Melody of Mana

Chapter 77 All across the Kingdom

The ball went off without a hitch, there was dancing, a bit of light conversation, some refreshments. It was all in all rather nice. The little interaction between the dean and Professor Endel was a bit disconcerting, but there really was nothing I could do but wait till the next morning.

That evening Kala and I stayed up late and watched the fire burn down while we lightly chatted. It reminded me of the times we'd had just before coming to school. I missed Lucien briefly, wondering what he must be doing right now. He was probably serving drinks or something, singing and laughing. I considered telling Kala about the conversation I'd overheard, but there seemed no reason to worry her about something we could do nothing about.

In The Starlit Sky the only sounds were whispering and the sound of a few grown men weeping. Several sat at the bar with drinks in hands, looking hollow and broken. The proprietor sat near the back, trying to compose a letter for his former student. He'd failed again and again to put his thoughts into words, eventually scribbling down a rough note telling her to keep well. He then moved on, trying to come up with what he should tell his other former apprentice. Leaving nothing for him was just not an option.

Across the city the headquarters of The Order of The Shield looked like a kicked over anthill. Assistants ran to and fro through halls with stacks of papers and messages between the various priests. Coordination would be key they knew, it was their duty to keep things as protected as possible and they would follow it. The Bishop himself was packing for his own mission. It pained him to have to leave their main base in such a hurry but there was news only he could deliver, and it would have to be done in person.

His assistant was given a ream of pre-prepared notes. This day had been certain to come he knew, even if he dreaded its coming. The woman looked over them before she nodded and wished him well.

In the city of Istlan Father Mannory read all the news available to him. With him were several of his fellow workers. He struggled to compose himself as he looked around at them. Gigi, one of their oldest girls sat in a corner. She'd managed to read his papers while delivering them and looked nearly in shock.

"I'll tell the children. Most of the younger ones won't understand, but we need to keep a close eye on the older ones. Keep together everyone, we'll weather this."

All of the brothels in Hazelwood were closed. Most of the taverns and inns had shut their doors too. Some were on the street confused, trying to figure out what had happened, looking in windows and for those they knew frequented these places.

Behind the doors and thick curtains in The Scarlet Harlot boxes were being loaded down to the basement. A veritable train of men passed each along and down, pushing them onto carts in a hidden tunnel far below.

Veska pointed at things one by one, before looking to one of her men. "How goes it?"

"Well ma'am, most of the girls are already out of the city. A good few of the men too. Once we've gotten everything cleared out we'll be set, but... Are you sure this is needed? There hasn't even been any incidents yet."

"Orin right?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am..."

"When 'incidents' start, there is a good chance this city won't be standing. It wouldn't if I were in charge. Now, get everyone, and everything out, preferably before the town guard notices."

"Yes ma'am." He frowned a bit, not that long ago some of those had been his men.

A boot fell upon a tuft of grass, crushing it into the dirt.

"I used to live here, before... so long ago it seems. There is where Sorren's house was, he was ever generous. A friend to all of his neighbors. There, see, that's where Andre lived, his daughter was supposed to marry my son." The words stopped for a moment as tears were blinked away.

Before Verren was the waste that used to be Orsken on the Forest. Now vines grew over the burnt out remains of houses and walls. The fields, left to go for so long without a plow now were tall with grass and small bushes. It was a ruin if ever there was. No more did fires burn in hearths, nor candles or lamps light the evening, only the cold light of the moon and stars lit this place now. Only the dead, and the animals that had come to seek what paltry shelter there was called this place home.

"Do you know the reason for this? The crime this village committed? They tried to live in peace! Tried to feed themselves and take care of their own! This is what the Kingdom did, the Empire as well. While their highest rulers sat back in comfort they sent men to do this to those who sought no harm to them. That my friends is why we are fighting, why I brought you here tonight. So that we may all be reminded what our mission is to destroy."

Verren turned, looking out upon his assembled men, his mail gripped tight to him as he rose to his full height, spear shining as he thrust it up. "Now let us do so! All hail Lord Durin! All hail the Lord of Shadows!"

"ALL HAIL!" The roaring cheer that went up was repeated again and again in ruined villages and upon deserted battle-sites across the Kingdom of Bergond that night.

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