Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 265: Desire and Ambition (3)

Chapter 265: Desire and Ambition (3)

Desire and Ambition (3)

Elise had set up a hospital within the Magic Tower. Although she was still a freshman, there was no particular backlash. On the contrary, she was welcomed.

It wasn't for no reason; mages with a medical license like Elise were extremely rare in the Magic Tower.

"What happened?

She had hired nurses in the name of the Magic Tower and brought in various expensive medical devices under the condition that she would run the hospital for at least the next ten years.

"They were ambushed during a mission...

Elise nodded at the nurses words.

I get that, but how were they ambushed?"

Elise looked at the two high-ranking mages lying in the hospital beds.

Their names were Sula and Troy, both sedated and comfortably asleep.

They were professor-level mages.

In fact, Elise was currently attending Troys lectures on destruction magic. He was a professor who handled wind with flair, equivalent to a one-man army.

"They were attacked... by an agent

"An agent?

"Yes. The identity of the agent hasnt been revealed yet."

Elise let out a hollow laugh.

"Theyve got guts, targeting a professor of the Magic Tower.

It seemed they had some sense of decency since they didnt kill them.


She turned around and started writing on the chart.

"Please continue mana therapy on the wounded areas. They'll need to stay in the hospital for at least two weeks.

The cost of treatment. Consultation fees. Hospitalization fees.

In total... 30,000 Ren.

Elise decided to bill that amount

After all, high-ranking mages are overflowing with money to the point of rotting. If she charged too little, they might suspect its cheap quality, right?

"Give them the receipt when they wake up.


Mages have a strange sense of superiority and tend not to frequent hospitals.

This was why Elise, despite being a freshman, received such special treatment. The medical skills of a Magic Tower mage are considered far more reliable than those of any inferior doctor on the continent.

She opened the door to the hospital.

Right in front of her stood the Inquisitors of the Magic Tower, cloaked in dark robes.

"Theyre in good condition. They'll wake up soon, will you wait?

The Inquisitors nodded.

They are tasked with tracking down and eliminating those who harm the Magic Tower.

Elise had no particular thoughts on the matter. She was just there to study medicine and magic...

"Well, if you need anything for the investigation, just ask. I'll cooperate.

I returned to my old quarters in Endex. It was a place I had stayed for quite some time. And there, as expected, was Soliette.


She smiled, her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose bobbing slightly.

"Yeah. It's been a while. What's with the glasses?

It had been a few months, but it felt like I had seen her just yesterday.

I sat down beside her.

It's an artifact It can rewind everything I've seen in a day.

"Hm. So, what's up?

I cut straight to the chase.

Soliettes expression sharpened a bit.

"You already know, dont you?


"...About Bethune.

I raised an eyebrow.

Isnt that why you sent me off alone? Because you knew?

More than knowing.

Honestly, I had a hunch.

What Knightmare's intentions were.

"Who knows.

Hes calling out to Soliette.

He deliberately materialized Jareds soul and guided Soliette with NPCs, including [Hans] and [Karl].

"How did you know the party members were NPCs?

It was a suspicion. I need to log out and eat to live, butthen I realized Ive never seen them log out

Soliette took off her glasses. She glared at her laptop and said,

Im scared."

On the screen was an old photo.

Jared, Felix, Soliette. A childhood photo of the three of them together.


...If I meet Knightmare, can I win?

She quietly bowed her head. Just then, the photo on the laptop screen changed. It was in a natural slide mode.

It was a photo taken with me. I couldn't remember when. Perhaps it was when we were collecting evidence against Knightmare.

I scratched the back of my neck, and there was Soliette, chomping on gum in the photo. It wasnt taken by us, but by a passing photographer who decided to snap it on a whim.

I closed the laptop.

I looked at Soliette, her face buried between her knees.

This girl had become weaker.

Soliette would no longer be like her future self.

The immortal swordsman who would forever remain in the history of Edsilla, comparable to Jade, the worlds First Sword, had vanished from this world.

It didn't matter.

Better, even.

"Lets go together.

I took Soliettes hand. She trembled, looking up at me startled.

...We promised to see it through to the end.

It was a promise already made.

In a past life, and in this one too.

I will be with you.

Zia expanded Lithium Corporation. The weapons developed by Lithium's R&D quickly became the talk of the town and seized control of the centralwestern region of Edsilla. Additionally, she restructured the entire distribution network that Jesco had been in charge of, making it her own.

The revenue now is beyond imagination.

Well, for the average mind, that is.

Still, these numbers are woefully inadequate for Zias ambitions.

That's why Zia is considering another venture.

'Synthetic mana stones.

But not the criminal type of synthetic mana stones like Jesco dealt with.

She aimed to drastically increase the yield of synthetic mana stones to completely replace the existing ones.

Of course, its a crime. But its not a crime because it endangers the citizens, but because its entangled with vested interests.

The crime most despised by the mining families is the creation of synthetic mana stones.

Zia had already run hundreds of mental simulations and devised a method to create synthetic mana stones that were chemically, magically, and structurally near perfection.

It might start as a crime, but in the end, she was going to win.

To do that, she had to face Blocker.

The master of the underworld throughout Edsilla, dealing in weapons, drugs, artifacts, and synthetic narcotics

...Every country wants [BALANCE].

A voice brimming with pride flowed in.

Zia looked ahead. Jade was sitting there, holding a coffee cup. f(r)ee

This place was [BALANCE].

A high-end cafe run by Derek, located only in the bustling areas of the continent.

"The council called for me. They even said I could be used for diplomacy."

Jade smiled as he savored the aroma of his coffee.

Zia had deliberately sought out Jade.

The best way to avoid Johanna was to be with Jade, after all.

In truth, Zia also felt uncomfortable being with Jade, but she had no choice. Johanna, for some reason, was taking a significant interest in Shion Ascal.

...Congratulations, brother.

Zia clapped her hands with a pop-pop sound, her face forming an exaggerated expression of admiration as she pursed her lips into an O shape.


Jade was pleased.

Its not just that. The sales have far exceeded the expectations of those ink-suckers at Libra Station.

His self-praise had been non-stop.

...Take this.

Suddenly, Jade extended some sort of certificate.

"What is this...?

Zia blinked in surprise.

"Read it aloud for yourself.

"Cafe BALANCE exclusive bean supply rights...?

Zia looked up at Jade. He wore a thin smile.

"That guy said it.

'That guy must be Shion Ascal.

"While recommending this cafe venture, he said if the cafe does better than expected."

He tapped the table with his finger.

"Could he entrust the bean supply to you?

Zia was momentarily taken aback. This was an unexpected gift she hadnt even considered.



Bean supply.

Not bad at all.

Its a tremendous vested interest, not just in terms of the revenue from selling beans, but in using Jades name to establish a supply and distribution network.

...Ill gratefully accept it, brother.

"The thanks should go to him, not me. It was tough for me to peel this off for you. The company has grown quite a bit, you see.

Jade was about to start bragging about his company again.

...Excuse me."

Zia had something she needed to say.

"Could I possibly stay at your mansion for about a month?

From now on, she planned to hide her presence for as long as possible. She needed to avoid Johannas eyes more than anyone elses.

Because she was coveting her gem.

The next day, at the Intelligence Agency.

Before departing for [Bethune] with Soliette, I briefly stopped by the office.

"Well do it."

I had received a message to join up with Sia and Chloe.

...Here. This is our Chaser code.


The two who came to the vending machine in the Intelligence Agency's break room handed over their code numbers.

Self-identification numbers, similar to social security numbers. Even among Chasers, these aren't shared lightly, but once shared...

"We will establish a hotline."

This allows for the creation of a hotline, an extended application of Libra.

"Yes, the line has been established.

A hotline, literally a Tine, is, to be more specific, a relationship for quickly giving and receiving help.

...Phew. This is my first time with a line. I never planned on doing something like this.

Lines are usually determined by educational background.

Even among Chasers, educational background is the most important factor at first meeting. Even Bell Moore, contrary to his image, is a graduate of a prestigious university.

On the other hand, 'David', the external team leader of the Intelligence Agency, is a high school graduate turned mercenary. That's why he receives the scorn of Ged ley.

"Youre from a national university too, right? Team leader Bell Moore is from Althea University. We're from smaller colleges...

"Academic background doesnt matter. For now, our hotline within the Intelligence Agency will be confidential. The mere existence of a hotline can be a target for checks.

"Got it, oh, should I say yes now? We have more years of service, though.

In the team leader's hierarchy, I am the senior.

...Well. Yes. Salute."

Sia playfully saluted, and Chloe also nodded her head in agreement

"Then. The hotline is always open. Use it to pass on information and request help."


The two left their seats.

Thus, I gained two more.

Sia and Chloe could become elite agents in their own right.

But now, Im thinking of recruiting even more certain forces.

"Lets see...

There are quite a few agents in the Intelligence Agency who are neglected despite their abilities. Director Gedley, of course, and several other team leaders also value connections and regional ties as much as ability.

I know of some Chasers who operate quite covertly despite their disdain.

However, excluding lunatics who enjoy killing, if I just filter out those who know 'moderation'

I can think of three.

There are exactly three solid names.

I plan to recruit them under Bell Moores command and as my subordinates.

At the same time.

Bell Moore was in the cafeteria, making do with dinner.

"Ah, this is so damn annoying. What do they take a team leader's words for?"

His plans for the day had all been canceled.

He had asked Director Gedley to arrange a dinner party, but it was turned down by his secretary, and although he texted Riley to book a restaurant, there was no reply.

To think that he, now a team leader, was in the Intelligence Agencys cafeteria cutting up a pork cutlet.

"Maybe I should just get back to work.

Perhaps it would be better to work with that guy Shion on the front lines, engaging in various operations.

It seems like it would be more fun...

"No, thats not right.

Shion Ascal is a lunatic. Hed slash the neck of an internal spy in one stroke, a team leader's neck, and even the bald head of Vancheon.

Working on an operation with someone like that, you never know when your own neck might get chopped off.


Thats when it happened.

Suddenly, two women appeared in front of him, tapping on the table and placing down drinks.

"Team leader, we thought you might be thirsty.

...Who are you?

Bell Moore didn't recognize the Chasers.

The two women looked puzzled at Bell Moores bewildered expression, then suddenly smiled as if they understood.

"Ah, youre very meticulous. I get it

What the hell are they talking about?

Bell Moore slightly furrowed his brow. Then they whispered.

...Sorry. We were insensitive. Anyway, I'm Sia, and this is Chloe. Congratulations on your promotion, team leader.

Its not that Im insensitive, it's that I dont know who you are.

Bell Moore was about to say that when he glanced over their faces.

Both were not bad-looking.


Not as much as Riley, but they're pretty enough.

Do women start flocking to you once you become a team leader?

"Well, I'll understand. But next time, be more careful.

Sure, I understand the desire to flirt, but its problematic if you just start talking to me out of the blue like this.

Upon hearing Bell Moore's words, they straightened their posture.

"Yes. Understood.

"We look forward to working with you.

Then they turned and quickly walked away, and Bell Moore watched them leave with a sense of satisfaction before picking up his phone.

He switched it to selfie mode and scanned his face.

"Hmm. Hmmm...

The deep-set profile of his eyes.

The very pronounced and three-dimensional view of his facial features from the front.

The manly jaw that seemed particularly prominent today.


Bell Moore brushed back his long hair and let out a snicker.

I do look pretty good today.

With looks like this, and the youngest team leader?

No wonder women are suddenly flocking to me.

But what can I do? Im not exactly looking to get involved with a Chaser.

Just look, dont touch, just look-

Now that hes a team leader, he doesn't want to be suspected of creating factions by taking care of unnecessary Chasers.

His goal is simply to live a comfortable and wealthy life by milking his salary and incentives at the Intelligence Agency.

"Ah, should I stop going to the dermatologist?

Bell Moore kept muttering to himself until he finally stopped slicing his pork cutlet

I should save my appetite for the club.

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