Melody of Mana

Chapter 65 Meetings

"Alana, you're oversleeping, wake up or we'll be late to our meeting with Professor Rooke." A voice sounded, causing me to sit bolt upright.

Normally I hated being awoken, but I'd had trouble sleeping last night after all the partying. For once I was glad that Eleanor had bothered me. As these thoughts passed through my head I rose, stumbling around for my dress and shoes. If I was late I was sure to get chewed out, and that would be a horrid first impression to someone who would soon be both my legal guardian and teacher.

"Thanks for waking me!" I shouted as I pulled clothes on.

"My, the surprises never cease. Remember the letter Lord Johannes sent you."

It was only a few minutes later that we left The Sky. I was still struggling to get my hair into a proper shape as we walked. About halfway there I remembered that I'd forgotten breakfast and summoned myself a bit of bread and cheese. I might have died of embarrassment if my stomach started growling in the middle of things.

I was flustered and Eleanor looked a bit disappointed in me as we finally came to the gates. They were closed, unlike the day before. We were met though by a man in servant's garb, who allowed us in and led us towards Professor Rooke's office. A bit unexpected, but not unwelcome. I made sure to memorize the route in case I needed it later.

Upon our arrival at the solid wooden portal the servant knocked. I was nervous, but also very excited by the prospect of coming to school here. All of the hallways were stone, but clean beyond almost anything in this world and beautiful. There were small columns and art in the hallways. I even passed a few magical items in cases, though I didn't know their function.

"Enter." The voice from behind the doorway bade us.

Professor Rooke's office was easily the size of a large bedroom. In one side a small fire crackled, keeping any of the oncoming chill at bay. There was a comfy looking chair for reading beside it. The walls were lined with shelves, each loaded down with a variety of raw materials. There was even a shelf dedicated to books, though it was easy to see that there was some magical effect on it, presumably to prevent anyone from messing with them. It was also very bright, light being shed by a number of oil lamps stationed along the walls.

Behind a large desk sat the professor, there were two chairs before him. Behind and to his left was another large table that was covered in runes in amazingly complex patterns. He gave a smile as we came in and motioned to the chairs.

"Please, sit. We have quite a bit to discuss."

After we found our seats Eleanor began. "Where would you care to begin Professor?"

"The paperwork for The Shield of course. It is what I need you here for most."

What followed was not unlike a parent teacher conference. I was expected to sit quietly while the two of them filled out all the forms needed to have my guardianship transferred over to Professor Rooke, at least temporarily.

I took the time to examine his aura. It was odd, looking like a number of different symbols coming and going, almost like they were being written around him in the air. It was also definitely suppressed, being that I could only make it out if I payed close attention to him.

"Well, that's all of it. I'd like Alana to remain with me at The Sky until she moves into the dorms, if you've no objections?"

"Of course not. Alana, is that alright with you?" The professor looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm quite fine with it Professor."

"Good. Then Eleanor, while I do not mean to be rude, my charge and I have much to discuss. I would like this meeting to be private."

She gave a brief nod after seeing my smile and left.

"Now, let's get down to the actual reason for this meeting. Are you fully prepared right now to move into the dorms?"

"Mostly sir. I don't have many things to pack."

"What about your maid?"

"I... don't have a maid?"

"Alana, you are allowed to bring one. I encourage you to do so."

"I'm not sure I really need one though? Do I?"

He rubbed his temples for a moment. "Alana, do you know the purpose of this school?"

"To teach magic, isn't it?"

"Partially, but not entirely. Our true purpose is to raise those who will be leading the country. Teaching magic is a part of that, but teaching the proper behavior and forming valuable connections is another. On a purely time basis you will struggle if you don't bring a servant to help with things like basic cleaning and clothes. You will also miss the chance for a good connection there."

"I mostly use my magic to clean Professor."

At my statement he picked up a few papers from his desk, rolled them together, and hit me on top of the head, only hard enough to make me nod a bit.

"Umph! What?"

"That was for saying the dumbest thing you've ever said to me. The amount of mana you use will easily be able to hire a maid, with plenty to spare. You also missed the second part Alana, to form a connection."

"I don't understand. Could you explain what you mean?"

He grinned at that. "Certainly, admitting ignorance is the first part of learning by the way. That's one of the most important lessons you'll get. Don't forget it," he said before launching into his explanation. "Most servants are young adults or older children from lesser noble families. Perhaps they're a branch of a true noble family, or perhaps a child who never properly manifested magic. Are you familiar with the term Minor Talent?"

"I am not."

"Have you noticed how some people seem to have an aura that is barely there, or seems to try and flash through every now and then?"


"These people have what is called a Minor Talent. They're not full casters, and cannot see an aura in the same way you or I could, but they do have a tiny amount of mana. Enough to use one or two very simple spells, or bolster their physical abilities slightly. Many children of weaker nobles are born with this, and while they are not a caster, they can grow, and potentially become one."

"And these people often become servants?"

"To nobles and casters yes. The common belief is that being around more mana makes awakening as a caster more likely for one of them. There are other methods, but they're highly dangerous. They can also learn to make magical items, though they're slow at it and never advance far down that path. As one of the benefits of being a servant to one of our students they're permitted to attend a basic class on magical item creation, something rather hard for them to get access to outside of these halls."

"Okay, I can see why they'd want that. If I had to work as a maid to maybe gain magic and item creation I definitely would."

"Female servants will also often try to form relations with some of our older male students. There are some rules on that. For example if a maid were to get pregnant before her charge's final semester it would cause rather severe fallout for her, and potentially her family."

"Wow, it's great to know that I'd be hiring a woman who will drive herself to get knocked up by one of my classmates."

"Alana, noble families are concerned with the magical strength of their members first and foremost. This holds at every level of wealth and power. Because magic is power and power gives wealth. Do not forget that. Noble women will seek a partner strong enough to ensure their child is stronger than they are. Noble men will seek a woman whose children will bolster their family. They will go to great lengths to this end. You will have suitors just because of your abilities."

"The one boy from the exam might disagree."

"Yes, Professor Magnolia told me of the initial incident, and I saw it's follow-up. There are a few, but only a few like that. There are only a few because within a few generations his family will weaken if they behave like that young man did. He is a fool, and while there are many students who are barely worth my time here, there are mercifully only a few like him."

"So.. if you think it's best I'll get a maid then. What is the method to go about hiring one?"

"Normally you would seek someone who's related, or who's related to a friendly family. I'll ask my wife to gather candidates and the two of you can meet with them and decide. On the subject of other things you need. What is your clothing like?"

"I have a few dresses not unlike what I'm wearing, and one that's a bit nicer. Before I forget, Lord Johannes sent this to me the other day." I passed him the letter, which he read over several times while thrumming his fingers on his desk.

"You should accept the gift. You'll need more, and better clothing, and if you don't he might try to repay you in some other way that would be a pain."

"That is what The Shield advised too."

"There are a few other concerns, but most of those can be handled as they come. Professor Magnolia knows his business when it comes to recommending classes but I'd like you to take at least the class on the Atali language. We have a visiting professor for the next few years and it's a chance most don't get. It's tangentially related to the runes used in item creation and may be useful to you." He made a few notes for himself. "Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of presently, no. I will take care of all the things you mentioned as soon as I can."

"Good, see you at the beginning of the semester then." He waved me from his office and I fled a bit exhausted.

I received a letter from his wife that evening with an address and time. It was after my uniform fitting and meeting with Professor Magnolia, which was a small mercy.

My meeting with Professor Magnolia was actually significantly calmer. There were a few classes I was required to take. Magical Item Creation had both a practical and theoretical side,and was one of them. There were also required classes for all bards, and general spellcasting. On the less magical side I was told I was going to be attending mandatory social classes, which included some ball attendances, and general math and history.

I also had to choose three instruments, since I was a bard. I went with flute and harp (since I already knew at least the basics) and Atali dance. The last was a class mostly for girls being taught by the visiting professor that I'd been told about.

Finally I had to choose elective courses of which I had three. One of those spots was taken up by the Atali language that I'd been advised to take. The other two I picked were Magical Materials and Combat Spellcasting. Professor Magnolia did his best to dissuade me from the final of those three.

"Alana, Combat Spellcasting is seldom taken by girls, and particularly bards. I really rather think you should take Healing instead. It would help with any medical issues you encounter and is rather well received. You could also go into Summoning. We cover some in the bardic classes but you've already shown great skill in that area."

"Professor, I've already had far, far too many times when I've been unable to defend myself. I'm no expert healer, but I can handle most emergency situations. As for summoning, I mostly use that for convenience or combat."

"Fine, if you're sure that's what you want. I do want you to know that they'll be treating you rather roughly there though."

"I understand."

The classes I was taking were as follows.

Magical Item Creation (Theoretical)- Professor Rooke

Magical Item Creation (Practical)- Professor Hern

General Bard- Professor Magnolia

General Spellcasting- Professor Klien

Proper Etiquette- Professor Sasha

Math and History- Mr. Ilvern

Flute- Mr. Hansel

Harp- Mrs Nadia

Atali Dance- Professor Etia

Atali Language- Professor Etia

Magical Materials- Professor Hern

Combat Spellcasting- Professor Endel

"Professor, why are some of the teachers Mr. or Mrs.?"

"Because they are not casters in their own right, merely experts in their field. Do not think that means you may disrespect them though, doing so will result is immediate and harsh punishment."

As I poured over the painful looking list of a dozen classes I fully understood why Dras almost never came to visit. This much studying would be enough to crush anyone. I contemplated how best to study for all of this as I drifted off. It was early, but tomorrow I'd be getting fitted for my uniform, and I was beat from the meetings.

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