Melody of Mana

Chapter 56 A relaxing bath

The only people at the sky when we got there were Luda and Lucien, something which I was grateful for. Partially because the latter was gazing daggers at everyone as we came in. While Jackson was getting the brunt of it I was not spared the angry looks as I entered into the tavern.

"You were supposed to be back by midnight, not midday the next," was the first thing that came out of his mouth. It occurred to me that I was currently supposed to be at work.

"Er... sorry about that Lucien. We got attacked and a lot of people..."

"I wasn't talking to you girl. Jackson was supposed to be the more responsible of the two of you, and make sure you got back safely."

"A monster attacked the party. You have my sincere apologies but both Alana and I were needed for healing the injured guests." For once Jackson didn't seem to want to give any lip. He was calm and contrite.

"How bad?"

"Bad, something called a mana-eater. It killed... around half of the people there."

"I've heard stories of um, but never seen one. Are either of you hurt?" The explanation took the wind out of Lucien's rage. He still seemed mad, but more controlled.

"We're fine, I got hurt a bit but I don't think Alana got more than a few bruises." He looked at me questioningly.

"I'm fine, Jackson joined the men holding the monster back while we ran. A lot more things happened but he did his best." The older man frowned, but nodded.

"And who're you? A priestess of... Lovers?" Kala nodded, "Bit young isn't she?" he mumbled at her confirmation.

Kala ignored his comment. "Yes, I'm Kala. Alana and I worked to help with the healing too."

"Well, you three look terrible. Go wash up and I'll have some food when you're done. Lunch is stew today. Alana, you're taking the day off to rest. Though I'll want some explanations on things from you later."

"Okay," I chimed as I led Kala back to one of our open rooms, stopping by mine to grab one of my dresses and a towel for her.

The room was fairly simple, but I knew that this one had a washtub under the bed. It should be fine to use it so long as I cleaned it up later. Otherwise there was a rather more simple bed and a small desk. The oil lamp wasn't kept filled but that was a simple fix and soon the little room was lit brightly. I hummed a few tunes for lighting the lamp and filling the tub, turning to talk with Kala as the hot water flowed in. Getting it up to temperature was easy with my warming spell, something I'd been doing ever since I realized I could warm the water.

"Sorry if it's not all that fancy, but it's what we've got."

"Um... is that water hot?" she asked excitedly.


"Is that a joke? We almost never get hot baths at the temple. It takes forever to heat the water. The best I get is lukewarm or maybe a pitcher of hot water to pour on myself." As she spoke she began pulling off her robes and putting them on the bed.

I thought back to my time in Istlan. That seemed to check out for orphans, but for priests too? "I thought that the temple would at least have hot water for priests."

"There are magical items that can do that, but priest magic can't, and spending that much money and mana on something just for warm baths? It's not really responsible so far as the temple is concerned, so they don't."

"But what about winter? Cold water could really mess you up."

"We can warm our bodies and keep sickness away easy. Heating water on the other hand requires tools, lots of fuel, or another caster. Um... sorry I didn't ask, do you mind if I go first?" At this point she was down to her under-dress, folding the other pieces. and putting them to the side.

"Huh? I'm gonna go bathe in my room. This one's all yours."

"Isn't that super wasteful?"

"I've been casting both water creation and warming spells since I was like... I don't know, four, so they cost me almost nothing now."

She gave me a bit of a look of confusion.

"The more you practice something the easier it gets right?"

"I guess?" Kala answered as she finished undressing and stepped into the tub, sitting down. It wasn't large, or deep, only about knee height and a few feet circular, but she could at least soak a bit.

"So if you focus on some things a lot before moving on you get better at them. At least that's what my first teacher taught me. He had me practice the same spell over and over until it was easy. Making water is basically free to me, heating it a bit less so, but it's not hard or mana intensive."

"This is heavenly," she sighed as the warmth set in, steam filling the room slowly. I handed her the pitcher kept in the room so she could pour over herself if she wanted. "I wish I could do bardic magic."

"It's nice for things like this, but I can't pop a man like a bubble, or stuff like that."

"Well... normally I can't either. They have to be like, really evil for me to pull up that kind of power against them."

"Weird, anyway, I'll see you in a bit." She gave me a smile and a wave as I stood and headed out, satisfied that she'd be okay.

My own bath was extremely relaxing as well. There simply was nothing like hot water and clean clothes to refresh you after a long period of hard messy work. I even took the time to soak for a bit. By the time I came back Jackson was already at the bar going over the night's events in flowery words with an increasingly worried looking Lucien.

"Where's the priestess?" the older man asked.

"Taking a bath. I imagine she'll be there until the water goes cold. Did you know they don't set up for priests to have hot baths?"

"I didn't. Anyway, I've heard Jackson's part of the story, what happened after the two of you got split up?"

"Um... okay, so, Dietrich pulled me out after the wizard blew the wall off the ballroom and after escaping from some men with crossbows we hid."

"Dietrich being the noble boy who thinks he wants to marry you?"

"Yeah. So, as we were hiding we saw some men catch a girl, and it looked like they were going to do some rather unpleasant things to her. Before Dietrich or I could get a good shot in on them Kala blew one of them up. Some things happened and the mana-eater showed up."

That got me some raised eyebrows from both men. It occurred to me that even Jackson hadn't heard all of the goings on.

"Right as it showed up this guy named Lord Fallon came, and he fought it. I hit it with a new spell I made. Oh! I need to show that to you two it's really cool, and useful."

"Back to the point Alana," Lucien sighed.

"And he killed it. Then we went back and healed as many people as we could."

"What's the new spell of yours do?" Jackson asked as he was given a bowl of stew and started to dig in.

"It makes a spray of flaming liquid." I smiled as he nearly choked on his food.

"That's... important. Did you tell anyone about it?"

"Some old guy. It didn't look like I was going to have much of a choice on that though."

That got me sighs of exasperation. "Alana, did you at least get his name?"

"He refused to tell me."

"You're going to kill me child." Lucien said, looking rather disappointed.

I shrugged. I wasn't even sure if another bard would be able to manage the spell fully with what I'd given him, or what I'd give these two. I did consider telling Lucien the deeper parts of it, but that would just raise a lot of questions that I didn't want to answer.

About that time Kala returned looking deeply satisfied. She sat down and was fed a bowl of stew on the house. Lucien said it was for helping save people, but I suspected he was just feeling generous. I hoped that they would all get along, but regardless it was good to have a friend who wasn't a guy. I had lots of questions about her order too, but those could wait for later.

Once we'd had a proper meal I set off with Kala back to her home. I'd asked if she wanted to come with us so I felt it would be wrong to just send her off. Jackson on the other hand had to go deal with the fallout of the previous night, talking to the rental people about the destroyed products and their dead employees. I didn't envy him that, but he was the 'adult' so it was his responsibility.

The walk back to the temple district was pleasant. News about last night hadn't spread, so everyone was just going about their days as normal. It was good, really good to see normal people going about their business. It reminded me of how things would be fine in the end, no matter how crazy they got sometimes.

"I am not looking forward to my conversation with the Head Priestess." Kala said as we got near.

"Pfft, how bad could it be? You are fine, and you did a really good job. Basically you spent your night being excellent. Even if you are a bit late coming home."

"She can be a little... traditional? Hmm, that's not quite right. She'll be mad that I didn't send word earlier, and probably have something to say about me taking my time to get back."

"Well, well, well, dear, I'm glad that you already understand." A rather matronly voice came from behind us.

We turned to find several priests behind us. I had never seen four in any one place except perhaps at The Shield's temple in the capital. Kala's eyes nearly bugged out seeing them all arrayed there, with several non-caster staff aiding them.

"You know, I just got back from a rather urgent meeting about the party you went to last night Apprentice Kala."

"I'm not surprised, it was... an interesting affair Head Priestess."

"I'll be expecting a full report on it, and your activities later. Who is the young girl with you?"

"Hello ma'am, I'm Alana."

"A pleasure. Now, if you'll excuse us." I waved to my new friend as her order swept her off.

As they passed I recognized the priestess that had given me my mark, she nodded at me as she went. I wasn't sure, but that looked to be a huge part of their order here in the capital, whatever the priests were going through now seemed rather significant.

I didn't even make it to the end of the block before I was approached by a familiar figure. The priestess my friends and I had gotten into a fight with stepped out in front of me, blocking my way. She looked... cross.

"Good morning Alana, Bishop Theodore wishes to have words with you."

"I kinda expected that. Sadly I have a busy, busy schedule today, and must be on with it." I turned to step around her.

"You may come along the nice way, or you may come along the not nice way, but you will be coming with me. It will look much better for you if you come along nicely though."

I briefly considered introducing her to my brand new flamethrower. I stopped myself though, if only by a hair. It was too mana intensive, I was alone on a whole street full of apparently pissed off priests, and I could always light her up later. There were a few tense moments where the two of us stared at each other. Then I relaxed my posture a bit.

"Good choice. I believe you know the way?"

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