MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 239(Horizon’s Girls)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---5pm, UA...

In the 1A Dorms, Horizon sat on one of the couches of the common room, the dorms were almost entirely empty at the moment. Everyone was either already gone, or getting ready to go to the Hero Work Studies.

Only a few people didn't have Provisional Hero Licenses and were stuck at UA all weekend.

The TV was on, quietly showing a replay of the highlights from the Hero Billboard Ranking even earlier today.

But Horizon wasn't focused on that, he was a bit preoccupied by Momo who was sitting in his lap with her arms around his neck.

She wore a more casual outfit, some comfortable high-waisted jeans, a red and white 'Genesis' t-shirt, and her Horizon theme hoodie. Her hair was in the classic ponytail and her lips were locked onto Horizon's.

His visor was partially opened so they could properly share this moment.

He was in his Hero Costume, only here in Musustafu to have a small meeting with Nezu, which is already done.

He simply had to give Nezu an update on what happened between himself and Hawks, or more accurately, what he did to Hawks.

The last remaining thing was to get Jiro and head back to Tokyo.

But since Momo was still here, he figured why not enjoy some time with one of his girls before he goes back to work for the weekend.

Her weekend backpack was beside them on the couch, and her Hero Costume was resting beside it, simply waiting on Setsuna to get done with some schoolwork before they both went to spend the weekend with Majestic.

But right now she was entirely focused on Horizon.

Separating from him to barely catch her breath she mutters, "I'm jealous, I've never been to Horizon Tower but Jiro gets a weekend there."

"Well I'm a man of my word, nothing more."

Momo gives him another passionate kiss before pulling away again, "so when can I come to the tower?"

"Never," Horizon's hand moves down from her waist and gives her ass a firm squeeze, "you're too distracting, I wouldn't get any work done."

Momo's breath hitches as she begins unconsciously grinding against him, "Is that why you only...spend time with UA," her breathing becomes less stable as she feels like she's melting in his lap.

"Mhm, I'm at UA as a formality, not to learn, if you two weren't here I wouldn't have any reason to ever be on campus..."

"So we're worth being stuck in UA?" Momo gives him a few more kisses before needing to catch her breath again.

"Every second..."

After a few more minutes Jiro enters the common area, wearing a pair of simply black jeans and a purple top, backpack over her shoulder with her things for the weekend.

Looking around the common area she only sees Momo and Horizon, both of which were rather occupied at the moment.

Her cheeks redden slightly, and she unconsciously lips her lips while staring at the scene, both the people she's most attracted to were getting hot and heavy right in front of her.

Taking a deep breath she squeezes her eyes shut and gathers her courage, then walks over before she can come to her senses.

Recalling all the late nights she and Momo spent discussing this, she hardens her mind and keeps walking forward.

Momo feels a gentle tap on her shoulder, making her pull away from Horizon for just a moment to see what's going on, finding herself looking up at Jiro.

"Oh, you're done packing," Momo says.

There was a gentle smile on her lips, and she recognizes the uncertain hunger in Jiro's eyes.

Before anyone could realize what was going on, Jiro leaned forward and gently cupped Momo's face, locking their lips together and pulling her into an intense kiss.

Momo froze for a moment, stiff as a board.

They'd spoken about this at length, but she never expected it to happen so suddenly, and not while she was still sitting in his lap.

Horizon just leaned back and enjoyed the show, especially as Momo got more comfortable and began kissing Jiro in return.

As they continue Momo reaches out and pulls Jiro around the couch and into Horizon's lap. She drops her backpack to the side as Momo slides out of his lap to sit beside him, making space for Jiro.

All without ever separating for more than a moment.

And when they finally do break apart and have to wipe their lips, both struggling to catch their breaths, Horizon just wraps and arm around Momo, pulling her to his side, and bring Jiro closer to his chest.

"Wow...I love it here."

Both girls break into a fit of giggles before Jiro speaks, "see, told you he'd love it."

"It wasn't as strange as I thought it would be," Momo admits, leaning into Horizon. "I actually kind of liked it..."

"Forgetting someone?" Horizon asks.

"How could I ever forget you?" Jiro smiles and leans forward, giving him a long and passionate kiss as well before they separate.

"So, about earlier, does this mean...?"

"Yup," Jiro tells Horizon. "Honestly I feel so stupid for waiting this long to tell Momo, I mean she's the nicest girl ever and my best friend, of course she'd understand."

"Although I will admit I was surprised," Momo says. "I suppose I'm not that good at reading people's romantic interests toward me."

"Its part of your charm," Horizon says.

"Mhm, well I'm not exactly interested in girls, at least normally I'm not," Momo says. "But after a long discussion with Kyoka we came to an understanding."

"I'm just happy my girls are getting along, this wouldn't really work otherwise."

After he says that Jiro extends her Earphone Jacks around his neck and pulls him forward, meeting him halfway to give him another kiss.


The familiar sound of a camera going off causes them to break the kiss, and look over at Mina who was grinning like an idiot in the corner.

She was wearing a pair of shorts and her sports bra, now heading out for a run. During the weekends she's actually the only girl in the 1A Dorms with Jiro, but this weekend she'll be alone.

"If you upload that I'll kill you pinky," Horizon says.

"Sure sure," Mina says while sending it to the class group chat.

Jiro and Momo feel their phones vibrate and check them, only to both start blushing.

Both the 1A and 1A+1B group chats got the picture, explicit and high quality.

Jiro sat on his lap kissing him while Momo nuzzled at his side patiently waiting her turn. But everyone knew better than to put those on the internet, so Horizon didn't particularly care.

"So how can I get in on this?" Mina asks while walking over to the couch, sitting on the arm beside Horizon.

Both Jiro and Momo look at her, confused, concerned, and uncertain.

"What exactly do you mean Mina?" Momo asks.

"Not the three ways and the make-out session you closet pervert, the field trip to Tokyo. C'mon! Please! Take me with you!"

Mina throws her arms around Horizon and begins fake crying into his chest.

"No, get off me," Horizon says.

"I promise I'll be good, I can be packed in a few minutes I swear!"

"Not happening, I'm not supposed to take any girls to Horizon Tower in the first place, so just give up already."

"Heroes never give up!" Mina lets go of him and does her best puppy-dog eyes. "What will it take huh?"

"Not happening."

"C'monnnnnnnn!" Mina looks like she was on the verge of actual tears. "Do you have any idea how much it sucks being stuck on campus 24/7?! I wanna go shopping, or to a cute café, or just for a walk outside of UA! Just because I failed the Provisional License Exam it's like I'm under house arrest, please let me come with you!"

Horizon sighs, "even if I wanted to, you'd need your parent's permission and I doubt you'd be able to get that within a few minutes."

"Oh," Mina frowns, suddenly looking like a kicked puppy.

"Plus..." In one smooth motion, Horizon slides Jiro onto Momo's lap, and pulls Mina onto his, wrapping a hand around her waist to hold her stable and putting the other on her thighs. "Horizon Tower doesn't have that many beds, so you'd have to sleep with Jiro and I this weekend, would you be alright with that?"

Jiro and Momo tried not to laugh, seeing Mina's face turn purple as she blushes through her pink skin. They'd both gotten used to Horizon teasing them, even if they still can't help but react.

But now being on the observing side, they can see why he enjoyed doing this.

Momo hugged Jiro from behind as they both noticed the slow motion Horizon's fingers are making on Mina's exposed thighs, and they both shudder at the thought of all the emotions and ideas that feeling always triggers.

And judging by the look on Mina's face, she was experiencing the same thing.

Mina hops out of his lap, and they all notice her legs being squeezed tightly shut, even as she walks away stiffly.

"On second thought seven months for the next exam is fine ok bye!" Mina yells while all but running toward the elevator.

Horizon quietly laughs while pulling Jiro back into his lap, where she feels most comfortable. "So, think she'll be dreaming about me tonight?"

"Is that what you want?" Jiro asks. "Do you intend to claim every girl in our class?"

"Would that be a problem?"

"I don't think Asui would want to be a part," Momo says, speaking rather seriously.

"And Toru is dating Ojiro," Jiro says.

"Oh yeah, figures the most forgettable people would end up fucking," Horizon says.

Momo swats his shoulder, "They're happily together, don't be so crass. But I actually don't think any of the girls in our class would be willing to join us, which I can't say I'm not happy about. Dividing your attention any more would leave none for us as it is."

"That's a shame, Mina has a nice ass, and zero gravity could be a lot of fun..."

Momo gives an exasperated sigh and Jiro just rolls her eyes, leaning back against his chest.

"Are you sure you don't just want Uraraka because Deku likes her?" Jiro asks.

"Nah, but now that you mentioned it...he still thinks he'll one day be better than me, so fucking his crush would destroy him. But luckily I'm not that kind of person, as if I'd need to put in any special effort to show trash how worthless they are."

Both Momo and Jiro frown, getting slightly annoyed but keeping it to themselves.

This was the part of Horizon they didn't like, the part that insists on letting the world know how much better he is, the part that sometimes tears others down either intentionally or not.

The part that took personal offense to anyone it deemed unworthy trying to compete with it, especially Deku.

As they were talking Setsuna finally enters the dorm, wearing some casual clothes and carrying a backpack, as well as her Hero Costume case.

Behind her were Shoto, Bakugo, and Deku, they'd just got done at the support department and were going to start training together.

Since neither of them has Provisional Hero Licenses, they've been training together much more and constantly getting stronger, at least according to what Shinso reported to Horizon.

Because Horizon really didn't know, he doesn't pay enough attention to his classmates, or as he put it to Shinso, 'ants, slightly bigger ants, to me they all look the same'.

As Momo gets up to leave with Setsuna, then newcomers all freeze up.

Momo, Jiro, and Horizon follow their eyelines, to the TV.

On TV the Endeavor Hero Agency was currently under attack by a High-End Nomu. The fight was already well underway by the time the broadcast started, and Endeavor already looked quite hurt.

Burnin and the other Flaming Sidekicks tried to jump in and support him but the High-End Nomu released a dozen regular Nomu from its body to occupy them.

"H-he-ro!" the High-End Nomu's deep and broken-up voice echoed across the battlefield as it flew around fighting Endeavor.

"A High-End Nomu," Horizon says.

"A what?" Bakugo asks.

"Stronger and more intelligent Nomu, they retain parts of the personality of the corpse used to make them," Horizon sighs and gets up, letting Jiro stand on her own. "This is annoying, looks like I'll have to patch him up after this fight, let's go Jiro..."

"Hey, your classmate is worried, can't you at least pretend to care?" Jiro asks as she sees him casually taking out his phone, making sure Pantu knew he was on the way to Central Hospital.

"I do care," Horizon says, looking over at Shoto who was about to have a panic attack. "But I'm not worried, its Endeavor, he doesn't know how to lose..."

Those words alone help Shoto calm down, just enough so he doesn't freak out.

And a moment later Horizon and Jiro warp away...


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