Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 10: , the great river - the rushing great river

As soon as it was dawn, the people in the camp had already woken up. After all, they camped and slept when it was dark, so everyone was full of energy. Zhao Ji was not very used to it.

Zhao Ji also got up for convenience, and then waited to see if the caravan would give him some food.

No one had to wait for long, just like yesterday, the farmers from Wumi Lake Village cooked and ate first, and the caravan people cooked and ate second.

This morning's breakfast was not as good as yesterday's. As far as Zhao Ji observed, a handful of wild vegetables and a handful of fresh shrub shoots picked by the young driver near the camp in the morning. Two tubers, a small handful of hulled wheat kernels, and a dried fish tail.

The cooked soup exudes a fishy smell, and it is not as thick as yesterday's soup. It should be that the cooking time of the wheat kernels is a bit short. It can only be said that the wheat kernels are cooked, but the wheat kernels are not boiled. rotten.

But speaking of it, something to eat is better than nothing. After drinking the whole soup, his mouth was a little numb. Jamura was reprimanding the young driver for this, and he was still holding a little bud of the bush in his hand. While talking, he shook his head to teach everyone not to pick wild wild bushes casually. shoots.

The uncle of the young driver was also slapping his nephew on the head angrily.

After some education, the caravan finally hit the road. Because of the delay in the morning, the donkey cart of the caravan sped up a little.

After turning around a low hill for a while, a big river appeared in front of Zhao Ji. The big river was wide and the current was fast-moving. Looking up and down the river, the head and tail could not be seen. It was a big river.

At this time, the farmers waved to the river and shouted something loudly. Zhao Ji didn't understand what the farmers were shouting, but everyone in the caravan knew that it was praising and calling the **** of the river.

When the river flowed and collided with the rocks on the river bank, it made a rumbling sound. This should be the sound heard last night, and the rest of the caravan should have heard it too. Judging from their habit of this, caravans and farmers often go back and forth on this road.

The dirt road runs parallel to the big river here. The banks of the river are covered with large clusters of thatch and clusters of flowers. Swarms of wild bees are flying among the flowers of various colors. Vortex, expect to go back up the river.

On the other side of the river, there is a relatively wide flat land, and the hills are obviously much less than this side of the river bank, and there are sparse fields on it.

This made Zhao Ji very excited. After all, observing the agricultural situation of a place can tell the level of development of a place. Of course, Zhao Ji himself did not have more expectations for this.

From the large amount of wasteland suitable for reclamation passing along the way, and the caravan and farmers are very nervous every time they hear the noise in the bushes beside the dirt road. This area is sparsely populated and the level of development is not high. There may be more large wild animals than the population.

Zhao Ji sat on the warehouse of the donkey cart, straightened his body and observed the distance. The farmland on the other side of the river is very sparse, and some farmers are wielding hoes in the fields to reclaim the land. The fields were not neatly reclaimed, it was obviously an open flat land near the river bank, and the newly reclaimed farmland was also uneven and irregular in shape. Some of the fields had been planted with wheat and scarecrows had been erected to keep out the birds, but there were still rocks in the fields or large boulders washed up by the river.

Looks like there is a lack of large livestock here. Without the labor provided by large animals or a large number of working people, it is difficult to remove or crush the stones in the field, and they can only let them lie in the field.

Farther away from the field, one or two farms can be vaguely seen. Because the sky is still early and there is still some mist in the distance, so I can't see clearly. I can only see that the farms are firmly surrounded by wooden walls. up.

The caravan traveled along the dirt road along the river for a while, and the sun's heat enveloped the earth. Except for the steam on both sides of the big river, other places have become warmer.

The farmers from Wumi Lake Village seem to be very excited since they came to the river. Mr. Wolf invited the other three farmers to sing, and after agreeing, Mr. Wolf took the lead in singing.

"A vast lake, a vast heart."

"The fertile river, the fertile arm."

"Swampy wetlands, strong legs."

"The ocean is you, noble spirit."

Farmers joined in due course.

"You have raised us, and there is nothing in return."

"You have taught us nothing in return."

"You produce a lot of rich, fat lake fish, smart river prawns, creamy water crabs, and sweet taro. We can't give you anything in return."

The voices of the farmers became louder, and Zhao Ji listened with fascination. This is obviously a local custom! Interesting.

"You are the noble spirit, you are the waves, the great waves, the vast tide."

"You are our father, who trains our limbs and cultivates our courage."

"You are our mother, feeding our stomachs and nourishing our love."

"We love you as you love us."

In the last sentence, Mr. Wolf led the farmers to lower their voices.

"We are here to praise you, looking at the river is like looking at you."


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