prickling sort of way, rather like when your leg was asleep and coming back.

"Calm" I slurred out as it hit my face, making me shiver a bit as the unpleasant sensation passed over me. It was slow to pull out the numbness and I had to wonder if it was a poison of if she'd done something to my nerves.

Charles groaned as she pointed to him next. I couldn't see him from my position, nor was I totally confident in picking myself up off the ground quite yet. After her hand pointed to him again she fell back to the ground, shivering overtaking her once more. I wasn't sure she had a way to counter that.

From what I knew of priests and their manner of magic they could only work on living things. I guessed she might be able to pull up her body temp with a spell, but if she didn't have one she knew that might be quite difficult. I also didn't know how long until she suffered real damage from being soaked in what was effectively slush, but surely her falling back onto the ground wasn't going to help at all.

A few individuals had heard the commotion (Mostly Dras yelling) and were now peeking down the alley we were in, leading to a general look of panic at what seemed to be casters going at each other. That was something we'd have to deal with shortly as well. There was no really good answer to that issue though. For now we needed to get everyone to calm down and talk.

"Dras, enough, she's done. Remember that we're supposed to not hurt her too bad," I offered up as I pulled myself up off the ground.

"She hurt you two..."

"I'm fine, little numb, but fine."

"Ugh, I hurt." Charles was not being helpful here.

"What'd she hit you with?" I looked over at our older friend as he struggled to pull himself up.

"Like a full body cramp, couldn't hardly move."

"Effective, not nice, but you'll be fine soon enough."

"C-c-c-old." The voice from the only person still laying down brought me back to my senses quickly enough.

"What order?" I asked as I looked over to her.


"Got it. Dras can you see about drying her off a bit? Cold can do some nasty stuff to a person." He furrowed his brows at me as I hummed up my warming spell, trying to wrap it around the priestess. That was a bit difficult, I'd used it on myself quite a bit, and on my surroundings too, but never on someone else like this.

I was more than a bit irritated at the whole situation. The Shield seemed determined to be overprotective busybodies, inserting themselves into my life even after they'd been told to shove off. If this was going to continue I hoped we could at least avoid violence in the future. Without me giving into their obtuse demands as well, because I wasn't going to go back to their temple.

At this point a few guardsmen did show up. City guards were not something you saw all that much, being that they mostly kept to their barracks and the upper parts of town. For an incident not in the section of the city frequented by nobles someone would run to the local guardhouse and grab one. It was easy to identify them by their distinctive armor. Each wore chain mail with a crest worked into the design on their shoulder, also worked into their shields. They commonly carried a shield, a truncheon, and a sword, in case lethal force was needed.

"Care to explain?" The one who seemed to be their leader looked at the lot of us. He seemed on edge, certainly knowing that magic was involved. The sheer amount of slush on the ground mid-summer was a bit of an obvious sign.

"Case of mistaken identity." I offered him, hoping he'd jump on it. The boys looked at me a bit askance at that one.

"How so?" The guardsman raised an eyebrow.

"We thought she was following us with bad intent, but it seems she's from one of the priest orders. I've got an old acquaintance there who likes to check up on me from time to time. He's just a jerk and can't bring himself to do it by stopping by to see me."

That actually got a few snorts from the crowd. I really was hoping the guards would accept it.

"That true?" The guardsman looked down toward the priestess. She was an adult, but not by much, and was easily a head and a half shorter than him.

"Cl-ose enough." She was finally managing to get back to her feet, even if she was still shivering a bit. I noticed that Dras had done all of squat to help warm her up, but I couldn't actually blame him.

"Which order?"

"The Shield."

"Fair enough then. We'll head down to the temple, if they confirm and there's no other issues, we'll leave it at that." I could feel my heart sink as the guard spoke, knowing that this would be unpleasant.

There wasn't even any grumbling from the boys, which surprised me. They allowed themselves to be herded towards the temple district without any issues at all. I noticed while we walked that the guards kept well behind our group, hands on their weapons as they directed us. Charles for his part seemed a completely unbothered, like he knew he could get away or take one out regardless of where they stood. That put them a bit more on edge around him,

For my part I quite disliked having armed men behind me. I severely disliked not being in control in situations like this, and it had me on edge. Which was apparently the normal response, because it didn't really get much attention at all.

Dras just looked pissed. Pissed at me for not explaining everything, pissed at the guards for driving us towards the temple, and really, severely pissed at the priestess. I was fairly certain I'd be getting an earful at some point, not that there was really anything here that was (completely) my fault.

It wasn't too long before we stood before the gates of the temple to The Shield. They were quickly opened and we were all hurried in and into a side hall. A rather unhappy looking old man came down to meet us shortly after we arrived.

"Greetings, what seems to be the issue?" He looked over the lot of us and I almost shrank back.

Whoever this man was he was potent, his aura flowed over us in a wave, it looked bright and hard as steel, forming a protective wall around him. I could see Dras looking pale too, this was someone we could not win against in a fight.

"This lot claims there was a bit of a case of mistaken identity. Seems they thought this young woman was following them with ill intent, but she's one of yours sir?" The guardsman who'd taken charge asked, keeping his tone quite polite.

"Indeed, one of our trainees. I'd rather prefer to handle this internally, if you don't mind?" It was worded as a question, but everyone understood it was more an order.

"Of course sir, have a good day." The guards and priest nodded towards each other and we were left alone in the temple.

As soon as they were gone the old man waved the priestess off. "I'd rather like to have words with the three of you. If you don't mind?" With that he began walking, expecting us to follow.

He led us to what I could only assume was his office. It was well made, but not fancily so. It seemed everything here was for function, the desk and chairs sturdy and comfortable, but not ostentatious, the shelves lined with various materials and files for whatever work this man did.

"Now, I believe that introductions are in order. I am Bishop Theodore. I'm in charge of the training of our more advanced priests here. Including the young woman who it would seem the three of you decided to get an altercation with. I'm guessing that would make you miss Alana? And the boy there would be young Adraias?"

"Dras, if you don't mind." I had to respect his guts on that.

"I do. Now, as for the third member of your little group. Who might you be young man?"

"Charles, nice to meet you sir."

"So, am I to understand that the three of you noticed your tail and decided to incapacitate her?"

There were nods all around.

"Interesting, and you succeeded?"

Again, the three of us bobbed our heads.

"That's mildly impressive."

"I would prefer it if you didn't have someone follow us in the future." I spoke up, having the man's eyes settle on me.

"I will not promise anything on that, but perhaps it would not be an issue if you would agree to stay with us instead of wandering around the city without a proper guardian."

"No thank you. I've already explained my opinion on that to Rosk in detail."

"I'm aware. He was quite displeased with your attitude, and asked that we keep an eye on you periodically. Which is why I've had our trainees take turns tailing you every now and then, it's good training and makes sure you have someone looking out for your interests."

"I do not need anyone to look after me. I've plenty of friends who are quite capable of helping me should I have any issues."

"My dear girl, what were we supposed to think when you got a Lovers' Mark? That all was well and you were quite safe?"

I felt both Dras and Charles turn towards me a bit as my face went beet red. This was his version of punishing me. He didn't have to lift a finger to do it, no paddle or belt was needed. I'd pissed him off by defying his little order and his response was to shame me in front of those I called friends. It was a contest of emotions for control, between profound embarrassment and absolute rage.

"That is none of your business." I hissed out.

"Everything concerning unattended minors is our business young miss. Even more so when they are capable of magic. The simple fact is that we've allowed you to remain outside of our direct supervision so far. That allowance can be revoked."

"If you try you will find me an enemy for the rest of time." I wanted to punch this bastard, but that would only end poorly. We were in his fortress, and he was at his strongest here, fighting was a losing proposition.

"Which is why I shall not revoke it for now. Understand though, that should I come to believe it must be done, it will be. If you should hate us afterwards that is a problem for the future. The three of you may show yourselves out."

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