Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 311: Milky Way (5)

Chapter 311: Milky Way (5)

Symposium D-7. Afternoon time.

“Are you serious?”

A man with a thick, overgrown mustache asked.

“Yes. Ifs the truth.”

Holy Knight Theia Esil responded, facing him.

“I don't mean the truth, I mean your sincerity.”

This is the office of the vice-commander of the Edsilla National Knights, the largest and finest knight order on the continent, affiliated with Edsilla National University.

“I am sincere.”

At Theia's affirmation, Vice-Knight Commander Yusef pressed his temples, seemingly plagued by a migraine.

“…You're going to mess with Derek from Libra?”

Yusef, nearing seventy in a couple of days, was one of the few people Theia could trust.

“lts not just messing around.”

“Then what?”

“We're going to destroy him.”


Yusef let out a deeper sigh. This time, a slight dizziness came and went like anemia.

“…Right. He's a heinous criminal, if what you say is true.”

He pointed at the documents Theia had Laid out.

“But if this is all the evidence you have, it's nothing more than a conspiracy theory.”

“These are internal documents. ALL investigations have been completed. They are indeed overwriting human souls. How can this be a conspiracy theory?”

“lt could be fabricated. They will claim it's all manipulated.”

“Thats why I came to you, vice-commander.”

Theia said with a resolute expression.

“I will detain Derek from Ortus and simultaneously raid the headquarters. We will find more evidence there.”

This would escalate things significantly.

Yusef asked, baffled.

“On what grounds?”

“As a Holy Knight, I will invoke emergency investigative powers under the 'Special Law on Monsters.'”

Holy Knights have combined authority and power akin to that of prosecutors, police, and judges, applicable only when the case is definitively related to monsters.

To Theia, the crime of overwriting human souls is clearly a 'monstrous' act.

“…Derek is at his prime right now.”

Still, Yusef Looked skeptical.

“At a time when it's questionable whether to strike even in his weakest state, you want to strike now when he's strongest?”


Theia smiled faintly.

“Thats precisely why now is the most opportune time.”

With the success of artificial intelligence, the balance of power among the Libra siblings is heavily tilted towards Derek. It means the succession structure is on the verge of collapse.

“Johanna and Jade want Derek to fall. They will never help him. Rather, they will hinder him.”


Yusef sighed.

“Alright. Suppose… your plan succeeds and Derek falls. What then? Even if Derek is no longer the heir, you become Libra's main enemy.”

The current head of the family, Sherlock, is still thriving as a Senator of the Round Table and is also considered a Leading candidate for the next Chairman—a powerful family indeed.

“Libra never forgets a grudge once it's been made. Its not for nothing they1 re called the family of the scales.”

Becoming their primary enemy meant—

“lt means it would be difficult to keep your life.”

Yet, Theia remained calm. Yusef found her composure frustrating.

“…lt's alright.”

The Theia standing before him now was a prodigy. Someday, she would illuminate the continent like the Milky Way, bringing light from the darkness.

Yusef had been watching her for a Long time—

“l've been their enemy for a Long time.”

He knew she wouldn't back down from this decision.

“Damn, it's frustrating.”

He furrowed his brow and fiddled with his white, thinning hair before Lightly tapping the desk with a bang!

“…I4I Lend you the tough ones. Will thirty men suffice?”

“That will be enough.”

Theia nodded and rose from her seat. Yusef also stood up.

“Are you heading to Ortus?”

“Yes. Aren, who is directly under my command, will go to the headquarters.”

“…Alright. I'll do my best to block any pressure coming from above.”

He was nearing the age of honorable retirement. If he failed, he would retire; if he succeeded, he would make history.

Not a bad gamble.

'Ortus' is an island floating on the river, connected to the mainland by a bridge known as Ortus Bridge, a wealthy neighborhood. The symposium takes place in a dome-shaped stadium at the very center of this area.

I unpacked my bags in the Presidential Suite of the Hanja Hotel, right next to the stadium—a room that took up nearly half of the floor.

“H m m…”

I looked out the window at the view.

There were many people walking along the street. I recognized quite a few faces.

They were named members of [Vancheon] who had concealed their identities.

Some had been Like friends before my regression, and others had betrayed me.

Thus, Derek was a walking aggro magnet, attracting all sorts of good, bad, and strange people.


I set down my designer bag under the desk in the Presidential Suite and then headed down to the VIP observatory where the salad bar was located.

The VIP observatory was crowded with VIPs.

—…Wow. This is delicious. Elly, try this-

I almost laughed at the face I saw upon arrival.

—You eat it. I'll manage on my own.

—…Then don't eat it! Don't anything either!

—What? That's how you talk to a mage-

—Aaaargh!!! Stop saying mage mage! I'm going to get neurosis!

Layla, Elise, Kain, Asher. It was a Lively scene. I also caught a glimpse of Johanna in the WIP room.

“Over here~”

Just then, someone waved at me. It was Riley. She was sitting by the window.

I approached her with a smile.

“Doctor, have you unpacked everything?”


“l'm jealous. You're in the Presidential Suite, I hear.”


In front of me was a cup of coffee. Riley, looking at her notebook, spoke,

“The preparation starts today and will Last for seven days; it's the best spot at the symposium.”


I sipped my coffee. Riley asked in a subtle tone,

“……DO you feel confident?”

“Ah, of course. Tve come well-prepared.”

A mysterious smile then appeared on Riley's lips.

“Mmm~ You've come well-prepared, I see. I'll just go to the restroom for a moment.”


I glanced at her retreating figure.

Then, my gaze shifted back down to the window.

The gathering crowd of [Vancheon]. Among them, there must be a traitor planning to sell out Riley.

Today, there are quite a few fish.

Of course, it's impossible to catch them all without missing any.

“……I'U catch them.”

I'll have to catch quite a few, at Least.

I prepared for the symposium at the stadium. I reviewed the Artificial Intelligence version 2 that Vito had entrusted to me, and ghostwrote Derek's script.

After all, Derek has no knack for scripts, so I took it upon myself.

“……Th ree days left.”

Vito said from the podium of the symposium.

“Thats right. Its nerve-wracking.”

By now, Shion Ascal might be busy on paper, flying between countries and carrying out various missions.

'On paper/ that is.

“How's the autonomous driving coming along?”

Vito asked.

“Just as the doctor said, I've told them we would participate… but he insisted it be kept a secret from him.”

“……Yes. Well done.”

Vito patted my shoulder as if handling a puppy.

Just then, Derek appeared.

“ls everything going well with the p re pa rati o ns?”

He approached like a boss questioning his employees.

“Just a moment.”

Vito avoided his gaze and headed to the restroom, and Derek pretended not to care about him.

“Ah~ Dr. Killian.”

“Yes, Mr. Derek.”

Derek approached me and patted my shoulder just like Vito had.

“l've read the script. It was perfect. Very perfect.”

I had only written the kind of things an innovative businessman would say.

Derek, being a tremendous narcissist, liked content that flaunted his genius.

“Thank you.”

“Dr. Killian, wait for me after the symposium. We'll also talk about the next business”

Thud. Thud.

Suddenly, ominous footsteps echoed throughout the stadium, deliberately resonating as if to be heard.

Derek, the researchers, and all the security guards turned towards the sound.

The entrance of the symposium.

Not far from the podium, several people were there.

Among them, the most conspicuous was undoubtedly…… 'Theia Esil'.

“……Why is she here again?”

Derek bit his lip. Theia seemed to have heard him, as a fleeting smile crossed her face.

“Nice to meet you, President Derek.”

Theia's greeting was brazen from the start. Even I was taken aback by her audacity. Derek, addressed as "President Derek; momentarily Lost control of his expression.


He glared at Theia silently. I, observing his discomfort, bravely stepped forward.

“You. This area is off-limits to unauthorized personnel. Didn't you see the sign?”

“I know. I saw it.”

Theia's gaze met mine. It lasted only a few seconds, but her eyes seemed to hold a bewitching power.

Derek took a step forward.

“Then you shouldn't have entered. Professor Theia, are you blind? How dare you enter a place filled with corporate secrets?”

He tried to demean her by calling her 'Professor Theia; but Theia was not the type to be bothered by such titles.


She raised an eyebrow and pulled a small piece of paper from her pocket.

“Let me start with…”

Ahem. She cleared her throat. Derek's Lips twitched.

“Derek, Caiden Libra lan.”

Theia even dared to call Derek by his full name. It was as good as a declaration of war to him.

“……Have you finally lost your mind?”

Derek hated being called by his full name. It was loathsome.

In the past, his father used to call him by his full name when scolding him.

“As Holy Knight Theia, I am arresting you on charges of violating the 'Monster Special Law.'” At this, Derek's security personnel moved first. They drew their weapons, and the knights around Theia responded by drawing their swords.

Theia's eyebrows furrowed.

“Let's not resist. Unless you want additional charges.”

“……Nonsense. Violating the 'Monster Special Law'?”

Derek scoffed and narrowed his eyes. Theia calmly replied.

“Yes. There are rumors that your artificial intelligence is monstrous. Created by overwriting human souls.”

“Bullshit… You're spouting nonsense. You're arresting me based on such rumors? How preposterous”

“We'U hear the details in the interrogation room.”

Theia pulled out handcuffs. She walked towards Derek and said,

“You have the right to remain silent, and anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Derek glared at her as if he wanted to kill her.

“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.”

As Theia moved to cuff Derek's hands behind his back—

“Therers no need for this, is there?”

I stepped forward, urgently stopping Theia from handcuffing Derek.

“What are you doing?”

Theia looked at me with eyes full of irritation.

“lts unnecessary. Handcuffing someone behind their back is only done when there's a risk of escape. Derek is a noble. Please treat him with the respect he deserves.”



Both Theia and Derek Looked at me simultaneously.

“Respect… Well, I'll comply.”

Theia scoffed lightly, then proceeded to handcuff Derek's wrists in front of him. Derek's hands were politely clasped in front.

Derek glared down at Theia and muttered under his breath.

“Do you think you can handle the consequences?”

“lf I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't have started this.”

Theia deliberately kept her response brief. At that, Derek's cheeks trembled slightly. It was from his overflowing anger.

Suddenly, my phone rang. Theia gestured for me to answer it.

“Take the call.”


Derek nodded silently.

I answered the phone.

—Doctor, knights have stormed into the Lab… Ah, please! Don't go in there!

Simultaneously with that urgent voice, there was a loud explosion.

Theia smirked mockingly, while Derek's expression hardened.

“lt seems you might now understand the situation.”

“……Lord Derek. I will accompany you.”


Derek stopped me.

“Doctor Killian. You stay here and prepare for the symposium.”

He Looked at me with eyes full of trust.

“l'll be back before it starts.”

“You sure dream big.”

Theia rebutted. A Large vein bulged at Derek's temple, but he seemed to decide to ignore Theia and scanned the surroundings again.

“Vito is not here. Did he run away?”

“…… h uh?”

I too belatedly surveyed the interior. Vito, who had gone to the bathroom, had not yet returned.

Derek flashed an enigmatic smile.

“……1 nteresti ng.”

This was an unexpected coincidence even for me.

“Doctor Ki Ilian.”

Derek called me again.


“I have the script memorized, so don't worry. You go back and double-check the formula for version two of the artificial intelligence. Hurry back.”


I turned around, and Derek stared at Theia.

Derek's tall stature was looking down at Theia, but she was not intimidated in the slightest.

“Let's go, knights.”

“You can look forward to what happens next.”

There was a smoldering rage in Derek's voice.

“Thats exactly what I wanted to say.”

However, the anger was mutual. Theia's emotions were even darker, and more venomous than Derek's, coalescing together as dark red resentment.

“Let's consider ourselves in agreement. Come on, I'll show you out.”


Two knights clung to Derek. They escorted him, supporting him as if he needed assistance.

Meanwhile, I continued preparing for the symposium as Derek had instructed.

“Everyone, stay calm. Lord Derek will be back soon.”

I said it Loud enough for Derek and Theia to hear.

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