Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

As soon as my foot fully stepped onto the stairs, the statue blocked my way.

Suddenly, darkness fell, but at the same time, light shone in from both walls.

Thank goodness it’s just like the game.

I nearly regretted not bringing a torch.

In the silence, the sound of my footsteps echoed as I descended the stairs.

And upon reaching the end, a place completely different from the damp cave that just was stretched out before me.

As time passed, nothing in the deserted shrine was left unscathed.

Cracked pillars and unknown plants grew from the floor.

Walls that once boasted beautiful paintings and the statue of the goddess in the center.

This was the place where Ruel’s trial begins.

Before approaching the statue, I took out the potions I had bought last time when I visited Evans.

Various potions that grant temporary buffs.

Although they’re not very effective, they’re sold in a small village, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The moment I gulped down the potion, my mouth filled with a bitter taste.

It felt like someone had poured powdered medicine intended to mix with water directly into my mouth.

They say bad things for the tongue are good for the body, but isn’t this a bit excessive?

Yet, after taking the potion, I felt a strange energy surging within me.

Having finished my preparations, I stood before the statue.

If this trial is just like the game, it should be time for a voice to sound.

“Are you the one seeking the trial?”

A grandfatherly voice that didn’t suit the goddess’s benevolent appearance emerged.

I was quite startled when I first heard this voice.

It makes sense, considering this old man’s voice flowed out from the statue of the beautiful goddess.

The mismatch was so absurd that I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Right. You’re a scruffy old man.”


Huh? Didn’t his speech just pause slightly a moment ago?

Is it just my imagination?

“There are various trials prepared here to test your conviction. All of this is to push you to the limit and ascertain the truth of your conviction. The difficulty of the trials is anything but light.”

‘Got it, let’s move on.’

“Scruffy old man. I got it, so could you zip it? Just from hearing your voice, I feel like I’m smelling old man stink.”

Oh dear. That was a slip.

The grandfather’s speech was so lengthy that I couldn’t suppress my gamer instincts to skip it.

But seriously, he’s repeating the same story I’ve heard over hundreds of times.

I was so annoyed during the trials when I couldn’t skip that old man’s dialogue.

While speedrunning, every time he spoke, I was practically saying in my head, “I get it, just shut up!”

I didn’t expect that habit would cause me to say something dismissive like “let’s move on” in reality, especially in a Mesugaki tone.

But hey, what’s the harm in being a bit aggressive!

The voice explaining this trial is just a voice, right?

Anyway, no matter what I say, it will silently continue with the trial.

I tried to keep my mouth shut and wait for the voice to tell me about the trial, but no response came.

…Huh? What’s going on?

Did that voice that announces the trial have a personality?

In the game, it spoke about the trial’s contents without any emotional expression.

Did something change when it transitioned into reality?

No way, right?

“Understood. You seem confident, so I will proceed directly into the trial.”

The voice speaking about the trial was filled with anger.

Oh crap.

This is really bad.

Isn’t this the same as in the game where there was no personality or fuss at all?!

In fact, there wasn’t even a related story, so it had no value beyond being a simple narration!

How could I have thought there would be additional background information regarding this later on!

This is ridiculous!

“The first trial is the Trial of Guardianship. A protector wielding a shield under the divine must know how to maintain their guard and protect what they must, no matter the circumstances. I will test you.”

The voice began explaining and then fell silent.

As if it had said all it needed to say.

Hey, old man? Normally, you delve into more detail about the trial, right?

Aren’t you the ridiculously verbose type?

So why did you stop talking like a sulky child?

Oh. I think I might have messed up a little.

But surely, being upset wouldn’t lead you to introduce some ridiculous test or something, right?

My level is only 3, and I already know what comes out in Ruel’s trial at level 3!

If you pull some odd trick now…

I’ll let everyone know you’re a petty old fart!

Still whining about it in my mind, I suddenly heard snickering sounds in the darkness.

Goblin laughter.

Ugh, these little green nuisances.

I’ve seen enough of them over the past couple of days, haven’t I?

Damn goblin punks.

Estimating their numbers through sight, there were a total of twelve.

A group of goblins, including spearmen, shield bearers, archers, and even a mage.

Just as I remembered.

What a relief.

Looks like these guys aren’t as petty as I feared.

While their assembly mirrored my memories, they were still not to be underestimated.

A group of goblins can be more cunning and threatening than any other monster.

Considering I haven’t had much real battle experience, they could be a bit alarming indeed.

To be frank, I’m not entirely certain that I can achieve a perfect victory against those twelve.

But it’s all good.

I don’t strictly need to win.

The condition for passing this trial is simply to protect the statue behind me for a limited time.

And that’s my forte.

With an unwavering will, I refuse to give up, no matter what the circumstances may be.

As a wall of iron, I can move and repel any attack that comes my way in the best manner.

And being skilled in taunting, I can make their focus solely on me.

The conditions were perfect.

From now on, what’s essential is my control.

Now that we’re in reality, perhaps it’s more accurate to refer to it as fighting skills.

I raise my shield and watch the approaching goblins.

“What’s up, you lousy goblins?♡ You’re outnumbered and still scared?♡ Hahaha. Pathetic!♡ Weaklings!♡ Disgusting trash mobs!♡”

Feeling their deadly intent directed toward me, I took a deep breath.

It’s quite amazing.

The first time I felt impending menace from an orc, my head went blank, but now I hardly feel nervous.

Maybe it’s because I spent an entire day being threatened.

It’s evident that Possell knows how to push someone well.

Even though I have no intention of thanking him due to the painful memories of yesterday.

“Come at me, trash for XP!♡”

The moment the goblins raised their weapons, power surged within me.

I had discovered in the dungeon yesterday that the Mesugaki skill’s buff effect is not limited to just one person.

You see…

If you manage to enrage a group, the benefits derived from that also increase!

Right now, in this moment, I might be three times stronger than usual?! Maybe!

“Just because you’re mobs, sacrifice yourselves and be my experience!♡”

Alright. Let’s get this started.

As the goblin archer pulled back its bow from afar, the Iron Wall skill called out to me.

Raise your shield.

Without hesitation, I moved in response to that command.

In that instant, an arrow that was flying toward me bounced off my shield.

At that moment, my movement halted. Did it make a judgment?

The spear-wielding goblins surged forward menacingly.

Their spear skills were pathetic.

I’d wager even the farmers from my territory could throw a spear with more finesse.

There’s really no need to engage with such blatant attacks.

I swung my shield and struck the spear thrusting towards me, causing the goblin to stumble as it couldn’t bear the weight of its own weapon.

Seizing the opportunity, I charged inward.

While a spear is undoubtedly a threatening weapon, it’s only as such from a distance.

Once that distance closes, the spear becomes merely an obstructive obstacle.

Especially when allies and enemies overlap.

Arrows and magic are no different.

Which goblin among them is a grand magician or a legendary archer?

Targeting me amidst ally clutter means they’re ready to face oblivion.

I might contemplate decisions over time, but I won’t sacrifice allies right off the bat.

That’s what I learned from Possell, after all.

He may not be perfect, but he excels in that regard.

I smashed the head of the goblin in front of me and immediately lunged at the next one behind it.

It seems they surely didn’t expect me to charge like this, as they were too busy fumbling to react.

By the time one set their stance, my mace was already descending upon their head.


Now then. That’s two down.

Just as I was about to move again, the Iron Wall skill issued another warning to me.

So, I abandoned the attack and quickly raised my shield.

In that instant, I spotted a fireball soaring toward me over the shield.

Fast decision-making!

Considering how long magic casting typically takes, this one intended to roast me alongside the rest of the goblins, huh?!

Looks like someone’s fired up, huh?

I forced a grin as the searing heat from the shield touched my flesh.

“Pathetic goblin♡ Even your magic is in shambles!♡ But then again, how could a useless twit like you cast magic properly?♡”

As soon as my taunt crossed my lips, the goblins that surrounded me rushed to grab me.

Simultaneously, arrows flew, and the goblin mage instantaneously began casting another spell.

Haha. Angry, are we?! You’re really fired up!

But what are you gonna do about it?

The angrier you get, the stronger I become!

I pointed my shield directly ahead and steeled my legs. I felt it a moment ago when I absorbed that fireball.

If I left the mage alone, it was guaranteed I’d take a big hit.

So, what I needed to do right now was very simple.

I must rush at the group of goblins fixated on capturing me.

They did not think, not even a little, that I would attempt to break through.

Their carelessness was my opportunity.

I needed to penetrate this moment of carelessness and reach the goblin mage. I inhaled deeply and braced my legs.

A reckless charge without concern for anything behind me.

Stopping midway would only give the goblins the opportunity they need.

But I was confident.

Of all the training I’d done.

Of the potions I just consumed.

Of the Mesugaki skill instilling conviction within me.

Even as a goblin lunged at me and collided with my shield, I did not slow down.

Forward. If something is blocking my way, brush it aside and keep moving!

The goblin archer frantically fired arrows, but it was meaningless.

Did they truly think their pitiful archery could penetrate my armor and shield?!

I reached the mage in an instant, and the goblin had yet to complete its casting.

Our eyes met, that of the chanting goblin and myself.

I grinned as I saw the fear flicker across the goblin’s face.

“Go die, you trash!♡”

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