MHA: A Cat’s Way


Uraraka has to work to slow down her heartbeat, and who could blame her? All Might, number one hero and Symbol of Peace, asked to speak to her personally! Sure, judging by his serious expression from the other side of the table it’s probably because she fought his son in the Sports Festival and got them both electrocuted, but still! It’s exciting!


Weird, but I guess he hasn’t actually told anyone that Midoriya is his son, so maybe he’s trying to keep their relationship a secret? Not that they’re very good at it! The fact that All Might is constantly dragging him away from all the other students, added on to the fact that he spends so much time with the freckled boy, kind of makes their relationship clear.

Unless it’s less wholesome…

Uraraka forcibly banishes the less than savory rumors from her mind. After all there’s no way they’re true! He wouldn’t be the Symbol of Peace if they were true!

“Sure thing! I get why you wouldn’t want something like this getting out, even if it is basically an open secret at this point.”

His mouth drops open and he stares at her in shock before giving a strained chuckle. “I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT WE ARE REFERRING TO THE SAME THING.”

She shrugs. “I mean, you’re kind of obvious about it. You do spend a lot of time with Midoriya.”

A bead of sweat appears on his forehead. “AH, SO. IT APPEARS THAT WE MIGHT BE REFERRING TO THE SAME THING.”

Uraraka rolls her eyes, internally proud of herself about how casual she’s managing to be with the Symbol of Peace. “I mean… what else could this conversation be about?”


Hologram? Before she can ask, All Might is engulfed in a puff of steam, forcing Uraraka to close her eyes from sudden wind. When she opens them, she’s shocked to see that it’s not All Might in front of her, but a skeleton-like man with the same colored hair and the outfit All Might was wearing.

Uraraka sits, stunned, for only a moment before she reacts. “IMPOSTER!” She shouts as she jumps up and behind the couch. She grabs it, her quirk activating as she lifts it above her head. “I don’t know who you are, but you chose the wrong school to break into!”

“Wait Young Uraraka, wait!” The false All Might in front of her waves his hands in a panic. “I am All Might! My quirk grants me the form I typically use for hero work! I promise!”

Her eyes narrow, but she doesn’t hit him with the couch. Yet. “Prove it! When’s my birthday!”

“Why would I know tha- blegh!?” Before he can object to her unreasonable question, a flood of blood pours from his mouth. Obviously, Uraraka panics, her Kansai accent slipping into her speech..


She drops the couch, forgetting to deactivate her quirk and leaving it floating in the air, before rushing towards the door in order to call the only medically trained person UA has on staff. But before she can get to the door there’s a sudden burst of air and All Might stands in front of her. “CALM DOWN, YOUNG URARAKA! I ASSURE YOU THAT EVERYTHING IS OK!”

*Ten minutes of reassurance later*

“Ok, so you are All Might, and your strength quirk is actually a transformation type.” Uraraka nods her head as she reiterates the now skinny hero’s explanation. “The blood is because of an old injury, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Makes sense.”

A few more seconds of nodding before she smacks the table between them, accidentally taking away its weight. “The hell kind’o explanation is that!?”

The now named Toshinori Yagi can’t do anything other than shrug helplessly. “Even if you say that, there’s not really anything I can do…”

She sighs, rubbing her temples as a headache builds. One that only gets stronger when a realization strikes her, prompting her to give Yagi a suspicious stare. “You know, this kind of seems like it would be a national secret…”

He waves off her concern, causing relief to set in. Only for it to spike again when he speaks. “There’s nothing to worry about! The teacher here at UA already know, as do a few of the highest ranking members of the HPSC, and a few close friends. You simply may now count yourself among that number!”

Uraraka stares blankly at him for a moment, a heretical thought in today’s society going through her mind. Is he an idiot? Well, she’s seen him trying to teach, so…

She lets out a groan before slumping back into the couch. “Uuuggghhh. Whyyy would you tell me this?”

Put off and slightly guilty about her reaction, Yagi gets straight to the point. “My quirk can be passed on, and I would like you to inherit it.”

She stares at him again, not speaking for a full minute before suddenly standing up and walking to the closest wall. Yagi watches, bemused, before jumping and coughing up blood from shock when she slams her head into it! “Young Uraraka!? What are you doing!? Stop!”

She sits back down after hitting her head a few times, completely ignoring the blood trailing down her face from her forehead. “Sorry about that, I just had to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

“I’m fairly certain you’re supposed to pinch yourself to check that!”

“Anyway, so why me? I’m sure there’s plenty of stronger people who could put your quirk to better use.”

He lets out a breath, having no choice but to accept the fact that they won’t be addressing what just happened. “You have an indomitable fighting spirit, one that the next Symbol of Peace needs.”

“Hold the fuck up.” Uraraka blurts out, blushing at how she accidentally cursed but charging ahead in the hopes that it will be ignored. “What makes you think I’m going to become the next Symbol of Peace? Why does there need to be a next Symbol of Peace!? What’s wrong with just relying on regular heroes who want to help people!? Plus, I want to be a hero for money! Fighting spirit isn’t a good judge for someone to inherit your power! Just look at Bakugou!”

Her voice steadily rises throughout her rant, utterly baffled at how exactly he thinks this is a good idea. Her earlier thought solidifies in her mind: He’s an idiot.

The idiot in question covers a series of coughs with his handkerchief, doubling as using it to hide his blush. “Well, I suppose you don’t have to become the next Symbol, but you’re becoming a hero to help your parents with that money, right?” She nods and he continues. “Well, that shows you have a good heart! Something I’ve been repeatedly told that Young Bakugou lacks.”

She can’t disagree with that, the explosive blonde having been in an even worse mood after all his hero names got rejected. Which also happened to display his aggressive nature. Really, why isn’t he taking anger management classes!?

After thinking a bit more on the offer, she reluctantly agrees. “Ok, I’ll accept.” Her hand shoots up at Yagi’s happy look, a finger held up in warning. “But I will not be pressured into becoming the next Symbol of Peace! If you try to manipulate things so that happens, then I’m telling Aizawa-sensei on you!”

He chuckles. “Come now, do I really look like the type of person to manipulate people?”

She sighs, having to concede to the question. He’s clearly not smart enough for that. “So, how do you give it to me? Force of will or something? An ancient ritual? Do I have to kick Bakugou? Because I think most people would.”

He snorts. “No, no. None of that. All of those would be ridiculous. You must simply accept my DNA within you.”

Uraraka stares at him a moment before speaking, her voice giving nothing away. “What?”

He nods, giving her a reassuring smile. “I know, not the most comfortable thought, but given how intrinsically quirks are tied to a person’s DNA, I’m afraid there is no other way.” Seeing her face rapidly losing color he quickly reassures her, “Don’t worry! It’s a rather seamless experience! When my master passed One For All on to me I was able to accept the power with no difficulty! In fact, I would say that it was quite enjoyable after I got used to it!”

Uraraka nods stiffly before shooting up to a standing position. “Sorry, but I need to do something real quick.”

Yagi blinks in confusion as he watches her robotically walk towards the door and open it. Then she runs out, her yells filling the empty halls and causing him to cough out blood in shock and outrage. “HELP! THE RUMORS ARE TRUE!! ALL MIGHT IS A PREDATOR WHO’S INTO HIGH SCHOOLERS!!!”

He shoots up from his seat, buffing up as he chases after her, his face paling when he replays what he said through his mind. “WAIT, YOUNG URARAKA! IT’S NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!”

Dammit, Young Midoriya! I should have known you were planning something when you had me memorize that cue card! At least I didn’t say everything that you wrote down.



For those that don't read Undying, phone broke and icloud is being a pain so my notes are unavailable, which means maybe no chapter next week.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.