Melody of Mana

Chapter 96 Lengthening Shadows


I sat in my command tent, going over today's reports. We were well on in our war, and things were going mostly to plan. I had command of our best war wizards, unlike the standard battlemage we specialized in large scale artillery type spells, mostly water. To say that my unit alone was a force to be reckoned with was no exaggeration.

Things had been going well, as we'd expected. The Kingdom of Bergond was nowhere near our strength. That was primarily because of their abuses towards their own people during their previous war, as well as the fact that many of their subjects were all to happy to throw open the gates and let us take over when they learned about Lord Durin's laws. There had been a few fights, to be sure, but nothing too bad on our end.

As I went through the various sheets of information a soldier moved to the front of my tent and announced his presence.

"Sir, permission to enter?" He was respectful, and forward, traits I rather appreciated.

"Granted. Some development?" I asked as he moved in front of my makeshift desk, really just a wide board between two stands.

"Yes sir, a group nearly walked into us a few moments ago. Our scouts found them before they made it all the way to the camp, but they came far too close for comfort."


"I... don't think so sir. The group is primarily women, with a few guards and the like. There was a spellcaster with them, ostensibly their leader. She surrendered but is more powerful than we'd anticipated."

"Interesting, are there others with magic amongst them?"

"One of your unit is guarding them, he said he saw nothing more than a few minor talents, but that is no sure thing, so he's advising caution. Their caster has been restrained as per standard protocol, but..."

"That is imperfect and it is advisable to learn more. If she's powerful enough that one of mine sent you to me I suspect that he thinks that I should see her."

"Yes sir." The man nodded. My unit wasn't actually under his command, and even generals would have trouble giving me a direct order, but he wasn't wrong.

"Bring her in then."

It took only a few moments before she was led in. Around the woman's hands and feet were shackles attached to each other and small floating magical items. The items actually included each cuff in them and served to form a shield around her blocking several types of elemental energy, it would even stop kinetics to a degree. These were of course powered by the prisoner herself, who would be forced, at sword-point if needed, to constantly put mana into them. This served to limit her abilities to some extent as well. A dark bag to limit vision was the final piece, simple, but quite effective in most situations.

Even these measures were considered nothing more than a stopgap. While they could likely restrain a weak, or inexperienced caster for a long time, it wouldn't be forever. A powerful caster, would be at least delayed for a few moments by them though, hopefully long enough for someone to arrive to put said individual down.

In most cases though, they were also not used to their fullest extent. Casters were valuable to most, and knew well that if they surrendered that they would likely be spared. Noncombatants more so, and women even more than that. If a wizard or bard girl was content to surrender to you she would almost always be kept in very good conditions. Food would be ample, safety and comfort guaranteed, often better than a common soldier or low ranking officer would expect. There were on the other hand no second chances with casters, if she tried to escape or fight you she would be killed. They were simply too dangerous.

This prisoner was visibly tense as she was led in and to a chair. I was as I studied her aura as well, because there was no way that...

One of the soldiers pulled off the hood as a courtesy. We were going to be interviewing her of course. I looked at her, and she at me. I had to blink a few times.

"Oh Mystien," Veska purred, barely missing a beat. "If you wanted to blindfold me and chain me up, all you ever had to do was ask." That comment was enough to visibly surprise her guards.

"Goodness, still at it then?" I sighed. "Why are you here Veska? I'd like the truth, and straightforward if you don't mind."

"Oh fine. I fled Hazelwood with my people when the war started up. Which was in my personal opinion the safest option, since I expected you and that monster of a man to rip the gates off, followed by the lord's head."

"As I understand Verren did kill him, violently to boot."

"Well that's news to me. Anyway, after we fled, that asshole of a noble sent some of his men after us. Seemed he was irritated that I'd made a break for it. So, we've been moving westward, hoping that this war will be over soon, and we'll be well and out of the way when it does."

"Congratulations. It's not over yet, but you're now on our side of the lines, as is Hazelwood. You can return there if you want, we will have to check your things and hold you for awhile though, I'm sure you understand."

"That's more than acceptable. I don't suppose you could arrange it so that my tavern is returned to me?" She gave me a bright smile.

"I cannot say that for sure unfortunately. You may need to rebuild."

"Well what about a trade? I've got some information I'm sure you'll want..." She hesitated a bit. In some circumstances this might well backfire, but it was clear that she thought that I wouldn't try to force her to spit it out regardless of what she did.

"What kind?"

"I did get some small bits and pieces about your apprentice, Kale, or was it really..."

"Everyone out." I snapped, causing her guards to look at me with surprise. My voice was hard and cold as ice, and after the moment it took them to process they all quickly made their way to the door.

"Mystien..." she stammered as I set up privacy wards, obviously surprised as I let my aura loose a bit.

"You will not play games about this. Tell me what you know, and do it now." The air grew heavy and drops of condensation began to form on every surface. This was no joke, almost nobody knew just how dangerous that girl would be in the wrong hands, beyond that, she was also my best friend's daughter. I would carve a mountain in two if needed to get her back to us safe and sound.

"Of course, of course. Here's what I know..."

Veska wove me a full story about how Alana had been kidnapped, escaped, ended up with The Shield, and disappeared after that, to where she didn't know though. It seemed plausible to some extent. If she were captured by some half-wit soldier who didn't know what all I'd taught her, she could easily enough get away. I also doubted that she'd be willing to stay in an orphanage for too long with how much she'd grown even under my tutelage. I did regret by the end that I hadn't joined in killing Hazelwood myself, but the past was the past.


My heart was pounding as I was finally taken from Mystien's tent to the one where they were holding me. The setup was simple but nice for an army camp, with a very nice cot and even a table with some snacks. I was even allowed to be in here without my blindfold, which was quite kind of them, not that I'd be doing anything inappropriate.

I plopped down on the cot and let my breath out. My heart was thundering, every muscle tense. Perhaps teasing him about the girl was a bit too much. That said, while he'd let a bit loose, he'd never raised his voice, nor threatened. He'd just told me exactly what he wanted, and showed that he meant it.

He'd make a really good father. He'd absolutely take care of any of his own children if he was willing to go so far for his apprentice. Perhaps when this war was over... I mean I'd always had a bit of a soft spot for him, and I was fairly sure he liked me too. Would this interaction spoil him on me though? Did I even have much time? I was getting a bit beyond the years that most women would be able to seek such things. Hmm, so many things to consider.

Of course I'd spilled everything I knew. I would have anyway, and he could have probably found it in what files I'd managed to bring with me, but it was the action that counted. I knew he'd want the girl back, and smiled that I'd guessed correctly. It was a real shame that I'd not been able to procure her for myself. If I could have handed him her, safe and sound, well...


My feet skimmed along the ground as I ran. It had been days tracking my father and we were still behind. The miles flew behind us and we surged forward.

Sadly because of his assignments my father was mostly out of contact with the main body of the army. I could have gone there, but there really was no point, he'd be out and about, taking on targets that had been assigned to him and his unit by the Lord of Shadows himself. These were places and people who really needed to go, and he was the man for it.

Dad could suppress his aura until it was practically nothing, and could behave as a simple farmer because, well he'd been one much of his life. He'd chosen a few who were similar to join him. Together they could get into places a normal caster or physical magic user had no chance of. Once inside they could do what needed doing. It was better that way, less killing overall.

My own unit was with me for this delivery mission. There were only a few of us, and we were still learning, but each was an up and coming soldier in his own right, each well suited for his job. They'd stood with me when we fought against the empire's army, and they were standing with me now, even if they didn't know why I was going, and even if they knew that it was mostly personal business. We all suspected that we'd be called to the front soon enough anyway, with how things were going.

The camp was easy to spot. It was near a main road, like any of the kingdom's normal camps. It was small, but the soldiers were in mostly standard uniforms, milling about here and there. The only thing that would have alerted anyone was that they seemed to have more than normal sentries on duty, and if you could smell it, there was no alcohol.

We approached, not in a rush, but quickly enough. All of my father's men had met me before, so I led, helmet in my hand. From a distance I could even recognize the men on duty as they smiled at me, finally loosing their auras just a bit. I confirmed by pulsing my own once before approaching.

"News? Orders perhaps?" The man asked as I walked up.

"News, but only for dad."

"Alright then, he'll be by the fire at this time, head on."

I found him with ease. He sat there, looking for everything like a normal conscript of our enemy. He was a bit older than they'd normally want, with a bit of gray slipping into his dark hair, but still strong and well built.

"This is unexpected. What's the occasion John?"

"We found her."

Dad put his drink down. "Where, and in what condition?"

"The kingdom's capital, and from my understanding, perfectly fine. I'll give you the details in private."

"Later. We've got a few things to mop up here before we join up with the main host again. If she's in the capital, we'll be there soon enough." He gave me a grim smile. Behind him, if one climbed up a small rise, you could see the border to the central duchies. Before long I'd hold my little sister again.

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