MHA: A Cat’s Way

Moving In

To say that Himiko was upset is an understatement. But it’s not like I’m any happier about it either! Hunting with Himiko and Twice, as well as my underground fights, are some of the best ways to get combat experience! Not to mention that there’s nobody to complain when you take the money from a major drug deal.

Who’s going to complain? The criminals? “Yes officer. A vigilante/villain stole the money we were planning to use to buy a ton of drugs.”

Yeah, I don’t see that going so well.

While waiting for the pick up from UA, I can’t help but wonder what to do. I’m going to have to cut back entirely on hunting with Himiko, which is frankly one of the most upsetting things about this situation. Luckily we’ll still be able to hang out, but I can’t risk the school taking notice of when I’m out and when Cat-aclysm is out and about.

Thankfully the underground fights won’t be as badly affected. Sure, I won’t be able to go as often, nor as long, but I can still do it. I’ll just have to make sure that I’m not followed there. Which has always been the rule. “I’ll have to talk with the organizer about working out some kind of loose schedule…” I mutter.

Finally, a car bearing the symbol of UA drives up, and a woman with long dark blue hair steps out. She’s dressed professionally in a light gray dress, and her glasses really put the whole look together. 

“You’re Catia Akihiro, correct?”

I hold back a wince at hearing my official last name. “Yes, but please call me Catia. I’m not a fan of my last name, nya.”

She nods in understanding while helping me put my bags in the trunk of the car. I didn’t pack much, just my clothes and some knick-knacks I’m fond of. Though I did carefully wrap the only picture I have of me and my mother.

“I understand completely, Catia. My name is Nemuri Kayama. Also known as the R18 hero, Midnight!” She strikes a pose with her hands on her hips. Seeing me not saying anything, she coughs and continues on like nothing happened.

 “Anyway, I’ll be your teacher for Modern Hero Art History! I’ll make sure that you feel welcome to the school! Though I do feel bad that you’ll be the only one in the dorms for the next two weeks. The dorms don’t officially open for students until after the current school year ends.” She explains apologetically. 

I shrug as we get in the car. “It’s fine. It will basically be the same as when I lived with Paul. It just means that I won’t have to try and avoid any-nyan.”

That kind of kills the conversation, and the drive to the school is done in awkward silence. Now inside the gates of UA, I step out of the car and see one of the one point robots from the exam. I immediately extend my claws, ready to fight, but then Midnight assures me that it’s not there to attack.

“Actually it’s here to carry your bags. We thought that you would have more to carry, so we decided to have one of the robots do the heavy lifting! Plus they forgot to put a road leading to the dorms…” She trails off in embarrassment before waving her hands in front of her.

“But it will be fixed by tomorrow! Just think, you’ll be the first of the new students to see the inside of UA! You can show off to all the other kids how awesome you are for already knowing all this stuff!”

I can’t help the snort of laughter that comes out, and Midnight smiles, happy to finally get a positive response from me.

We arrive at the dors, which are constructed in the shape of… an ‘H’? Hmm. If I tilt my head, I can also see it as a ‘U’? Which would make more sense, what with it being ‘UA’ and all.

Unaware of my quiet critiquing of the building, Midnight gestures at it excitedly with a flogger she pulled out of somewhere. Now judging her as well, she introduces the building.

“Welcome to Heights Alliance! This building will be for your class, Hero Course 1-A!” The robot puts my bags at the top of the steps and I pull them along as the two of us walk in.

“This is the common room! A perfect place to hang out with friends! Though if you invite any non-students, they’ll need to be screened by security and obtain a visitor’s pass.” I nod since there wouldn’t really be a point to moving students here if just anyone could walk in.

She continues the tour. “Over there is the kitchen. Currently it’s fully stocked, though in the future students will need to stock it themselves. But!” She raises a finger. “School lunches are provided free of charge by our very own Lunch Rush, the cook hero!”

I can already feel myself drooling. I’ve had one of his meals before. Once. Let’s just say that his meals alone will make up for having my night time escapades curtailed.

“Now,” she says as she leads me to a set of stairs, “the right side of the building is the girls’ dorms, and the left side is the boys. It’s not forbidden to have someone of the opposite gender in your room, just make sure you’re careful!” She winks.

A bit of red colors my cheeks and I can’t help but wonder how this woman became a teacher if she’s this forward with her students. 

We stop at the first door on the second floor and I look at her curiously. She beams at me. “Since you’re the first one here, you get the best room!” She points at the door in front of us.

“The first door on the second floor means that you have the easiest access to your room! This also allows you to be one of the first to reach the kitchen for meals!”

I push open the door as she explains that each room comes with a small fridge, air conditioning, a closet, a balcony, and a restroom. Additionally, each room comes preinstalled with a basic bed and desk, though we’re free to switch them out with whatever we wish.

After assuring her that I’ll be fine on my own for the rest of the day, she leaves. I put away my clothes, which mainly consist of basic shirts and pants. I do have a few more ‘feminine’ clothing, like blouses and skirts. But I just prefer pants and a good shirt. Ignore the fact that all my shirts are cat themed.

I decorate my room with a poster I have of a cat in a tank, and a couple cat figurines on my desk. To finish everything off, I carefully set down the picture of me and my mom.

It was a picture we took while we were in Japan. I insisted that getting it printed while we were still here would make it more special than if we did it back home, and she indulged me.

I look at the two of us, a picturesque scene of cherry blossoms falling around us while the river flows in the background. When I close my eyes, I can almost hear the river gurgle. The wind blowing through my hair. My mother laughing as she tries to get me to stay still for the photo.

I wipe my eyes before stepping out and heading to the kitchen. I want to know what I have to make lunch with.

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