Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy

Chapter 13

Chapter: 13

I was curious about what kind of “real combat” Possell had prepared, but first, I needed to warm up.

I started running with my mace and shield as usual.

Almost three weeks passed since I began my physical training.

Recently, I noticed that my growth in stamina felt like it was slowing down a bit.

I must be reaching the limits of level 0. After all, the abilities at Soul Academy have certain limits for each level, like proficiency.

To get stronger, I would definitely need to level up.

Now I have about two months left.

Considering the training I could do in that time, it’d be best if I could reach at least level 10 in Evans’ Dungeon.

But how the heck would I even know if I leveled up in this world without a status window?

…Hmm. This is complicated.

To maximize efficiency at Soul Academy, I’d need to somewhat adjust my leveling up.

Just shooting for a high level isn’t the end-all be-all.

But here I am, in a situation where hunting monsters might not even guarantee I know if I leveled up or not! sigh

This can’t be happening. If this keeps up, I’ll have to forfeit on a bunch of events!

That’s a bit of a pickle. Considering I’m not even sure if I can return to the world I came from, I need to keep everything I can in check.

Isn’t there any way?

Even if I can’t see a status window, I have to figure out my level.

While I was pondering this big issue, I heard footsteps following behind me.

“Miss Lucy, it’s been a while.”

“Hello, Karl. chuckles

“Hey. Sloppy.”

Karl let out a laugh, even after I called him “sloppy.”

His delighted reaction to being called that was pretty bizarre; like, wouldn’t it be weirded out?

Sure, you’ve sworn to be a loyal knight from now on, but does that mean you’re supposed to be stoked about being called sloppy? Are you trying to become a masochist now?

“You’re going into the dungeon tomorrow. Have you practiced your combat much?”

“Of course! I’ve grown a lot.”

“Ha! Of course. You’ve grown so much, it’s something you couldn’t even imagine!”

There’s that saying: “If it doesn’t work out, just keep going until it does.”

Possell made those words come true — sort of forcibly.

Oh boy, how hard it was because of Possell’s motto that if you can’t fight, just roll around in the dirt until you get good!

Thanks to that, I could say I became a completely different person compared to a week ago, but I sure didn’t feel grateful.

Each day was truly horrendous.

I never thought I’d feel happy in Harne’s class until now.

“Well then, I’ll look forward to entering the dungeon.”

With that, Karl turned and started running ahead.

How can he carry that heavy thing and run faster than me while breathing so steadily?

Is that guy a real monster or what?

How long will it take me to reach that level?

I have no idea. This isn’t a game; it’s real life!


After completing my running quota, I headed to the training grounds and saw Possell standing next to the mobile cage.

Is that what he meant by “real combat”? What’s in there? Did he catch a monster?

“You arrived quickly, miss.”

“So… what’s the trial?”

“It’s a secret.”

Huh? Well, I’ll find out once I peek inside, so what’s the point of keeping it a secret?

As I narrowed my eyes, Possell chuckled.

Looks like he wants to play a prank, huh? Got it, I’ll roll with it.

“You look sneakier than you appear.”

“Idiot Possell, you look sneakier than you appear. wink

“Miss, what does ‘look’ mean?”

“Like a pervert!”

“A pervert!”

I actively used my Mesugaki skill to provoke him, and his face turned all red. blush, blush

Over the last few days, I learned something about the Mesugaki skill while sparring with him.

The taunt effect from the Mesugaki skill actually increases the less support it gets from it.

So that means, the more I talk like a Mesugaki, the better the provoke works!

Right now, I stopped just short of crossing the line since I still have a tiny bit of a conscience, but if I went all the way and acted like a real Mesugaki, even Possell would get mad!

Of course, I’ve never gone that far in provoking him.

When Karl blew up, I felt like my life was in danger, but if Possell blew up? Yikes!

Who could contain this giant?

I definitely don’t want to meet my end just yet.

Once Possell shouted, he seemed to realize he had crossed a line with me, coughed a couple of times, and changed the subject.

“I was just joking! Let’s take a look inside.”

Possell led me to stand before the iron bars.

The inside smelled like wild beasts.

The protruding fangs and the slimy drool oozing out…

Those excited eyes and that skin that looked way thicker than a human’s…

It was my first time seeing it with my own eyes, but I instantly recognized this beast.

Tied up inside the cage was definitely an Orc.

As soon as my eyes locked with the Orc’s, I unconsciously took a step back.

The raw desire to kill emanating from it sent a shiver down my spine.

“It’s an Orc. I caught one that’s living in a nearby forest. This is the real combat I’m presenting to you before we embark on the expedition. Take down this Orc.”

This? Me?

I blinked and stared at the Orc in the cage.

This was nothing like what I saw on the screen.

When I faced Orcs in a game, they were nothing more than weak fodder.

In the early game, I’d battle them just for experience, and by later stages, even encountering them seemed like a hassle.

But here in reality, it was different.

This Orc was a living, breathing creature.

The moment it was released from its bindings, it would be ready to destroy everything for its survival.

“Miss Lucy.”

I jumped at the sound of Possell calling me.



“Don’t be nervous. I’m here. Whatever happens, you won’t get hurt.”


Oh wow, I guess I was nervous.

After hearing Possell’s words, I realized this and couldn’t help but laugh.

Ha, being nervous while facing an Orc? Now that’s just absurd.

I have to actually play through Soul Academy with this body! What kind of nonsense is it to be afraid of an Orc?

That guy is just a beginner mob! From here on out, I’ll be facing countless threats far worse than him.

I slapped my cheeks with both hands and looked up at Possell.

“I’m ready!”

“Got it.”

“I understand you’re mentally preparing, but first, let’s get you suited up.”

Possell held up something he had set down beside the cage.

It was armor made of iron.

It wasn’t the size that a typical knight would wear; it was clearly armor custom-made to fit my body.

“It’s a gift. I prepared this for you.”

“When did you make it?”

“Didn’t your maid take your measurements recently?”

Right! That was just the day after I started sparring with Possell.

The maid had come with a tape measure, insisting she needed to take my dimensions.

I had just gone along with it at the time, but was that for making this armor?

“Please don’t scold me! I really wanted to give you a present!”

Seeing my expression turn slightly stiff, Possell squirmed defensively.

Don’t worry. I’m not planning on scolding you.

I thought you might just be a smidge more playful than usual.

When I smiled silently, Possell gave a faint, awkward smile back.

“I’ll teach you how to put on the armor. When you’re at the mansion, someone else will help you, but once you’re in the academy, you’ll have to suit up yourself.”

This armor, made to fit me, felt heavier than I expected.

If it had been the Lucy right when I first possessed this body, just wearing this armor would have made me faint right on the floor!

But not anymore.

Having trained hard for so long, I could handle the weight of this armor without crumbling.

In fact, the comforting weight wrapped around me felt pretty good.

“How does it feel? Does it fit you?”

After hearing Possell’s question, I moved around a bit.

I took a few steps, hopped lightly, and twirled my shield and mace.

It felt fine. Really comfortable!

“Yep. Fits great!”

“Not bad, huh?”

“Good to hear. The blacksmith did an excellent job.”

In the game, when you equipped armor, it adjusted itself to your body, but it seems that’s not the case here.

Wait a sec. What happens if I pick up armor items in this world?

Do I have to take them to a blacksmith to get them tailored? But specialized armors like mithril or orichalcum can’t be refined at a typical forge, right?

I’ll need to think through that too.

“How’s it going with the fitting? You getting the hang of it?”

“Not a clue. nervous chuckle

Saying “not a clue” is a bit of an exaggeration, but I genuinely felt confused.

The method of putting on armor is that complicated, huh?

It makes sense why medieval knights had squires following them around!

Honestly, I don’t think I could manage to do this solo.

“Haha. That’s totally normal, young lady. Donning armor is incredibly complicated. Let’s keep practicing until we get into the academy.”

“Sounds good.”


Fully armored now, I stood in front of the cage with my shield and mace ready.

“Are you prepared?”

As I nodded, Possell suddenly took on a serious face and opened the iron bars.

As soon as the doors swung open, the Orc inside sprang to its feet and charged, but Possell intercepted it.


Immediately, that firm command made the Orc freeze up and stagger back.

So, that must be an intimidation skill, huh?

A skill that frightens low-level monsters into running away.

You usually learn that to avoid dealing with low-tier mobs as you climb in levels.

To master that skill, you must be well into the later stages of a game—so just how strong is Possell?

Overwhelmed by Possell, the Orc stood trembling, paralyzed with fear.

Possell then untied the rope binding the Orc’s arms and stepped back.

“Miss. Now, when I give the signal, the Orc will rush at you.”


I tightened my grip around the mace.

Possell had ordered me to bring down that Orc.

That meant he wanted me to take that Orc’s life with my own hands.

Does he really think I can do it?

I have no clue.

Honestly, I’ve gone my whole life without really killing anything.

The worst I’ve done was twist a chicken’s neck once out in some rural area.

Even doing that totally grossed me out, and I think I avoided poultry for about a year afterward!

Of course, I’ve never hunted anything. To me, “hunting” just meant watching Bear Grylls on X-Tube and thinking, “Whoa, that’s cool.”

Could I actually smash that Orc’s head, though?

“I’m going to start counting down. Three.”

Possell wasn’t giving me time to hesitate.


Can I really do this?

No, that’s not the point.

I have to do this.

This is something I’ll need to repeat endlessly moving forward!


This is just the start!

I took a deep breath and gripped my shield tightly.

“Let’s begin!”

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