Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 158: Spirits (1)

Spirits (1)

We are floating on the sea of souls.

It’s peaceful in its own way. The scenery is cinematic, and the wind and waves are calm.

[3 : 13 : 03]

The remaining time is quite reasonable.

“No, that statue lied to us!! That damn statue!!”

Layla, on the deck, is still complaining.

“I think we shouldn’t trust the words of the spirits. I don’t know what the purpose of this test is.”


Just then, a bite was caught on the fishing rod I had set up. I quickly pulled it in.


A large fish was caught.

It’s almost 70cm. This is the tenth one.

I said to the group.

“Shall we eat now?”


Layla was the first to shout and run over.

“Wow! You caught a big one, Shion! Let’s slice it and eat it raw!”

“It’s better to grill it.”

“What, Shion, don’t you like raw fish? You’re such a kid~”

“It’s a waste.”

In a situation where we don’t know when the test will end, eating raw fish is a waste of calories.

There was a simple kitchen on the boat, so I prepared the fish there.

Just as I was about to start cooking, someone quietly approached me.


It was Soliette. She fiddled with the handle of the frying pan and asked.

“Can I help you?”

“No. I’m fine.”


Then she slightly stepped back and opened the kitchen cabinet.

“There are quite a few seasonings.”

Just as she said, there was plenty of salt, pepper, and the like. Of course, there were no brands, just stored in glass bottles.

“That’s right.”

I picked up the salt shaker. I sprinkled it on the prepared fish.

Soliette glanced at me and asked.

“Shion. Aren’t you curious about what our team members from Bethune are doing?”

“They’re probably eating.”

“……Shion, you’re cold-hearted.”

“──What’s Bethune?”

It was Layla, who had come to see the kitchen. She tilted her head and approached. Then, Soliette immediately put on a business-like face.

“It’s a game. It’s fun, Layla. It’s a bit dangerous, though.”

“Really? I don’t really like games…….”

I put the fish in the frying pan. As I watched the fish sizzle and cook, Soliette smiled a small smile.

“It looks delicious.”

“I can’t stand it. I’ll be outside.”

Layla swallowed her saliva and left the kitchen.

Again, we were left alone.


Soliette cautiously called my name. I looked back at her.



She didn’t say anything.

I didn’t have anything to say either.

Honestly, it was awkward for me and seemed a bit uncomfortable for her as well, but it wasn’t to the point where we couldn’t talk to each other.

Rather, it’s more comfortable than before.

Is it because we’ve honestly, refreshingly, let it all out?

“……No, never mind.”

Soliette glanced at me and then lowered her head. I gestured to the plates on the shelf.

“If you want to do something, just set the plates.”

“Yes. I understand.”

As if she finally found something to do, she enthusiastically chose the plates.

* * *

The freshly grilled fish, steaming hot on the plate. Soliette picked up a chunk with her chopsticks and took a bite.


Layla, sitting next to her, was the first to exclaim. Soliette almost choked in surprise.

“Shion, this is really good!! Did you make it all by yourself?”

“Soliette helped too.”

At Shion’s words, Soliette puffed up with pride.

“I was in charge of serving and plating.”

“But you didn’t cook.”

“……I found the salt.”

“Anyway, it’s really good!”

“Yes. It is.”

She smiled quietly.

It tasted good.

Since when. No, since [Planarium], it seemed like her sense of taste was returning.

She had essentially given up on the joy of eating since ‘that day’.

Soliette picked up another chunk of meat.


The delicate taste spread in her mouth.

From it, she gained a small sense of confidence.

Just as her sense of taste seemed to be returning, she felt she could recover herself.

That she could move forward to the present, not the past……


Soliette called him. He turned to look at her with a smirk.


“It’s delicious.”

“Oh. I’m glad.”

Shion chuckled, and Gerkhen, sitting next to him, nodded.

“……It’s good. But we should start looking for another place soon.”

There was 1 hour left. Fortunately, there was no mark on the ticket. At least it meant there were no enemies nearby.

“It’s okay. Land will appear soon.”

Shion said. Gerkhen looked around the sea. Layla also craned her neck and muttered.

“It’s a vast sea, though?”

“I can see it. Just eat your meal for now.”

They focused on their meal, and when about 30 minutes were left, Shion started driving the boat again.

After about 20 minutes, land appeared.

“Wow, it’s true. Shion, you have really good eyes.”

“Everyone, get off.”

7 minutes left on the ticket.

The group got off the boat.

“Let’s go.”

Shion led the way.


Soliette followed him, looking at his back.

Suddenly, she remembered the past. Once, she had been carried on his back.

His back was broader than before.

Physically and psychologically.

“Hey! There’s a statue!”

Then Layla pointed somewhere. There was a four-meter-tall statue.

The team members approached it.

“That bastard!!”

Layla, as if she would smash it right away, ran towards it. Soliette followed her.

“Hey! You’re listening, aren’t you!”

At her words, the statue moved again.

──You’ve finally made it here.

“What do you mean finally! We almost got screwed because of you!”

──Hahaha. Take it as a lesson.

The statue spoke, its mouth moving. Layla stepped back in surprise.

“What, what are you trying to do now!”


The statue spat out a piece of paper.

──It’s a map leading to the destination. This time, it’s the truth.

Layla’s face showed a hint of belief, but she soon shouted out loud.

“……I don’t believe you!”

──Ha-ha-ha! Believe it or not, it’s up to you! It’s your ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood!

“What?! Guys, don’t be fooled! He’s a habitual liar!”


But Shion silently picked up the paper. Soliette also glanced at it.

Not far away, there was a large destination marker.

“But this is the only hint we have.”

Shion said, flipping the map.

“……That’s true.”

Layla looked at the stone statue with doubtful eyes.

“Is it real this time? Can we trust you?”

She had switched back to polite language. The stone statue chuckled and nodded.

──Yes. It’s right to doubt the words of a soul, but I promise this time. It’s the truth.

“……On the honor of your soul?”

──On the honor of my soul!


Layla looked at the others.

“What should we do? Shall we be fooled just once?”

* * *


The [destination] written on the stone statue’s map was the airport. A decent-sized airship was docked, and the stone statue was standing on the dock leading to the entrance.

“There it is!”

Layla ran quickly.

“Mr. Stone Statue, you didn’t lie this time, did you?”

She had switched to a super-polite form of address.

──Ha-ha-ha! You’ve passed the first test!

The stone statue said, laughing. Layla clapped her hands together.

“I believed in you~”

──Good! Now, hand in your tickets and board the airship one by one! I will conduct the admission process!


Layla was the first to hand in her ticket. The stone statue bit it.

──Spit! Confirmed! Get on! You’ve passed the first test!


Layla dashed in. I also handed in my ticket.

──Spit! Confirmed!

I climbed the stairs and entered the airship.


The moment I entered, I felt a strange sense of discomfort. It was as if a bizarre wind was clinging to my skin.


But nothing happened. I looked around the inside of the airship. There were many seats, but they were all empty, and Layla was sitting in the front.

“Shion, come here! There are plenty of seats!”

She waved her hand, bouncing around.

Then Soliette and Gerkhen came in.

“Wow. It’s spacious.”

“Uh. Let’s sit.”

We sat side by side next to Layla.

“Is there no in-flight meal~?”

Layla looked around, and Soliette had a slightly tense face.

I found her quite cute. Feeling my gaze, she mumbled with a blushing face.

“It’s my first time on an airship.”

“Really? Soliette’s first time on an airship~?”

“──Uh, what.”

Then, a familiar voice came from behind.

“Wasn’t that Layla’s voice just now?”

We turned to look.

It was a new party.

Kain, Asher, Brown, and Elise. They had just entered the airship.

Layla waved her hand.

“Oh, Elly~!”

“Don’t we exist?”

Kain narrowed his eyes.

“Everyone, take your seats! We’re about to set sail!”

At the very front of the airship, the stone statue moved his mouth again.

Elise took a seat right behind us. Layla turned to look at Elise, a wicked smile on her face.

“Elly, want to switch seats with me?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you see who’s sitting next to me? Hehe, it’s Shion.”


I also turned around. As our eyes met, Elise flinched and gritted her teeth.

“Keep quiet. Before I kill you.”

──Everyone fasten your seatbelts! We’re about to take off!

Click, click. The sound of seatbelts being fastened echoed.

Vroooom── The airship began to ascend.

──Takeoff successful!

Soliette whispered in my ear.

“Shion, isn’t that stone statue too noisy?”

Now, even the stone statue is being gossiped about.

I nodded with a smile.


──You may now unbuckle your seatbelts!

But I kept feeling a gaze from behind.

It was Elise. She was looking at Soliette and me alternately with an uncomfortable expression.

──Then, let’s start the second test right away!

Everyone was startled by the sudden announcement. Those who were leisurely leaning against their seats quickly turned their gaze towards the stone statue.

The stone statue had a stern expression.

──Hehehe. This is the airship of spirits. There’s an ‘impostor’ among us.

Flicker, flicker. The lights inside the airship started to blink intermittently.

The atmosphere turned chilly.

──The spirit takes the form of a human. It’s mixed in with us. Find the spirit before the airship takes off. If you can’t, you might lose your body forever.

“What, what did you say?!”

Layla was startled. I glanced at the seats next to me. Layla, Gerkhen, Soliette.

Behind were Elise, Asher, Kain, and James. (Author Changed Brown: ??? to James: ???)

Was there a chance for the spirit to sneak in?

──But! If it’s too difficult, it’s no fun, so I’ll take questions! One per person! I’ll answer all questions truthfully. You can ask quietly or publicly!

Click. Elise was the first to unbuckle her seatbelt. She stood up and scanned the surroundings.

I also unbuckled my seatbelt. Seeing this, Elise casually asked me.

“You’re not it, right?”

Soliette intervened.

“Shion isn’t. He’s been with us all along.”

“‘All along’…?”

Elise’s brow furrowed slightly. She seemed to be deep in thought, biting her lip.

“Soliette. Did I ask you?”

“…I’m just saying it’s certain because he’s been with us all along.”

Soliette answered. Elise cracked her neck. She looked ready to fight at any moment.

“First of all!”


Just then, Asher clapped his hands.

“I’ll ask a question first. So, there’s one impostor among us, right?”

He approached the stone statue first.

“Hmm. Mr. Stone Statue, does the spirit know that it’s a spirit?”

──It doesn’t know.

“…Hmm. It doesn’t know, huh?”

Asher came back, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, oh. It’s my turn now!”

Layla hurried over to the stone statue. She put her hands on her belly and bowed.

“Hello, Mr. Stone Statue. I’m Layla. You know that, right?”

──I know!

“Thank goodness! Then-”



Layla asked blankly.

“I haven’t asked yet.”

──Your question is over. You asked if I knew you, and I said I do.

“What, what are you talking about! That was just an introduction!”

Layla’s face turned bright red. The stone statue coldly shrugged.

──Go back. Fool.

“What, what did you say?! You damn statue! Do you want to die?!”

“Come on.”

Elise pulled Layla away, lightly slapping her cheek.

“Who’s next?”


I raised my hand. Elise looked at me gently and nodded.

“Go ahead.”

I approached the stone statue. Standing in front of it, I reviewed its words.

-This is the airship of spirits.

-There’s an ‘impostor’ among us.

-The spirit takes the form of a human.

-It’s mixed in with us.


Suddenly, a thought came to mind.

“I’ll ask a personal question.”

──Go ahead.

I quietly looked around at the people inside.

Layla, still upset, stomping her feet and grumbling. Soliette looking at me. Elise, alternating her gaze between Soliette and me. Asher and Kain with suspicious eyes. Gerkhen standing calmly, seemingly deep in thought.

“Stone statue.”

I whispered into the stone statue’s ear.

“Did you lie on this airship?”

Perhaps it was the most important question.

──No. I only spoke the truth.

“On the honor of the soul?”


I nodded. Thanks to that, I knew right away.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t there, but when I boarded the airship.

The unidentified ‘discomfort’ that had brushed my mind then had been bothering me all along.

“Do you know?”

Elise asked. I answered with a smirk.

“Yeah. I knew right away. Who the impostor is.”

“Oh really? Who is it?!”

Layla’s eyes widened.

“The impostor is……”

I pointed my finger.

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