Metropolis: I am a world tycoon

Chapter 3667

Although the shares are not many.

But Xiaomi mobile phone has been endorsed by Microsoft and Apple, which can reduce a lot of obstacles when the product enters the United States.

That's why!

Today's Xiaomi mobile phones occupy the largest mobile phone market in the United States.

Compared to the previous life!

In this life, Jobsi received a lot of help from Su Can. Even though his character was like a tyrant, this tyrant was like a docile sheep in front of Su Can.

Su Can can be said to be his godfather.


Although Apple has also begun to develop mobile phones in this life, it has not reached the technology of Xiaomi mobile phones and has no hatred for Xiaomi mobile phones. instead!

Xiaomi Mobile also invested in Apple, accounting for as much as 3% of the shares.

Similar to Apple's stake in Xiaomi, these are cross-shareholdings with the purpose of developing more cooperation.

The same goes for micro-ruan.

Su Can didn't eat all of it, but put a lot of it out, so that the Xiaomi mobile phone could reach such a height in such a short period of time. otherwise!

When Xiaomi phones come out, Nokia will be completely blocked.

Even if it does not affect the United States, it is an industry in Europe and can still affect the world's second largest market region......... but!

Su Can shared some of the benefits, and some interest groups got it. Even some chaebols in Europe have already got it.

These people have become the side of Xiaomi mobile phones and helped Xiaomi mobile phones open up the market. and!

Su Can also specifically let Ouzhou's agent be given to some people who can earn more than one billion euros or two to three billion euros every year without any tricks.

These companies!

How could you not be moved?

Now, Lu Qianshan is a little extreme and wants to swallow this big cake in one bite, although the Yongan Bank she controls has the strength to swallow it.


For Su Can, it is still out of time.

"Thousands of mountains!"

Su Can said in a deep voice:"I know that you have a strong desire in your heart to develop Yong'an Bank and become the largest company in the world, suppressing Wanxiang Group and Qianfen Investment Company."

"However, now that you are living alone, instead of leading Yongan Bank to develop forward, you have given Yongan Bank even greater obstacles."

"Just imagine!"

"Is there anyone in this world who is willing to cooperate with a company that always eats alone? By cooperating with such a company, is there anyone who is not worried about having most of their own interests taken away?"

"There are many opportunities in this world. There is no need to do it for this little thing, which has affected the development of Yongan Bank and the reputation of Yongan Bank."

His eyes narrowed and he said coldly.

Regarding Lu Qianshan's actions this time,

Su Can can't be said to be disappointed..........

Because Yongan Bank is in the banking industry, although it has large-scale investments, it is a bit different from Wanxiang Group and Qianfen Investment Company, which focus on angel investment companies.

As an angel investment.

The most important thing is not to buy a company outright after taking a fancy to it, but to invest in it and help the company grow at the minimum cost.

When the time comes, cut the leeks again and get big profits back.

Therefore, there are some fundamental differences in the methods of doing things between the two parties. Wanxiang Group and Qianfen Investment Company focused on making the cake bigger.

Wing On Bank is different.

Hearing Su Can's words, Lu Qianshan's heart thundered and he suddenly woke up.


Lu Qianshan looked at Su Can with shame.

Lu Qianshan was not surprised that the boss knew her thoughts. She was not the only one who had such thoughts. In fact, Xu Yan from Wanxiang Group and Li Xueer from Qianfen Investment Company, Who doesn’t have such thoughts?

As the three prince-level figures under the boss, the company they control is also the most powerful company under the boss...........

The assets managed by these companies exceed one trillion US dollars!

Extremely powerful.

If you can become the largest among the three, what is your status among the boss?

There is no doubt about it.

As for!

After reaching such a high position, Lu Qianshan is not worried at all whether the boss will be like those ministers in the TV series who have great achievements and shake the master.

Over the past twenty years!

Since Yong'an Bank was acquired by the boss, the boss has only visited Yong'an Bank a handful of times and doesn't care about how she manages it.

Unless the boss sees some financial crisis, he will directly give orders and tell her what to do. others!

Don't care at all.........

Up to now, many people in Yongan Bank have no idea who the big boss behind Yongan Bank is?

They just know.

Yong'an Bank's shares are held by many offshore companies, and these offshore companies are controlled by some unknown small companies.

How many rounds it will take, who knows!

Even though she has been managing Yong'an Bank for more than 20 years, she still doesn't know who owns these shares. besides!

She only knew that she had received some equity incentives as a reward from her boss, and some equity rights received by some of the senior executives in the company.

Boss has let go like this.

Are you still afraid that her great achievements will shock the master?

I am afraid!

Lu Qianshan smiled bitterly in his heart, and then thought to himself: I'm afraid, the boss wants to be more powerful, so that he can help Yong'an Bank, which he controls, become more powerful...........

Meeting such a boss is both a happy and unfortunate thing for any professional manager.


In fact, it is very simple to eliminate these complicated emotions, that is, just pay them in place, just like Lu Qianshan, who has been a professional manager for so many years. now!

The equity value of Yong'an Bank alone is as high as 20 billion Hong Kong dollars, and after some guidance from her boss, she invested in these equity interests.

Now, it has already doubled to 40 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The boss let her manage.

Gave so much money!

How could she be dissatisfied!

To know.........

I don’t know how many people have worked for other giant groups. Over the past 20 years, the assets they have obtained are not as much as hers!

For example, Warren Buffett, who is known as the God of Stocks, his gold medal partner is also the most famous investor in the world, and can be regarded as a very top professional manager.

How much is he worth now?

It’s just a few hundred million dollars.

Her Lu Qianshan net worth is infinitely richer than that of Blind Ge, even if any so-called working emperor in this world is not as good as hers.

Can compare with her.

Only one other person under the boss, Li Xueer, could compete with her even remotely.

As for Zhang Man?

Forget it.........

From a professional manager to a boss lady?

How to compare? ps please subscribe please subscribe

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