MHA: A Cat’s Way

Negotiating Eri


“Remember now,” I say to the assembled heroes consisting of Aizawa and Nighteye, having decided that it would be best to limit who’d be present after failing to obtain the presence of the final person I wished to be here. “This meeting shall only be regarding the Cult of Nya turning Eri over to our custody. We will be discussing other events afterwards.”

It’s only been a day since the raid ended, but it’s been rather hectic.

The spy that had infiltrated the Shie Hassaikai murdered Overhaul. Little Eri had been taken in by the Cult of Nya sometime during the raid. Arranging things for the new hires to UA’s staff. Fending off the HPSC for whatever it is they wished to try and demand this time.

And young Catia has isolated herself in her room.

I sent Aizawa to retrieve her in the hopes her presence would cause the meeting to proceed smoothly, but she refused to leave. He even offered her catnip, which I authorized, as an incentive, yet she still refused. I was told of what the spy, a girl who attended the same middle school as Catia, said, and it raised some concerns. More than I already had.

I suppose I will have to proceed with employing an outside specialist to attend to her. It’s a shame I cannot have Hound Dog help her.

They had crossed paths once, while walking through UA’s halls. It should not have been an interaction that would take more than a few seconds to pass without incident.

Instead I had Recovery Girl request that they be given trackers so that they can avoid running into each other again. And Hound Dog discovered that there is, in fact, a product capable of regrowing hair. Or in his case, fur.

But that is a consideration for later. For now, I ignore the grumbling of the two heroes as I push a button, turning on the projection screen so that the video meeting can start. A shame it could not be done in person, but their organization did attack the school alongside the League of Villains, so it can’t be helped.

On the wall appears an image of the apparent leader of the Cult, Nekomura Iroha. Records of her true name have long been erased, so only the name she used as a child idol remains. Though from what I was able to uncover it is clear that she killed her manager before going into hiding. Unfortunately, for something that occurred so long ago and was deemed minor by the authorities, there are not enough records to determine what her motive might have been.

Of course, this was not the conclusion the police came to, as they failed to consider that the child could have killed him. Especially as she had an alibi during the time he was killed. Regardless of their own beliefs about the event, the result was that the man had not been investigated too deeply. So any motives, much less proof at this point, are unable to be forced to light.

The girl is sitting at a desk, and I can see that she’s wearing a red shirt and a black cat-eared headband with a bow at the front. Next to her is a woman a few years older than her with the appearance of a tiger.

“Greetings,” the tiger woman starts. “We are here to discuss releasing Eri into the custody of UA highschool. Specifically, under the supervision of Shota Aizawa.”

“Huh? Why me?” The man in question looks genuinely surprised, no signs of his near constant irritation anywhere on his face. A rare feat indeed.

But I must confess that I am just as taken off guard as him. Though I do find their wording to be interesting.

Your quirk can ensure that Eri is able to train her quirk in peace.” Nekomura says, letting Aizawa’s glare bounce right off her. “More than that, we believe that mew will keep her best interests at heart.”

“Even if it means teaching her about how your group are villains?” Aizawa challenges aggressively. It’s understandable, given they killed one of his students. Even if he would have been expelled and imprisoned before the Sports Festival, Aizawa still feels responsible for the occurrence given that he was a member of his class.

Nekomura doesn’t flinch. “If mew think that’s what’s best for the girl, then feel free.” She glares back at him, matching the fire in his eyes. “Just know that if harm comes to her, we will not tolerate it.”

They maintain eye contact for a full minute before Aizawa snorts, relaxing back in his seat as he crosses his arms. “It’s acceptable. But I can tell there’s more to it.”

She nods, and I’m pleased that he was able to see deeper than the surface. Something that Nighteye is also able to do, but is less likely to address. “There is. Her quirk is known as Rewind, and is capable of reversing the clock on organic objects.”

Well then. I can see why they’ve specifically asked for her to be under the care of UA rather than heroes in general, or for us to simply keep an eye on her. The HPSC would not hesitate to conduct a wide variety of experiments to test the limits of her quirk, regardless of her own desires on the matter.

Hawks is a prime example of their desire for power.

And judging by Nighteye’s expression, they aren’t the only ones who desire her quirk.

“We would be more than willing to take little Eri into the care of UA. We can even remodel some of the empty dorm rooms so that she won’t have to leave campus!” I tell her with a smile that hides the plans I make for protecting the girl. It will not be easy.

She returns my smile and gives a nod in reply, but I don’t miss the way her eyes narrow as she steals a brief glance at Nighteye, who’s schooled his own brief lapse in expression. She is more perceptive than I thought.

Her partner chooses now to speak up again, expounding further on why Aizawa specifically has been asked. “Keep in mind that she has zero control over her quirk, and accidental activations will be unpredictable.”

“Of course,” Nighteye scoffs, adjusting his glasses. “Accidents tend to be unpredictable. If they weren’t, then they wouldn’t be accidents.”

Neither of the girls on screen show any reaction to his derisive words, though the older’s words are frosty when she continues.

“I misspoke. I meant that, while her quirk may activate at any time, the results are unpredictable.” She reaches off screen and holds up a large seed. “This was previously a sunflower that was growing in the garden.” She reaches off screen again, pulling back whatever she grabs with a clenched fist.

“And this,” she opens her hand and makes a show of blowing on it, showing that nothing is there. “Was a fifty year old tree.”

Aizawa raises an eyebrow, his voice sardonic. “There was nothing there.”

Both of them nod seriously. “”Exactly.””

“It’s possible for her to erase something to a point before they existed, in an instant. Even people.” Nekomura clarifies, and I feel a spike of fear go through me as my eyes widen. That is much more dangerous than I thought. Yes, it may not be as blatantly destructive as quirks such as young Todoroki’s or young Bakugou’s, but the suddenness of it is the concern. And with a lack of control…

“I can see why Aizawa is perfect to serve as her caretaker.” I nod along before clasping my paws. “However, though I am in agreement with all that’s been said regarding little Eri’s stay at UA, we require you to provide something to us.”

“Oh?” Nekomura raises an eyebrow while the unnamed woman takes her leave, evidently feeling her job is done. “And what might that be?”

“Information on the League of Villains, of course.” I say mildly, ignoring the stares Aizawa and Nighteye direct at me.

Nekomura has the same reaction, but it is quickly replaced by mocking laughter. Once it dies down, she smirks at me. “Now, why would we do that? We have all the cards, while mew have nothing.”

I take a sip of tea, returning her smirk. “I think not. I believe that if you had the proper people, equipment, and facilities to attend to the girl yourselves, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. So you are on a time limit for getting her into Aizawa’s care before something irreversible occurs. Perhaps little Eri rewinding the leadership of the Cult? It would be awfully difficult to manage your organization if you were to be reduced to an infant. Or perhaps even ceased to exist! Why, everything you’ve worked for might come crumbling down, with all of your members being arrested!”

The more I speak the less smug her expression is, and as I finish my words off with another sip of tea I can see her scowling at me. “...What do mew want to know?” Her words are reluctant, clawed from the depths from whence they came with great effort. But come out they do.

“Simply, we would like the names and quirks of their current members. As well as those of any future members, should you learn of them.”

“...Just names and quirks?”

I nod. “Indeed. Just names and quirks.”

Her eyes narrow in a familiar look. Not one I’ve seen on her before, given that this is the first time we’ve met, but one I’ve seen on many others. The look that says they know there’s more to my words, but they can’t tell what it might be. They try to figure it out, overthink it, underthink it, or even decide not to think about it at all. It’s always an amusing sight to see.

Eventually, she speaks. “...Fine. I’ll give the information to the person who’ll bring Eri. They’ll be there tomorrow.”

The feed abruptly cuts off and I chuckle. “Was it perhaps something I said?”

“You know that this is going to cause problems.” Aizawa says from his seat.

“I shall do what I can to mitigate them. Just make sure the girl learns to control her quirk as soon as possible.” Nighteye commands as he leaves..

“Problems are simply the world stating that things are too boring.” I say as I drain my cup and watch the door close behind All Might’s former sidekick. I wait a few moments to ensure that he’s gone before turning to Aizawa.

“But for now, I suppose we should discuss what we shall do with young Catia.”

“Therapy and investigation.” He says promptly in a droll monotone, causing me to chuckle.

“Indeed. Therapy for the clear issues she has, as well as investigating her past to learn how deep her connection with the Cult goes. Though I feel it would also be prudent to speak of your new work associates.”

He sighs, a much put upon sigh that I’ve long become familiar with. It is the sigh he makes when he wonders why he still works for me. I smirk.

“They will be introduced on Monday. I do wonder what your class will think of them.”

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