Memoirs of Your Local Small-time Villainess

Chapter 242 – Naturals

“I presented Grand Wizard Hartford with my response this morning,” Scarlett informed Magister Penney calmly. The man sat opposite her in a spacious armchair, watching her with keen interest. “I trust he will bring it before the council without delay. My terms are rather comprehensive, so I sincerely hope that you will give them thoughtful consideration before coming to a decision.”

Evening had set in, and only the dim light from a lone chandelier illuminated the room.

“I look forward to reviewing it with the rest of the council, then,” the magister replied earnestly. “Should I anticipate any particular points of interest?”

“Everything proposed should be well within the Isle’s means.”

He chuckled. “That could still cover a broad spectrum of things, but alright. I’m optimistic that we can reach a satisfactory compromise for your continued collaboration, eventually.”

“That is my preference as well.” Scarlett paused briefly to consider him. “With that settled, there is something else I want to ask. Do you recall the wizard I inquired about during our initial meeting?”

“The Senior Wizard, you mean?”

“Yes. I saw her again yesterday, participating in the Astral Sanctum’s investigation, and our paths crossed once more today. It strikes me as remarkable that we have encountered each other three times already during my short stay here.”

Magister Penney’s expression shifted subtly, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

Scarlett held his gaze for a moment. “…Unless I am mistaken, you claimed not to know her personally.”

The portly man straightened in his seat, clearing his throat. “Ah, yes, I did say that, didn’t I?”

“However, I have since learned that to not be the case,” Scarlett pressed.

He fell silent, then, after a few seconds, sighed. “It seems she has once again disregarded any efforts I make to simplify matters for her.” Magister Penney offered an apologetic smile. “I apologise for not being entirely forthright about the matter. I am indeed familiar with Senior Wizard Yamina. My silence wasn’t meant to deceive you specifically, but rather to protect her. It could reflect poorly on her if it were known that she had made clandestine contact with you in the particular manner I suspect she has.”

“And why is that?” Scarlett asked.

“Well, there are several reasons,” he answered. “For one, the duty has been designated to Grand Wizard Hartford, and any interference with that duty will be frowned upon. While the council knows of and largely accepts my meeting with you, Yamina’s involvement is a concern due to her history of causing, let’s say, disruptions with those from outside the Isle.”

“I do not mind.”

Hugbert’s smile became awkward. “The council might.”

Scarlett wondered what Yamina might have done to merit the council being so wary. The woman didn’t strike her as someone who would do something too crazy. Although, she supposed that Yamina’s method and motivations for approaching Scarlett had been pretty…direct.

“If I might ask, who is she? I find it hard to believe that she is simply another Senior Wizard, given how she acts.”

There was also the fact that she seemed to have no difficulty at all in locating Scarlett no matter where she was on the Isle.

The magister seemed to consider her for a bit, weighing his response.

“I presume she introduced herself only as ‘Senior Wizard Yamina’ when you originally met her?” he finally asked.


“Then do you know her full name?”

“I believe it is ‘Yamina Ward’.”

The man nodded. “Indeed, though she herself often prefers just her first name. Now, have you heard of anyone else with the surname ‘Ward’ here on the Rising Isle?”

Scarlett’s brow knitted as she pondered that question. The name seemed familiar, now that he mentioned it, but why?

“…Was there not an arch wizard on the Isle that went by that name?”

She vaguely remembered reading about it while researching the Rising Isle. Since it wasn’t relevant to her game knowledge at the time, it hadn’t been at the front of her mind.

“There was,” Magister Penney confirmed. “Senior Wizard Yamina is Arch Wizard Ward’s daughter.”

Scarlett had to admit that she didn’t quite expect that.

“Arch Wizard Ward was a wizard of exceptional skill and character, rare even among those mages who reach that vaunted level,” Hugbert continued. “Though the Rising Isle has never officially had a single leader, he was, in many respects, a guiding force during his time. Yamina, being his daughter, received considerable attention and benefits while she was still young, unlike most here.”

Scarlett arched a brow. “I would have assumed that such favoritism would find little favor here.”

“In most cases, it would. But Yamina was an exceptional case, undoubtedly deserving of such attention. From a young age, she exhibited magical prowess and insights far beyond her peers, astounding even seasoned wizards. The Isle hadn’t witnessed such a prodigious talent in decades. Many believed she would surpass even her father.”

Scarlett frowned. “If she is so talented, why then is she merely a senior wizard?”

If the woman was at the level where she even had the respect of figures like Dean Godwin, it seemed odd for her to remain in that position.

“A question I’m sure is asked by many of us as well, I’m sure.” The man’s expression turned introspective. “Hmm. The best way I can put it, I suppose, is that attaining positions like Principal or Grand Wizard requires more than raw talent or breadth of knowledge. At the very least, it requires some combination of dissertational work, participation in academic and scholarly discourse, mentoring apprentices and disciples, and numerous other responsibilities. Additionally, while the primary focus of the Rising Isle is the advancement of magical knowledge, a certain level of combat prowess is also valued. Despite Yamina’s undeniable skill, her focus has always been on divination and fundamental spellcraft analysis. Along with her disinterest in many of the conventional formalities and duties associated with a higher status, there simply has not been much reason to give her another title. Moreover, her frequent excursions outside the Rising Isle on independent, unsanctioned projects have led to some friction between her and certain members of the council.”

Scarlett folded her arms as she listened. It sounded like Yamina was similar to Dead Godwin in more ways than just the woman’s interest in her. Despite the apparent age difference between the two, maybe their friendship made sense after all.

Still, it felt like all of this wasn’t quite enough to explain everything she’d learned about Yamina. “There must be more to her story. As you said, she is no ordinary Senior Wizard.”

“There is, yes,” the magister said, scratching at his chin. “Yamina is only a Senior Wizard, but she also happens to be the leading authority in her field. This expertise means that she has been given some additional responsibilities and freedoms uncommon for her rank. For instance, she oversees several of the major projects at the Mistral Observatory and is even permitted to attend council meetings as its representative.”

“And how many other wizards enjoy such privileges?”


“So, she essentially holds a position akin to that of a council member.”

“There are those who have drawn such comparisons. Technically, she lacks any formal voting rights, but she is free to express her views, even though she seldom does.”

A small frown creased Scarlett’s brow. To her, it sounded like Yamina was basically an unofficial Grand Wizard — or perhaps even an Arch Wizard.

Despite this, the woman had never made a noticeable appearance in the game.

“Does this mean she also wields similar influence to an official council member among the wizards of the Isle?” Scarlett asked.

“In part. Although, from what I know, Yamina often sees this more as a hindrance than a benefit.”

“Is that so…”

She somehow doubted that giving people like her access to restricted areas like the Veiled Library was among the powers Yamina had. Nevertheless, it was fascinating to learn all of this about the woman. Although she didn’t turn out to be who Scarlett thought she was, Yamina still sounded useful.

As silence fell, Magister Penney’s eyes narrowed slightly as he studied her. “…Should I perhaps be concerned about your interest in Yamina and whatever it is that she has sought you out for?”

Scarlett met his gaze with a completely neutral expression.

“No,” she said.

Whether her response did much to ease his worries was another matter entirely.




Later that day, Scarlett and her companions were gathered in the communal space of their lodgings. Her conversation with Magister Penney had continued for a while longer before he eventually left to attend to his own duties, this time without extending an invitation for supper.

As night fell, Scarlett stood before her party, surveying them closely.

Each member was fully equipped, looking like they were about to clear another dungeon. And in a sense, they were.

Shin was clad in his bluish-grey armour and shield, provided by Scarlett. Fynn had donned his bracers and assorted protective gear. Allyssa and Rosa were draped in their enchanted cloaks, with Rosa busily tying Allyssa’s blonde hair into a ponytail that wouldn’t get in the way during fights.

“It’s a shame that, even with all this time spent coming up with spells to blow up monsters and teleport around the world, no one bothered creating one for simple conveniences like this,” Rosa sighed, securing Allyssa’s hair and stepping back.

Shin looked over. “I think there are spells like that.”

Allyssa finished adjusting the last stray locks on her head before pulling on her protective goggles. “Well, why don’t you learn them? I wouldn’t mind having a personal attendant for things like that.”

He rolled his eyes and turned to Scarlett. “So, when are we leaving?”

“Soon,” Scarlett replied, checking the clock on the wall. It should be any moment now.

Right on cue, a burst of light filled the room. A figure in emerald robes appeared in the center, holding an ornate pocket watch with a radiant crystal on its face.

“Baroness,” Yamina greeted.

“Senior Wizard Ward,” Scarlett replied.

“Oh, it’s the props lady,” Rosa remarked.

Yamina nodded, her purple hair swaying. “That is indeed me.”

Allyssa wore a puzzled expression. “‘Props lady’?”

“She uses props,” Rosa explained.

“No, I got that, but like…what?”

“How does she use props?” Fynn asked.

“The introductions can wait,” Scarlett interrupted, focusing on Yamina. “Is everything ready?”

“It is,” the woman said, producing a circular disc from her robes and placing it on a nearby table. The disc, etched with numerous runes and inlaid with gems, emitted a soft glow and it cast a protective aura over the room. “This will ensure that your departure remains unnoticed,” she explained, glancing at the pocket watch in her hand. “Now, if you would all gather around.”

Scarlett gestured for the others to join her, and they formed a circle around the wizard.

With a slight smile, Yamina looked at Scarlett. “Off to the Veiled Library, then?”

“To the Veiled Library,” Scarlett confirmed.

The woman activated the artifact in her hand, and a radiant light enveloped the group as they left for their destination.

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