MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 227(1 Month Anniversary)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---7 PM...

"Dude you're crazy if you really thought you'd win this, with that weird play of all things, ha, as if," Sero gloats to Monoma.

Both boys were sitting opposite each other in the 1A common room after the UA Culture Festival, surrounded by their classmates with Sero having one arm around Yui who was mostly asleep beside him.

Monoma waves the sheet of paper they were discussing around, "the only thing this proves is that the student body doesn't know true entertainment."

"Doesn't matter, we won the votes," Sero says flatly.

"Because they couldn't comprehend the transcendent art in our play, while your class made a catch song and some silly dan---ACH!" Monoma bites his tongue as Kendo smack him on the head.

"They worked their butts off for that concert," she says, noticing all the 1A students glaring at him. "It was great, and better than our play...kind of cheating since they've got Jiro thought."

"Oh yeah," Sero says. "She's totally our musical secret weapon."

A few more people pass Jiro compliments, causing her to blush where she was sitting at one of the tables beside Momo.

But then both girls gets up, Jiro goes to make some snacks and Momo makes a deck of cards, walking over to Deku's group.

"I never said it was bad," Monoma clarifies. "Just that our art was harder to understand...for this uncultured student body."

"Maybe you lost them at the name," Mina says. "I mean honestly, 'Romeo, Juliet, the lion, the witch, and the prisoner of Azkaban, battle of the two towers'...that's a lot."

"As I said, uncultured."

"Well at least you did one thing right, Yui was the princess," Sero gives her a small kiss on the cheek causing her to lean into him.

"Ugh," Monoma groans.

"I think its cute," Mina says. "Who would have guessed that Horizon's best friend would be such a good boyfriend."

"Yeah," Sero says as they continue chatting about the UA Culture Festival.

But during that he glances around the room, noticing everyone doing their usual chatter.

But he shares a look with Shinso, then with Juzo, then they all look toward Melissa.

She was sitting opposite Deku who was on the floor opposite her.

They were talking in their usual group, Deku, Melissa, Tsu, Uraraka, and Shoto, but Melissa looked awfully busy on her phone tonight.

Earlier she'd said she was exhausted from today, showing off all her Support Equipment to the public.

Even if she apparently wouldn't be at UA much longer, she still got into the UA spirit for the festival.

But Team Horizon is keeping an eye on her because they've been tasked with that.

Horizon wanted them to make sure she was at this little social gathering, to see if they spot anything weird with her.

But aside from her not talking much, there wasn't anything abnormal.

Although the amount of effort it took for them to get her here was suspicious, they even had to get Midoriya convinced that she should be there tonight.

All without knowing anything specific.

Just a simple message of 'Make sure Melissa is at our dorm tonight, to make friends' was enough, at least since that's what Horizon sent them.

Because its from Horizon, and the last thing he cares about was his classmates having a healthy social life.

Especially when concerning a girl he doesn't exactly get along with.

A few minutes later Sero is in a game of Jenga with Kendo, Monoma, and Yanagi...who was probably cheating with her Telekinesis Quirk.

Even if they couldn't prove it, but she was just 'so good she had to be cheating', according to Sero.

Team Horizon notices Momo join in Deku's small group on the carpet as they begin shuffling cards, and Melissa just backs away so she's out of the circle, still close enough to listen to the conversation.

'Nothing too suspicious so far, she just seems a bit tired from today, but everyone is, so that's normal...' they all think after sharing a few glances.

A few minutes later and Horizon finally arrives back at the dorms, still wearing his Hero Costume.

Sword nowhere to be seen but a small and simple bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Sero immediately leaps at the chance, "ooohhh, flowers huh, did you flip a coin to see who gets them or will they share that too?"

A few small fits of laughter burst forth around the room, then he sees both Momo and Jiro glaring daggers at him.

"Uh, sorry."

"Is that really something you should be concerned about?" Horizon walks up to the couches and folds his arms, looking down at Sero. "Nezu told me you almost got into a fight, and Shinso stopped you."

The entire room falls silent, most of them didn't even know about this incident.

"Its nothing to worry about, didn't even get to throw a punch."

"Mhm, he told me his version, and that you've got cleaning duty as punishment, and can't leave UA for Hero Work until next week," Horizon says. "So...what's so important that you had to get into a fight and fuck up our team schedule, Cellophane?"

"Uhh," Sero looks genuinely scared for a moment. "It was just some nobody Pro Hero, a D-Lister if I've ever seen one."

Most of the room looks horrified that their classmate would try to fight a Pro Hero, but Horizon just stands there with his arms crossed.

"Look the guy was asking for it, alright," Sero says. "I mean all he was doing is constantly talking crap about UA, about how it was failing us and putting us in danger."

"And you got mad because of that?" Horizon asks. "For school spirit, are you that stupid?"

"Obviously not," Sero says. "He just...I lost my cool when he started talking crap about us. Saying stuff like the government is lying about you, that you didn't really do all the things the news says. That our whole team is just a bunch of fake news the government and UA are pushing onto people. I just couldn't take listening to him anymore."

Sero sighs and sinks into the couch, and Horizon just shakes his head.

"Sorry," Sero says.

"Its fine, that's acceptable, once it wasn't just you fighting for some school spirit nonsense at least. What we do is a bit hard for losers to believe, and you didn't use your Quirk so he can't ask for you to lose your license, and he won't know you're Cellophane."

"I wouldn't have used my Quirk for him," Sero says. "Wouldn't need it."

Horizon actually laughs at that, "that's what I like to hear. And Shinso, good work stopping this moron from getting into any more trouble. Honestly you beating up a Pro Hero wouldn't be the end of the world since you're on my team, and I've got Japan in the palm of my hand right now, and if they fuck with me I'd have it bent over biting the pillow, but lets not push it, ok?"

"Understood," Sero nods bashfully. "And gross example."

"Whatever, enjoy cleaning duty," Horizon says as he lifts the bouquet, "now if you don't mind, I need to give these to my girlfriend..."

The entire room remains silent, but some eyes go wide, others were clearly horrified at the idea of any girl being with Horizon.

Then he begins walking over to where the game of cards was happening on the floor.

Momo's eyes instantly become glossy, almost tearing up, hand covering her mouth.

Tsu looks at her and shakes her head, feeling sorry for her friend.

Mina is almost jumping in excitement.

Jiro across the room in the kitchen is frozen in shock, not even able to process this.

So many colliding thoughts in all their heads, and they all then go out the window once more as he walks right past Momo.

And stands in front of Melissa Shield, who was ignoring all of this and watching a video on her phone.

She looks up at him, concerned and bewildered.

Horizon sighs, "of course you'd forget, you're always so caught up in making stuff...c'mon babe this is our 1 month anniversary."

Melissa instantly snaps to her senses and blinks a couple times, "oh right, sorry. I've just been busy with the festival, and now I'm already a bit tired know."

"It's fine, I know the kind of person my girlfriend is..."

Tsu gives Momo a comforting pat on the shoulder, and in the kitchen Jiro is still frozen in shock.

Horizon simple hands Melissa the bouquet and steps off to the side so they were beside each other, with the girl still sitting on the carpet.

"Uh, um, so," Deku stumbles over his words for a bit. "When did, I mean, how long have you two been together?"

"Yeah," Uraraka says shyly. "When did this happen?"

"Well, about a month ago," Melissa says, "it was a bit of a surprise but before I knew it we got together."

She gives them a bashful smile.

"Actually, no, we didn't..."

In one swift motion Horizon raises his hands and warps Scalpel into it, unsheathed, then brings it down directly onto Melissa.

Many of the young heroes including Deku spring into action ready to tackle him away from her, aside from Team Horizon who simply sit and watch.

But Deku and everyone else stop at the sound of metal piercing metal, the few sparks emanating from her shoulder.

And the wisps of smoke being released from her body as she goes limp, eyes becoming black as they power down.

She was sitting with her legs crossed, so Scalpel had pierced through her left shoulder, into her left forearm, into her left thigh and through that into her right ankle since her legs were folded.

And at each entry point some sparks were seen.

They all look on in horror as Horizon just sighs and lets go of the sword.

"Damn, I was hoping for a shapeshifter, can't really question a robot..."


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