Meng Shen Love College (The Moe God Love Academy)

Chapter 46 - Don\\\'t be with the gods!

“Yes.” Jiang Yan nodded earnestly, “Most of the treasures nowadays are mass-produced, so there is no spirituality anymore, and the ancient gods used to spend their efforts in making the treasures, and the treasures that came out of this way will have Spirituality, and will recognize the owner. When the owner takes them, he will not feel the weight, but others may not be able to take them. Fusu’s fairy sword is. I think these treasures do not want to be left in the fairyland supermarket. I want to find a master soon!”

“Really!” I happily looked at a whole box of “garbage”, “Then I made a profit?”

“It’s possible.” Jiang Yan “touched” his chin and looked carefully, I stretched out my hand and pushed him: “Six World Baidu Encyclopedia, please help me see what these things I can use.”

“Okay.” He began to flip through the box with his blood bag in his mouth. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he reached out and raised a piece of one-piece suit that was as thin as a cicada’s wings. The silky clothes were of rose gold color. “There are many roses embroidered on the transparent clothes. The whole clothes can be said to be completely transparent. You can’t even be sure whether there are roses on the key parts to cover your shame.”

And…this thing reminds me of something that is not harmonious…sexy clothes for adults…

“You can wear this!” He put the transparent dress embroidered with roses directly in front of me, my face flushed, fortunately there was a mask: “No, no, no, I can’t, no, too” It’s exposed.”

“This is for the inside.” He added, as if afraid of my misunderstanding.

I shook my head repeatedly: “I can’t wear it…”

“Xiaolan, don’t think about it.” He seemed to see what I was thinking, “This dress is called rose armor.”

Armor! Well, it caught the attention of my palace.

He began to look carefully at the clothes in his hands: “The rose armor has disappeared for a long time. It turned out to be thrown away as trash. This armor is extremely spiritual. It will protect you according to your likes and dislikes towards others, such as You hate someone…”

“Fusu!” I hatefully took Fusu directly as an example.

Jiang Di smiled and continued: “Okay, Fusu, you hate Fusu. After you put on this dress, if Fusu touches you, this armor will immediately give birth to poisonous thorns to stab you. Sue.”

“Really!” I excitedly took the rose armor, Nima’s clothes were tailor-made for me! Our palace does not pierce Fusuna’s scum to death!

“Furthermore, according to the increase in your hatred, it will attack others more and more. If it is the person you hate, it can produce thunder and electric shocks, covering your whole body. No one can get closer to you! “Jiang Yu said, looking sad, “This is the real treasure. The previous treasures can only be triggered by certain emotions. It would be troublesome to use. They also have their own temperamental “sex”, so they will be affected by others. Gradually discarded, replaced by the now multifunctional but rigid treasure…”

I held the thin and almost weightless rose armor in my hand: “Why was such a good thing thrown away?”

“Huh.” Jiang Yan let out a chuckle. When he looked at me, his eyes became cold. “Nowadays, people hate others. Will they let others know? For example, Fusu, many people hate him, but who will tell? And this dress.” Pointing Yu to the rose armor, “it’s honest.”

I suddenly understood. It’s not difficult to understand. People live in a complicated society. Many times, we have to wear masks. This is a kind of hypocrisy, but it is also a helpless way to protect ourselves. I believe that if we can, Everyone wants to take off their masks.

“Oh, this is probably a long-range blood gun.” Jiang Yan took out a very beautiful pistol with patterns, and raised his eyebrows. “How do you use this? What is a bullet?” He began to look into it. stand up.

“Didididi, the mission is about to begin.” The phone prompted the sound, and I picked up the rose armor to look at Jiangdi: “Senior Jiangdi, I will trouble you to study these things. I have a task, rest assured, I will soon Coming back.”

Jiang Qian didn’t speak, but I looked at him, he was deeply involved in the study of this chest of treasures.

I look at the rose armor in my hand and try it on first. When I was thinking about wearing it, my thin clothes suddenly disappeared from my hands. However, my body suddenly tightened, my waist suddenly twitched as if being tightly tightened by someone, and even my chest was dragged up!

I froze for a while, and took a peek at Senior Senior Jiang. Fortunately, he was focusing on his research. I secretly “touched” and “touched” my body. The clothes were actually shaped! I go! In the future, even the money for the bra is saved, and it really makes a lot of money!

I secretly grabbed the bag and opened the door with joy, and almost hit a chest head-on. Who else could be Mo Ming. I reacted quickly and retracted my body and looked up at him: “Do you need to eavesdrop?”

Mo Ming didn’t look at me, he first looked at Jiang Qian in my room, then looked at me, stretched out his hand, his lovely clone is in the palm of his hand! Moreover, it is the costume version!

“This is a limited edition of last year’s costumes, I think…you should like it.” He looked away when he spoke.

“It’s so cute!” I grabbed it like it, and nodded again and again, “I like it! Ah~~~ and long hair!” I used my index finger to “touch” the long hair behind the clone, Mo Ming was in front of me Immediately froze, “Not good! There is danger!”

After speaking, he “shoo!” He went back to the room with a cry, leaving only a wave of people.

“Fuck!” He closed the door, I laughed, and grabbed his clone to bid him farewell: “Don’t worry, I will be fine, I am leaving.” The door in front of me was still quiet and silent.

But I stopped after two steps: “Where is the ladder?”

“Huh!” The human wind appeared again, Mo Ming was already standing in front of me in a wolf shape, in the narrow corridor, with green eyes looking at me: “I will take you.”

Under the mask, I smiled with a slightly movable mouth, except that I couldn’t tell him together, in fact, he was still very good. I hope that the senior who will be my supervisor later can also be a good son of gods and demons.

The ladder is located in a separate transparent building with glass everywhere and a domed roof! When I entered the gate, there was a door similar to a security check, saying that it was to prevent contraband from being brought in or out. When I passed through, I felt a guilty conscience. I was worried that the mortal mobile phone was considered a contraband, but the alarm did not sound. What is considered contraband to Xianyu?

After passing the security check, you enter different glass corridors, under your feet is a light path that automatically goes forward, leading to different ladders at the end.

Many times it will prove that ideals are beautiful and reality is cruel.

When I saw my supervisor, my first reaction was to hug Mo Ming’s wolf-shaped body and didn’t want to leave: “Don’t~~~~~I don’t want~~~~~”

“Woo–” Mo Ming also stared at the man fiercely with a wolf face, roaring in his throat.

The person standing next to the ladder, with his hands around his chest leisurely shaking his handsome long hair from time to time, is wearing a black mask! Fusu!

why? !

Hundreds of seniors in Xianyu, why is it just him!

Injustice! ! !

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