MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 237(Bits and Pieces)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Mmm, that feels so much better..." Horizon takes a deep breath as he steps out of the meeting room, looking around the hallway and only seeing two security agents standing nervously, staring at him.

One of them men touches his earpiece, not taking his eyes off Horizon as he speaks, "yes ma'am, he just stepped out of the room."

Horizon looks over at the man, tilting his head. Doing a quick Scan he can sense Pantu walking through the building trying to get back here, constantly having to deal with people stopping her to talk while she's talking to this agent through her earpiece.

"Understood ma'am," the agent says as he raises a hand gesturing for Horizon to stop. "Sir, I must insist that you wait here for Lady Pantu."

Horizon looks at the man who was clearly nervous and not getting paid enough for this, and sighs, "I'll pretend you didn't just say that to me..." he says before walking past both men.

Neither of which tries to stop him.

Walking down the hallway Horizon finds the person he's looking for and takes a sharp turn into the stairway, avoiding anyone trying to speak to him.

For the first time in a very long time, he felt truly relaxed.

After over a year, he's finally done something he always wanted to do, but accepted he'd never get the chance to do.

Get some payback on Hawks.

Yes, it does go against what he was taught and even what he believes in, pursuing revenge is not useful and should not have been done in this case.

'But damn did that feel good...'

While casually walking down the stairs he takes out his phone and sends Jiro a quick text.

'The ceremony will be starting in an hour, I'll be at UA around 5 PM so be ready...'

Seconds later Jiro responds by sending him a selfie of her and Momo in one of the labs at UA, during class.

Both were happy and smiling, although Jiro was sticking her tongue out at him.

Horizon smiles beneath his visor and puts away his phone, making it down to the third floor of the building and opening the door.

'I should try to spend more time with them honestly, Momo's sexy and Jiro's cute, keeping them around is worth a bit of time. Especially since as time goes on I'll be called to do Hero Work less and less.

That's the main benefit of being in the media propaganda as some invincible superhero, no villains actually want to make me get to work, so I get more time with my women, and speaking of my women...'

Horizon focuses his thoughts as he sees Ryukyu speaking to Best Jeanist and Edgeshot.

"Oh, Horizon," Jeanist politely waves at him, causing both the other Pros to turn around to see him approaching. "Here to support Endeavor?"

"Sure, if that's what people want to assume," Horizon says as he joins them. "Really I'm just here so Shigaraki doesn't show up and disintegrate a crater into this portion of the city..."

"That certainly has everyone on high alert," Edgeshot says. "I've never felt so helpless as a Pro hero, well, not since All For One, but Shigaraki isn't as bad as that thing was."

"But now Horizon can probably handle All For One from Kamino," Ryukyu says. "Right?"

"Ofcourse, but," Horizon puts an arm around her waist and pulls her to his side, "weren't we just talking on the roof about how you don't need to depend on a man to protect you?"

Ryukyu rolls her eyes, but doesn't look bothered by him holding onto her, which the other men notice, "I'm a Dragon, I can only do so much. It takes monsters to fight monsters after all."

"Sure, Dragon, if you say so Kyukyu."

"Kyukyu?" Jeanist asks. "So you even have pet names for each other, so the rumors are true after all."

"No he's just being annoying," Ryukyu says. "He thinks I'm not a Dragon because I can't breathe fire, it's stupid."

"Well, he does have a point," Edgeshot says.

"Dragons do historically breath fire in all their stories," Jeanist mentions. "But at least you do look like one."

Ryukyu just looks at them as the traitors they were, "and here I thought you two were my friends, damn traitors," she shakes her head, mostly playfully.

"Anyway, enough with the small talk, you three need to be on stage in just over an hour, so until that, I'm gonna be stealing away this woman," Horizon quickly scoops Ryukyu up into his arm.

Both men look at this with wide eyes as she tries to squirm out of his grasp, but it's like trying to claw at a steel vice.

"Hey, put me down!" Ryukyu yells. She then looks at Jeanist and Edgeshot, "get me out of here, he's kidnapping me!"

Horizon turns around and begins walking away with her in his arms.

"Hey, I need to prepare to go on stage!" Ryukyu says as she still fails to get out of his grasp.

Jeanist chuckles, "honestly, young people show affection in such strange ways these days."

"Much too shamelessly for me," Edgeshot says.

"Yeah, even when we were in UA, you were always a serious prude," Jeanist says.

While those two friends were catching up, Horizon kicked open the door to a secluded conference room, still holding Ryukyu in his arms.

Now she had her arms folded and was sulking, entirely helpless to escape his grasp since her Quirk is either human form or Dragon form, she has no ability to manifest only particular traits.

Meaning if she actually did want to escape she'd damage the building by transforming into a large dragon.

But as much as she'd deny it, she was happy in his arms.

As they enter the conference room they see a massive table lined with leather chairs.

All the windows were closed and the blinds were shut, giving them some privacy, and after a quick Scan Horizon made sure there wasn't any technology spying on them.

"Now can you tell me what the hell you're doing? I have to be on stage so this had better not take long," Ryukyu says as he pushes some chairs aside and sits her down atop the table.

"Well, today I crossed something off my list that's been there for a while, figured why stop at one of those today," Horizon shrugs.

"Oh, and what might the other one be?" Ryukyu gives him an expectant look...

---15 Minutes Earlier...

Warped down into the press area between a few Pro Heroes and security agents, Pantu was immediately ambushed by reporters.

Keeping her icy façade she answers dozens of questions, all while her mind is reeling trying to imagine what Horizon is doing to Hawks upstairs.

"President Pantu!" One of the reporters in the back gets her attention. "There is a growing faction of the public who believe the international Pro Hero License regulations should be lifted in the case of Horizon, do you have any comment on this matter?"

"Those laws were made after a century of tragic and avoidable deaths caused by young and unprepared individuals being given Pro Hero licenses because their Quirks were deemed as powerful.

To make an exception for anyone is absolutely never going to happen, not in Japan, and not in any nation that is recognized by the United Nations Quirk Security Board. Making an exception would set a bad example and cause a chain reaction that would claim the lives of countless children across the world.

Regardless of how powerful and capable Horizon is, do remember he is currently only 16 years old. Even Star and Stripe, the only other Mystery Class Quirk user wasn't giving a Pro Hero License until she was fully trained and already an adult..."

"But what abou---"

"I'm sorry but I don't have time for any more questions," Pantu cuts off another reporter as she holds her earpiece and begins briskly walking away.

Entering a connected hallway she signals three agents to follow her on the way back to the top floor.

"Did anyone else leave the room with him?" She asks through the earpiece.

The agents around her don't react even as they all enter the elevator.

"Then don't let him leave, and don't let anyone enter that room," Pantu says, completely void of any emotions in her voice.

Arriving on the top floor Pantu quickly makes her way to the meeting room they were in, and gets another message through her earpiece.

"Horizon and Ryukyu were seen entering a conference room on the third-floor ma'am."

"Just tell me if anyone leaves," Pantu says as she gets to the door.

As her hand is on the doorknob the faint scent of blood reaches her nose.

Pantu sighs and looks around at the agents, "Don't look inside, and don't let anyone near this room."

She then opens the door and the strong scent of blood rushes into the hallway before she shuts the door behind her.

As she enters the room, for the first time in a long time she was genuinely mortified by what she saw.

Her entire career she's dealt with the aftermath of monsters having their way, but she's always had Pro Heroes at her disposal to deal with them, so there was never any real risk of them going entirely rampant across Japan.

But now there is no All Might, and even if he was here she wasn't sure it would matter.

Now she looks around and sees Hawks, feathers scattered about the ground, and his shirt and jacket were torn apart, his body appeared entirely untouched, simply laying on his back in a massive pool of blood in the middle of a broken table.

He looked perfectly fine, but she could tell he wasn't.

She knew Horizon could heal people better than any other, she knew he had a vengeful, violent, and sadistic side to him.

That's to be expected when his mother is Arsenal, arguably the biggest monster of recent history.

But now as she approaches Hawks she finds herself stepping over pieces of him.

Guts, livers, what appear to be pieces of his heart, no... hearts. She could casually count 9 eyeballs scattered about the room entirely whole.

Looking closely she sees fingers scattered on the other side of the room, and the floor was covered in more teeth than he could possibly have in his mouth.

Arriving at Hawks she gently taps him with her foot, and he doesn't respond, but she can see his chest slowly rising and falling.

He was breathing, even as she could see what appeared to be a whole lung laying on the floor.

Now Pantu finally came face to face with the depths Horizon can go to, and has to seriously consider a terrifying question.

What do you do, when your strongest protector, is the biggest monster of them all...


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