MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 234(Growing Familiarity)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---Sunday, November 10th, 2315...

"I hope you realize this entire situation makes me extremely nervous," Nezu says.

He was sipping tea in his office, sitting on the couch opposite Law, who had his visor and mask off.

After returning to UA from Tokyo, Law was relaxing in some more casual clothes over his body glove.

"Well it can't be helped since Pantu already agreed," Law says. "Just think about how it makes me feel, I'm the one that has his balls in a vice, you know, handing over evidence that I went berserk and killed a villain for no reason."

"This situation is stressful for all of us," Nezu says, glancing to the side to see his desk, focusing on the glass wall behind it where the moon hung above Musutafu, a city of civilians so close to them. "I'm concerned that you could lose your cool and there won't be a villain around to grasp your attention."

"What? Scared I'll decide to remodel Tokyo?" Law asks.

"Terrified," Nezu says. "And I'm sure Pantu feels the same way. You're lucky she still needs you."

"I know, and I'm sure she's got all her people working overtime, pulling her hair out trying to figure out what she'll do if I suddenly snap," Law chuckles. "How much money do you think she's spending running simulations about it?"

Nezu rolls his eyes, "if the thought of the best minds under her command trying to solve your Quirk is so amusing, I assume you aren't worried about it."

Law shrugs, "Mystery Class, remember?"

"And you're so sure nobody will ever figure it out? Humanity is moving forward faster every day you know."

"I know, but honestly, I bet even Star and Stripe doesn't understand how Mystery Class Quirks work, but just in case," Law smiles mischievously. "Even you don't know the foundation of my power, actually, even my parents don't know."

"Really? I thought you told each other everything..."

"We do, but in a world where minds can be read, they didn't want anyone but me knowing how to take me down," Law shrugs. "Pretty smart, and since I understand the fundamentals, Star and Stripe is still a bit scary, but not invincible."

"Your Quirks aren't similar," Nezu says. "But you clearly know something I don't."

"I know lots of stuff you don't, and that goes both ways."

"Can you beat her?"

"Not a chance," Law laughs at the idea. "She can probably just make herself immune to anatomical manipulation then punch my head off. So really it'd come down to who has more stamina, and in my current state I'd lose. After I get this Quirk situation sorted... I'll win."

They sit in silence for a while as Nezu finishes his tea.

"You know, I don't think I say this enough, but you're scary," Nezu admits.

"You've only just realized?"

"Oh I always knew, its why you're here, but I suppose maybe its arrogance on my part."

"Arrogance in what way, that I'll never hurt you?"

"That I'd never give you a reason to, and that I'm slowly making you a better, gentler person, maybe even a Hero," Nezu says, and he sees Law scoff and look away. "Would it really be such a bad thing, even you mentioned that you're enjoying it more and more lately."

"No, I said it has good perks," Law starts counting on his fingers. "Authority, power, freedom to use my Quirk as I please, freedom to constantly improve myself. Having the world grovel at my feet and worship me is nice too, but that just feels like it was always meant to be."

"And women," Nezu gives an annoyed look. "You've made it clear that's your preferred recreation lately."

"Well...can't exactly walk into a casino as Horizon," Law says. "And my time as my regular self is getting more limited lately. Its easier to just have Ryuko come over than to go deal with the public, guess I'm becoming a recluse."

"And fathers all across the world rejoice at that announcement."

They both share a laugh before Law speaks, "I wasn't that bad you know. I mean I even limited myself to two at UA."

"Wow, only two, such incredible restraint," Nezu pours himself some more tea.

Any more and Law was sure he'd be able to see the sarcasm pouring off of Nezu.

"Well considering how many I could have had, I think I did pretty well," Law nods proudly.

"Ahh, I see, another aspect of your Quirk revealed."

"What's that? Being impossibly charming?"

"Patting yourself on the back for having human decency...actually, not that decent since you have them here and Ryuko in Tokyo."

"Hey now," Law feigns offense. "At least I'm honest."

"Says the man living two lives, but I guess that's unavoidable," Nezu sips his tea. "Speaking of women, Mirko---"

"---Ugh! No!"

"At least let me finish."

"No, if I go anywhere near her she'll probably try to fight me, the only reason I haven't blocked her again is because she only messages me once a week to pick a fight," Law says. "Hey, you look kind of like a rabbit, can you talk to her?"

"First of all, I'm much more adorable than any rabbit," Nezu says. "Secondly, she may have uncovered a lead for you, but I don't think she noticed."

"What do you mean?"

"I track all current events in Japan, and one of the men arrested in a recent incident of hers was also at the League of Villains recruitment village, and he was at the USJ."

"How the hell was he free after those first two?"

"His family has money," Nezu says. "But since I connected the dots I figured you could make something of it, chances are he'll run right back to Shigaraki."

"Hmm, running a operation against them is a bit risky since it could mess up Hawk's infiltration mission."

"Hawk's is infiltrating them?"

"Yeah, and from the sounds of it he's getting close to tagging Kurogiri and Twice, when they get a solid location on Kurogiri I'll be called in."

"Well its still worth a try, just don't get in the way of whatever Pantu is doing," Nezu says.

"Alright, send me the info, and what about the Shields? How are they holding up?"

"So you finally asked, how thoughtful. They're holding up fine, Melissa can't rejoin her old school until the next semester starts so she'll be in UA until the end of this year."

"I was asking more about if she had any suspicious of what happened. If maybe her dad has been wanting to get a face to face with Wolfram, anything that can be a problem for me."

"My apologies, for a moment I thought you were concerned," Nezu takes another sip. "They're unproblematic. David is just happy the situation is resolved, Tech is beyond our reach since aside from the robot he sent there isn't any proof he even exists."

Law relaxes on the couch, "that's a relief."

"If they decided to pester the problem, would you have---"

"---Don't ask questions you and Yagi don't want the answer to."

Nezu shakes his head, "honestly, how you have two Pro Heroes wrapped around your finger I'll never understand it."

"The Ryukyu thing is just a rumor."

"Yet I'm sure you plan to make it a reality."


"What am I supposed to do with you."

"Accept the things you cannot change, makes life easier."

"And what's that for you, since you have the power to quite literally manipulate the world."

"Words and the agreements we make, unbreakable even by the Hand Of God."

"Unbreakable," Nezu looks at him for a moment. "Well according to Pantu you were willing to walk away, to accept the consequences of what happened with Wolfram."

"I made a deal, got to honor it, besides," Law lays his head back and closes his eyes. "Freedom is all they want me to have, bet I'll get an earful when they get out and learn about the shit I've been through for them. Oh, and I'll have to keep mom away from UA and Tokyo, that could get messy."

"Well with her track record, very messy. And considering how much she loves you, what she did in Los Angeles would look like childs play."

"Don't tempt me," Law chuckles. "Watching all the paper Pros run about trying to save people in that mess almost sounds fun. Oh, speaking of Tokyo, I'm taking Jiro there this weekend."

Nezu raises a brow at that, "what do you mean you're taking a student with no Provisional License to Tokyo for a weekend?"

"I lost a bet and she wants me to play bodyguard so she can leave UA, its for some concert she wants to go to."

"You don't sound excited for it."

"Its a concert, basically a bunch of losers paying money to stand around with other sweaty people and worship some people on a stage, why would I be excited for that?"

"Yet you're going."

"I'm a man of my word," Law says. "But yeah, this weekend."

"Fine, I can approve it, but I'll have to contact her parents tomorrow for permission."

"That'll be fine, she says they love me."

"They've never met you, clearly."

"Well, Horizon's public image is perfect, and old people always believe the news."

"And how will Ryuko react to you having a female guest in Horizon Tower..."

Law pauses for a moment, then releases a loud groan as he looks at Nezu, "she'll give me some attitude for it when I say she can't come to the tower this weekend, but we'll be fine."

"That bad?"

"She calls them my 'UA bedwarmers', so what do you think?"

Minutes later at almost midnight, Horizon warps back into his room.

He appears on one of the small couches, seeing Momo sitting on the floor doing some school work on the coffee table, and beside him Jiro is listening to music while scrolling on her phone.

"How'd it go?!" Jiro's Earphone Jack unplugs and she sits up beside him, almost shaking in anticipation of his answer.

"Once your parents agree then we're on for this weekend," Horizon says.

"YES!" Jiro springs forward and wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling her face into his shoulder. "Thank you so much! I'm sure they'll say yes!"

"Of course they will, I'm Horizon, everyone in Japan loves me," he says jokingly while pulling her into his lap.

"Just remember not to leave the tower without him," Momo reminds her. "You could get in serious trouble for that, so be careful."

"I'll be extra careful, promise. Besides, I've got this guy with me," she gestures to Horizon while getting comfortable in his lap. "He's invincible!"

"I'll be leaving Wednesday night," Horizon says as he wraps his arms around her. "But I'll be back Friday after lunch to pick you up, after the Pro Hero Billboard Ranking event."

"Oh right, they're holding that in person this year," Momo says. "Its supposed to be bigger than ever."

"Yeah, its to send a message of Hope to the nation, plus I need to be there to show solidarity. Apparently some people still somewhat doubt that that I'm a team player with Pro Heroes."

"Really?" Jiro asks. "They doubt the guy who always talks trash about Pro Heroes can work with those very people...shocker."

"Yeah, shocker---"

"---Ah!" Jiro jolts in his lap as a small current runs through her. "Hey!"

They get into a small playful fight, which eventually leads to him laying on the couch with her on top of him.

Only to be stopped by the sound of Momo giggling.

They both pause and turn to look at her.

"Sorry sorry, its just, this is pretty fun," Momo says. "I never thought I'd end up in a scenario like this, but its quite enjoyable, but only because its with the two of you."

Horizon pulls Jiro onto his chest and releases a deep laugh, "if you're happy imagine how I feel, I'm the one with two pretty girls in my room..."


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