MHA: A Cat’s Way

First Rounds

The survivors of the second event -and me, of course- stare at the board for the tournament. And I have to ask… do they have a grudge against my clanmates? Purrny is fighting against Todoroki, and Minya is fighting against me. So that’s one, but probably two out of three eliminated in the first round. Tormew at least has a chance, since she’s fighting against that Kodai girl from 1-B.

As for the rest, well, it’s up in the air, though I do expect Midorinya to find a way past the first and second rounds. The third is where he’ll have the most trouble… regardless of who he faces. The brackets are like this:

Izuku Midoriya vs Kojiro Bondo

Itsuka Kendo vs Ochako Uraraka

Shoto Todoroki vs Pony Tsunotori

Catia Akihiro vs Mina Ashido

Setsuna Tokage vs Katsuki Bakugou

Kyoka Jiro vs Mei Hatsume

Momo Yaoyorozu vs Hitoshi Shinso

Yui Kodai vs Toru Hagakure

So based on my own predictions, I’ll be facing either Bakugou or Yaoyorozu in the finals. Not to disregard the rest of their opponents, but those two have the highest combat potential among that side of the brackets. But there’s that dark horse in the form of Midorinya’s friend…

I know his quirk isn’t something that can be applied to take down robots, but other than that, nothing. Midorinya has also been tightlipped about it, teasing me any time I asked. “Oh? Is the great Catia so worried about the Gen Ed student that she needs to get insider information? How the mighty have fallen.”

Obviously I couldn’t just take that lying down! Which is why I plan to pay close attention to his matches, just in case I do end up fighting him. If I end up fighting him. Midorinya and Todoroki won’t be easy opponents to beat…

I clap my paw on Minya’s shoulder. “Welp, mew’ve had a good run. What should I purrt on your headstone?”

“Eaten, and not in a good way.” She blinks for a second as her mind seems to catch up from the fugue it was when once she saw the brackets, turning around with an affronted look on her face. “Hey! Don’t count me out yet! Who knows, maybe I can surprise you!”

Tormew claps a paw onto her other shoulder, sadly shaking her head. “At least I know that I’ll get farther than you. Rest in peace, Mina.”

“Not you too!”

We chuckle at her pout, and I’m glad she’s lost the tense atmosphere that was circling around her. I’m glad that there won’t be any hard feelings after the Sports Festival is over. Now… I turn my gaze over to our horned clanmate, whose eyes are blazing with uncharacteristic determination. Never mind. She’s good.

She turns to me, clenching her fists. “I see you in the semi-finals!”

I grin back, flashing my sharp teeth. “One can only hope, nya.”


The first fight goes about as I expected, with Midorinya easily knocking out his glue-spewing opponent by the simple act of touching his electrified glove to the glue before it hardens, sending the streams of electricity back to its source. A bad matchup for the 1-B student, honestly. Not as bad if he would have gone against me, but still pretty bad. Which basically sums up the second fight as well.

Itsuka Kendo’s quirk is Big Hands, and, well. Uraraka just needs to touch her opponent to win the fight, and having bigger hands just means a bigger target. At least the class representative of 1-B seems to realize this, since she doesn’t even bother activating her quirk. Instead she charges in, hoping to take Uraraka by surprise.

But the usually air-headed girl of 1-A takes her attack surprisingly well, back stepping the attempt to grab her arms and lunging in with her own outstretched. Kendo brings her hand down in a chop, twisting her arm to force Uraraka’s arm wide. With a shout that seems habit more than anything, she stomps her left foot on the ground and thrusts out with her hand on the same side, growing it to the point it eclipses Uraraka.

She brings one arm up in a block, palm out, but still slides back. But she’s smiling, and it only takes a moment for everyone to see why. Kendo moves to step forward, probably to launch herself at her opponent and press the advantage. She does launch, but probably not the way she wanted.

She lets out a yelp of surprise when she goes flying up past Uraraka, flailing uselessly in the air as she floats out above the edge of the arena. With a grin, Uraraka brings her hands together, shouting “Release!” before Kendo drops to the ground, Nyamuri declawring Uraraka the winner.

Unfortunately I won’t be seeing Purrny in the semi-finals, since Todoroki goes completely overboard and freezes most of the stadium!! Seriously!? What the nya!? He nearly hit the audience with that massive iceberg! And trapped within that oversized Iceberg that gives global warming the finger, is Purrny.

I let out a low hiss as I watch Todoroki start melting the ice after being declared the winner. I vow to avenge her, promising pain to Todoroki for not even allowing her to do anything. Even Bondo got to show off his quirk, even if it was ineffective!

But I’m pulled from my dark thoughts by someone shaking my shoulder and turn to see Tormew. “You need to get going to prepare for your match. Mina already left! I’m pretty sure she’s hoping that you’ll be so busy glaring at Todoroki that you forget.”

I blink for a moment, following it up with a chuckle. That’s definitely something she would do. I rub Tormew’s head in thanks before rising and going to my own preparation room. “Thanks, Tormew. I’ll be sure to put on-nya good show.”

She seems a bit dazed as she stares after me, but wave it off as unimportant since she also has a goofy-looking smile on her face. Cute~.

Anyways, I don’t really have anything to prepare, nor do I have to calm my nerves since I’m confident in my victory. Still, like Minya said, I should keep an eye out for surprises. She obviously has something planned. “How exciting, nya~.”

I spend the time until Nyamuri calls the start of the match pacing impatiently, my tail lashing the air from excitement while my ears rapidly twitch. My mind darts between ideas for what Minya might be planning, building my excitement even higher. Eventually I hear my name and all but dash out of the room and to the arena, listening to the roars of the crowd as I run out of the tunnel on all fours, a wide savage smile on my face. I breathe deeply, letting the familiar noise roll over me.

It’s been so long since I’ve felt this~. I really need to make time to swing by the Masquerade soon~.

On the other side of the ring is my opponent and clanmate, Minya, staring at me with wide eyes. On her podium, Nyamuri does the same. What’s with the looks? Why’s it taking so long for her to start the match? Come on, come on, come on!

Eventually, thankfully, Nyamuri speaks, but it’s not to start the match. “Catia, did you eat catnip?” Her voice sounds worried.

“Nya?” I blink at her in surprise before frowning, my tail lashing in agitation while I shake my head. “Of course nyat! I’m nyat going to give myself such a big advantage for the tournament. It wouldn’t even be mewsaince!”

I rise to my feet, setting my stance as I prepare. She has a trick, right? It’s going to be so fun! I can’t wait-

“I forfeit!”

Minya’s immediate surrender takes me so completely by surprise that I fall over. I raise my head and glare at her, to which she raises her hands and backs away. “Sorry, but you’re way too excited about this! I’m scared of what will happen if you go overboard!’

I let out a huff of air, not replying as I get up.

“Uh, that’s the part where you say ‘I wouldn’t go overboard, don’t worry!’ or ‘You worry too much!’. Don’t tell me that you actually might have gone overboard!?”

I whistle innocently as I go back to the tunnel, arms crossed and pouting. I was really looking forward to a fight…


After the disappointment of my match I sit on Tormew’s lap to watch the next fight. When Minya tries to apologize I simply turn away, leaning into Tormew’s ear scratches as Nyamuri calls the start of the match.

Tokage immediately explodes to pieces, each one spreading out in an effort to minimize how many Bakugou’s explosions can damage in a single attack. While he chases after them to explode, she swarms him, pieces aiming for his blind spots as they each strike him with the force of a strong punch. But he’s not going to go down that easily.

Each attack costs Tokage pieces of her body, Bakugou’s reflexes too quick for her to call them away before they’re destroyed. If it were anyone else she was fighting there might be a chance she could win. But Bakugou is ruthless against his opponents, no matter who they are. A little worry like consequences is not enough to hold him back.

It doesn’t take long for her to recall the pieces, evidently concerned about their destruction. I’m sure Midorinya will have a fun time analyzing why that is later. The tournament is the perfect place for him to see just what everyone’s quirks can do.

With Tokage mostly whole, Bakugou has no issue charging at her and launching her back and out of the ring with one huge explosion and securing his win.

The match between Jiro and Hatsume is… honestly pretty funny. Enough so that I forgive Minya for quitting. We all laugh together as the Support student uses our classmate to show off her inventions, somehow managing to restrain her long enough to get what’s essentially an all-purpose belt onto her. And it really does seem like it’s all-purpose. I have no idea how she managed to fit grappling hooks, stabilizers, and a flamethrower into it, but the giant blush Jiro has as she’s literally shown off in front of most of Japan is adorable. Especially since she always acts so cool and collected!

After Hatsume finishes her sales pitch she steps out of the ring, wiping imaginary sweat off of her forehead while Jiro runs into her tunnel, covering her face from embarrassment.

Finally it’s the match between Momo and Shinso, recommendation student vs Gen Ed. The only one who I don’t at least know the quirk of.

“No hard feelings over who wins?” Shinso asks casually with his hands in his pockets.

Momo nods. “Of course. So long as we both give it our all there is no shame in losing.”

He smirks as Nyamuri calls the start. “Hope you remember that after I advance.”

Momo’s hand shoots out to create something, either protection or a weapon, but falters when Shinso speaks. “Your mother is a donkey and your father smells of blueberries.”

Silence echoes throughout the stadium at his words, shocked beyond words. I’m not any better, and I’m pretty sure mouths are hanging open all over the nation. Eventually, Momo comes out of her confused daze enough to say one word.


Shinso’s smirk widens. “Turn around and walk out of the arena.”

I feel like facepalming. Does he really think- “Nya?” To my surprise, Momo actually does turn around and start walking towards the edge of the arena. Her foot crossing over the edge seems to release whatever holds our voices, and the stadium erupts into noise. Confused shouts, excited shouts, all kinds of shouts go back and forth through the stands. Meanwhile, Momo shakes her head and looks around before lowering her head and trudging to her tunnel.

My eyes narrow on the purple haired boy as he takes his own leave, a pleased smirk firmly on his face.

Mind control. But what’s the trigger?


The final match of the first round has both hero classes trying to out cheer each other, this being the last chance for 1-B to progress in the tournament.

And… I don’t think any of us expect how it starts. After all, it’s not Nyamuri fighting.

The moment she calls for it to start, both girls strip their shirts off.

…No hesitation in baring their bodies on live tv. I wonder if there was a disclaimer when the Sports Festival started airing?

Thankfully they both have bras at least, Tormew having gotten her costume and a few sets of clothes made with her DNA so she’s at least not naked. Aaaaannnd there goes her pants.

Meanwhile Kodai… is wearing a second shirt under the first. She throws the first shirt up in the air, using her quirk to make it grow in size, covering the arena. Under the now massive shirt are two conspicuous, person sized lumps. Sure, now it’s obvious where Tormew is, but neither of them can see from under the shirt!

My eyes widen at seeing her plan though, with Tormew still moving as she tries to find a way out and Kodai staying still. If it goes on like this, then Tormew won’t realize it when she walks out of the ring!

Indeed, even as the thought crosses my mind Tormew approaches the edge of the arena. But she’s also approaching the armpit of the shirt. It’s a question of luck here: will Tormew miss her step and exit the arena, or will she keep her footing and reach the light.



She lifts up that part of the shirt, and I see her take several deep breaths. I guess the shirt doesn’t breathe very well…

I blink, turning my attention back to the unmoving lump that’s Tormew’s opponent. Maybe… suspiciously unmoving.

As Tormew marches over to the lump, spinning her arm in a big circle to pump herself up, I can’t help but ask. “Did she pass out, nya?”

When Tormew hits her on the head and she simply falls over, I’m certain that she did. Nyamuri calls the match and medic bots come out on the field to take her away, Tormew pressing the girl’s finger tips together at Nyamuri’s behest to deactivate her quirk.

With that anticlimactic fight, the first round is over.

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