Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 40: , back to town - hunger to eat

Zhao Ji waited for a while, and after seeing that there were fewer people, at least not crowded, he planned to enter the city.

The guards maintaining order at the gate of the city saw Zhao Ji and greeted him: "How is it? Keel, have you gained anything?"

Seeing the same guards from yesterday, Zhao Ji raised the snake stick in his hand, waved it, and said, "It's okay, I caught another one. But this one is much smaller."

"That's right, we didn't go to the swamp to expel the slime monster. I heard that the monster in the swamp is bigger, right?" one of the guards asked.

"On the contrary, the slime monsters in the sewage outlet are much bigger, and the slime monsters in the swamp are smaller. But they are more difficult to deal with." Zhao Ji replied.

"Thank you for the iced mint water yesterday. My family likes it very much." The middle-aged guard smiled and said to Zhao Ji, "I am Tochika. If you encounter difficulties in the city, you can report my name."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tochika." Zhao Ji smiled and nodded. After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhao Ji entered the city.

When entering the city, first go to the Table Corner Tavern to display the slime monster. Zhao Ji is very hungry now, and really wants to go to the Chamber of Commerce to have a meal and then go back to his room to have a good sleep. But the gamble must be settled first, and the body of the slime monster must be handed over to Todd and then to the Punica craftsman who made the leather.

My stomach was growling, and one of the two potatoes that I had for dinner last night was somehow missing, which made Zhao Ji not full. In addition, going in and out of the swamp and wading through the muddy water consumed a lot of energy. Zhao Ji is now Very hungry.

Starving Zhao Ji came to the table corner tavern in the slums. As soon as he walked in, he saw two drunk alcoholics lying in front of the bar in the pub with vomit stained on their clothes. A few early-morning drinkers were eating delicious roast chicken legs with potatoes and fresh ale. Zhao Ji took a deep breath before moving his eyes away. He didn't have much money to eat something good now. The sound of cooking was coming from the back kitchen of the tavern separated by a curtain. The bartender Todd was wiping a copper coin boredly. After seeing Zhao Ji coming in, he hurried up to greet him.

"How about it? I'm looking forward to seeing you!" Todd said.

Zhao Ji raised the snake stick in his hand and said, "It's okay, it didn't go well, but I still hunted one. Look, this is the slime monster I hunted in the swamp south of the city last night." After finishing speaking, Zhao Ji Passed the snake stick to Todd.

After taking the snake stick, Todd excitedly took it to the table in the middle of the tavern hall, and called a few drinkers who were dining to come and have a look. When talking about what happened yesterday, it was inevitable that some embellishment would be added, which made Zhao Ji, the person involved, a little embarrassed.

Todd opened the leaf-wrapped ball, revealing the slime inside. The slime monster is half the size it was yesterday, but at least it doesn't smell too bad. Everyone gathered around the table, touching the slime monster's body curiously, and asked Zhao Ji to tell about the hunting process last night. Zhao Ji was really hungry, so he could only briefly talk about the hunting process. Of course, he didn't talk about the fact that he was surrounded and chased by the slime monster. weird process.

The people in the tavern listened very carefully. After all, this happened right next to them. It was different from the legends of heroes in poetry, and also different from the frightening monster stories spread by folks, and even more different from the exaggerated and boastful knight stories of bards. . The story Zhao Ji told was accurate and specific. The person who experienced the story was right in front of him, and the result of the story was on the table for anyone to touch curiously. The time of the story was last night when they just fell asleep.

This is all the capital to brag to others later on. The drinkers can’t take care of the food. Zhao Ji also tells the story of the battle during the day yesterday, but please forgive me, Zhao Ji’s stomach is growling. , Hungry, he promised again and again that he would hunt more slime monsters tonight, and come here early tomorrow morning to show them to be able to Even the corpse of the slime monster can't care to follow it De to Punika craftsmen together. After everyone confirmed the number of bets for this slime monster, Zhao Ji greeted Todd and got an affirmative response, Zhao Ji hurriedly fled the Table Corner Tavern.

After trotting back to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Ji came straight to the restaurant. The equipment such as the snake driving stick and short dagger were left beside the dining table. He quickly picked up an empty wooden bowl and a spare wooden spoon, and waited in line for dinner.

This morning's breakfast was a big pot of vegetable soup, and there was only one bowl for each person. The dry and hard black bread was enough, but they couldn't be taken away.

The chamber of commerce seems to be active today, and many drivers came to the restaurant early for dinner, waiting for work after dinner. Zhao Ji waited in line for a while before it was his turn. A large bowl of vegetable soup was filled to the brim, and three slices of black bread were served. Zhao Ji found an empty seat and sat down to eat quickly. Dry and hard black bread cannot be eaten directly. It must be soaked in soup to soften it before eating better. Otherwise, dry and hard black bread is absolutely unpalatable food.

Zhao Ji was so hungry that he couldn't wait to break up the black bread and soak it in the vegetable soup. He took a small bite of the black bread vigorously, then spooned a spoonful of soup into his mouth, stirred his tongue to mix the two, and then swallowed.

The drivers next to him were very surprised to see Zhao Ji devouring his food like this. Regardless of many other things, Zhao Ji bit the black bread vigorously and swallowed the vegetable soup. In a few minutes I swallowed three slices of black bread and a large bowl of vegetable soup.

Satisfied, Zhao Ji patted his stomach, rubbed his mouth and cheeks, picked up one side of the equipment and returned to the room on the third floor of the chamber of commerce.

Once back in the house, Zhao Ji didn't take off his clothes, just spread out the quilt casually, and got into it to catch up on sleep.

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